Tachibana Chizuru put away her mobile phone and straightened her waist: "Xiaojing said that as a teacher, she is willing to contribute to the children, so let's go to my house tonight to discuss the plan."

After speaking, she looked away, as if feeling embarrassed, and her voice became softer: "I really liked the lively feeling when everyone got together last time."

Yukino was numb.

She had expected that Hiratsuka Shizuka would doubt her and Uehara Takuya's request for leave, but she did not expect that Miura Yuko would actually tell her about the pet video.

If it were normal times, this thing would sound normal, and Shizuka Hiratsuka's warm-heartedness would also be normal.

It just happened that these two things came together, which seemed very abnormal.

Yukino immediately looked at Uehara Takuya, but the latter smiled generously and said, "Then let's go there together."


Yukino was stunned. She originally wanted the other party to find an excuse to refuse, but she didn't expect that the other party agreed directly.

"With Mr. Hiratsuka's enthusiastic temperament, there is definitely no way to escape." Uehara Takuya comforted softly, "Anyway, if you stick your head out, it's a knife, and if you shrink your head, it's a knife. Sooner or later, it's better to meet them generously."

Yukino heard it funny: "Are you a turtle? What kind of strange description is this?"

But after he said this, he calmed down a lot.

Yukino no longer thought about refusing, but before leaving, she glanced at the locked room with some regret.

She also wanted to come over and pet the white cat.


Uehara Takuya noticed her gaze and gently squeezed her palm.

Xueno was startled, and a satisfied smile appeared in his eyes.

That night everyone showed up at Tachibana Chizuru's house.

Only Takuya Uehara is missing.

When Chizuru Tachibana raised a question, Yukino pretended to be calm, flipping through the books and explaining: "Uehara wants to work part-time, and he can't come."

Hiratsuka Shizuka stared at Yukino from the opposite side for a few seconds, then laughed: "Then tonight will become a party for us women? This kind of life is comfortable without men to disturb us."

Kashiwazaki Sena raised her head in confusion: "Teacher Hiratsuka, doesn't he like men... Wuwuwu."

Before she could finish her words, her mouth was covered by Kawashima Ami, who had quick eyes and quick hands.

But even so, Shizuka Hiratsuka's smile still froze on her face, and the air pressure on her body dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After Miura Yuko went through the last [Detective Incident], she also knew Hiratsuka Shizuka's current situation, and immediately smiled and said: "Teacher Hiratsuka, don't be like this. With your appearance and figure, sooner or later you will find a person you like." of high quality men.”

Kawashima Ami took over the topic: "Yes, Mr. Hiratsuka is dressed so beautifully today. I guess when you came here just now, someone must have peeked at you on the road, right?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka waved her hands and said with a smile: "Don't comfort me, I'm not that fragile yet."

After saying that, she couldn't help but glance at Yukino.

A man and a woman happened to take leave on the same day, and they helped each other take leave.

This is definitely not a coincidence!

Yukino's fingers holding the book were trembling slightly. After all, her mental quality was not as strong as that of Yono, and it was impossible for her face to remain unchanged despite the collapse of the mountain.

Just the glances from Hiratsuka Shizu from time to time made her find it difficult to resist.

Fortunately, the other party and Uehara Takuya did not stare at him all the time.

The so-called temptation has not been used so far.

Just when she was nervous, she felt a fragrance coming from her side. She looked up and saw Kashiwazaki Sena next to her. She asked in a curious voice: "It's not that Mr. Hiratsuka doesn't like men, but he can't find a man? "

Xueno breathed a sigh of relief. She thought the other party would ask her about asking for leave.

So she said calmly: "Isn't this kind of thing obvious?"

"There's something wrong." Kashiwazaki Sena pinched her chin in confusion, "Teacher Hiratsuka is so good-looking and has a good figure, how could she not find a man?"

Before Yukino could speak, Ami Kawashima came over with a smile: "That's because you haven't seen the boyfriend power in Hiratsuka-sensei."

"Boyfriend power?" Kashiwazaki Sena didn't understand.

Kawashima Ami smiled at the corner of her eyes, but her eyes fell on Yukino: "Yes, Teacher Hiratsuka gives people a sense of security. As long as she is by your side, you don't have to worry about any danger at all, even if you take leave to secretly date others. , she will also help you cover."

Yukino's fingers holding the pages of the book tightened unconsciously.

What is this woman hinting at?

Judging from her understanding of Kawashima Ami, a girl with extremely high business intelligence, it is normal for the latter to be able to guess some things.

It's just that the other party is saying these words in front of him, which is a bit intriguing.

After all, he wanted to see himself embarrassed and angry.

Still jealous?

Yukino didn't say anything. Her memory was very good. When Harano met Ami Kawashima for the first time, she revealed her secret crush on Takuya Kawashima.

