"I have told you so many times not to use the adjective [cute] to men."

"Then I'll change it to [cute]."


The driver watched this scene silently. If he hadn't personally experienced the skills of the boy in the back seat, he wouldn't have believed that a high school student with a seemingly casual personality could be better than a professionally trained bodyguard like them.

When the car arrived at the wealthy area that Yukino said, Uehara Takuya found that it was not as luxurious as he imagined.

That's not right. He should have seen it from a TV show before.

For example, the luxury shown on TV in the famous Hayama Town in Miura County, Kanagawa Prefecture, in that wealthy area, really made him feel eye-opening at first.

Because it is close to the sea, you can enjoy surfing or diving within a few steps. There is also a golf course nearby, making it a paradise for rich people.

The person who came out to greet him was Yangno.

This was not beyond their expectations.

But this "sister" looks more charming than last time.

Today, she was completely dressed up. Uehara Takuya guessed that the dress she wore was custom-made to match her charming temperament. Whether she was an elite woman in the workplace or a delicate canary who knew how to dress up, there was no way she could compare with the person in front of her. Compared with Yang Nai.

"I thought you would change your clothes and come back." Yangno had a familiar smile on his face and a sweet and melodious voice.

Yukino responded calmly: "Because mother obviously has no intention of letting us attend this party."

Yangno smiled and raised his hand, stretched out a finger and pointed at his sister, but did not answer.

Immediately she smiled at Uehara Takuya and said, "With Uehara by Yukino's side, I should be able to rest assured, right?"

Is this a hint?

Uehara Taku didn't dare to confirm without permission.

Immediately saying a few polite words, they followed Yangno into this magnificent villa. They did attract some people's attention, but no one looked at it much.

No matter what their true appearance is, in terms of appearance, everyone present can maintain perfect etiquette.

Uehara Takuya met Mrs. Yukinoshita in the lobby on the second floor.

This powerful woman did not wear that kimono today, but instead put on a long black dress.

However, her hair was still tied up high, and the smile on her lips was gentle, with an inexplicable and reassuring feeling.

Of course, these are just simple polite words.

After seeing the true side of this woman, Uehara Takuya was now more energetic and alert.

The second floor was much quieter than the first floor, because Uehara Takuya looked around and saw only seven figures in total.

The table on the left is a small group of five young people. Their eyes are also looking here. When they fall on Uehara Takuya, their eyes show normal curiosity.

"You are here?"

Mrs. Yukinoshita stopped chatting with her friends and walked over to Uehara Takuya and the others with a gentle smile.

The bodyguard stood quietly in the corner like an invisible man.


Yukino shouted softly.

Perhaps it was because Takuya Uehara was by her side that she gained a lot of courage, so much so that she now dared to look into the other person's eyes: "You called us over today. What's the matter?"

"A little bit, but it's not very important." Mrs. Yukinoshita's response almost made Uehara Takuya roll his eyes.

It turns out that the Riddler's habit is a family tradition.

He sighed in his heart.

At this time, the beautiful woman in front of me looked over and said, "You kid, you gave me a big surprise last time."

"I think it might be a little more frightening." Taku Uehara didn't accept the move.

Mrs. Yukinoshita pursed her lips and smiled: "That's true. Even I was scared by your true situation."

Then her tone changed and became softer: "Then you can tell me, through what channel did you develop the good skills you have now?"

The Yukinoshita sisters next to her also turned their heads.

Even Yukino was actually curious about this question.

It's just that she respects other people's privacy. If others don't tell, she won't ask too much.

Yang Nai is different.

If it weren't for the wrong occasion, she would have pulled Takuya Uehara to the corner charmingly, and asked with a seductive look: "Are you nagging? If you don't, sister, I won't be polite!"

"Yukino also asked me the same question." Under the gaze of Yukinoshita's mother and daughter, Uehara Takuya had a straight face and pretended to be superior.

"Oh? How did you answer?" Mrs. Yukinoshita seemed interested.

Uehara Takuya said solemnly: "I am a martial arts wizard."

Mrs. Yukinoshita covered her mouth and laughed, her laughter was pleasant: "So you want to tell me that you are self-taught?"

"Martial arts wizards are usually like this. Ordinary people like you won't understand this kind of thing." Uehara Takuya's current expression is very much like the way Kaitou Kid was pretending to be in front of the Suzuki Consortium.

"It's not a good habit to like lying." After the previous contacts, Mrs. Yukinoshita already knew how to deal with it.

Just when Uehara Takuya opened his mouth, he heard the other party continue: "Do you remember what I told you last time that I think you are not outstanding among the young people I know?"

"Remember." Uehara Takuya stopped what he wanted to say.

Mrs. Yukinoshita pointed to a table of young people not far away: "The five young people over there are all the kind of outstanding children I mentioned."

