"Normal communication?"

These words caused Kashiwazaki Sena to pout unhappily: "It can't communicate with me at all. Maybe it's because my father likes to tease it. Now it opens and closes its mouth every day just to ask for French fries. It's almost turning into a French fries parrot." ”

Yukino lowered his head and looked at Uehara Takuya, asking with his eyes: Did you train him?

not me!

Taku Uehara doesn’t take the blame either.

It was indeed him who proposed the French fries.

The parrot also learned to "want to order French fries at the dock."

But judging from Kashiwazaki Tenma's habit of taking parrots out to show off, this was obviously the fault of the other party.

If you want a pet to learn a skill, it must be trained specifically for a long time.

The abbreviation is half porridge, half shit - the cycle repeats.

"it's too hot……"

At this time, Kashiwazaki Sena was yelling over there, and by the way, he raised his hand and unbuttoned a few buttons on the collar.

As the white collarbone was revealed, everyone's eyes focused on her.

Kashiwazaki Sena laughed sheepishly, and made a gesture of hugging herself with her arms: "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Is this showing off?

Definitely showing off, right?

This idea came to everyone's mind, including Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Because of this posture of Kashiwazaki Sena, her figure appears plumper than usual.

Yukino glanced at Miura Yuko expressionlessly, who looked unwilling.

Sure enough, just Miura is nothing.

The person who really knows how to show off is that fool.

Chapter 175 Why not choose Yuigahama?

A small move by Kashiwazaki Sena caused a lot of real harm to the young girls present.

Even if she was as strong as Yukino, she had long been accustomed to the other party's sudden "underhanded moves" from time to time, but she still inevitably diverted some of her energy.

It was precisely because of this that Yukino felt how powerful Kashiwazaki Sena was.

Compared with Miura Yuko's scumbag fighting ability, Kawashima Ami's superficiality, she always felt that Kashiwazaki Sena was the real problem.

As for Yuigahama Yui...

Yukino suddenly noticed that his friend kept his head hanging down and seemed to be in a low mood.

She asked calmly: "What are you thinking about, Yuigahama?"

"Huh? Nothing."

The girl opposite seemed to have just come to her senses. She raised her head in confusion and noticed that the atmosphere at the dinner table was a little strange.

Suddenly he became even more confused.

"There's something wrong with you, Yui." Kawashima Ami also noticed.

Shizuka Hiratsuka smiled generously and said, "If you don't mind, you can tell me your worries. It's much better to talk to others than to keep your worries in your stomach."

Uehara Takuya nodded in agreement.

If you have troubles, you should talk to friends. If you keep holding them in, sooner or later they will burst out.

There is a saying that goes well, if you don’t explode in silence, you will die in silence.

Yukino watched him nod as a cat. This action was a bit cute, and it almost made her girlish heart overflow.

Fortunately, she restrained herself in time and gently rubbed Takuya Uehara's head to soothe her uneasy heart.

"I really have nothing..."

Seeing everyone staring at her, Yuigahama Yui laughed awkwardly: "Actually, it's because I was reading calculus recently, but I found that I couldn't understand it anyway."

"Oh, it's a study problem." Hiratsuka said calmly.

She has also been a student, so she naturally understands how restless the inner emotions of children who are distressed by their studies can be.

"Is it a mathematical problem? Someone has similar troubles to you." Yukino pointed out.

Uehara Takuya is holding a kitten on his arm to criticize my face. Don't beat around the bush, just tell me my name.

"If it's calculus, you can come to me when I'm free." Miura Yuko once again demonstrated her strong feminine power.

She casually talked about a few basic formulas of calculus, such as d(C)=0 (C is a constant), while pretending to be indifferent to show her own strength, and at the same time, she could also increase the other party's confidence.

Yukino smiled slightly. She was originally ready to help, but since someone got there first, there was no need for her to speak again.

Although she and Miura Yuiko don't get along, the "mom" feeling that the other person occasionally shows does make people feel very comfortable.

At this time, Kashiwazaki Sena, who was sitting aside, suddenly asked: "I remember that calculus was invented by Newton and Leibniz, right? So Yui, do you particularly dislike these two people?"

"And Descartes in France." Yukino added.

"Oh, yes, I forgot about him. That adds up to three people." Kashiwazaki Hoshina said seriously, "Are they Yui's enemies?"

Yuigahama Yui couldn't laugh or cry: "How can it be so exaggerated? Although my academic performance is indeed not very good..."

