"Hey, Yukinoshita."

Miura Yuko came over at this time, her expression a little nervous: "Will Miss Stella be the heroine next?"

Xueno thought for a while: "You can try it."

If Stella still behaves like she did just now, then she can indeed put a [dangerous] label on the other party.

From now on, she will also be wary.

"But the part she performed just now did not follow the script we wrote." Miura Yuko expressed her doubts.

"Let's take a look first." Yukino didn't finish her words.

She has always been rigorous in doing things, but it is just a guess at the moment, and it is still a vague concept.

Since she and Uehara Takuya failed to discuss the results, she decided to try again.

If I can try it out this time, it will be done once and for all.

Uehara Takuya had no objection to this, he also wanted to know Stella’s true thoughts.

As the second filming began, Stella not only did not cause trouble, but she also wanted to look beautiful.

Whether it was the shyness and anticipation of her childhood sweetheart whom she had not seen for many years, or the eyes containing emotion when the two looked at each other, she showed it perfectly.

Takuya Uehara, who plays opposite her, had the illusion that the emotion in this woman's eyes didn't seem to be fake.

Unfortunately, there was too little time, and he didn't have time to continue exploring, so this set of shots ended.

Yangno looked at the completed shot and praised: "It's really good."

Yukino glanced at her lightly and said nothing.

Yangno seemed not to notice, and commented to herself: "Stella's acting skills are about to catch up with mine. Even if I was asked to play just now, I would probably only be able to achieve this effect."

Yukino raised her eyebrows slightly and wanted to speak, but held back.

Yangno let go of the camera, lay back, and said in a lazy tone: "I heard that she received an elite education since she was a child. She can perform very well in etiquette and other aspects. What's more, she is now the head of the Kashiwazaki family. As a steward..."

Yukino couldn't help it this time and asked: "What exactly do you want to say?"

"Are you finally willing to ask?" Yangno looked at her with a smile.

Yukino said coldly: "That's because you keep whispering in my ear, which no one can stand."

Yangno ignored this sentence and chuckled: "I just want to say that I have more experience than you in judging people."

Yukino narrowed her beautiful eyes and was about to speak when she heard the other party lightly say: "She is not as simple as you think."

After saying that, she ignored Yukino's expression, turned over, and went to drink her drink leisurely.

[Is there really something wrong with her? 】

Yukino's eyes were serious and fell on Stella who was talking and laughing with Kawashima Ami not far away.

Since the upcoming plot needs to be paired with the starry sky, she arranged the filming to the evening, and now everyone is free to move around.

After finishing the shooting just now, she just had a brief chat with Stella and didn't notice anything suspicious.

But Yangno's words reignited her dispelled suspicion.

Even though she dislikes her sister, she is still very convinced of her sister's observation and judgment.

"Sena, did I behave badly?" Uehara Takuya and Kashiwazaki Sena were setting up surfboards at the beach, and Yuigahama Yui came over with a frustrated look.

"No, Yui, that's normal for you." Kashiwazaki Sena didn't even raise her head, concentrating on cleaning the sand-covered surfboard.

"Are you trying to comfort me on purpose?" Yuigahama Yui looked hesitant.

Uehara Takuya couldn't help but laugh: "Sena is telling the truth. You have no experience in filming before. It's your first time contacting you, so you will naturally be excited and nervous."

As soon as Yuigahama Yui looked at him, her face turned red inexplicably, as if she remembered the previous scene again.

Taku Uehara didn't pay much attention and said, "I suggest you stop thinking about these things for the time being. Take advantage of the weekend to relax and try to get back into shape."

"You can't adjust back..." Yuigahama Yui muttered softly.

Uehara Takuya looked surprised.

Kashiwazaki Sena didn't hear clearly, raised his head and asked: "What did you say?"

"It's nothing. Uehara-san is right, I really should relax." Yuigahama Yui waved her hands with a smile, and rushed towards the sea with the swimming ring in her arms.

Uehara Takuya stared at her beautiful back for a while, vaguely guessing what she was thinking.

"Is Yui worried about something?" Kashiwazaki Sena suddenly asked.

Uehara Takuya smiled unexpectedly: "Although you rarely use your brain, your senses are very keen at certain times."

Kashiwazaki Hoshina asked confusedly: "Are you complimenting me?"

"Yes, I'm praising you for your keen intuition."

