Uehara Takuya looked horrified.

Nowadays, as the Internet becomes more and more developed, the emoticons that come with mobile phones have gradually been misinterpreted into other meanings as netizens use their imaginations.

This classic smiling face was generally used in the past to express goodwill or to say hello.

But now, the smiling face has lost its original flavor.

This is something scarier than the funny face!

Takuya Uehara instinctively recalled that when he went to work part-time yesterday, Harno didn't say anything concerning.

The only thing that could arouse suspicion was the gesture she made to call herself before leaving.

Uehara Takuya thought for a while and sent a message to Yukino to see if she found anything.

[You mean Yangno sent you an emoticon with a smiling face?Is that so? 】

Yukino replied quickly, followed by a panda smiling expression.

Uehara Takuya: [Although these two expressions are smiles, the smiling face does not mean to express friendliness. 】

Yukino sent a panda question mark face.

Obviously, a girl who doesn't know much about online jokes doesn't quite understand what Uehara Takuya means.

Uehara Takuya: [To put it simply, you can interpret that smiling face as "I'm going to cause trouble." 】

Yukino: [I know, I guess my sister is planning to find you today, but it doesn’t matter, we are already going to the beach, and her plan is destined to go bankrupt. 】

When Uehara Takuya thought about it, he felt relieved.

Yukino hurriedly sent "I'm getting ready to go out too," and then there was no news.

Uehara Takuya also carried his luggage and arrived at the address agreed upon with everyone.

As soon as he reached the front foot, he noticed the familiar stretched black car on the roadside.

At this moment, the car window was open, and from his angle, he could actually see Stella’s side face.

The beautiful butler's eyes were on the car, and occasionally her lips would open with a sweet smile on her face.

It looked like he was chatting with someone else.

"Are they Sena and the others?"

Uehara Takuya walked over.

As he came to stand in front of the car window, he just glanced into the car and could no longer remain calm.

Because the person sitting in the passenger seat is Yangno.

"Ara~ It's the lovely Uehara." The other party also noticed him, and his beautiful eyes suddenly lit up with a faint smile.

Stella turned her head and smiled: "You came quite early, Miss Yukinoshita and the others are still on the way."

"Wait, why are you here?" Uehara Takuya pointed at Harano and asked.

Yang Nao asked with a strange expression: "Didn't I already tell you?"

"when will you……"

Uehara Takuya suddenly got stuck.

He reacted suddenly: "You mean, that's what the smiling face you sent me this morning meant?"


Yangno blinked her eyes cutely, and her red lips opened and closed like fish: "That means hello to you, and it also contains my expectations for today's party."

"Sorry, I didn't see it at all." Uehara Takuya said with a straight face.

"So Miss Yangno and Uehara have a very good relationship?" Stella asked softly.

Yangno nodded happily: "Yes, our relationship is very close, to the point where he can enter my house at will."

Stella was slightly startled: “Isn’t this what boyfriend and girlfriend mean?”

Yang Nao held her face in her hands, her eyes looking both ashamed and angry: "If Miss Stella wants to understand this way, there is no problem."

As she spoke, she looked at Uehara Takuya with timid eyes.

However, Uehara Takuya didn't accept the move at all and looked around calmly: "Sena and the others haven't arrived yet?"

"Uehara, don't be fooled. It's so boring." Yangno returned to his usual appearance in an instant.

Stella's eyes lit up when she saw it, and she vaguely felt that the "Sister Yangno" mentioned by this eldest lady might be very close to her.

Just based on her ability to change faces at the speed of light, she felt that the two of them must have something in common.

But now is not the time to talk about this. She immediately responded to Uehara Takuya's question: "Sena and Miss Kawashima went to buy sunscreen, and Yuigahama and Yukinoshita are still missing."

Uehara Takuya was stunned for a moment: "I remember Tachibana-sensei seems to be coming too..."

Before he finished speaking, his phone vibrated slightly.

He naturally picked up the phone and took a look.

