"Why?" Uehara Takuya was confused.

"Because we are about to run for the new mayor..." Kashiwazaki Tenma lowered his voice.

This time Uehara Takuya understands, and considering the identity of Mrs. Yukinoshita, this matter is probably over.

After all, if there is a big fuss, everyone will be in trouble.

After thanking him again, Uehara Takuya hung up the phone. When he turned around, he saw Yukino staring at him, not hiding the concern on his face.

"It's okay." Uehara Takuya simply said the matter.

"I see……"

Yukino was also relieved.

She did not tell the other party that if Kashiwazaki Tenma was unwilling to help, she was actually prepared to bow to Harano and let her sister help.

But now that it's okay, she won't tell her about this decision.

"Are you also thinking of ways to help me?" Uehara Takuya guessed what she was thinking.

"Heh, I wish you would get into more trouble, so that you, the philandering bastard, would be punished by justice." Yukino said innocently.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she was pulled into his arms by Uehara Takuya.

When she raised her head with a blushing face, she heard the other party laughing softly: "What should I do? I want to kiss you again?"

Yukino's attitude was very tough: "Don't even think about it."

So when the two of them went out in the afternoon, her red lips were slightly swollen and the color seemed more delicate than usual.

Takuya Uehara rubbed his waist and gasped.

Although Yukino couldn't resist herself.

But she pinched her waist several times.

Fortunately, she felt that she was in pain later, so she took the initiative to wrap her arms around her neck.

What she means by this operation is: if it hurts you, I will let you be sweet for a while, so that everyone will be even.

Of course, this is Uehara Takuya’s own understanding.

Anyway, every time Yukino looked at him along the way, the shame and annoyance in her eyes was extremely clear.

Every time he smiled, her cheeks turned red and she cursed calmly: "Asshole."

The original intention of the two of them was to go out for a walk and visit the Kawasaki couple to see the little white cat.

But halfway, they met an unexpected person.

"Did you skip class?"

Chizuru Tachibana was holding a bag of apples and looking up and down at the two of them.

Finally it stopped on Yukino's red lips.

She never showed her emotions, but at this moment, her eyes seemed to become sharp.

Chapter 172 It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s that I can’t find it

When they met Chizuru Tachibana on the street, both Uehara Takuya and Yukino thought it was just an accident.

Because Chizuru Tachibana is not wearing the white coat that has remained unchanged forever, her outfit today looks more "OL".

She wears a black uniform skirt, flesh-colored stockings on her legs, and a blouse with a raised upper body. This kind of dress is common among female white-collar workers.

Although Yukino feels that this kind of dress is too common and a bit old-fashioned.

However, Chizuru Tachibana has a good figure, and her plump figure can easily support this outfit.

It just so happened that the sunshine above her head was a bit dazzling today. When the golden light shone down, it appeared on the slightly shiny stockings material. At a glance, there was always a sense that the lines of her calves were swaying with the sunshine, like eyes. Like a gentle touch.

"We're asking for leave." Uehara Takuya himself was still wearing his uniform. Even though Yukino next to him had changed into youthful clothes, he had no spare clothes.

We can't let him go out wearing Yukino's clothes with the [Women's Clothes Mastery] skill activated from Yuigahama Yui...

Yukino also calmed down at this moment, and before Tachibana Chizuru could ask questions, she chose to preemptively ask: "Tachibana-sensei doesn't have to go to school today?"

"Because I asked for leave." Coincidentally, the other party also gave the same answer.

Facing their gazes, she explained calmly: "The water pipe suddenly burst when I was taking a shower in the morning. It took me nearly three hours to fix it."

Then, she turned her head and whispered: "It must be that I didn't write my name on the water pipe, so I encountered this misfortune."

Yukino's eyelids twitched when she heard this. She also remembered at this moment that the female teacher in front of her liked to write her name on personal items.

Just when she thought the topic had been changed, Chizuru Tachibana suddenly looked over again: "You two asked for leave together?"

Yukino secretly kicked Uehara Takuya lightly, signaling him to quickly make up an excuse.

Uehara Takuya nodded with understanding and held Yukino's little hand.

Under the stunned expression of the girl, she said boldly: "Yes, we asked for leave together because Yukino is not feeling well."

[When did I ask you to say this? 】

Yukino was angry and ashamed, but this guy's hand was so tight that she couldn't break free.

"I see." Tachibana Chizuru stared at the two clasped hands and nodded her head vigorously, "You are having a tryst."

Yukino's expression froze, and she was indeed seen.

"To be precise, I went shopping and saw cats on the way." Uehara Takuya corrected.

