"Of course it was a joke."

Stella and Yangno said in unison, and then laughed at the same time.

Uehara Takuya really wanted to escape, but couldn't.

After a while, the four of them, Kashiwazaki Sena, came back carrying large and small bags.

It seems that they went to do some temporary shopping.

The faces of the three girls were full of happiness, and it was obvious that they had gained something from their shopping.

"Hey, Takuya, are you here?"

Kashiwazaki Sena smiled and waved, and Kawashima Ami and the others also said hello.

Miura Yuko looked at the situation in the car and asked casually: "Yukishita and Yuigahama haven't arrived yet?"

"not yet."

As soon as Uehara Takuya spoke, Kashiwazaki Sena sat down next to him carrying something, and said excitedly: "We have all prepared the photography equipment, it is in the trunk."

Kawashima Ami chose the seat in the last row. She did not join in the fun and sat there. Instead, she leisurely put her long legs on the seat and hummed comfortably: "I rarely read for three hours last night. , I have probably figured out the basic techniques of shooting.”

"Yugishoshi and I have almost discussed the script." Miura Yuko felt a little awkward when talking about this.

She clearly regards Yukino as her enemy, but unfortunately when the other party discusses the script with her in private, he is always fair and impartial and does not get involved in any personal grudges.

This also made her, a thin-skinned girl, embarrassed to find trouble with Yukino.

The more the two of them chatted together, the more awkward she felt.

"Is everyone ready for bikinis?" Yangno turned around at this time, with a hint of other meaning in her smile, "Since Sena said that the place she is going to this time is her father's private beach, then there will be no Outsiders are here to disturb us, so everyone can choose a bolder and sexier bikini."

"We still have boys here." Kawashima Ami lazily leaned against the car door, "I prepared ordinary swimsuits."

"Me too." Miura Yuko's cheeks were slightly red.

Kashiwazaki Sena's face is also rosy, but her smile is very proud: "Mine is a very beautiful bikini, Takuya will definitely be dumbfounded."

Yangno glanced at Kashiwazaki Sena's chest lightly, thinking that with her figure, any man would be reluctant to move his hands when he was alone with her, right?

Then she looked at Stella beside her covertly.

Since the temperature was not low, the beautiful housekeeper also wore a very thin uniform skirt with a thin fabric. It fell on this woman. Not only did it not hide Stella’s good figure, but because of the two buttons unbuttoned at the collar, she looked More "young and promising".

It means that at a young age, he has a waist and bust that other women would envy.

Yangno herself is no exception.

The day she first met Kashiwazaki Sena, this girl left a deep impression on her.

This impression is not only verbal but also physical.

She has always boasted of her good figure, which is enough to charm any man. For the first time, she felt frustrated in the aspect she was most proud of.

Even if only for a moment.

Everyone chatted for a while, and Yukino and Yuigahama Yui arrived late.

When the two saw Yangno sitting in the car, the expressions on the two girls' faces were completely different.

Yuigahama Yui was surprised and surprised.

After the initial surprise, Yukino's face immediately sank.

She sat in the car with a cold face and looked at Uehara Takuya with complicated eyes.

Only now did she understand the meaning of the message the other party sent her earlier.

What made her even more embarrassed was that she had just set the flag, but was slapped in the face so quickly.

Uehara Takuya responded with an "I understand you" look.

Now the feeling between the two of them is that they regard Saber as their wife - everyone is the same.

While Stella started the car, she silently thought to herself that what Miss Yangno said was true, and the relationship between the other party and her sister was indeed not very good.

She couldn't help but secretly glance at Kashiwazaki Sena who was talking and laughing, and felt comforted in her heart.

At least she has a good relationship with Kashiwazaki Sena.

There was something she didn't tell Uehara Takuya, nor did she mention it to Harano.

She is actually the illegitimate daughter of Kashiwazaki Tenma.

This is her secret.

Chapter 182 Kashiwazaki Sena is shocked!

Traveling is a joyful thing, but waiting in the car for your destination to arrive is boring and boring.

Even though the girls in the car were full of energy, after the initial excitement, everyone's mood gradually cooled down.

"How long will it take to arrive?" Kashiwazaki Sena lazily leaned on Uehara Takuya's shoulder, looking like she might fall asleep at any time.

Yukino stared here expressionlessly: "You are also the eldest lady of a wealthy family, but you sit in such a casual posture. Isn't it too rude?"

