"What were you two doing in the water just now?" Yang Nao took a few steps forward and stepped into the water with her shapely white legs. As her light waist twisted, she quickly closed the distance between the three of them.

"We are practicing holding our breath." Kashiwazaki Sena said nonsense with a red face.

"I see, can I join?" Yangno looked as usual, but her voice was extremely sweet, "Although I also like to relax at the beach, I always find it boring to wear it alone."

Kashiwazaki Sena's little head shook like a rattle: "No, no, this game can only be played by two people."

Uehara Takuya wanted to laugh. This excuse was too stupid.

Yang Nai said with a smile: "In that case, how about letting me play with Yuan first?"

"Sister Harano?" A question mark seemed to appear on Kashiwazaki Sena's head.

Her confused and wary expression was obviously asking about the other party's purpose.

"I'm just bored."

Yangno simply walked up to the two of them. The water here was not deep. She held the swimming ring in one hand, and her upper body full of mature atmosphere floated on the water. The smile in her eyes did not diminish at all: "Hey, lovely Uehara, let's play too. A game, right?”

"What a pity, I have no interest in playing games now." Uehara Takuya spread his hands.

Kashiwazaki Sena nodded: "Yes, yes, he will continue surfing with me next."

Harano took a deep look at Uehara Takuya, then suddenly turned to Kashiwazaki Sena and asked: "Sena, do you want to know what I experienced in Uehara's house just now?"

"Eh? What do you mean?" Kashiwazaki Sena looked confused, "Didn't Takuya say it before? It was just an accident because I... was too reckless."

In the end, she felt a little embarrassed.

Yang Nai smiled slightly: "This is only part of it, there is another part that you don't know clearly."


Kashiwazaki Sena was dubious.

But she wasn't stupid either. She knew to ask Uehara Takuya with her eyes first instead of believing him directly.

"Are you going to be a monster again?" Uehara Takuya stared at Harano helplessly.

"No, I'm just bored and want to play games with you." Yangno replied with a smile.

Uehara Takuya was silent for a while and said, "Okay, then I'll play with you once."

"Takuya?" Kashiwazaki Sena stared in disbelief.

Uehara Takuya couldn't help but laugh: "What are you thinking about? I mean, I'm here to hold her breath with her."

Kashiwazaki Sena's face turned red and she hummed shyly.

She didn't react just now and thought the two of them were going to play a game of kissing underwater.

"Then I'll go find Yami first. You guys can come find me later."

Kashiwazaki Sena still trusts Uehara Takuya's words.

She immediately waved to the two of them and left with her surfboard in her arms.

As soon as she left, Yangno's eyes immediately became charming: "Now there are only two of us left, are you sure you don't want to play some interesting games with me?"

"I really have this idea."

To her surprise, Uehara Takuya nodded.

Yangno was startled, then laughed again: "So, how do I need to cooperate with you? Or should I be like Sena and follow you underwater to do such shameful things?"

"Of course I won't do that kind of thing with you, but..."

Uehara Takuya paused and suddenly changed his tone: "You even want to act like a monster when you come out to play. To be honest, I have begun to have objections now."

"What's your opinion?" Yangno's beautiful face actually showed an expectant look.

Taku Uehara ignored her and continued: "Because you helped me last time, I originally had a much better impression of you, but now you've shown your true nature again, and it's always uncomfortable to be so careless. Don't you feel tired?"

"Why are you tired? It's obviously fun?" Yangno was still laughing.

But the next second, her smile froze.

Because she saw Uehara Takuya raise his left hand, reach it out at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye, and land on her shoulder.

And the other party's fingers accurately hooked the straps of the swimsuit.

"Do you want to copy what happened just now?"

Yangno quickly regained his composure and stared into Uehara Takuya's eyes with a half-smile: "Please note that there are other people here, not just the two of us in the room like before."

"Obviously there was Sena at that time." Uehara Taku didn't let go.

"But Sena is easy to fool, but others are not." Yangno said, the smile on the corner of her mouth seemed to be teasing and provocative, "I don't believe you dare to take off my swimsuit here."

"I really don't dare, but... there are always surprises in life."

Just as Uehara Takuya finished speaking, his fingers suddenly moved.

Yangno had no time to stop him as he quickly untied his swimsuit.