I didn't take it seriously at the time...

"So Mr. Hiratsuka is such a nice person?" Kashiwazaki Sena looked a little excited, wondering what she was thinking about.

Kawashima Ami continued to smile at Yukino: "Teacher Hiratsuka is so good. For example, when she suspects something is wrong, she will not ask immediately because she cares about other people's moods and thoughts. .”

Yukino raised her head expressionlessly and looked at her: "Then what do you think Mr. Hiratsuka will do?"

Kawashima Ami smiled like a flower: "Of course you can find a chance to test it out, or you can choose a place where there is no one and talk to that person alone."

"What if that person doesn't want to?" Yukino asked calmly.

Kawashima Ami blinked at her and smiled narrowly: "Then as Mr. Hiratsuka's best friend, I will stand up and help."

Yukino quietly clenched her fists.

This is really Guo Xiaosi's desire to drink Yao Ming's milk - jumping up and down!

Kashiwazaki Sena secretly came to Yuigahama Yui, tugged on her friend's sleeves, and pointed at Yukino and Kawashima Ami: "What are the two of them talking about? Why can't I understand a word?"

Chapter 173 Will be shy

"I do not know either."

Yuigahama Yui also looked confused.

In fact, she didn't really hear Kashiwazaki Sena's question because she was immersed in the question "Why didn't Mr. Alien come to find her?"

They obviously made an appointment with each other and learned cooking from each other.

[Could it be that my cooking skills are so bad that even aliens dislike me? 】

Yuigahama Yui thought sadly.

The girls in the living room had their own thoughts. Over in the kitchen, Hiratsuka Shizuka was helping Tachibana Chizuru wash the vegetables.

Since it was confirmed that there would be no members of the opposite sex at home tonight, Hiratsuka Shizuka had already taken off her coat and was only wearing a white suspender skirt. Her snow-white skin, which she usually kept tightly hidden in school, was very generously exposed at this moment. in the air.

"How did you meet Uehara and Yukino today?" After much hesitation, Hiratsuka Shizuka decided to ask.

"I just met her by chance on the road... Oh, I almost forgot, I have to give a gift to Xiao Yukino." Tachibana Chizuru remembered what she had said before.

"what gift?"

"Cat girl costume."

After Tachibana Chizuru finished speaking, she suddenly heard the doorbell ringing outside.

She wiped her hands and explained smoothly: "It's that furry outfit, with gloves and cat ears. It looks very cute."

"Cat girl costume..." Hiratsuka Shizuka imagined Yukino wearing it and couldn't help but smile, "The kid should like it very much."

"I also think it's impossible for girls to hate cute clothes, but cat tails are a bit troublesome..." Chizuru Tachibana muttered before going out.

Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at her back in confusion, wondering why the cat's tail was so troublesome. Doesn't this kind of decoration usually have special stable accessories like hooks and clips?

Naturally, she would not see Tachibana Chizuru, who had already arrived at the door, with a slight blush on her cheeks.

Because the cat girl costume only came with cat ears and gloves, and the tail was temporarily purchased by herself.

But for some reason, she obviously just wanted to buy a cat tail, but after buying it, she discovered that the cute, fluffy cat tail was actually underwear.

Still that shameful style.

That's why she complained to Shizuka Hiratsuka that she didn't know whether she should give the cat tail to Yukino.

After all, that style would make even her feel shy.

Just as she was about to open the door, out of the corner of her eye she noticed two girls standing behind her.

It's Yukino and Miura Yuko.

While holding the door handle, she turned around and asked, "Why are you here?"

Miura Yuiko curled her lips. She was originally showing off her homework to Yukino, but the latter immediately got up and came over when he heard the doorbell.

She was a little unhappy about her failure to "appear holy in front of others".

So when she saw Yukino leaving, she also came over, wanting to continue to show off.

"I'll come over and take a look." Yukino responded casually.

She was telling the truth. After all, she just wanted to confirm whether Takuya Uehara was here as agreed with her.

Tachibana Chizuru didn't think much. When she opened the door, she found that there was no one outside.

But there was a meow at my feet.

"Hey, Inujiro?"

Miura Yuko didn't even bother to show off to Yukino. She stepped forward with a face full of surprise and picked up the little white cat: "Why did you run out again? Mr. Kawasaki and the others will definitely be worried, right?"

Uehara Takuya continued to meow. When he came home from his part-time job, the couple were kissing me in the living room and had no time to care about themselves.

"Do you know this cat?" Tachibana Chizuru stared at Uehara Takuya closely. She was obviously still wondering how a cat could come and ring the doorbell.

Miura Yuko nodded happily: "His name is Inujiro. He's very cute, right? I guess he likes me very much. When he ran out, he smelled my scent on the road and followed him out of curiosity."

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense.

Uehara Takuya discovered that Yukino had used [Death Gaze].

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