Before Uehara Takuya could speak, Yukino's laughter sounded again: "It's useless. Thanks to you, my relationship with Kawashima and the others has progressed. Now I even have Miura's mobile phone number saved. "

What a wonderful plan!

Kashiwazaki Sena was shocked.

She had always prided herself on being bold, but now she was timid.

She didn't dare to bet on whether Yukino would check on others.

And she felt that with Yukino's temperament, maybe she could actually do it.

"Asshole Yukino, I hate you the most!"

She finally cursed angrily and ran away angrily.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Yukino asked calmly: "Do you feel sorry that I disturbed your good things?"

"No, I'm worshiping you."

"Oh, what do you worship me for?"

"I admire you for knowing things like a god. You are like a contemporary version of Jia Xu. You have no clues!"

"I like Zhuge Liang better."

Yukino chatted with him for a few words, and finally said lightly: "Originally, I was thinking that if you behave well, I might take a photo of you, because I bought some nice little socks..."

Then, her tone changed: "It's a pity that you don't have a chance."

Uehara Takuya asked: "Do you want me to take a picture for you?"

With a snap, Yukino hung up the phone.

Chapter 166 The Water Is Too Deep

Early the next morning, Uehara Takuya was awakened by a slight noise.

He squinted his eyes and looked at his phone. It was not even five o'clock, but the sound of the door handle turning was very clear.

[This is the disadvantage of having too keen hearing. 】

Uehara Takuya murmured in his mind but did not get up. He also wanted to see who was outside.

After a few seconds, the door clicked, and the door was slowly pushed open.

Then he smelled the fragrance of Kashiwazaki Sena.

A sudden attack in the early morning?

This was the first thought in his mind.

To his surprise, Kashiwazaki Hoshina tiptoed onto the bed, lifted the quilt with extreme caution and got in.

Throughout, she was careful not to make too much noise.

This means that Uehara Takuya guessed wrong, and the other party was obviously not here to attack.

He waited patiently for a while, but the room was still very quiet, and he couldn't even hear the slightest sound.

So he opened his eyes and found, dumbfounded, that Kashiwazaki Sena had fallen asleep next to him...

[So, she just came here to sleep in the cage? 】

Uehara Takuya wanted to laugh. After being interrupted by Yukino's sudden inspection last night, Kashiwazaki Sena went back to the room to sleep full of grievance and anger.

He felt that Yukino must not have thought that this girl would actually return the favor in the morning.

There was no light in the room, and the curtains were drawn tightly, causing the whole room to be dark.

Uehara Takuya didn't wake her up, he just turned his face sideways and looked at her cute little face that was already asleep, looking quiet and beautiful in such an early morning.

She was still wearing the nightgown from last night, which was so thin that it couldn't cover her beauty at all.

The face is as white and delicate as a porcelain doll. The quilt is only placed on the chest, thus revealing the snow-white collarbone. The exposed slender legs make the girl's body slender and tall, like a sleeping person waiting for a prince's kiss. So beautiful.

If he usually woke up at five o'clock, he would definitely have to continue sleeping.

It's just that now there is a lovely girl in his arms, and her sweet smell is floating all over the bed, which makes Uehara Takuya's sleepiness gradually subside.

After lying in bed for nearly an hour, he really couldn't sleep, so he simply got up.

He also made no noise to avoid disturbing Kashiwazaki Sena's sleep.

In front of the sink are unopened toothbrushes and cups, and even a new towel with the label not removed. These things were obviously prepared by Stella when she arranged the room last night.

Takuya Uehara admired the housekeeper's dedication in his heart.

After washing up, he went out and walked outside.

Since I am the only one awake now, I might as well go for a walk and exercise.

Although the existence of the system allows him to easily obtain various powers, the morning air is the refreshingest in the day.

Anyone who likes to exercise in the morning knows that the feeling before the sun comes out is completely different from the feeling at noon when people are coming and going.

Uehara Takuya ran around the castle for more than ten times, and just when he returned to the second floor, he saw Stella wearing a white women's shirt walking over.

He was stunned for a moment, then quickly turned around and turned his back.

Stella couldn't help laughing when she saw his move: "Are you shy?"

"It's not a matter of shyness, but there's a big problem with your clothing." Uehara Takuya said seriously.

Stella is indeed wearing a shirt.

But she also only had one shirt on her body.

The two slender and straight legs were exposed to the air without any cover. They had a plump beauty that young girls could not control. They shone with dazzling white light in the humid morning air.