"Looking at cats?" Tachibana Chizuru didn't know what she was thinking of, and said quickly: "When I went to the mall today, I saw a store selling cat girl costumes on clearance, so I bought three sets."

Uehara Takuya and Yukino looked at each other, neither of them understood why the other party suddenly mentioned this.

Then Tachibana Chizuru lowered her head and stared at her chest: "But because it was on clearance, one of the sets was too small in size and I couldn't wear it at all."

Yukino's heart trembled, and she suddenly had a bad feeling.

Tachibana Chizuru's eyes fell on her: "Xiao Yukino, you have been helping me, but I have never given you a gift. Why don't you just take that cat girl costume away?"


Yukino's eyes were complicated, thinking that if it weren't because you are a teacher, I would definitely scold you now.

Let’s not talk about whether cat girl costumes are suitable as gifts.

The reason why the other party chose to give this kind of clothing as a gift was that the size was too small and she couldn't fit it in herself.

Is this a roundabout way of saying I'm young?

Yukino subconsciously glanced at Takuya Uehara next to him. This bastard was suppressing a smile.

She could only say weakly: "Why would Mr. Tachibana choose to give such a gift?"

"Because you have helped me, and you said it last time, you will never give up until my problem is solved."

As Tachibana Chizuru spoke, she raised her hand to hold her chest: "I am very touched. Uehara, who also helped me, also got my gift, so I think it is necessary to give you a gift."

Unexpectedly, Yukino stared at Uehara Takuya with a horrified expression: "Have you already received a gift from Mr. Tachibana?"

As soon as Uehara Takuya saw her like that, he knew that she had gone wrong and couldn't help laughing: "What are you thinking about? My gift is a box of talcum powder, not a cat girl costume."

Yukino's face turned slightly red, she had made a mistake.

Tachibana Chizuru asked softly: "Does Uehara like that kind of clothes too? Although I think they are cute, you are a boy, so you shouldn't be able to wear them to meet others, right?"

Uehara Takuya stopped laughing immediately.

This time it was Yukino's turn to smile: "Yes, he likes that style of clothes very much. Teacher Tachibana might as well give him a set some other time. Maybe when he gets interested, he will wear it and show it to you."

Tachibana Chizuru's eyes seemed to be shining: "Really?"

"Of course it's fake!"

Uehara Taku couldn't remain silent any longer, and looked at the other party in distress: "Please, how could I like that kind of clothes?"

"You can't say for sure." Yukino smiled leisurely, "You have told me about science before. Many men actually know more about stockings than women, because there are not a few men who like women's clothing."

"It makes sense." Chizuru Tachibana clenched her fist and tapped her palm lightly, as if she had made some kind of decision.

There is a reason!

Uehara Takuya looked at Yukino helplessly: "There is no need to torture me, right? After all, we are in the same boat now."

Yukino's eyes were filled with shame and anger. She always felt that "a boat" in Uehara Takuya's words meant "a bed".

Even if she has no evidence.

But she felt that with this bastard's character, maybe he really meant that.

Chizuru Tachibana seemed a little regretful about Takuya Uehara's firm refusal to wear women's clothing.

Although her regret fell into the eyes of Uehara Takuya, it only made the latter feel numb.

In the end, the three of them formed the Earth OL team. Yukino bought some fruit and went to visit the Kawasaki couple at their home.

However, to her disappointment, the couple was not at home. The three of them waited at the door for a while. The doorbell rang five or six times, but there was still no movement inside.

Uehara Takuya listened carefully, and could vaguely hear meows inside, but there were indeed no human footsteps.

"It seems that I can only see Inujiro after school." Yukino said lightly.

Uehara Takuya nodded in agreement. It was just letting him control the cat. It was simple.

At this time, Yukino noticed Chizuru Tachibana playing with her mobile phone. At first, she didn't pay much attention to it, until she vaguely saw [Xiao Jing]'s note out of the corner of her eye.

Her eyes focused: "What is Tachibana-sensei doing?"

"Reply to Xiaojing's message. She just asked me if I wanted to have dinner together tonight. I said I'm with you and maybe I need two more pairs of chopsticks for dinner." Chizuru Tachibana said without raising her head.

Wash the motor!

Yukino blushed instantly.

Uehara Takuya went with her.

Yukino spoke quickly: "Don't bother with dinner, we have an appointment with our classmates tonight..."

Before she finished speaking, Tachibana Chizuru said: "Xiao Jing told me that you are currently preparing for the filming of a pet short film. She said that Yumeko is not convinced that you are the leader. The child did a lot of homework at home yesterday and wanted to I want to defeat you."

The more Yukino listened, the more something felt wrong: "Could it be..."

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