
Miura Yuko, who was standing at the door, said hello politely. After introducing herself, she handed over a bag in her hand: "This is a little gift I prepared."

"There is no need to be so polite. Since you are Yui's good friend, you can come over and play at any time. There is no need to buy special gifts."

Mrs. Yuigahama ushered the girl in with a smile.

And Yuigahama Yui was still immersed in doubt: "Why did Miura come here alone?"

Uehara Takuya stared at the other bag in the opponent's hand.

It was a beautifully packaged handbag with a printed pattern and a seal on the top, making it impossible to see clearly what was inside.

"Yugahama, this is my gift to you."

Miura Yuiko said as she handed over the handbag with a trepidation on her face: "I really had something to do last time, so I couldn't come to visit you in time."

Is it because of this?

Uehara Takuya and Yuigahama Yui suddenly realized.


Yuigahama Yui has been moved by the concern of her friends.

Uehara Takuya took it with a smile: "There's no need to buy a gift, right? We are friends, just like mom said, you can come over and play with me at any time."

"It's just a very ordinary gift anyway." Miura Yuko said proudly.

"Can I take it apart now and take a look?" Uehara Takuya was a little curious.

Miura Yuiko nodded: "Of course, I also learned from the idiot Sena that you like to play games, so I called her and asked her to buy a game you like."

Uehara Takuya, who was about to open the bag, suddenly stopped.

Yuigahama Yui, who was full of emotion, also shyly shouted: "Don't open it, Mr. Alien! At least you can't open it in front of mother and Yumeko!"

"What's wrong with you?" Miura Yuko noticed Uehara Takuya's movements and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Don't you like it?"

"No, I like it very much." Uehara Takuya put the bag next to him.

Judging from Miura Yuiko's expression, she probably doesn't know which game Yuigahama Yui has been addicted to recently.

And she asked Kashiwazaki Sena to buy the game.

Of course Uehara Takuya didn't dare to continue demolishing it.

After all, he can be considered an old player in this field. The covers of some games are simply unsightly.

If he opened it now, Yuigahama Yui might die on the spot.

Fortunately, Mrs. Yuigahama came out with snacks and tea, breaking the slightly weird atmosphere in time.

Miura Yuiko behaved very well in front of her elders. She occasionally secretly looked at the beautiful woman in front of her, secretly marveling at her temperament.

The three chatted for a while. When Mrs. Yuigahama got up and went to the kitchen, Uehara Takuya's developed hearing heard the beautiful woman's thoughts.

"Every one of Yui's friends is outstanding. Yuiko, this cute child, is no worse than Yami last time. She is thin where she should be thin, round where she should be, and there is meat where there should be flesh. Now The child has such a good figure..."

Uehara Takuya turned around subconsciously, and happened to see Mrs. Yuigahama holding her face in her hands and twisting her waist into the kitchen with a look of emotion on her face.

It seems that this housewife loves beauty very much.

Uehara Takuya chuckled in his heart, his face expressionless.

"Yuigahama, are you preparing for the short film?" Miura Yuko held a small cake, opened her red lips, and took a bite. The delicious pastry made her smile.

Takuya Uehara picked up Sabre who was having fun on his lap: "I've been preparing, and it's almost done now."

"How could I be prepared..." Yuigahama Yui looked at Sabre with envy, she also wanted to pet the dog.

"That's good." Miura Yuko squinted her eyes and said with great force: "My idea is similar to that of idiot Sena. Since Yukinoshita doesn't agree with us being the heroine, then you can develop it secretly and try to scare her to death! "

Takuya Uehara was unable to complain: "I don't think she will be scared."

"That's unlikely."

Miura Yuko seemed to have thought of something happy and smiled sweetly: "Yami told me that last time she and Yukinoshita went to the haunted house together. At that time, Yukinoshita was so scared that her face turned pale and she screamed all the way. Run away."

Uehara Takuya coughed, who was so frightened that he screamed and ran away in the haunted house?

Kawashima Ami's money detector really failed - there was no coin count.

Miura Yuko was still talking excitedly from the opposite side: "It can be seen that Yukinoshita is not invincible, at least she also has weaknesses..."

Then she muttered to herself: "I'll have to invite her to the haunted house some other time when I have time. It would be fun if I could take a picture of her miserable state."

"This is not good." Yuigahama Yui obviously believed it.

