"Okay, my mother is washing the cups inside and will be out soon." Yuigahama Yui was full of fighting spirit.

Uehara Takuya waited patiently for 5 minutes, and Mrs. Yuigahama, wearing an apron, came out with a plate of snacks in her hand.

"Yui, come and try my new cake."

Uehara Takuya sniffed the aroma coming from the plate, and Yuigahama Yui's impatient voice sounded in his mind: "Mr. Alien, let's start today's cooking class quickly. I am very motivated now."

Takuya Uehara felt that he could not let down the opponent's fighting spirit, so he took two pieces of cake and ate them while walking to the kitchen.

"Mom made that for me." Yuigahama Yui muttered angrily.

"Now I am you, you are me, and we have become one." Uehara Takuya rolled up his sleeves and got ready.

"What a mess..."

Yuigahama Yui was about to complain about his logic, but her mother's voice came from behind: "Yui, why are you in the kitchen so late at night?"

Uehara Takuya turned around calmly, and out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of a dog named Sabre sitting at Mrs. Yuigahama's feet, wagging his tail happily at him.

"I'm going to cook." Uehara Takuya said calmly.

"Oh, then I will guide you from the side." Mrs. Yuigahama smiled gently. She knew that her daughter loved cooking and was full of enthusiasm.

"No need, I can be alone." Uehara Takuya said and paused, "Sabre can stay."


Sabre shook more happily, and his buttocks swayed accordingly.

If this was a corgi, the picture would probably be more joyful.

"Eh? Doesn't it mean that your mother's position in your heart is not as good as Sabre's?" Mrs. Yuigahama's eyes pretended to be resentful, and the look of a beautiful young woman who was about to cry was indeed quite lethal.

Uehara Takuya's attention was all on Gouzi: "Because mom is watching me here, I will be nervous."

"But you don't look nervous at all now." Although Mrs. Yuigahama is a housewife, her reaction is not slow.

Uehara Takuya was silent for two seconds, pretending to be shy and lowering his head: "I'm actually nervous now."

"Don't make such a strange reaction with my body!" Yuigahama Yui couldn't bear it anymore.

"Yui is so cute. She deserves to be my daughter." Mrs. Yuigahama chuckled and puffed up her chest proudly. "Then I won't bother you. If you need help, you can call me at any time."

"I will." Uehara Takuya was still shy.

"Be normal!" Yuigahama Yui was roaring.

As Mrs. Yuigahama left, Uehara Takuya went to close the door and then said: "How was my acting just now?"

"Zero points! I can only give you zero points!" Yuigahama Yui shouted in embarrassment.

"I'll take it as if you're praising me."

Takuya Uehara's indifferent attitude made the girl feel tired.

Fortunately, Takuya Uehara quickly started today's cooking class.

After all the ingredients and condiments were put on the table, he opened the fire and said at the same time: "Today I will teach you how to make a delicious alien pork chop rice."

Yuigahama Yui was stunned: "You clearly said last time that there was no alien pork cutlet rice."

"This time there is."

"You're lying, right? You are really lying, right?"

Uehara Takuya pretended not to hear the girl's complaint and said to himself: "First we need to pour corn oil into the pot after it is hot, and then put the pork chops in. Remember to fry them until both sides are slightly brown, otherwise they will taste bad. It doesn’t taste good.”

Yuigahama Yui also entered the state, trying hard to remember what he said, and made a cute sound of "um um um" from her mouth.

"After the pork chops are fried, take them out and cut them into small pieces. If your knife skills are not good, it doesn't matter if you cut them into strange shapes. Then we add eggs. If there are no eggs, you can use Sabre instead..."

Yuigahama Yui was listening to the class seriously, but she saw Uehara Takuya bending down, raising his hand to pick up the cheerful dog.

"Don't bully Sabre!"

"It's obviously very happy."

Uehara Takuya pointed at the dog trying to lick him.

After a while of fuss, the first dish was successfully cooked.

The method of making pork cutlet rice is very simple, and Uehara Takuya also explained it in detail. He felt that as long as Yuigahama Yui's ears are not broken, she should be able to make it.

"I learned it!" Yuigahama Yui said confidently.

Although she couldn't taste the pork chop rice, judging from the appearance, she thought it should taste very good.

And she was indeed listening to the class carefully just now, without missing a word.

After she digested this bit of knowledge, she suddenly asked cautiously: "Mr. Alien, do you know how to act?"

Uehara Takuya paused while holding the plate. Are you planning to talk to me about your troubles?

He asked calmly: "Are you referring to the movies and TV series produced by your earthlings?"


