Kawashima Ami stared into his eyes with a smile: "You said having nightmares is a good thing? Are you sure you are not talking nonsense?"

"Of course not." Uehara Takuya still maintained that expression, "If you think about it carefully, even the most terrifying nightmare is something we can imagine. But some disasters in life are something we can imagine regardless of I can’t think of anything.”

Kawashima Ami was stunned.

The male classmate next to him nodded in surprise: "That makes sense. I dare you, Uehara, to study philosophy?"

Uehara Takuya smiled slightly: "I just studied "Inception" more."

A question mark appeared over the classmate's head.

Kawashima Ami now figured it out, knowing that Takuya Uehara just mentioned it casually.

However, she still showed a smile: "I have to admit that sometimes you can still come up with a few philosophical words."

Uehara Takuya replied: "I told Yukino before that the reason why students fish in school is because the water in the school is too deep."

"So?" Kawashima Ami was obviously interested.

Uehara Takuya said seriously: "It can be inferred that if the water in the school is so deep, will it affect the learning of students with deep sea phobia? So, have the teachers and leaders in the school considered how to solve this problem? What kind of problem?"

Kawashima Ami was silent for a long time, and finally gave the other party a beautiful eye roll and left.

She got it.

This guy is just playing the erhu on top of his grave - nonsense.

Chapter 167 The Invincible Yukino

After the first get out of class, Shizuka Hiratsuka rarely left the classroom. Instead, she and Ami Kawashima and the others were talking and laughing while leaning on the handrail of the corridor.

If one ignores the uniforms worn by the girls, this scene would easily make one suspect that they are closely related sisters.

At least that's what Uehara Takuya thought.

Although Shizuka Hiratsuka is not young and is about to enter her third year of life, her appearance does not look old at all.

Perhaps it is because this woman often communicates with Yangno in private, and now there is another "fashionista" Kawashima Ami. Whether it is cosmetics or fashionable clothing, she is a leader in all aspects. All-rounder.

This also resulted in Shizuka Hiratsuka's face being lightly painted with powder, so that no crow's feet or skin blemishes could be seen at all.

Occasionally, she would suffer from insomnia because of Yangno's affairs, which would make her come to school with dark circles under her eyes.

This was because she was too lazy to use concealer.

Otherwise, she could have appeared in school every day with a shining image.

"Uehara-san, Ami and the others are talking about you." When Yuigahama Yui walked back, her expression was like that of a bad girl who was snitching.

Uehara Takuya asked casually: "What are they talking about me?"

Yuigahama Yui's smile was unnatural: "Well...it's just a very common topic."

Uehara Takuya understood immediately: "I understand, they are talking bad about me."

Yuigahama Yui waved her hands in panic: "No, Yami is not the kind of character to speak ill of people behind their backs. She just... complained about your character in a relatively subtle way."

"Can I understand what you mean by implicit as [direct]?" Uehara Takuya asked with a smile.

Yuigahama Yui laughed twice, knowing that she couldn't hide it, so she could only pretend to be mute.

Uehara Takuya glanced at the three beautiful figures in the corridor: "If it were Hiratsuka-sensei, she would probably speak for me, but both Yumiko and Kawashima like to scold me, so I guess they should just open their mouths and say, "Asshole Uehara is really bad. Things like that.”

As he spoke, he deliberately imitated the two girls' usual tone.

Yuigahama Yui was amused, and then she lowered her head in embarrassment to hide her emotions: "Uehara-san does say some weird things sometimes, but you are a good person, I can be sure of this. .”

Uehara Takuya knew that she was not handing out the good guy card, so he didn't care: "I can't even count him as a good guy. This assessment of Wei Wei Wei is quite accurate."

Yuigahama Yui looked up in surprise, as if she didn't expect that he would actually shame himself.

Uehara Takuya responded with a smile: "What's so surprising about this? Speaking of which, are you still addicted to those games recommended by Sena recently?"

"No... I don't."

Yuigahama Yui's cheeks turned red and she stuttered in retort, completely lacking in confidence.

She really didn't want to embarrass herself, so she quickly changed the subject: "Yami and the others just mentioned you casually. Don't be angry. They are actually complaining more about expensive ice cream."

"Oh, ice cream is really expensive now."

Uehara Takuya agrees with this.

He once experienced a similar embarrassing situation: he went to a convenience store to buy something and saw an ice cream that he had never seen before, so he wanted to try it.But when it came time to check out, the price the boss told him was beyond belief.

He himself doesn't know very well. He doesn't know since when ice cream has been pushed to the [high-end] route by some people with ulterior motives.

