Yukino was unwilling to lie: "If their performance cannot meet my requirements, then I can only do what Kawashima said, and I will do it myself."

Tachibana Chizuru asked again: "But Miura and the others are obviously unwilling. As a teacher, I still don't want you to ruin the feelings of your classmates because of such a trivial matter."

Shizuka Hiratsuka also smoothed things over: "She's right, you haven't officially started filming yet, so there's no need to be in such a hurry..."

Before she finished speaking, Tachibana Chizuru continued: "Since no matter who among you three is the heroine, no one else can be satisfied, then why not choose Yuigahama?"


Everyone was stunned.

The hand that Kawashima Ami raised just now also stiffened.

When she heard the first half of Chizuru Tachibana's words, she thought that the other party was planning to choose her, so she could accept it "reluctantly".

Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly changed his target as soon as his tone changed.

Yuigahama Yui, who was holding her job, looked up blankly. She couldn't understand at all. How could she, who was only responsible for eating, become a contender for the heroine?

The attentive Hiratsuka Shizu reacted instantly and laughed: "I think Tachibana's suggestion is very interesting. Yuigahama and you have a good relationship, and you also have a good impression of her, right?"

Including Yukino, several girls nodded in acknowledgement.

Shizuka Hiratsuka poured herself a drink with a smile: "Isn't that right? Instead of ruining your friendship because of this little thing, it would be better to let Yuigahama be the heroine. She is so cute and has a good figure, the audience will definitely like it like."

"That... I definitely can't do it." Yuigahama Yui hesitated, she really didn't have the confidence.

However, her timid look fell into the eyes of Hiratsuka Shizuka, who smiled even more happily: "Yuigahama is very cute like this. I think she is fully capable of being the heroine."

"If it's Yuigahama, I have no objection." Kashiwazaki Sena first expressed his stance.

Miura Yuko curled her lips: "As long as Yukinoshita is not using power for personal gain, then I don't have a problem with it."

"I wouldn't do such a despicable thing." Yukino sneered.

Immediately, she said to Yuigahama Yui, who was still confused: "Yugahama, the decision is yours."

"Are you so careless?" Girl Tuanzi finally couldn't help complaining, "I have absolutely no experience in filming. I don't even know what camera sense is. The most important thing is that I never thought about competing for women. main character!"

Previously, she only thought of participating because of the novelty of filming.

But as soon as she saw Kashiwazaki Sena and the others arguing, her interest disappeared instantly.

And now...

How come I, a mediocre person, have become a heroine?

Yuigahama Yui's mind was full of questions.

"You agree, right?" Yukino grabbed Uehara Takuya and lifted him up.

Uehara Takuya meowed, "You didn't ask for my opinion."

Yukino guessed his thoughts and chuckled: "Yuigahama is so cute, I think it's okay for her to be the heroine."

"Inujiro is clearly saying, [Sena-sama is more suitable]." Kashiwazaki Sena was also dubbing.

Yukino ignored her mischievous behavior and made a final decision: "Then it's settled. After everyone goes back tonight, make as many preparations as possible. At least you must know the basic shooting techniques."

Immediately she smiled at Yuigahama Yui: "As for you, just seriously find the feeling. The short film shooting will definitely not be too strict, but you can't just peek at the camera, otherwise we won't be able to shoot."

Once Yukino enters a serious state, her momentum is still very convincing.

Yuigahama Yui drooped her eyebrows and kept the same small face as Uehara Takuya: "I understand."

Kawashima Ami, who was worried about the world being in chaos, tried to struggle: "Aren't you considering adding a supporting actress?"

Yukino glanced at her lightly and did not answer.

If you want to translate Yukino's words, it would probably be: supporting actresses are like pop-up advertisements for endorsements by little fresh meat - they can be cut or discarded.

In the end, Stella drove over and was responsible for sending a few girls home.

Shizuka Hiratsuka, who had changed into pajamas early, made it clear that she was too lazy to go back tonight.

"See you tomorrow Inujiro." Yukino waved to Uehara Takuya on the side of the road before getting in the car.

Miura Yuko was not to be outdone: "See you every day Inujiro!"

Uehara Takuya also laughed, saying these two sentences again.

"Are you sure you can go home by yourself?" Hiratsuka Shizuka squatted in front of him, her voice surprisingly gentle, "Such a cute kitten can easily be abducted by someone with ill intentions."

Uehara Takuya gave a confused meow. Does this woman still want to send him home?

At this time, I heard Shizuka Hiratsuka muttering to herself: "I have never slept with a cat in my arms, and I don't know if it feels comfortable or not."

Is this your fox tail?

Uehara Takuya thought for a moment, turned around in front of the opponent, and used his hind legs to pull on the ground a few times.

Shizuka Hiratsuka was confused by this action.

Until Takuya Uehara left, she returned to the house in surprise and took out her mobile phone to look up knowledge about cats.

