"Has she contacted you?" Hiratsuka asked warily.

"Not yet."

"This is troublesome... There are no clues at all. No one knows what she is thinking. Unfortunately, I thought she decided to give up harassing you."

Hiratsuka Shizuo sighed.

She actually believed what Yangno once said, "I will not compete with my sister for a man."

But believe it or not, no one knows whether this sentence has another meaning.

Or, it can be understood in another way.

"Are you free tonight? Do you want to have dinner together and tell me your views in detail?" Hiratsuka Shizuka invited.

"Not today, maybe next time." Uehara Takuya was about to go to Yuigahama Yui's side.

After all, he made an agreement with her to teach her how to cook.

By the way, he also wanted to explore and see if Yuigahama Yui had any useful hidden skills.

When school was over, Takuya Uehara went to the service department, but there was no one there.

He still learned from nearby classmates that Yukino was pulled away by Kashiwazaki Hoshina just after school.

"What did the two of them do?"

Uehara Takuya was puzzled.

Just on the way to his part-time job, he received a text message from Yukino.

[I mentioned the alien conjecture to you and Yuigahama. She seems to have begun to waver, but not too much. 】

Followed by a panda with a serious face expression.

Uehara Takuya laughed and edited the message: [It is enough to do this, leave the rest to me. 】

Just one minute after the message was sent, Yukino quickly replied: [Don’t go too far. Yuigahama is a kind girl. Once she gives her trust to you, you should stop. 】

Uehara Takuya replied "OK".

He himself didn't care much about aliens, he just wanted to use this identity to better dispel Yuigahama Yui's suspicion.

After all, women's curiosity is very scary.

Aoyama Nanami still reported in the store one step ahead of him.

The girl, who often wears her hair in a ponytail, seems very happy today, smiling brightly no matter who she faces.

Uehara Takuya asked casually, and she told him about the "smart cat Mr." she met yesterday.

"It's a pity that you didn't see it with your own eyes, otherwise you would have been as surprised as me." Qingshan Nanami sighed with regret.

When encountering something happy or interesting, adolescent boys and girls can’t help but want to share it with their friends.

Uehara Takuya understood this and asked in a flattering tone: "Then did you record the video?"


Qingshan Nanami was startled, and then she covered her forehead in annoyance: "I actually forgot about this! If I had taken my phone to record it in advance, Yami would have been very happy. She seems to particularly like smart animals."

"No, she just likes her own husky." Uehara Takuya corrected.

"Really? I think she is very caring. She adopted that husky from the street." Nanami Aoyama had a different idea.

Then she fell into annoyance that she couldn't record a video or take a photo, and occasionally muttered "I don't know if Mr. Cat got home safely."

Uehara Takuya smiled. It seemed that he had to use the white cat's vest to meet the opposite party in order to dispel the girl's worries.

His smile didn't last long.

Because as soon as he turned around, he saw the beautiful woman sitting on the seat near the door.

Seeing that no waiter came by, Uehara Takuya made a temporary appearance as a waiter. He came to the other party with a menu and asked: "What would you like to eat today, Ms. Harano?"

"I would like to order a lovely Uehara and take it away, is that okay?" Yangno responded with a charming smile.

Her smile fell into Uehara Takuya's eyes, and she was reminded of the discussion he had with Hiratsuka Shizu during the day.

A sentence suddenly came to his mind.

Put the key in your butt - let's start!

Chapter 179 Because you look cute

Uehara Takuya was surprised by Harano's sudden arrival.

But only a little bit.

As for the other party's joke, he ignored it at all: "Teacher Hiratsuka has been talking to me about you during the day, but I didn't expect you to show up at night."

"What did Xiaojing tell you?" Yang Nai leaned forward slightly, seeming to be interested.

"I won't tell you." Uehara Takuya put on a rogue face.

Harano chuckled: "Uehara has become unlovable."

"I'm glad you think so."

Yangno leaned back again with a lazy expression: "Okay, I'm not here to see you today, I'm here to see Xiao Qihai."

