My wife’s classmate?

Uehara Takuya glanced at the long-haired young man. Judging from his face and figure, he should be a college student, but with this wonderful last name.

It easily reminded him of the yandere girl in a certain work.

"Why do you care so much? Its owner is not here, and there is no leash around its neck. Maybe it is a stray cat, but there are always kind people taking care of it."

The long-haired young man named Gazuma Shinji was thinking at this moment. He didn't care about his classmates' words and cautiously extended his hand to Uehara Takuya.

You are stealing.

Takuya Uehara jumped back easily.

"Don't hide, little kitten. Come home with me and I promise to be good to you." The other party approached with hot eyes. His companion behind him also had this idea.

When ordinary people see smart kittens and puppies, they will only praise them in surprise and take pictures with their mobile phones.

And some quick-thinking people will instantly realize that smart cute pets are very suitable for making money in today's developed online world.

It is also possible to make a lot of money.

That's why this young man came up with the idea of ​​taking the white cat away by force.

Takuya Uehara once again avoided the opponent's movements.

He became a little impatient, bared his teeth and made a threatening sound of "Sha".

The long-haired young man's legs trembled, but he still gritted his teeth and rushed forward.

But this time, his movements were much bigger than before.

Uehara Takuya jumped on the wall and jumped away, but the opponent almost hit the wall due to the inertia of his strength.

Even though he dodged in time, the phone accidentally slipped from his hand and fell right in front of Uehara Takuya.

"Asshole, you made me angry!"

The long-haired young man cursed angrily, rolled up his sleeves, and was about to get serious when Takuya Uehara suddenly stretched out his soft flesh pad, grabbed the phone and threw it behind him.

There was only a crisp sound, and the entire phone screen shattered, with dense cracks spreading from the middle of the screen to all sides.Immediately afterwards, the fuselage was shattered, and the parts inside were crackling and jumping around outside.

The long-haired young man was stunned.

Others were also dumbfounded.

"Is a cat so powerful?"

Everyone subconsciously recalled the cats they had seen. If it was just a crack on the phone screen, then they could accept it.

But this scene in front of me...

"Hey, isn't there something wrong?" Someone started to feel uneasy, "Did we meet the cat demon in the urban ghost story? I heard someone else say it yesterday."

"Don't scare me..."

Hearing the words "Ghost Stories in the City" late at night, coupled with the abnormal power of the white cat, these students were a little scared.

Cat demon?

Uehara Takuya narrowed his eyes and suddenly jumped out.

Before anyone could react, he relied on his own dexterity to be very quick and arrived in front of the long-haired young man in an instant.

Without waiting for the opponent to make a move, he directly showed his sharp cat claws, grasped the size well, and ripped open the opponent's pants with one claw.

With a crisp "tear" sound, the long-haired young man's pants were torn from the middle, revealing the underwear with the Powerpuff Girls pattern on it.

Uehara Takuya scoffed and retracted the cat's paw.

It turns out to be Toothpick Boy.

Several other people's eyes were dull, and then they burst into laughter.

"My wife's classmate, you are 20 years old, why are you still wearing such kawaii underwear?"

"That's the Powerpuff Girls, right? I remember the last time I saw this work, I think it was when I was in elementary school."


"Bastard! I can't spare you!"

The roar of laughter from his companions made the long-haired young man feel ashamed and angry. However, there were girls among the group, so he felt even more embarrassed.

This time he didn't dare to do anything else, so he quickly picked up the torn pants and ran away.

Uehara Takuya barked at the people who were still laughing, demonstrating his excellent level [-] dog language skills.

Finally, under their stunned eyes, Uehara Takuya walked away with cat steps.

As soon as he left, the girl who broke up the fight took out her mobile phone and dialed a number excitedly: "Nanami, are you off work? I remember that you also like cats, right? Let me tell you, I just saw Here comes a particularly powerful white cat... Oh, you're already off work? It's now heading towards the store where you work part-time, and you might still be able to see it when you come out now."

Uehara Takuya walked along the spacious sidewalk for a while, and suddenly the sound of rapid footsteps sounded in his ears, mixed with the familiar scent of shampoo.

Just as he was wondering, a surprised female voice came from behind him: "It must be this cat, right?"

When he turned around, he saw Nanami Aoyama standing in front of him with a smile.

There were beads of sweat on the other party's forehead, and he was panting slightly. He must have come here specially.

Did she just finish her part-time job?