To put it simply, it's all white.

"I don't even care about this, what do you have to care about?" Stella yawned and rubbed her eyes, trying to dispel her sleepiness.

Hearing this, Uehara Takuya was puzzled: "Don't you think there is something wrong with what you said?"

"What's the problem? Mr. Kashiwazaki hasn't come home. There are only you children at home now. It's okay for me to dress casually." Stella said matter-of-factly.

Uehara Takuya said angrily: "Please note, I am a man."

"No, it's a boy, it's a boy." She also spoke English.

Then she laughed again: "Unless you have special thoughts about me, otherwise, I think it's normal for me to dress like this."

"I can't say enough about you."

Taku Uehara didn't intend to continue arguing, so he retreated and silently returned to his room.

Stella stared at the closed door thoughtfully.

After a while, everyone woke up. After enjoying the breakfast cooked by Stella, she drove everyone to school.

On the road, everyone looked different.

Yuigahama Yui was still immersed in last night's game scene, blushing shyly for a while, and raising the corners of her mouth happily for a while.

Ami Kawashima and Yuko Miura fell asleep with their eyes closed. Girls with playful personalities like them naturally have the habit of staying up late that most young people have.

It's that kind of thing: your brain thinks you should go to sleep, but your body doesn't think so.

I always hold my phone and play non-stop. Although there is nothing to play and I can’t find a game I particularly want to play, I feel extremely satisfied just lying in bed reading novels and watching videos.

Some experts once said that this situation belongs to the "revenge" psychology of young people. Because they need to go to work or go to school during the day, they arrange their time for things they don't like. This also leads them to want to spend time by staying up late. Return with revenge.

Takuya Uehara had heard of this theory and thought: The experts are farting.

If it weren't for life and studies, who would be willing to spend time on things they don't like?

This statement is as silly as the expert once said that "eating breakfast on an empty stomach in the morning is unhealthy."

When they arrived at school, Stella waved to Takuya Uehara before leaving: "If we are free today, we can go to that barbecue restaurant for a drink."

"You are inciting minors to drink." Uehara Takuya reminded again.

Stella stretched out her finger and tapped her pretty lips: "If you don't tell, I won't tell, who knows?"

Well, not only does this woman have low moral quality, she also likes to instigate others to break the law...

When they came to the classroom, most of the students looked like they were awake, and some were folding their hands and praying, hoping that the weekend would come faster.

After all, for students, a weekend with two consecutive days of rest is the real paradise.

The male classmate sitting at the table next to him sighed with a sleepy look on his face: "Only when you wake up do you know that you have really slept."

Uehara Takuya thought this was very interesting: "Which philosopher said this?"

"Eh?" The classmate was stunned, as if he didn't expect Taku Uehara to talk to him, and then he smiled sheepishly: "I was actually complaining that class started too early, because I wanted to sleep a little longer."

"Everyone thinks so." Uehara Takuya nodded in agreement, and then said: "But what you just said is very interesting, and it can also be classified as the type that is extremely scary when you think about it."

"What do you mean?"

"We won't realize this at all after we fall asleep. If we don't wake up, wouldn't it mean that we won't be able to realize this problem in this life?" Uehara Takuya followed this line of thinking.

The classmate felt horrified: "Uehara, could you please stop saying such scary things so early in the morning?"

"He was just too bored and lost his mind." Kawashima Ami came over at some point.

"Kawashima-san..." The boy greeted shyly. He obviously didn't let go of this girl who was shining with beauty in school.

"Good morning, Fukuda-san." Kawashima Ami greeted with a smile.

She has always been careful and good at dealing with people. She has long memorized the names and faces of all the classmates in the class.

At this point, Yuan Tuo is obviously inferior to her.

It has been so long since school started, and he can still remember a few people's names.

Perhaps one day when he meets a strange classmate on the street, he will probably be able to maintain a smile in embarrassment while thinking crazily in his mind: Who is this?

Kawashima Ami looked at him at this time and said jokingly: "You couldn't wait to show your classmates your unusual brain circuits so early in the morning?"

"I'm just expressing my opinion," Uehara Takuya said.

Kawashima Ami was amused: "Really? According to what you just said, how should we explain when people have nightmares? You know, I also had a similar experience. When I realized that I might be dreaming, You will wake up involuntarily."

"This is a good thing." Uehara Takuya looked incomprehensible.

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