Kashiwazaki Sena suddenly frowned: "I seem to remember that these three people have been single all their lives and have never been married, right?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. They didn't expect her thinking to jump so much.

Yukino was already used to it and asked calmly: "What do you want to express?"

Kashiwazaki Sena said seriously: "Does this mean that all people who are excellent in calculus will remain single for the rest of their lives?"

Then she patted the stunned Yuigahama Yui on the shoulder, and said in an encouraging tone: "So Yui, you don't have to worry at all, you have to think about the bright side. If you can't understand calculus, that means you will definitely There will be good luck!"


Yuigahama Yui opened her mouth. Judging from the hesitant expression on her face, she might want to say something dirty.

Kawashima Ami held her chin up and smiled lazily: "Sena's idea is a bit interesting. I remember that Yuko and Yukinoshita's grades are also very good, right?"

The two mentioned girls frowned.

"My grades are not bad either!" Kashiwazaki Sena said unconvinced.

Kawashima Ami's eyes were strange, and she thought, is the important point about performance?I obviously wanted to take this opportunity to attack Yukinoshita.

The fact that I was forced to wear a cat girl costume and even used a mat in shame was half of Yukino's fault.

As a result, her plan was ruined before her attack even started.

Yukino looked at her with a faint smile: "Are you going to be a monster again?"

"Not really." Kawashima Ami laughed and naturally changed the topic, "Let's continue eating. By the way, which one of you will take Inujiro home later?"

Just when Miura Yuko said that she could, Yukino replied directly: "Inujiro does not need anyone else to escort him, he can go back by himself."

"But... it's just a little kitten." Miura Yuko hesitated.

Yes, yes, I am just a harmless little kitten who needs the escort of a beautiful girl to be happy.

Uehara Takuya raised his head and looked at Yukino eagerly.

Yukino pushed his head back directly: "It's not an ordinary cat."

This topic ends here. Shizuka Hiratsuka is also very interested in shooting short films.

Maybe it was because she was having too much fun today, but she also made a special suggestion, saying that the short film could have a male and female protagonist. Although it was mainly about cute pets, if there was a pair of photogenic protagonists, the audience would definitely be more willing to buy it.

He does not mean that.

Except for Chizuru Tachibana who was eating silently, the thoughts of several girls present became active.

Miura Yuko blushed, but tried her best to pretend not to care: "Teacher Hiratsuka said that he wanted to be on camera, which means that the appearance of the male and female protagonists must not be bad. In this case, the male protagonist can choose Uehara-san, and the female protagonist... …”

She deliberately puffed out her chest, beckoning everyone to appreciate her excellent appearance.

However, a happy voice suddenly came from the side: "Yes, the heroine is me."

Kashiwazaki Hoshina held her little head up high.

When Yuigahama Yui, who was originally interested in participating in the show, saw this posture, she immediately gave up her interest and decisively kept her head down and pretended to be an ostrich.

"Why you?" Miura Yuko said unconvinced, "Except for having bigger breasts, Sena, you have no advantage over me in other aspects."

"Who said that?" Kashiwazaki Sena asked.

"I said!"

"You are just an idiot, and it doesn't matter what you say."


Seeing the two of them arguing again as usual, Yukino couldn't help but smile lightly: "What two stupid people."

These words instantly attracted the firepower of the two girls.

Yukino still looked calm and calm: "Who gave you the confidence to think that you are qualified to be the heroine? Don't forget that I am the person in charge of the short film shooting."

Kashiwazaki Sena was shocked: "You want to be a dog with authority?"

Miura Yuko was also very angry: "Yukishita, although Yami and the others agree that you will be the person in charge, I also recognize your ability. But if you want to take advantage of your responsibilities to forcefully occupy the heroine, then I will never agree to it. !”

Kawashima Ami said lightly from the side: "I don't think Yukinoshita-san would do that kind of thing. Of course, she will definitely not let you be the heroine. If no one can satisfy her, maybe she will You can only do it yourself.”

On the surface, this sounds like I am trying to make a fool of myself, but in fact...

It's totally a firefight.

Uehara Takuya expressed dissatisfaction with this. You have never asked me for my opinion. What does this mean?

So he started meowing too.

The cute cat meowing calmed down the atmosphere in the room in time, but Kashiwazaki Sena and the others obviously didn't intend to let go of the heroine's position.

In the end, Tachibana Chizuru, who had remained silent, suddenly said: "Does Yukinoshita-san really want to be the heroine of the short film?"

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