"Hey, I see you obviously want to lean in, but you're just too shy to dare." Kashiwazaki Sena launched a straight attack.

Yukino's calm face turned slightly red, and when she noticed Takuya Uehara looking at her, her cheeks became even more rosy.

"It's so cute." Yangno, the co-pilot, praised with a smile.

I don’t know whether he is praising Yukino for looking cute, or praising the lazy Kashiwazaki Sena.

Anyway, Yukino was affected.

She quickly calmed down and said calmly: "I won't be as shameless as you."

"You are cowardly." Kashiwazaki Sena responded simply.

Yukino glanced at Yangno who was eating melon with his peripheral vision. He wanted to say something, but finally held back.

However, as time passed, she also began to close her eyes and rest.

Suddenly she noticed a hand approaching her. The moment she opened her eyes, she was pulled over by Uehara Takuya and leaned on his shoulder.

"Don't make any noise, everyone is asleep." Uehara Takuya held the phone in one hand and lowered his voice.

Yukino blushed and quickly looked around. Everyone, including Yangono, was resting with their eyes closed.

Obviously, no one likes waiting for this kind of thing.

Ami Kawashima was the most outrageous person in the back seat. She was lying on the seat, with sunglasses on her face. She occasionally twisted her body, and her long white legs were very conspicuous in the car.

Xueno didn't make a sound, closed her eyes as if hiding her ears, and leaned on his shoulder.

Stella, who was in charge of driving, saw this scene through the rearview mirror and couldn't help but chuckled: "The image of hugging left and right, which is only seen on TV, actually appeared next to me."

Xueno's eyelashes trembled and she didn't dare to open her eyes.

Takuya Uehara pretended not to hear and changed the subject: "Isn't Miss Stella sleepy?"

"Fortunately, I drank coffee before setting off."

"If you are tired, you can wake up Miss Haruno. I guess she has a driver's license."

"No need to bother, it's almost here anyway."

Stella rejected his proposal.

Even if you know he is changing the subject.

Kashiwazaki Sena was sleeping soundly now. She fell into Takuya Uehara's arms. Her pink sleeping face like a baby rested on his lap. She probably wouldn't wake up for a while.

Stella looked at this scene and couldn't help but said softly: "Sena was so excited about today's trip that she didn't fall asleep until after two o'clock."

Uehara Takuya smiled: "After all, she initiated this event, she must be looking forward to it."

"I guess the other girl next to you is also looking forward to it." Stella suddenly changed her tone.

Yukino quietly clenched her fists. Is there something wrong with this woman?Just have a good chat about Kashiwazaki Sena, why do you have to bring the topic to me?

What made her most embarrassed was that Stella did not hide her ambiguous tone from beginning to end, which made people very uncomfortable just listening to it.

"Don't you look forward to it, Miss Stella?" Uehara Takuya knew that Yukino was embarrassed and decisively changed the topic.

"Me? I still like to relax occasionally. It would be better if I have a boyfriend to accompany me." Stella rarely let out a sigh.

Uehara Takuya laughed and said: "With your conditions, it should be easy to find a boyfriend."

"On the contrary, although I have met many outstanding young people with my boss, so far, I have not found a boy who can make my heart beat."

As Stella spoke, her smile was filled with some inexplicable brilliance: "I mean, there is currently no boyfriend worthy of getting me pregnant."

Uehara Takuya opened his mouth, wanting to complain, but he was afraid that the woman would continue to follow the current topic.

He finally gave up.

"Miss Yukinoshita probably thinks so too, right?" Stella suddenly brought the topic back.

Uehara Takuya only felt a headache: "Why don't we talk about something else?"

"Okay, I still say the same thing, no matter what you want to talk about, I can accompany you." Stella smiled softly.

Uehara Takuya frowned. Was there something wrong with her tone?

Although the last time the two of them were at Kashiwazaki's house, Stella did say something similar.

But this time, the other party's tone sounded ambiguous.

Yukino also discovered this. Her sleepiness completely disappeared and she bit her lip unconsciously.

At this time, Stella chuckled: "Miss Yukinoshita is jealous."

Yukino didn't respond.

Stella continued to smile and said: "No wonder Miss Yangno always praises you for being cute. I feel the same now."

Yangno, who had her eyes closed, suddenly smiled and said, "Really? My sister is indeed very cute."

So you were pretending to sleep?

Uehara Takuya was surprised.

Yang Na seemed to have guessed what he was thinking: "I did squint for a while, but then I woke up."

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