"I'm afraid you'll be angry if I say it." Kawashima Ami proudly raised her chest.

Kashiwazaki Sena also imitated her behavior: "Yes, Yukino-chan."

She also learned the tone of Tachibana Chizuru.

Yukino chuckled with an indifferent expression: "Forget it about Kawashima's pride. She does have a standard model figure. Of course, her brain is not very good. As for you Kashiwazaki Sena..."

She raised her eyebrows slightly, and the sharpness in her words instantly amplified: "With such an obscene figure, you still dare to wear such bold clothes. Are you afraid that others will not know your true figure?"

Kashiwazaki Sena curled her lips: "You must be envious, right?"

"No, I don't envy you at all." Yukino shook her head without changing her tone at all, "Your figure is indeed worthy of pride, but I can imagine how inconvenient it will be for you in daily life."


Everyone present was stunned for a moment, never expecting that Yukino would attack from this angle.

Yukino seemed to have expected it, and said with a smile: "If I guess correctly, you don't even dare to take physical education classes at school. Even if your athletic talent is excellent, you don't dare to exercise vigorously in front of everyone."

Kashiwazaki Sena blushed: "You're talking nonsense!"

"Whether I'm talking nonsense or not, you know it yourself." Yukino already had the winning ticket. "For a big bear like you, if you don't have suitable clothes and protective measures, you will feel soreness in your shoulders after a little exercise. There’s also the possibility of bruising somewhere.”

"If you think more about the pain you usually suffer, do you still think your body is something to be proud of?"

This statement was so bold that Kashiwazaki Sena, the client, was stunned.

Kawashima Ami also opened her mouth in surprise. She really didn't expect that Yukino would actually attack Kashiwazaki Sena's most eye-catching place.

And it was so straightforward once he took action.

Yuigahama Yui's face turned slightly red when she heard this, and she didn't dare to interrupt at all.

Because she herself has similar troubles.

Among the women present today, Stella and Kashiwazaki Sena can be tied for first place, and she is an unbeatable second.

Harano might even be at a disadvantage against her.

So she knew very well the troubled feelings Yukino talked about.

"You idiot Yukinoshita, I really hate you the most!"

Kashiwazaki Sena yelled in embarrassment and anger, and ran away without daring to stay any longer.

Yukino hummed: "Vulnerable."

Then her eyes fell on Uehara Takuya, who was a little confused: "What are you looking at me for? My breasts are not big."


The three girls present all blushed.

Yukino glared at him angrily: "Did I mention this?"

"Then why are you staring at me?"

"I just want to ask you, did my sister go to your place just now?" Yukino asked straight to the point.

Yuigahama Yui also showed a curious look: "Yes, just now when Koyuki and I were watching the scenery at the door, we saw Miss Harano going to your room."

"Yes, she came to see me." Uehara Takuya admitted.

Yukino blinked and said nothing, knowing that the other party would definitely answer.

Sure enough, Uehara Takuya himself confessed: "She wanted to seduce me, but luckily I was smart and took off her swimsuit."


The expressions of Kawashima Ami and Yuigahama Yui seemed to say: Are you fucking kidding me?

Yukino sighed: "When will you become serious?"

"I am telling the truth……"

"Unfortunately, I don't believe it."

Yukino interrupted him directly, smoothed his frown, and said: "If you really dare to take off my sister's swimsuit, then when you see her, you won't be like a mouse seeing a cat."

Uehara Takuya twitched the corner of his mouth, why didn't anyone believe him when he told the truth?

So he put on a helpless face: "Okay, actually I beat Miss Yangno, she is crying upstairs."

"How could it happen?" Yuigahama Yui was shocked.

Yukino nodded with a half-smile: "Very good, this reason is a little more reliable, and I also like to hear this kind of thing, you can say more."

Why don't you refute such an outrageous answer?

And that girl next to you, why are you staring so wide?Do you believe it?

Uehara Takuya just felt tired.

It didn't take long for Yangno to come down from upstairs.

She changed into a light yellow swimsuit.

