Uehara Takuya stopped looking over there, withdrew his gaze, and his figure blended into the night.

Chapter 177 Cat Tail

When he arrived at school the next day, Uehara Takuya noticed that Shizuka Hiratsuka had been peeking at him from the corner of his eye from time to time since he entered the classroom.

Even though she was doing it very covertly, she was deliberately hiding it.

But with the power of animals, such small movements are completely invisible.

If he hadn't known that Yukino was easily shy and embarrassed about this kind of thing, he might have taken the initiative to test Hiratsuka Shizu.

After class, Shizuka Hiratsuka did not leave in a hurry. Instead, with an approachable smile, she talked and laughed with several girls in the class.

Soon the extremely popular Kawashima Ami also joined.

Miura Yuiko didn't go, she was encouraging Yuigahama Yui.

"Come on, Yuigahama, work hard for a while, and try to scare Yukinoshita to death on the day the short film starts!" She encouraged her.

Yuigahama Yui smiled wryly with a downcast face.

When the heroine's position became the center of the whirlpool, she had no idea at all.

But now she herself has become the heroine.

[By the way, Uehara-san probably doesn’t know that he is the male protagonist yet. 】

Yuigahama Yui thought for a while and decided to talk to Uehara Takuya.

At least she still simply believed that the latter should be the same as her, becoming the "protagonist" without any psychological preparation.

In fact, Uehara Takuya didn't think about this at all.

He was listening to the complaints from the classmates sitting next to him: "Sorry, I made a plan to study hard the day before yesterday, but every time I open the book, I always feel that the floor at home is not clean and needs to be cleaned. The location of the desk It’s wrong, it needs to be corrected…”

"I finished these things and thought there was still a lot of time, so I lay in bed and played with my phone for a while. When I suddenly woke up, I found that there was not enough time!"

At the end of the sentence, the other party covered his face in annoyance.

Uehara Takuya nodded: "Obviously, this is procrastination."


Yuigahama Yui, who had just come over, was stunned for a moment. She didn't say anything in a hurry and looked at him quietly.

Uehara Takuya noticed her and continued: "It's procrastination. To put it simply, when you hate something you have to do, you can always find various reasons to procrastinate. Until the end of time It’s wasted, and you fall back into self-pity.”

He paused and couldn't help laughing: "This situation is very similar to when you have a quarrel with someone else. When you are alone at home and recall this incident, you will always have thoughts in your heart. "It would have been okay if I said this at the time. 】Such ideas.”

Yuigahama Yui opened her mouth in surprise: "Eh? I seem to have this problem too..."

In the past, when her relationship with Miura Yuiko was not so good, she had always wanted to integrate into each other's small group, but every time she would say the wrong thing or give the wrong reaction.

And at night, when she thinks about her poor performance, she will think "If I had answered like that, Miura would definitely accept me".

"This is quite common."

Uehara Takuya met the two's gazes and started to stray from the topic as he spoke: "Scientific research shows that the DNA sequence similarity between humans and bananas is as high as 50%. So if you mess up something one day, you can feel at ease. I think it’s half of the banana genes in your body that have the upper hand. When your human genes take back the IQ high ground, you will become outstanding.”

Yuigahama Yui and the classmate looked at each other with a strange expression on their faces.

It looks like he wants to curse, but due to the friendship between classmates, he is too embarrassed to curse directly...

Uehara Takuya seemed not to see anything and looked at the girl in front of him: "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Short film."

Yuigahama Yui gave a concise answer.

Uehara Takuya was happy: "You still don't have confidence in yourself? Do you think you are not qualified for the position of the heroine?"

"Yes... wait, how did you know, Uehara-san? You were not here yesterday." Yuigahama Yui was stunned.

Who said I'm not here?

I was a cat person at the time.

But Takuya Uehara said: "Sena sent me a message that night, and I know the content of your conversation."

He told the truth this time.

It wasn't just Kashiwazaki Sena who sent the message.

The same is true for Ami Kawashima and Yuko Miura, except that the latter is delivering a normal message, while the former's words always have the flavor of fanning the flames.

"I see." Yuigahama Yui suddenly realized, and then said in annoyance: "I don't want to be the heroine at all, but Xiaoyuki and the others have decided..."

"Then, I, the hero, will ask the heroine for some advice." Uehara Takuya said sternly.

"Hey, I'm not here to give you advice!"

Yuigahama Yui scratched her hair helplessly, feeling confused.

