Accompanied by the screams that he could no longer bear, the pretty face suddenly turned into a red face.

Uehara Takuya ignored the other party's voice at all. Under the surprised eyes of a group of people, he grabbed the young man's hair and went straight to the table of young people.

Facing the astonished expressions of the remaining four young people, he threw the screaming young man onto the table as if he was carrying a chicken.

Then, he smiled at the four of them: "Tell me, what are you going to do next?"

His smile was kind but not kind.

The four of them were a little confused for a while.

From just now Uehara Takuya smiled at the young man to the current situation, it only took less than ten seconds.


So damn domineering!

This was the first thought that arose in the minds of those four people.

This extremely domineering scene fell into Yangno's eyes, and circles of excitement filled her delicate eyes.

She suddenly felt that Uehara Takuya, who showed a kind smile earlier, looked like a hunched-up wolf.

Or it could be a tiger that has spotted its prey.

No matter which one it is, she likes it.

Chapter 169 Uehara Takuya’s counterattack

The young man whom Yangno called "Master Hanagata" was still screaming. His nose was broken on the spot and his face was covered in blood. Even his teeth were stained with a layer of bloody red.

Such movement naturally attracted the attention of everyone in the villa.

Yukino was the first to run over.

When she saw a young man lying on the table with a fat pig howling, and then took a look at Takuya Uehara's blood-stained trouser legs, her expression suddenly changed.

Mrs. Yukinoshita reacted faster. She turned around and went downstairs to explain the situation to the other guests who were rushing up: "It's just a conflict between the juniors. Young people who are prone to being passionate have done some impulsive things. ."

After hearing this explanation, everyone understood.

Even in a circle like theirs, conflicts may occasionally arise over disagreements at gatherings.

People of their age naturally know how to exercise restraint, but the juniors rarely care about those things and only want to fight back.

It was rare for a scene like this to appear on the street, and everyone suddenly became interested and planned to become an audience.

Don't expect them to have much conscience. Without the motivation of profit, this group of people will only be happy when something happens to others.

After appeasing the other guests, Mrs. Yukinoshita went upstairs again, her eyes flashing with surprise as she looked straight at Takuya Uehara.

Her bodyguard walked aside silently and reported softly: "Master Hanagata just mentioned Uehara's friends at school."

This was said very tactfully, but Mrs. Yukinoshita could understand it.

She nodded calmly: "As long as the fights between the juniors don't get too big, we elders have no obligation to step in."

The bodyguard didn't seem to hear, and stood quietly one position behind.

Over there, before Yukino had time to care about Uehara Takuya, at the table where he was sitting, a long-haired man with pigtails stood up with a cold face.

As he stood up, the other three followed with angry expressions.

"What do you mean?" The long-haired young man seemed to be more restrained and spoke in a cold tone, but he was paying attention to the elders watching the excitement around him out of the corner of his eye.

"That's what it means literally." Uehara Takuya stretched out his hand and tapped him, "I saw clearly just now that it was what you said to this guy, so he came to threaten me with my friends, right? ?”

"Oh, framed?" The long-haired young man did not admit it, but sneered, "You are really good at criticizing me. Now that you beat my friend so badly and you come to ask me how to play, then you want to embarrass me here. , or do you want to go outside?"

He applied pressure by referring specifically to the guests gathered around him.

Unexpectedly, Uehara Takuya turned around and walked towards the stairs without saying a word.

His decisive move made the other party a little shocked.

It wasn't until Takuya Uehara came to the stairs that he looked back at the four long-haired young men and sneered: "There are too many people here to let go. Since you want to go outside to do something, then come out."

His confident attitude suddenly made the four long-haired young men hesitate.

After all, they are children who grew up in wealthy families, and are not the brainless dandies in movies and TV shows.

Now that they saw that Takuya Uehara had made it clear that he planned to fight to the end, they started to back off.

With their kind of education environment, they rarely have the opportunity to fight with others in their lives. At most, they just rely on their family's money to bully people with weak personalities.

If they really want to cause trouble in this place, they know that they will definitely not end well when they return home.

The most important thing is that Takuya Uehara is too calm.

He is calm to the point of being arrogant, as if he wants to fight to the death.

But there are still so many people watching around. If they sit back now, the young people's face-saving character will make them feel uncomfortable for the rest of their lives.

The long-haired young man seemed to be the leader of several people. He immediately gritted his teeth and walked towards Uehara Takuya with a cold face.

The others followed with hesitant eyes.

The long-haired young man used his peripheral vision to covertly look at the expressions of other guests, and sneered at Takuya Uehara: "I think there is no need to go outside. Anyway, if you want to embarrass yourself, then now is the chance, and we can satisfy you."

As he spoke, he rolled up his sleeves.