Takuya Uehara looked at the confident girl and asked, "Are you sure you won't be frightened by the haunted house?"

"Huh? I'm very brave. It's just a haunted house. What am I afraid of?" Miura Yuko smiled disdainfully.

Great, that bravado expression again.

Uehara Takuya knew what was going on.

Kawashima Ami had the same expression before entering the haunted house.

Then...she was so scared that she peed.

After chatting in the living room for a while, Miura Yuiko expressed that she wanted to visit her friend's boudoir. After Yuigahama Yui expressed her stance, Uehara Takuya led her into the house.

Sabre followed happily.

Only now did Miura Yuiko notice the dog. She bent down and rubbed Sabre's head: "By the way, Yami also told me that you once asked her for advice on how to train pets? What about your Sabre? How's the training going?"

Yuigahama Yui laughed sarcastically: "Mr. Alien, let Yuko change the topic."

As soon as Uehara Takuya heard her awkward tone, he knew that she had no confidence in her dog.

However, Uehara Takuya didn't think so.

"It's been outstanding," he said.


Miura Yuko became interested and looked at Sabre curiously: "What can it do now? Is it like meat buns? Can you buy dog ​​food in the store?"

"Sabre can't do such outrageous things!" Yuigahama Yui was even less confident.

Uehara Takuya heard the girl's complaints and smiled slightly: "It can do everything now."

Although Miura Yuiko did not answer, the words "I don't believe it" were clearly written on her face.

Uehara Takuya had already expected this, and immediately snapped his fingers to attract Sabre's attention. He raised his hand and pointed at the slippers at the door.

Sabre tilted his head and was stunned for a few seconds, then ran over and picked up the slippers.

The two girls looked surprised at this scene.

"How could Sabre..." Yuigahama Yui's voice was full of surprise, mixed with doubts, "No, Mr. Alien, you didn't help me train it last time, why did it understand what you meant? "

Miura Yuko happened to be staring at him with surprised eyes, so Uehara Takuya smiled and replied: "I, Yuigahama Yui, have a tenth level of dog whispering!"


Miura Yuko was very happy.

Yuigahama Yui was so embarrassed that she just wanted to cover her face: "Dog talk is level [-] or something. You know it's a lie as soon as you hear it, right?"

Uehara Takuya knew that they didn't believe it, so he clapped his hands at Sabre.


The dog sat on the ground obediently and imitated his actions and patted his paws.

"Huh?" Miura Yuiko stopped smiling and asked with surprise: "Is what you said true? Can you really communicate with Sabre?"

"Not only Sabre, but other cats and dogs can also do it." Uehara Taku said unhurriedly.

Level [-] dog talk may be a bit exaggerated, but he has been a dog for a while...

He can easily understand the communication between cats and dogs, and can also make the other party understand what he means.

Sabre happened to be very obedient and a lively dog, so communicating with him seemed extremely easy.

"You can even communicate with cats?" Miura Yuko thought of Inujiro.

"Absolutely. Cats' language is more concise and direct. Maybe it's because they like to live alone. When they communicate with each other, they usually use simple signals." Uehara Takuya explained.

Miura Yuiko believed most of it.

Yuigahama Yui seemed very excited: "Mr. Alien, can you teach me this? I want to learn this."

Taku Uehara didn't pay attention to the girl's whim. He bent down and touched Sabre's head as a sign of encouragement.

Sabre's tail wagged even more cheerfully.

Since the last time it discovered that it could understand Takuya Uehara, it has become more clingy than before.

For dogs, playing with their owners is their favorite thing.

Because throughout a human life, we can be accompanied by all kinds of people.

And in the dog's life, there is only you.

Chapter 181 Shizuka Hiratsuka: There is a mole!

At the weekend, Uehara Takuya received a message from Kashiwazaki Sena early in the morning.

[Please be sure to dress nicely, so that Takuya can match me! 】

"Did she take the wrong medicine?"

Uehara Takuya stared blankly at the content of the message, reading it three times to make sure he was not dazzled. This felt even more strange.

"Sena doesn't seem like someone who would say such a thing, does she?"

As he packed away his spare clothes, he thought that it was Kawashima Ami who had taken Kashiwazaki Sena's cell phone, because this was not the latter's style.

Just before he went out, his phone vibrated again.

It was the news from Yang Nai.

No words, just an emoticon of a smiling face.

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