While she was talking, she happened to see Nanami Aoyama looking this way, so she waved to him.

Harano ordered the dishes by the way, and Uehara Takuya took notes while Aoyama Nanami walked over with a puzzled face: "Miss Harano, are you looking for me?"

"I heard that you are looking for a new job recently? It just so happens that a friend of mine has opened a new coffee shop. The salary is pretty good. Are you interested?" Yangno said straight to the point.

So he came to help Nanami Aoyama arrange work?

Uehara Takuya was slightly surprised.

But this makes sense. Even he, a perseverant working emperor like Aoyama Nanami, doesn't know how many jobs he holds part-time.

Judging from Yono's excellent insight, the other party should have been able to see through Aoyama Nanami's temper at the first glance.

Harano has been to the store several times before. In Uehara Takuya's eyes, this woman and Aoyama Nanami have a good chat.

Seeing that they were chatting, Uehara Takuya didn't interrupt anymore and left with the menu.

After a while, Nanami Aoyama trotted up to him excitedly and said, "Miss Haruno arranged a new job for me, and the salary is very good!"

Takuya Uehara smiled: "Looking at it this way, she occasionally shows kindness."

"Miss Haruno is very nice." Aoyama Nanami's little face was completely serious.

"You were bribed by her so quickly? Then I need to re-evaluate your image in my heart." Uehara Takuya pretended to think.

"No way? I just think Miss Yangno is very nice. Although I exchanged contact information with her last time, we didn't talk much in private. I didn't expect that she would come here to help me..."

Nanami Aoyama said happily, and finally clenched her fists with high morale.

With Yangno's help, she is getting closer and closer to her dream.

Uehara Takuya was still a little skeptical about this.

It's not that he feels good about himself, he thinks that Yang Nai's appearance here is just for him.

But he knew that this woman Yangno was difficult to deal with.

Maybe he was helping Qingshan Nanami just by the way, and the other party actually had other intentions.

When a beauty like Yangno sits in the store, she will naturally attract the attention of many male customers.

Even if she does nothing and sits there quietly, her plump body curves are quite pleasing to the eye.

Uehara Takuya even sighed in his heart: If this woman was mute, it would be perfect.

Yangno didn't stay here for too long. After simply eating something, she paid and left.

But before leaving, she made a gesture to Uehara Takuya to contact him by phone, and then generously gave the latter a sweet smile.

Uehara Takuya didn't want to understand the other party's thoughts for the time being, so he simply didn't bother to think about it.

After finishing his part-time job, he went home directly. After confirming that it was still early, he logged in to Yuigahama Yui's account.

"You're here?"

To Uehara Takuya's expectation, not only was the girl not surprised, her voice sounded quite happy.

He didn't answer in a hurry, and looked around quickly.

The TV in the living room is playing a costume drama, which seems to be a story from the Warring States Period.

A ping-ping-pong-pong-pong sound could be heard from the kitchen, and Uehara Takuya guessed that it was probably Mrs. Yuigahama washing things.

"Can you teach me how to cook today, Mr. Alien?" Yuigahama Yui asked expectantly.

"You seem very happy?" Takuya Uehara asked his question now.

"Because I was still worried before, whether you would dislike my poor cooking skills and simply not come over..."

Yuigahama Yui smiled sheepishly.

"You are looking down on our M78 Nebula people. We always treat everyone equally, whether you have ability or not, we don't care." Uehara Takuya said seriously.

"Sounds so noble."

"No, I just said that just because you look cute."


Yuigahama Yui was a little shy, but more helpless: "Although I am very happy that you can praise me, but please don't say such things in the future."


Yuigahama Yui suppressed a laugh: "Because generally people who like to praise others for their cuteness are definitely not cute themselves... Of course, these are what TV shows say and have nothing to do with me."

She actually learned to shift the blame while fighting back at herself?

Uehara Takuya felt relieved.

This reminded him of his previous confrontation with Yukino.

Also so unpretentious.

"Is it convenient for me to use the kitchen now?" Uehara Takuya calmed down.

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