Uehara Takuya looked around, but a few stores were still open. For the working emperor, this time happened to be the time to end his part-time job.

"Are you the very powerful white cat that Yumi said?" Aoyama Nanami squatted down curiously, "Hey, your fur is very bright, you must not be a stray cat."

Uehara Takuya noticed her move, meowed softly twice, and lay down on the ground, making a "You're welcome, just jerk me off" look.


Aoyama Nanami was surprised to get started.

She also had a cat herself, and was very skilled in petting cats. After a while, she gave Uehara Takuya a "Western-style massage", making the latter purr comfortably.

"Since you are not a stray cat, why are you walking alone on the street at night? You must be lost, right?" Aoyama Nanami stroked her cat with satisfaction for a while, then started to worry again.

Takuya Uehara sat up, raised his forelimbs, pointed to the fork in the road ahead, and meowed: I know the way home.

Aoyama Nanami opened her mouth blankly.

She was surprised that she could understand what a cat was trying to say.

What shocked her even more was how could a cat be so smart?

Suddenly she thought of her new friend Kawashima Ami.

The other party once mentioned the husky raised at home.

Nanami Aoyama also watched a lot of videos about that husky.

Now looking at Uehara Takuya in front of her, she suddenly felt that this cat was probably as smart as the husky at her friend's house.

"What a pity. I have to go home, otherwise I will definitely have to play with you for a while." Aoyama Nanami sighed with regret.

Seeing that you like this cat so much, I will take mercy on you and accompany you for a walk.

Takuya Uehara walked up to her, ready to act as a cat version of the flower protector.

Nanami Aoyama was even more surprised: "You want to send me home?"

Uehara Takuya meowed.

Qingshan Nanami narrowed her eyes happily and touched its head gently: "I can go back by myself, and there are people waiting for me over there..."

When she talked about this, she seemed to have found someone to confide in, and she spoke in a soft voice: "She is very cute, just like you. Just one look at her will make you feel [as cute as a small animal] feeling girl.”

Uehara Takuya listened and followed her with arms and legs.

"She is a genius in painting... She is really a genius. I am not exaggerating. Although I am not a master of painting, I still have the most basic aesthetics."

It seemed that the girl was in a good mood because she met the smart kitten. She didn't stop talking along the way, talking happily to Takuya Uehara about her own affairs.

"Although she is a genius, she is completely clueless in other things. If I don't take care of her, in just a week, her house will be absolutely messy and scary. And she doesn't know how to wash clothes, or even I don’t even have the ability to take care of myself…”

Uehara Takuya listened with interest at first.

But the more he listened, he felt something familiar.

Nanami Aoyama didn't care about this, she still had a smile on her lips, but this time her tone became serious: "Even so, I still admire her very much. Because she has never relied on her talent in painting to stagnate. Before. I’ve seen her look like when she was painting, and it was kind of...well, how should I put it?"

The girl pinched her fingers and seemed to be thinking about what words to use to describe it.

Uehara Takuya remained silent, and the familiar feeling became stronger.

"Oh, yes, focus!" Nanami Aoyama finally thought of the right words and said with admiration, "Her eyes are particularly focused, which always makes me feel that as long as she picks up the brush, the whole world seems to be on her drawing paper. Be present and become one with her.”

When she talks about being moved, she can't help but express her cute Kansai accent.

But soon she covered her mouth.

She blushed and looked around to make sure no one was paying attention to her, then she smiled sheepishly.

Uehara Takuya remained silent to avoid embarrassment for her.

One person and one cat successfully arrived and stood in front of the house.

"Thank you, Mr. Cat~" Nanami Aoyama waved with a bright smile.

Uehara Takuya waved his cat paw, making the girl stunned again.

But when he left, he heard a calm voice with concern behind him: "Nanami, you came back so late today, are you exhausted?"

"No, I'm very happy today because I met a very cute Mr. Cat..."

Uehara Takuya no longer suspiciously inquired into the conversation between the two girls.

He simply glanced back.

With the excellent [far vision] ability brought by birds, he saw the girl who looked like a small animal in Qingshan Nanami's mouth.

She is about 1.6 meters tall, and her skin is as clear as jade, especially at night, which makes her skin even fairer.

With her distinctive hair color and delicate facial features, people can tell at a glance that she must be of mixed race.

Beautiful and peaceful.

This was the impression that girl gave Uehara Takuya.

"It turned out to be her."

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