It was a message from Hiratsuka Shizuka: [Does Yangno know that you are going to the beach?Is she here now? 】

Uehara Taku didn't even look at Harano, who was full of curiosity, and calmly edited the message: [She is right next to me. 】

Shizuka Hiratsuka: [There is a mole and the plan has changed. I asked Tachibana to go shopping with me. I will leave it to you for Haruno, Uehara. 】

All the moles have been found out...

Uehara Takuya was speechless.

But what's the point of the other party specifically calling Tachibana Chizuru away?

The next second, a message from Hiratsuka Shizuka cleared up his doubts: [Given Tachibana’s lack of recognition, if she and Yangno were familiar with each other, she would definitely treat Yangno as a good friend without any suspicion. That way It will only make the situation more difficult to control. 】

Uehara Takuya: [Why does Hiratsuka-sensei’s speech make me feel like we are playing the role of agents? 】

Shizuka Hiratsuka: [You can understand it this way, and you can even give yourself a code name to prevent Yangno from noticing. 】

Uehara Takuya smiled and said: [Then my codename will be Pangolin. 】

Hiratsuka Shizuka: [Then in order to cooperate with you, my code name is James Bond. 】

James Bond has a shitty relationship with pangolins!

Uehara Takuya put away his cell phone, faced the doubtful eyes of the two women in the car and said, "Yukino and the others are almost here."

Stella nodded slightly.

Yang Na looked at him with a smile, not believing it at all.

Uehara Takuya didn't care about this, he opened the car door and sat down in the back: "When did Ms. Harano arrive?"

"Two and ten minutes ago." Yangno didn't hide anything. "Sena told me last night that you were going to the beach on the weekend. I happened to be free, so I came over to play with you."

Then, she pointed to Stella, who was acting as the driver: "When I came here, there was only Miss Stella here, but we hit it off and chatted very happily."

"Yes, I also think Miss Yangno is a very good person." Stella responded.

Uehara Takuya's scalp went numb after hearing this.

The feeling Stella gave him was difficult in itself.

Now another big demon lord Yono is added.

Does this mean that the two "villains" are joining forces?

Uehara Takuya has no doubts about Harano's way of doing things.

Judging from Stella's friendly attitude towards Yangno now, the relationship between the two is probably very good.

Coincidentally, they all have short hair and are wearing stockings today.

Moreover, both of them are women who "have a mountain in their chest and a world in their belly".

Qiankun naturally refers to their knowledge reserves.

And Qiuhe refers to...

Uehara Takuya silently stopped his thoughts that had gone astray.

But he just noticed that Stella had a women's shoulder bag with the label still on her hand.

"Miss Yangno also brought gifts?" he asked directly.

Stella smiled sweetly: "It's Chanel's latest bag. I didn't dare to accept it at first, but Miss Yangno insisted on giving it to me, saying it was the first time we met, and I hope we can become friends in the future."

Yang Nai also smiled like a flower: "Didn't you also give me a lipstick? I like that color very much."

The two women looked at each other and smiled.

The bad feeling in Takuya Uehara's heart became stronger and stronger.

These two people actually have an additional attribute: [Knowledge and Dedication].

Not only does he know the knowledge in books, but he also knows how to give gifts.

Uehara Takuya felt that this trip to the seaside was going to be troublesome.

Although he has a good rapport with the opposite sex, he is also good at socializing with others.

But he can't make rapid progress.

Not to mention that Harno and Stella are both difficult characters.

"You seem to be troubled?" Yangno's peripheral vision was always on him.

Stella also looked over curiously: "Don't Uehara like the beach?"

"No, I really like this opportunity to relax." Uehara Takuya shook his head.

"Then what are you worried about?" Yangno asked flatteringly.

"I'm just worried that when Yukino comes over, she might be unhappy when she sees you."

"Miss Yangno has a bad relationship with her sister?" Stella seemed a little surprised.

Yangono said helplessly: "It's really not very good, but I have always thought that creatures like my sister are very cute. No matter what Yukino does or says, she is always cute in my eyes."

Stella chuckled and said, "If my sister doesn't obey, just give her a good beating."

Uehara Taku didn't stop: "Are you serious?"

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