It is for this reason that cheap ice cream seems to be a sin.

The cheap ice cream he had seen as a child in his previous life, such as the old popsicle pudding, had either skyrocketed in price, or simply disappeared from everyone's sight.

At the entrance of every seemingly ordinary convenience store or supermarket, there is still a familiar freezer as before.

But the price of the ice cream inside is enough to put you off.

At this time, Yuigahama Yui smiled shyly: "I saw those new ice creams in the store this year, and I didn't dare to ask the price."

Uehara Takuya sighed: "Yes, you are only 17 years old, what's the crime in wanting to eat ice cream?"

Yuigahama Yui blinked her eyes cutely, but she naturally couldn't get the lines from the God of Medicine.

The two of them chatted all the time, and their relationship was much closer than before.

During the lunch break, Yukino came to the door on her own initiative, and she was accompanied by Kashiwazaki Sena who looked aggrieved.

As expected, this blond girl, who had been defeated many times, was defeated again in the previous confrontation.

"Takuya, Yukinoshita is bullying me again."

Sure enough, as soon as Takuya Uehara left the classroom with them, Sena Kashiwazaki complained with a sad face.

He said that Yukinoshita was being unreasonable, that he couldn't quarrel with her, and so on.

There must be some exaggeration, but judging from the raised corners of Yukino's mouth, it shouldn't be too much.

"I must call Yuko next time. Yukinoshita will definitely not be able to defeat the two of us." Kashiwazaki Sena finished her heartfelt confession and regained her fighting spirit.

Yukino chuckled: "Are you talking about Miura, the guy with a combat power of only five?"

Uehara Takuya was slightly startled: "Have you ever watched "Dragon Ball"?"

"No." Yukino looked calm, "It's just because Mr. Hiratsuka mentioned this to me accidentally, so I remembered it."

"Miura's combat power is definitely more than five points!" Kashiwazaki Sena complained for her friend.

Her little face was completely serious, and she clapped her fingers seriously, and finally stretched out a hand: "Her combat effectiveness is at least eight points!"

Uehara Takuya turned his head away while holding back his laughter, thinking that you might as well not say anything.

Yukino also laughed, and she had the same idea as Uehara Taku.

Is there any difference between eight o'clock and five o'clock?

Yukino had a charming smile on her face, attracting the attention of countless male students along the way.

But she always took her time.

Even if a girl greets her with a longing face, she can still respond calmly.

"Why didn't Yami and the others come here today?"

As Kashiwazaki Sena opened her lunch box, she realized that there seemed to be fewer people around her.

Yukino held the chopsticks and kept moving: "They are looking for Aoyama-san. I originally wanted to go there, after all, Aoyama-san is a good girl, but when I think of someone's little action last night, I feel bad. So comfortable.”

Although she said that, she still had a slight smile on her face.

It's just that this smile is not normal.

Kashiwazaki Sena lowered her head with guilt. Not only did she do something small last night, but she also did something this morning.

Uehara Takuya coughed slightly: "Obviously, I am guilty."

"Oh? What crime are you guilty of?" Yukino stepped into the role of judge.

Uehara Takuya put down his chopsticks: "I am confessing."

"If you specifically avoid my questions, then I have the right to sentence you to life imprisonment." Yukino said calmly.

"This is called abuse of power." Kashiwazaki Sena was very unconvinced.

Yukino's attention turned to her head: "Have you decided how to explain to me what happened last night?"

"Why should I explain to you?" Although Kashiwazaki Sena felt guilty, her voice was loud, "You are not my elder, I have no obligation to explain to you."

"I am the Minister of Service, and you are my member."

"Even if the chairman comes today, I don't have to explain to you!"

"Isn't the chairman your father?" Uehara Takuya interjected doubtfully.

Kashiwazaki Sena's face was suffocated and she became angry: "Don't interrupt."

Takuya Uehara eats his food honestly.

That's right, I really don't need to interrupt.

The two of them are now Wu and Zheng PK - fighting each other like crazy.

It would be unwise to get involved yourself.

The two girls fought for a while, and Kashiwazaki Sena lived up to expectations and was defeated.

So she took her anger out on the lunch box and started eating like crazy.

Yukino remained calm and calm: "I heard from Kawashima that you are planning to make a short film about pets?"

Uehara Takuya noticed the movement in her eyes: "Yes, they discussed it for a long time yesterday, but they got into a fight in the end."

Yukino didn't care about this: "Who is the protagonist? The Kawashima family's husky? Or the Kashiwazaki family's parrot? Or..."

There was a flash of light in her eyes: "That cute little white cat?"

Is this a hint?

This is definitely a hint, right?

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