"Really? I think so too."

Looking at the cheerful Kashiwazaki Sena, Uehara Takuya calmed down and stopped thinking about those messy things.

When the two were practicing surfing, Kashiwazaki Sena perfectly displayed her amazing athletic talent.

It was obviously the first time for her and Uehara Takuya to learn. The latter gradually mastered the surfing skills with the excellent agility and dexterity of cats. As a result, the blond girl was already having fun on her own.

The waves lapped at the girl's body under the golden sunshine, and the crystal water drops seemed to set off her white skin, which was extremely conspicuous under the golden light.

But she was still a beginner after all, so she went too far and was accidentally knocked over by the waves.

In the end, Takuya Uehara swam over and lay on the surfboard with her.

The water nearby was not deep, and the two of them could not swim too far, so they simply floated in the water.

"Takuya, I still haven't learned how to move at high speed underwater the last time you taught me." Kashiwazaki Sena pouted and complained depressedly.

"That's my unique skill. How can it be so easy to learn?" Uehara Takuya boasted.

He couldn't tell the other person that it was a skill he learned from Penguin.

"Can you perform for me again now?" Kashiwazaki Sena seemed very unconvinced and seemed to be planning to learn it again.

"no problem."

Uehara Takuya thought her competitive spirit was cute, and immediately got under the water. Through the clear water, you could clearly see how fast he was underwater.

He acted seriously, but Kashiwazaki Sena didn't watch it seriously.

The girl's eyes flickered until Uehara Takuya was three or four meters away from her. She suddenly took a deep breath and followed him into the water. Using her hands and feet together, she arrived in front of him very quickly.

Uehara Takuya was worried that she would hit him while swimming too fast, so he instinctively reached out to support her flat waist.

The two of them opened their eyes in the water. The moment they looked at each other, Uehara Takuya always felt that her little face was turning red.

Then, she smiled and pointed around, indicating that no one was staring at us.

Uehara Takuya was stunned.

He didn't even have time to make any gestures before he was kissed by the girl's moist lips.

[The plan is successful. 】

Kashiwazaki Sena's cheeks were as rosy as ripe peaches. She shyly blinked at Takuya Uehara and then closed them.

Only then did Takuya Uehara realize that he had been tricked by her again.

"What about them?"

Yukino, who was sitting under the sun lounger, glanced casually and suddenly found that two targets were missing on the water.

"If you're jealous, wouldn't it be nice to go swimming together?" Yangno said casually, lying next to her.

Yukino said with a straight face: "If you can shut up, then I can enjoy a rare seaside vacation."

"Still don't want to say what's on your mind?"

Yang Nai laughed a few times and simply stood up and walked to the beach.

She also said: "Since you don't want to swim, then I'll go by myself."

Yangno came to the beach naturally, but she did not rush into the water. Instead, her eyes quickly scanned the sea, and finally captured two underwater figures through the clear water.

"I knew it was so."

The corners of Yangno's lips curled up, and she sighed softly in her heart. My sister is still too weak to predict this situation in advance.

You still have to let me take action.

Chapter 186

Yangno has never liked the feeling of being out of control.

Just like Stella's unexpected reaction just now, it even surprised her.

If the two first met, she thought Stella could become a close friend.

Well, after the previous shooting incident, she has changed her mind.

She kept telling Yukino that she wanted to swim, but when she came to the beach, she still didn't get into the water.

She counted the time silently in her mind, and when 13 seconds passed, Kashiwazaki Sena's figure emerged from the water first.

Then came Uehara Takuya.

Kashiwazaki Sena's face was rosy, as if she had applied rouge. Along with the shyness on her face, the blush spread out from her white little ears.

What's more, this girl's bikini today perfectly showed off her plump lines.

Slender waist, long legs and big breasts, this sentence seems to be specially customized for her.

The girl panted in the sun, her shy and proud smile made Yangno stunned for a second.

Even Yangno has to admit that this girl's charm has been maxed out since she was born.

Otherwise, I would not have the urge to sincerely admire him.

"Ah? Sister Yangno?"

Kashiwazaki Sena was still proud of the success of her plan and was about to show off to Takuya Uehara, but when she turned her head, she saw Harano with a smile on the beach.

As soon as Uehara Takuya saw the opponent's fight, he guessed that she must be here to cause trouble.

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