Then she had something.

[When a cat makes a pulling motion with its hind legs, it usually means that it smells daddy and wants to bury it. 】

With a bang, Hiratsuka Shizuka punched the table, her mature and beautiful face full of heroic spirit was filled with shame and anger.

"Damn white cat!"

Chapter 176 It Was Her

Uehara Takuya walked alone on the night road, leisurely admiring the figures of passers-by from the perspective of a cat.

The barbecue restaurant and ramen shop were still busy. Some fashionably dressed young people were holding cigarettes and chatting and laughing with their female companions.There were also girls wearing scant clothes who boldly pulled passers-by, trying to get them to come over and show their love.

The cat's meowing in his mind occasionally sounded. The white cat seemed to be accustomed to Uehara Takuya's presence, and no longer acted like the panic he had when they first met, but the doubts in his voice were still obvious.

While passing through a dark alley, Uehara Takuya heard a fierce cat meowing from inside.

When he took a closer look, he saw that it was two stray cats fighting. The scene was fierce and cat hair was scattered everywhere on the ground.

Stray cats often fight over territory. Just because cats don’t travel in groups like dogs, they basically fight for territory every time.

Uehara Takuya had just walked into the alley, and the two cats that were holding each other and biting each other immediately separated vigilantly, staring at this side with fierce and nervous eyes.

Obviously, they regard Uehara Takuya as a new territorial competitor.


The two stray cats with colorful decorations were both making warning sounds. The cats' backs were arched at the same time, showing that they were tall and strong.All the hair on his body exploded, his claws and teeth were revealed, and his ears turned into airplane ears.

This is a very common attack stance.

As they all changed into a prostrate posture, they might rush towards Uehara Takuya in the next second.


The cat meows in my mind sounded at the same time, and the white cat's voice also had a low growl of warning.

"Are you on fire now?"

Uehara Takuya wanted to laugh a little.

Wasn't it just that I saw two stray cats showing fighting postures? Why did they get so angry?

Or maybe the trash can in the alley contained "Boruto", which most people didn't think was flammable, as a reference, so the white cat ignited.

Taku Uehara didn't pay attention to the two noisy stray cats and sat down in a cute posture with hands folded. He was just passing by.

The two stray cats were obviously stunned for a moment, but they did not relax their vigilance.

The three cats faced off like this for nearly a minute, until someone outside the alley discovered what was going on here.

"Hey, it's a fight between stray cats!"

A young man with long bangs trotted in excitedly, followed immediately by several young men and women.

"Take a picture of it! If you post this kind of material online, you can definitely earn some clicks, right?"

The long-haired young man happily took out his mobile phone and pointed it at Takuya Uehara.

"It's better not to do this... Look, those two stray cats are injured." One of the girls hesitated.

"What's the point? Stray cats are often seen here. We are not from the animal rescue station. There is no need to stop them from grabbing the territory. Besides, if we stopped them this time, they will still fight next time." Changfa The young man spoke plausibly.

Several other people seemed to think so too, and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Uehara Taku didn't pay attention to these people. He was always looking at the stray cat in front of him.

Even if outsiders break in, the two stray cats still don't seem to want to give up their territory.

It happened that Takuya Uehara did not join the battlefield, so they stared at each other and roared again.

After a few seconds of demonstrating and intimidating each other, the two stray cats got into a fight again.

"Stop, don't fight anymore!" The girl from before shouted anxiously.

Seeing the stray cat's unyielding attitude, Uehara Takuya stood up, opened his mouth and let out a low, threatening growl.


A sharp and dangerous meow sounded. The two stray cats shuddered at the same time, jerked apart, and looked at him with doubtful and frightened eyes.

Several young people behind him were also startled.

"Is the angry cat's cry so scary?" Someone almost dropped their phone.

Uehara Takuya roared at the stray cats again. The lion's threat finally made them panic.

This time, the two stray cats did not dare to stay any longer. They ran away crazily, jumped over the wall with quick movements, and disappeared.

Uehara Takuya was about to go home, but when he turned around, he found that the long-haired young man from before was staring straight at him, his eyes burning.

"Don't you think this stray cat is awesome?" he also asked his companions.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and someone immediately agreed: "I remembered what you said. I have also seen videos of cats intimidating each other because they compete for food territory, but after watching it, I didn't feel as scared as before. It feels like a jump.”

"Yes, I suspect that this white cat may not be a cute pet, but a very powerful bobcat from popular science programs." The long-haired young man said excitedly, holding the phone in his hand and squatting in front of Uehara Takuya.

He is obviously attracted to Uehara Takuya.

"My wife's classmate, you don't want to adopt it, right? I remember that the bobcat doesn't look like this, and it doesn't look like a stray cat, because its fur is very beautiful, and it should have been carefully taken care of." The man just now said The girl asked worriedly.

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