"You talk a lot of nonsense."

Uehara Takuya was a little impatient, and his figure suddenly rose up. The moment his voice fell, he kicked the long-haired young man firmly with a sharp whip he learned from Sanda teaching.

The opponent flew sideways on the spot, and his back hit the exquisitely crafted coffee table with a thud. There was a messy crackling sound, and the teacup and wine were overturned and scattered on the floor along with the coffee table.

The long-haired young man struggled painfully for a few times, but was unable to stand up. Instead, he felt severe pain in his body and back, which made him, a young master who had never suffered a loss in his life, red-eyed.

The remaining three people were frightened.

Uehara Takuya stood back again, and they still stood there blankly, not moving.

How have these pampered young men seen such a battle before?

The high school student in front of him clearly had a kind smile on his face before, but as soon as he made his move, he became extremely ruthless.

No chance for reaction at all.

This kind of fierce street-style scene made them instantly feel serious discomfort.

The inner fear and uneasiness were also aroused.

Yukino came to Uehara Takuya with a cold face, staring at the three people who were stunned with cold eyes: "Is it enough to stay here?"

"I think so too." Yangno regained her ladylike gentle smile, "If the trouble continues, things will not end well."

Seeing her two daughters siding with Uehara Takuya, Mrs. Yukinoshita's eyelids jumped.

She could guess that Yukino would do this.

But Yangno...

Mrs. Yukinoshita looked at her eldest daughter with sharp eyes.

However, the latter didn't seem to notice and calmly confronted the remaining three people.

Her eyes changed a few times, then she walked over and said with a smile: "The conflicts between you juniors should be over. If you want to continue to make trouble, we elders will not be able to stand by and watch."

The three people who had been frightened for a long time nodded quickly. How could they have the courage to take action now?

The Yukinoshita sisters all looked at Uehara Takuya.

Uehara Takuya remained calm and silent.

Yukino understood what he meant and was about to speak, but Yangono took the lead and said gently to the three of them: "Then you should apologize to Uehara now."

"What?" The three of them were stunned for a moment. Two of their friends were beaten so badly, and now they have to apologize?

While Yangno looked at Uehara Takuya's face, his voice was still soft: "Yes, you need to apologize, because your friend just threatened Uehara, which is beyond the level of juniors' slapstick."


The three people opposite looked like they wanted to curse, but when they looked at someone with the eyes of a lion spotting its prey, they swallowed the words when they came to their mouths.

In the end, they bowed and apologized to Takuya Uehara. They suppressed their inner anger and hurried away while supporting their two injured friends.

The other guests quickly dispersed, leaving only a few who still wanted to watch the fun, so they stayed on the second floor for an excuse.

Mrs. Yukinoshita called Uehara Takuya and the others to sit down in the corner. She pinched the bridge of her nose and looked like she had a headache: "You gave me another shock this time."

She didn't say "surprise" like she did just now, but directly changed it to "shock".

"Isn't this what you want to see?" Uehara Takuya looked directly into her eyes.


Mrs. Yukinoshita's expression remained unchanged, and she looked at the other party indifferently: "Do you misunderstand me?"

"It's not a misunderstanding."

Uehara Takuya pointed to his head and said in a calm tone: "You said before that you mentioned my matter to those young people. I can actually guess that you may be praising me, but you are very cleverly stimulating. Aroused the competitive spirit of young people."

Then, he looked at Yukino who was gritting his teeth next to him: "You also said last time that you would rather Yukino become friends with the people you arranged than young people like me, because they are more suitable than me."

"Then?" Mrs. Yukinoshita had a strange look in her eyes.

Uehara Taku said unhurriedly: "Those people were simply used as weapons by you, but they haven't figured it out yet. Of course, they probably didn't want to take action against me at the beginning, and at most they only talked about it. Make things difficult for me and embarrass me here, but..."

His tone changed, and the sharpness in his voice was revealed: "Why should I pretend to be a clown for their entertainment? What you want to see is nothing more than my performance in front of them."

Yangno lowered her eyelids and remained silent. She actually guessed it.

Yukino clenched her fists angrily. She was really disgusted with her mother's way of arbitrarily arranging other people's work.

"So you chose to fight back?" Mrs. Yukinoshita asked with great interest.

"No, that's not fighting back."

To the surprise of the three, Uehara Takuya gave a negative answer.

I saw him holding a glass of water and said calmly: "I have always believed that no matter what time you are, you must remember your persistence at the beginning. There are many things that you cannot back down from."

Immediately he stared into Mrs. Yukinoshita's eyes and said, "Have you read the work "To Me, Past, Present and Future" by the British poet Seagriff?"

"Probably not." Mrs. Yukinoshita shook her head.

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