Kawashima Ami looked at the mat in her hand with disgust.

Chapter 174 Cat Girl Army

In the end, Ami Kawashima joined the cat girl army under the principle of "the minority obeys the majority".

After all, she just has a strong-willed temperament. As long as Tachibana Chizuru and Yukino's attitudes are a little tougher, she won't be able to withstand them.

Before changing clothes, Yukino looked specifically at Uehara Takuya, who jumped out of her arms knowingly, came to the door, jumped up and turned the door handle.

Seeing this scene, Kawashima Ami was amazed: "Inujiro can open the door just like my meat bun?"

Since the meeting place tonight was Tachibana Chizuru's home, she and Kashiwazaki Sena did not bring their pets over without permission to avoid arousing the teacher's resentment.

Now that she saw that the little white cat could open the door by itself and close the door thoughtfully after going out, she suddenly thought of her own husky.

Yukino changed out of the clothes in her hands and began to take off her stockings: "It is indeed very smart. Simple things like opening the door seem childish."

Kawashima Ami glanced at a black stocking that Yukino took off: "Do you have the contact information of the cat's owner? I would like to visit them sometime."

"Do you want to go seek Buddhist scriptures?" Xueno guessed what the other person was thinking.

"It doesn't matter. I would rather share my experience in raising pets with them." Kawashima Ami smiled, "Since they can train Inujiro so well, I think we should have a common topic."

"You can ask Miura for her contact information. She has a better relationship with the Kawasaki couple."

While the two were chatting, Tachibana Chizuru moved quickly and had already put on the large cat girl costume.

Uehara Takuya had just arrived in the living room and saw Hiratsuka Shizuka who was sweating and teaching seriously, and the three girls who were also sweating and studying very hard.

He suddenly felt that the living room was also a place of right and wrong...

So he turned around silently and simply came to the balcony to stand alone.

After a few minutes, Uehara Takuya felt that time was almost up, and then returned to Tachibana Chizuru's bedroom door.

When passing the living room, he was walking on thin ice, and he didn't even dare to look at the specific situation of the living room.

There is nothing wrong with what Hiratsuka Shizuka does regarding elders.

All three of Kashiwazaki Sena wanted to learn, so she taught them seriously.

She is indeed not good at fashionable outfits, but she is still very experienced in body management.

An older woman in her 20s who has yet to find a boyfriend can easily wear various clothes with her tall and plump figure.

This truth that [she seems to be born to be a clothes hanger] clearly proves how good her figure is.

She was dressed too casually today, and the three girls in the living room also let go. In addition, there was no member of the opposite sex, and the air in the living room seemed to become alluring for a while.

Uehara Takuya returned to the house and found three cute cat girls in the house.

Chizuru Tachibana still has that expressionless face, but she has a good figure. After taking off her rigid white coat and putting on this cute cat girl costume, her emotionless face is still a little cute.

Uehara Takuya also discovered something.

These three sets of clothes are not sexy and bold in style. It should be because Tachibana Chizuru carefully selected them.

But after the other two girls put it on, their cuteness and beauty were very obvious.

Only this teacher, who left "Absolute Zero's Tachibana" in school, managed to wear this cat girl costume in a sexy style.

What a stormy sea!

When Yukino saw Takuya Uehara come in, her cheeks turned slightly red, hiding the anticipation in her eyes. She turned to look at him, hoping to wait for his comment.

Uehara Takuya opened his mouth decisively: Meow!

Oh, that should be wonderful.

Yukino smiled contentedly.

Kawashima Ami stood beside him, a little reluctant to let go. Her face was also rosy, and the shyness and embarrassment in her eyes were extremely clear.

Uehara Takuya silently glanced at her unscientific chest.

Can't help but think of the lines in "The God of Cookery": It's onions, I added onions!

It's a cushion, she added cushions!

After Yukino received Uehara Takuya's answer, she took advantage of the situation and looked at the two people in front of them. She suddenly raised her eyebrows and said, "Do you feel that something is missing from this suit?"

Kawashima Ami was startled, and before she could react, Tachibana Chizuru asked softly: "You mean the tail?"

"Yes." Yukino gave an affirmative answer: "Since it is a cat, it must have a tail, and the cosplayers I have seen on the street before will also add a tail on the back."