After going downstairs, her expression was as normal and she returned to her usual calm and charming look, as if nothing had happened just now.

Only occasionally when she looked at Uehara Takuya, a strange look would appear in her eyes.

Yukino looked confused when he saw her: "Why are you wearing that idiot Sena's swimsuit?"

"Ah, was it noticed?" Yangno smiled and looked at Uehara Takuya meaningfully, "Because some idiot who didn't know the importance of the matter tore my swimsuit off."

Yukino sneered: "No wonder Uehara told me this just now. It turns out you were instigating him."

Yang Nai: "?"

She subconsciously stared at Uehara Takuya, who smiled awkwardly and politely.

That expression was very similar to that of the Supreme Treasure in "Westward Journey", which accidentally got into the agency and was stared at by Chun Sansanniang.

If the scene hadn't been inappropriate, he might have smiled awkwardly and said, "When will the injustice be repaid?"

This episode didn't cause much trouble. Yukino didn't believe what Uehara Takuya and Harano said from beginning to end.

Yuigahama Yui believed it at first, but when she saw that her smart friend didn't believe it at all, she believed her friend's judgment.

Kawashima Ami secretly glanced at Uehara Takuya thoughtfully. Looking back now, she always felt that this guy didn't seem to be talking nonsense just now.

But if Yangno's swimsuit was really taken off, why is this woman still so calm?

Kawashima Ami was puzzled.

She also understands Yangno's temperament. No matter how invincible the other party is, he will definitely be shy because of this kind of thing.


Kawashima Ami's heart trembled.

She had a bold guess.

Unless it was Haruno who took off her swimsuit and showed it to Uehara!

The more she thought about it, the more it made sense. As for whether Yangno could do such a thing?

Kawashima Ami didn't think deeply.

She was purely thinking from the perspective of Yangno's evil side.

[Teasing the person she likes in front of my sister, doesn’t this perfectly fit the character of the evil sister? 】

Kawashima Ami felt that she had discovered a big secret.

When everyone gathered together, she purposely fell one position behind and pulled Uehara Takuya back.

"What?" Uehara Takuya turned his head and saw the changing expression on her face.

Finally, the corner of her mouth curled up into an intriguing smile: "Yangno has a good figure, right?"

Uehara Takuya was a little confused: "Why do you ask this?"

"How much have you seen?" Kawashima Ami came over mysteriously, "Since she dared to do that kind of thing, did you take the opportunity to take a photo? If so, can you send me one?"

Even Uehara Takuya, who prided himself on being a smart man, was silenced by her at this moment.

After a few seconds, Uehara Takuya asked dryly: "What on earth are you thinking about?"

"It's not just imagination, it's a fact." Ami Kawashima crossed her arms and stretched her smooth and slender legs forward intentionally, "I know your nature very well."

A bastard who dared to touch my thigh in school!

When she thought of this, she blushed fiercely.

She didn't feel anything at the time.

But later when she returned home, she thought of Uehara Takuya sneaking up behind her, touching her thigh with lightning speed, and then pretending that nothing was wrong.

Her cheeks were hot, she was both ashamed and angry, but also excited.

To her, Takuya Uehara's behavior was like this: Angela Kitana pulled out her teeth - despicable and shameless.

Kawashima Ami secretly glanced at Yukino, who was already sizing up his side, and lowered his voice and said quickly: "How about this, you find time to tell me the details, then I can give you a chance."

"What opportunity?" Uehara Takuya was startled.

Kawashima Ami handed over a charming smile: "It's what you think."

Isn't it just to touch his legs?

If he dares to go too far, I will give him a kick.

Uehara Takuya fell into deep thought.

Kawashima Ami was impatient to begin with, and there were still people around her staring at her, so she could only urge: "Have you thought about it?"

"Is this really what I dream of?" Uehara Takuya asked.

"That's right." Kawashima Ami blushed and glanced underneath her.

My long legs are also very suitable for wearing stockings.

Whether it's suspenders or fishnets, they're all beautiful.

At this time, Uehara Takuya nodded solemnly: "Deal."

[He indeed agreed. 】

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