Seeing that he did not deny it, Yuigahama Yui said happily: "I have a friend who has never acted before, but recently she was asked to be the heroine of a short film. Therefore, she has no confidence and doesn't know What should I do?"

Chapter 180 Dog Whisper Level [-] Yuigahama

Uehara Takuya did not expose Yuigahama Yui's "friends made out of thin air".

But he didn't answer either.

He said everything he needed to say during the day.

Now that the other party mentioned this, it was nothing more than a tangled emotion caused by lack of self-confidence.

When she actually participates in the filming, with her willingness to help her friends, she will definitely be a good force in adversity.

"Why doesn't Mr. Alien speak?"

Yuigahama Yui waited for a long time, but when she saw that the other party didn't answer for a long time, and even squatted down to tease the dog, she couldn't help but wonder.

"I was just wondering if you should rate this pork chop rice with others to see if it can increase your confidence in cooking." Uehara Takuya said.

"Eh? You mean...let my mother evaluate you?"

Yuigahama Yui was obviously moved.

Then the little daughter's anxiety and expectation were revealed in her voice: "But my mother's cooking level is very high. This is what she is best at. What if she doesn't get a good evaluation..."

She did not continue speaking, but the tension was clearly visible.

"Do you look down on yourself, or do you look down on my identity as M78 Nebula?" Uehara Takuya said solemnly.

"No, I'm just worried." Yuigahama Yui smiled awkwardly.

She had asked her mother for help many times in the past, and even though the latter taught her very carefully every time, her own cooking skills were still worrying.

Over time, this also led to her serious lack of self-confidence in this area.

Fortunately, her enthusiasm has not faded.

"You can't taste pork cutlet rice now, and you may think my evaluation is too subjective, so you still have to let others try it." Uehara Takuya explained.

"I understand... let's go to the living room."

Yuigahama Yui's heart couldn't help but lift.

Even though I was nervous, I was still a little hopeful.

Because Takuya Uehara explained it in detail just now, she felt that she had already learned it.

Therefore, this dish can also be regarded as her own creation.

Although thinking so made her blush shyly.

Uehara Takuya brought pork cutlet rice to the living room, and Mrs. Yuigahama, who was watching TV, immediately turned her head.

When her eyes fell on the pork cutlet rice, she smiled softly and said, "Yui, do you want me to review your cooking like before?"

"Yes, I think my mother's cooking is the best in the world and she is fully qualified to be a professional judge on food shows." Uehara Takuya flattered him.

Yuigahama Yui only felt ashamed: "Can you be normal? You actually said such a thing as [No. [-] in the world]?"

Mrs. Yuigahama was filled with joy when she heard this. As a single housewife with no entertainment programs every day, her daughter's praise and admiration were her greatest source of happiness.

"Then let me evaluate Yui's cooking from the perspective of a professional judge."

She nodded cooperatively, with a professional air.

In this relaxed atmosphere, Yuigahama Yui inevitably became nervous.

Until she saw her mother pick up the chopsticks and take a bite, she immediately urged: "Mr. Alien, please ask my mother what she thinks."

Uehara Takuya didn't rush to say anything.

Yuigahama Yui became more and more nervous.

I saw the expression on Mrs. Yuigahama's face change from expectation to surprise, and finally she put down her chopsticks with surprise in her eyes: "Yui, your cooking skills have improved."

"Really?" Yuigahama Yui's excited voice changed its tone.

Uehara Takuya had already expected it. After all, he was one of the first batch of Yukino's disciples to close his school. He had studied seriously for so long. If he couldn't even make a simple pork chop rice, it would be a failure.

"It seems I succeeded." Uehara Takuya pretended to clenched his fists.

Mrs. Yuigahama smiled gently: "Yes, Yui, you finally succeeded. If you can maintain this level in other cuisines, then you can open a shop by yourself in the future."

"The evaluation is so high?" Uehara Takuya was shocked.

"As expected of my daughter." Mrs. Yuigahama smiled and narrowed her eyes.

Uehara Takuya has a weird look on his face. Did you have sex for a long time just to brag about yourself?

Yuigahama Yui was overjoyed when she heard this, and her fighting spirit was renewed: "Mr. Alien, when you see me next time, I will definitely have mastered what you taught me."

Then I'll wait and see.

Uehara Takuya murmured silently in his mind, but did not try to undermine the girl's regained self-confidence.

At this time, the doorbell rang, and Mrs. Yuigahama, who wanted to praise her more, quickly got up.

Uehara Takuya followed the sound and when the door opened, it turned out to be Miura Yuko.

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