"When you say that, it's true..." Kawashima Ami also looked behind the two of them. They had cat ears and claws, but no tail. It looked very inconsistent.

"I also bought the tail." At this time, Chizuru Tachibana spoke.

After Yukino and the other two focused their gazes, she continued: "I just don't know if you dare to add a tail."


Yukino and Kawashima Ami were stunned when they heard this.

It's just a tail, do you still need to use the word "dare you dare"?

Uehara Takuya, who had watched many strange videos online, frowned.

This cat seems to have discovered something extraordinary!

He looked at Tachibana Chizuru's paralyzed face. Even if the other party had no emotional fluctuations, based on the words the other party just used.

He doubted whether the so-called cat tail was stuffed...

"If you really need it, it's not impossible."

Tachibana Chizuru dropped these words, turned around, bent down, and started rummaging in the box again.

Since the skirt of Cat Lady's costume is not long, in her posture, the hem of the skirt also tightens upwards, revealing her straight and slender legs.

Uehara Takuya turned his head in time.

Yukino happened to be looking at him too.

As soon as she saw his move, the girl came over and squatted in front of him, blushed and cursed: "Little perverted cat."

Uehara Takuya: "?"

He had already consciously avoided it, so why was he still being scolded?

But soon Yukino no longer had the mind to care about him.

As Chizuru Tachibana held the three cat tails in her hands, the two girls saw the details of the tails clearly, and their faces turned red instantly.

Kawashima Ami even stuttered and asked: "Is Mr. Tachibana serious? This kind of cat tail is already..."

She hesitated for a long time, but still didn't dare to say the word "interesting".

Yukino also felt ashamed and looked away: "Tachibana-sensei, you'd better put your tail away."

"Don't you need it?" Tachibana Chizuru was still asking.

"No need!"

The two girls said in unison.

Tachibana Chizuru looked a little frustrated and lowered her head: "I did something wrong again."

"Don't get discouraged casually..."

Kawashima Ami couldn't complain. It was obviously the two of you who were affected. Why are you acting like you were hit now?

Yukino took a deep breath, it’s okay if you don’t want this cat’s tail!

At worst, buy a more normal one yourself.

The three of them changed their clothes and came out. The yoga teaching in the living room was also over. Hiratsuka Shizuka was stroking her steaming wet hair with her hands. It looked like she had just taken a shower.

The three girls did not take a shower. They planned to go home after dinner and then take a shower.

After all, there are no spare clothes here.

While eating, Yukino put the white cat in her arms and asked, "I heard from Teacher Tachibana, Miura, you did a lot of preparation work for the cute pet short film?"

Are you finally willing to ask?

Miura Yuko's eyes lit up, and she raised her chin proudly: "Yes, I basically have an idea about the specific work of the script and shooting."

"Then you might as well tell me, I happen to have some ideas." Yukino knew what the other party wanted to show off.

But she didn't have any childish thoughts about competing.

Since the other party has also made preparations, it is a good thing for the shooting.

Facing the talkative Miura Yuko, Yukino would interrupt from time to time to give some suggestions, and then the two of them chatted. The former suddenly woke up and thought to himself, this is wrong. Am I not here to attack Yukinoshita?

Miura Yuiko hesitated to speak, but Yukino was in perfect harmony with her just now.

This feeling of being like a good best friend made her very uncomfortable.


She is the enemy!

Miura Yuko was confused.

Yukino smiled lightly, and the other party's reaction was all what she expected.

As expected, Miura is nothing.

Yukino thought silently.

She just chose a special angle to cut into the relationship between the two. After just a few words, the other party's mentality was affected by her.

Such an opponent is still not qualified...

Her eyes couldn't help but fall on Kashiwazaki Sena.

It happened that the other party reached over and secretly petted the cat.

Yukino glanced at Uehara Takuya, who remained motionless, and asked, "Kashiwazaki-san likes this cat very much?"

"No, I just heard Yumeko say that it is very smart, and I became a little interested." Kashiwazaki Sena said, and made a few gestures, "I also want to know, compared with my Mr. Parrot, who is smarter?" clever."

"That must be a parrot." Hiratsuka Shizuka interrupted with a smile, "After all, Sena, you also said that your family is just a macaw. The IQ of this kind of parrot is almost as high as that of a child. As long as you train it carefully, Basically it can communicate with you normally.”

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