"Currently, our roles have been defined and cannot be changed." Takuya Uehara comforted himself, "Think about it, if you and I were to occupy the roles of cute pets and play friendly roles as dogs or parrots, what would it be like? It’s not reasonable either.”

Yuigahama Yui stopped talking.

Uehara Takuya said frankly: "Just say whatever you want to say, don't hold it in your heart."

Now the girl could no longer hold back: "Uehara-san, are you an idiot? How could I possibly want the position of a cute pet? I simply don't want to be a heroine."

"But Sena said you have already agreed."

Uehara Takuya's simple words immediately silenced the girl.

"It's really troublesome..."

Yuigahama Yui sighed in annoyance. She knew very well that if she couldn't play the heroine well, then Kashiwazaki Sena and the others would definitely have their intrigues again.

If that really happened, even if the whole thing wasn't her fault, she would still feel guilty about it.

"Don't put on that "I might be dead" expression. It's just a short film. It doesn't require acting skills or professional camera sense. Just complete the task successfully." Uehara Takuya reminded.


"No buts." Uehara Takuya interrupted her, "Well, let me ask you a question. If Yukino and the others were to visit your home one day, what would be your first thought?"


Yuigahama Yui didn't quite understand why the other party changed the topic, but she still thought about it: "Of course, prepare snacks and tea so that everyone can have fun."

Uehara Takuya immediately put on a disgusted face: "This is the reason for your troubles."

"What do you mean?" Yuigahama Yui couldn't understand at all.

Uehara Takuya sighed: "Since you have friends coming to your home, the point is of course not how to spend happy time with your friends, but their arrival can give you the motivation to clean the room."

Yubihama Yui: "..."

Uehara Takuya stared at her face: "Am I wrong?"

"...No, what you said makes sense."

Yuigahama Yui rolled her eyes.

Well, she did think it made sense.

If you don't pay attention when you are at home, you will easily make the house a mess and be too lazy to tidy it up.

But she had never thought about this idea at all.

"So what I mean is, you have to think more when you encounter something. Maybe if you think about it differently, you can get a different answer." Uehara Takuya said.

"Thank you." Yuigahama Yui was speechless, but she was still very grateful for Uehara Takuya's enlightenment.

It’s just that the way of enlightenment is a bit strange...

"Uehara-kun, don't you have any worries about being chosen as the male protagonist?" Yuigahama Yui hesitated for a while, then asked what she cared about.

"No, I won't worry about [whether I can complete the shooting task], because I can easily become irritated if I think too much."

"But I always can't help but think of these things."

"Then divert some of your energy and change your thinking like I said. For example, if a rich man gives you a huge sum of money and wants you to create a great painting, what will you do?" Uehara Takuya asked.

Yuigahama Yui thought about it: "Of course, buy the most professional tools. If you still have money left, you can either travel to find inspiration, or visit famous painters and humbly ask for their creative experience."

Then she looked over expectantly: "I think so, it should be right?"

"Of course it's right, but if it were me, I would put that huge sum of money into my own pocket, and then give the other person a piece of blank paper, saying that my new work is called [Take the Money and Run]."

"Uehara Takuya is really... not simple-minded."

Yuigahama Yui smiled and felt much better.

She knew that the other party was deliberately trying to make her happy.

After regaining her fighting spirit, she decided not to think about those messy things anymore.

At noon, Uehara Takuya was alone with his bento and looking for a seat. He understood that Yukino did not come to him.

After all, she was a girl who was both proud and ashamed.

You still have to find her yourself.

Downstairs, he met Tachibana Chizuru by chance. The other person also had a lunch box in his hand and a black plastic bag in the other hand. He didn't know what was inside.

"Do you want to have dinner together there?" Tachibana Chizuru gestured forward with her eyes.

Takuya Uehara looked along and saw Shizuka Hiratsuka and Ami Kawashima with their backs facing him. Although their expressions could not be seen, the atmosphere between the two should be good.

He was about to refuse, but Chizuru Tachibana couldn't help but stretched out her long legs, and said calmly: "Then let's go together, I just have something to give you."

"What?" Uehara Takuya asked, but the other party didn't answer.

It wasn't until he went over to say hello to Hiratsuka Shizuka and stood behind them that Tachibana Chizuru winked at him.

Uehara Takuya lowered his head in confusion and saw her hand over the plastic bag.

Her wrists were placed very low, as if she was deliberately hiding them.

Uehara Takuya was originally going to pick it up, but when the plastic bag was handed to him, he saw a familiar color through the opening on it.

Then there is the vaguely long, furry...

It turned out to be a cat tail decoration.

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