Uehara Takuya pondered: "Can I understand it this way? You mean that they are all the kind of people I described, who may have two faces in front of them and behind them?"

Mrs. Yukinoshita's smile became even brighter: "Of course you can understand that. But I just mentioned your matter to them, and they have the same idea as me about your performance. They think you are not outstanding."

"But they are not as good-looking as me." Uehara Takuya said this confidently.

Haruno smiled, she liked seeing Takuya Uehara's funny face in front of her mother.

He can obviously be serious, but he always likes to portray himself as "no more handsome than three seconds".

Yukino's eyes were fixed on Uehara Takuya. Her emotions were different from Harano's. There was only worry in her eyes.

Because she is familiar with her mother, she clearly knows that what the other person just said is far more than what it sounds like.

It's possible that the group of rich kids sitting there also had a bad feeling for Uehara Taku.

"Another shameless answer." Mrs. Yukinoshita was not surprised at all.

Uehara Takuya was equally calm: "If you want, you can call him [Straightforward]."

Mrs. Yukinoshita narrowed her beautiful eyes: "But I prefer [smooth] children."

Uehara Takuya smiled and said: "Sometimes, being honest is actually a disguised form of tact. The cost is low, but the benefits may be high."

Mrs. Yukinoshita raised her eyebrows: "That's interesting."

She didn't look at the other person anymore, but turned around and smiled gently at Yukino: "Xueino, let's talk alone?"

Yukino took a deep breath, guessing her mother's intentions in her heart, and agreed at the same time.

As the mother and daughter walked away, Yangno smiled lazily and said, "If nothing else, she actually appreciates what you just said."

"Really? Then should I consider a major life event like becoming the son-in-law of the Yukinoshita family?" Uehara Takuya put on a serious face.

But Yangno bit her red lips, and the ripples in her eyes were extremely seductive: "Do you want to be Yukinoshita-san's boyfriend, or your sister? Or...sister?"

At the end of the sentence, she lengthened her voice.

Uehara Takuya was not afraid at all: "Unfortunately, I have no idea about you at all."

"These words are too hurtful. I can't say that I have no charm at all in front of you, right?" Yangno looked at him with a resentful expression, and deliberately sighed, "Or, you are actually a person who forgets his true love. ? Just because Yukino is very beautiful, you have forgotten such a sincere friendship between us? "

Uehara Takuya was just about to answer, but out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of the young people at the table whispering to each other, and soon a good-looking young man stood up and walked over.

So he didn't answer Yangno anymore, turned around, and saw the young man smiling gently: "Uehara Takuya?"

"it's me."

"Would you like to come over and have a drink?" The young man seemed very friendly, and pointed to where he was just now, "We are all very interested in you, because Ms. Yukinoshita said a lot of good things about you."

"Will she still praise me?" Uehara Takuya responded with a smile.

"Maybe it's because that lady admires you very much, right?" The young man said and looked at Yangno, "Miss Yangno, do you mind if I borrow your friend?"

"Is it really a friendly loan, or does it have another purpose?" Yang Nao asked with a smile.

The young man's smile froze slightly, then quickly returned to calm: "Of course it's friendly."

"Really? I don't believe it." Yangno still had that very ladylike smile.

The young man smiled helplessly and could only look at Uehara Takuya again: "It seems that Ms. Haruno has some misunderstandings about me, but don't worry, Uehara, we do not mean any harm. We just want to invite you over for a drink."

"Sorry, I'm underage, and I don't like drinking." Uehara Takuya waved his hand and refused.

The young man seemed to have expected it, and said with a smile: "There is no need to refuse so quickly, right? This will not give you any face... By the way, I heard that you go to Sobu High School? Since you are a student, you should be in school Do you have many good friends?"

Yangno instantly stopped smiling: "Master Hanagata, did you say something wrong? Or did I understand it wrong?"

The young man smiled and spread his hands: "I was just joking."

"It turned out to be a joke. You told me earlier." Uehara Takuya suddenly laughed.

The young man frowned slightly. He thought Taku Uehara could understand, but now it seems that the other party did not show any dissatisfaction.

Is it a soft persimmon?

Still don’t understand?

Just as he was thinking this, Uehara Takuya stared at him and said, "I thought you were threatening me. If it was just a joke, then it would be okay."

The young man's brows relaxed, his smile appeared again, and his tone was playful: "What if it's a threat?"

Uehara Takuya said oh.

The next moment, his fist hit the opponent's abdomen hard.

The sudden severe pain in his lower abdomen made the young man's expression ferocious, and he bent over in pain and covered his stomach.

Before he even had time to say the curse, his collar was grabbed by Takuya Uehara, and at the same time, his knee, which had already accumulated strength, suddenly rose.

There was a loud bang, and this fierce knee hit the young man's face firmly.

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