"But you haven't spoken." Uehara Takuya expressed helplessness.

"That's because I still want to sleep for a while." Yangno said and looked over.

When she noticed the two girls beside Uehara Takuya, her eyes suddenly burned: "You really amaze me more and more. With Yukino's temperament, she will not lean on you with another girl."

"Why don't you just sleep? If you open your mouth, I'll get a headache." Uehara Takuya told the truth.

Yangno said with regret on his face: "If you had just said [when you open your mouth, my heart will move], then I will be very happy now."

Yukino couldn't bear it anymore and opened her eyes coldly: "Are you finished? Everyone is resting. You talking without paying attention to the volume is disturbing the public."

A hint of surprise appeared on Yangno's face: "Huh? You didn't sleep?"

Yukino blushed and closed her eyes again: "I fell asleep."

Yangno was stunned and burst into laughter.

She seemed to have heard something interesting, her branches trembled with laughter, and the charm between her brows was fully visible.

Yukino only felt that her laughter was harsh.

The happier the other person smiles, the more guilty she feels.

After all, she had been pretending to sleep just now.

Uehara Takuya was also surprised by Yukino's cute reaction.

But he also knew that with Yukino's temperament, the other party was probably feeling ashamed now and didn't have the courage to speak out anymore.

Fortunately, Yangno did not continue, and deliberately lowered the volume, chatting with Stella without a word.

As the car arrived at its destination, a group of young and beautiful girls got off one after another, rubbing their sleepy eyes.

As the only male here, Takuya Uehara naturally had to carry bags and photographic equipment.

"Uehara, walk faster. After all, you are also a famous sports genius in the school. Don't let me underestimate you~" Kawashima Ami was still laughing in front.

Kashiwazaki Sena originally wanted to help, but she held her back.

"You can do it?" Uehara Takuya responded.

"I won't go up!"

Kawashima Ami smiled cheerfully, and while holding Kashiwazaki Sena, she muttered: "Aren't we good best friends? At this time, you should help me."

"But... Takuya also has a very good relationship with me." Kashiwazaki Sena hesitated.

"Then you should help me even more." Kawashima Ami said seriously, "If he bullies you in the future, I will definitely stand by your side."

"When did Xiaoyami start to brainwash others?" Yangno listened amusedly.

When Kawashima Ami saw the big devil speaking, he immediately laughed twice: "Nothing, I just want to teach Sena a little more."

"If Sena really wants to learn something, you can come to me." Yangno said, pausing deliberately and prolonging: "After all, you are my trumpet... hahaha."

Before she finished speaking, she burst into laughter.

Ami Kawashima kept her face dark and said nothing. It was a small version of Yangno or a low-end version of Yangno. She disliked this kind of title the most.

Yukino looked at it and shook her head, thinking that you were just out of your mind to talk to that woman. As soon as she opened her mouth, you were doomed to fail.

Kashiwazaki Tenma's villa on the beach is very luxurious, with a total of nine rooms on the upper and lower floors, which is completely sufficient.

Everyone put away their luggage, and Takuya Uehara had just put on his swimming trunks and was about to go to the sea for a while, when the door to the room was suddenly pushed open.

When he turned around, he saw Yangno who had put on her swimsuit.

Although this woman had previously shouted in the car that "you can wear bold bikinis," she actually chose a conservative swimsuit herself.

Not even her small waist can be seen.

However, those long legs as white as jade were revealed, straight and well-proportioned, with the most graceful and beautiful curves of women. Coupled with her delicate and snow-white feet, it was easy to attract the attention of others.

"Does it look good?" Yangno even stretched out to show him her soft curves.

"It looks good, but not bold enough." Takuya Uehara commented.

Yangno was startled, and narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Oh, do you still remember what I just said? Then should I go to Sena to borrow a bikini now? She brought three sets here, and the style is They’re all pretty bold.”

"No need." Uehara Takuya pointed to his eyes, "My eyes will automatically filter out people I don't want to see, so no matter how beautifully you dress, I will definitely not take another look."

"When you say this, could you please take your eyes away from my legs?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Except when you walked in the door, when have I ever seen your legs for a second time?"

Uehara Takuya said angrily. He could probably guess what Harano meant by saying this. It was simply that the other party found out about his hobbies from Kashiwazaki Sena or Kawashima Ami.

Yangno responded with a charming smile.

I saw her legs together, stretched straight, and the smooth and beautiful legs, under the sunlight shining in from the window at this moment, shined even more like beautiful jade and mutton fat.

"What if that's the case? Don't you still want to see it?"

There was a flirtatious smile between her brows.

Uehara Takuya was about to speak when his ears caught the sound of "dong dong dong" footsteps coming from outside the door.

The next moment, the door was pushed open with a bang, and then the excited voice of Kashiwazaki Sena sounded: "Takuya, Yumeko and Yukinoshita have completed the script, and we can now shoot a short film... Oops."

Before she could finish her words, she bumped into Yangno who was blocking the door.

Harano, who was still flirting with Uehara Takuya, was completely unprepared. She was hit hard by Kashiwazaki Sena. She staggered a few times and rushed towards the former.

Uehara Takuya's reaction and speed were naturally excellent, and he easily raised his hand to catch Harano.

However, when a person loses his balance, his limbs will always be in a state of panic. When Takuya Uehara caught Harano, the latter's foot accidentally stepped on him.

His wrist trembled under the pain, and then he felt as if his fingers were hooked on something. As Yangno slowly fell in his arms, he only heard a soft "click" sound.

When he lowered his head in confusion, he saw that the string of Yangno's swimsuit was broken.

And her swimsuit also fell to the ground.

In an instant, Yang Nai's expression suddenly changed.

Behind him, Kashiwazaki Sena looked horrified: "Sister Haruno, you're seducing Takuya here. You even took off your swimsuit... Uh-huh."

Uehara Takuya quickly covered her mouth.

Her voice is so loud, if she continues talking, she will definitely attract everyone else.

Uehara Takuya looked at Harano, whose cheeks were flushed and who was protecting her chest with her arms, and he really started to have a headache.

What did you say you were doing when you had nothing to do?

It's really salt in the crotch - it makes my balls hurt.

Chapter 183 V Can I get 50?

Uehara Takuya stopped Kashiwazaki Sena who was about to scream in time. When the other party was no longer so excited, he faced the girl's suspicious eyes and said, "This is an accident."

"Accident?" Kashiwazaki Sena opened his hand and kept peeking at Yangono's smooth back, "How can there be an accident that would cause someone to take off their clothes?"

"If you hadn't suddenly bumped into me, Sena, my swimsuit wouldn't have fallen to the ground." Yangno turned around and said helplessly.

Although she has a good relationship with Kashiwazaki Sena, she can still manipulate each other at any time.

But this girl's convulsive tricks from time to time always make it difficult for her to guard against it.

Just like what happened just now, if he had known that the other person would run into him without looking at the road, he would not have stood still.

Yangno's arms were tightly covered in front of her body, refusing to reveal the slightest bit of scenery.

Although her tone was calm, the shame and anger in her eyes could not be concealed at this moment.

"Is that so?"

Kashiwazaki Sena pointed at herself blankly, shocked: "So I am the culprit?"

"Yes, the murderer is your lovely lady in bikini." Uehara Takuya praised.

Kashiwazaki Sena blushed in embarrassment: "I hate it, even if you praise me, I won't be happy."

Uehara Takuya didn't look at Harano anymore. He led the shy girl and walked out without looking back: "Then let's go out first. You can put on your swimsuit before you come out."

With a bang, the door was closed.

Yang Nai was left standing in the room.

After a few seconds, she seemed to feel ridiculous and couldn't help laughing: "My swimsuit straps are broken, how do you want me to wear it?"

And the moment the swimsuit fell off, she clearly noticed that Takuya Uehara glanced at her.

She dared to conclude that the other party must have seen it.

"Xiao Jing, this is not my fault, it was his eyes that moved first."

Yangno murmured, picked up the swimsuit, and prepared to borrow one from other girls.

Uehara Takuya and Kashiwazaki Sena came downstairs. The latter kept talking, but they were all talking about the script.

"By the way, what was that text message you sent me this morning about?" Uehara Takuya found the opportunity to ask.

Kashiwazaki Sena was stunned and laughed twice: "Yami sent it for me. She said you would like this style..."

As she spoke, she pouted dissatisfiedly: "But you didn't reply to me at all."

"I really guessed it." Uehara Takuya was happy, "But I guessed that Kawashima stole your phone, so I didn't reply."

"That's it. Then I won't let Yami help me next time. She will come up with bad ideas and won't be able to help at all." Kashiwazaki Sena came up with a trick to burn bridges.

"I think I heard someone talking bad about me?"

Kawashima Ami's voice came from outside the door, followed by Yuigahama Yui and Yukino wearing cute swimsuits.

The swimsuit styles of the three people did not exceed Takuya Uehara's expectations. They were all swimsuit styles with cute styles and a lot of fabric.

It's just that Yukino chose sky blue, while Yuigahama Yui and Kawashima Ami both preferred bright red colors.

"Where's Yumeko? Didn't she just go downstairs with you?" Kashiwazaki Sena seemed to have forgotten that she was speaking ill of others a second ago, and she asked with confidence.

"She and Miss Stella are preparing swimming rings and surfboards over there." Kawashima Ami pointed to the back and smiled while talking, "Speaking of which, Miss Stella's figure is really..."

She deliberately prolonged her voice and glanced at Yukino from the corner of her eye.

Yukino stared at her coldly: "Just say what you want to say, don't beat around the bush."

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