【How dare he? 】

The moment this thought came to his mind, Yangno instinctively raised his hands to protect himself, but was surprised to find that his swimsuit had not fallen off at all.

When she raised her head in surprise, she happened to meet Uehara Takuya's smiling face: "Hey, the belt was untied, but I didn't let go. Isn't it surprising?"

As he spoke, he shook his arms, and his fingers really pinched the strap tightly, which prevented the swimsuit from falling off.

Yangno already understood now that he was clearly trying to hit him back.

This retaliation may also be mixed with his own provocation to him.

Since the swimsuit was still there, she didn't worry anymore, and simply put on a charming look that looked both shy and angry: "Aren't you afraid of being seen by them?"

"Don't show that expression to me, it's useless..."

Uehara Takuya was about to take advantage of the victory, but Kashiwazaki Sena's voice came from behind him: "Takuya, you and Harano-san give way..."

He and Yangno turned their heads at the same time and saw two figures swimming in the water at high speed. Water splashed around them, forming water droplets that reflected brilliant brilliance in the sunlight.

However, neither he nor Yangno was in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery.

Because the two of them saw Kashiwazaki Sena standing on the beach not far away at the same time. She was still jumping excitedly, Yuigahama Yui and Stella were also there.

The two figures swimming in the water were obviously Miura Yumiko and Kawashima Ami.

Although Taku Uehara didn't understand why the two girls suddenly started competing, he could only avoid them as he saw the two figures getting closer and closer.

Yang Nao thought so too.

But there was no tacit understanding between the two. One hid outside and the other swam inside. Suddenly there was a click, and the string of Yangno's swimsuit was broken again.

Yangno was obviously stunned for a moment.

Seeing that she didn't move, Uehara Takuya simply reached out and pulled her into his arms, avoiding the two figures in the competition.

In a daze, he seemed to see a swimsuit flying from the sky...

As the two girls passed by, Uehara Takuya was about to joke about why Haruno was so frightened just now, but when he took a closer look, he found that the other girl had no clothes on her upper body.

[Could it be that the swimsuit that flew away in the sky just now was not an illusion? 】

Uehara Takuya lowered his head instinctively, but Yangno pinched his chin and forced him to look directly at her.

"It would be very rude if you look down now." Her cheeks were flushed, and there were circles of inexplicable look in her water-colored eyes. It was impossible to figure out whether they were shy ripples or flirtatious ones. water light.

"Why are your clothes missing?" Uehara Takuya asked knowingly.

"If you hadn't hooked your finger on my swimsuit, how could it have flown away?"

As Yangno spoke, she felt Uehara Takuya's arms wrapping around her waist, and she was completely leaning into his arms.

The male hormones and the hot breath exhaled from the tip of his nose quietly hit Yangono's face, causing a touching blush to appear on her face.

Yangno didn't look at him anymore, and her hand still held his chin without letting go.

With the buoyancy of the swimming ring, she could easily hide her body so that she would not be exposed.

Of course, if Takuya Uehara insisted on looking down or diving into the water, she wouldn't be able to hide it.

"Now that you have successfully taken off my swimsuit, what do you want to do next?" Yangno used his peripheral vision to pay attention to the figures of Kashiwazaki Sena and Kashiwazaki behind him, and then quickly glanced at his sister who was already lying on the chair, thinking in her mind Countermeasures.

"Of course I'll help you pick up your swimsuit."

Uehara Takuya coughed and turned his head.

But he was looking for the swimsuit that flew away on the sea.

Fortunately, the swimsuit didn't fall too far, and he saw it immediately.

"I found it."

Uehara Takuya said, and without waiting for Yono to speak, he sank into the water.

Yangno's hand was holding his chin, not wanting him to look down, but his move was too sudden, causing Yangno to lose his balance and lean forward slightly.

So Uehara Takuya, who had just sunk into the water and was about to pick up his swimsuit, felt something hit his face.

Yang Nao's eyes narrowed.

It's not because of Takuya Uehara.

But Stella on the shore walked towards him for some unknown reason.

Chapter 187: Famously fast

Under Yangno's gaze, Stella walked slowly towards this side, and finally stopped right behind her.

Stella stood quietly on the shore without saying a word, with gentle eyes, looking like a kind housekeeper passing by.

Yang Na frowned.

But as Takuya Uehara picked up the swimsuit, she quickly took it, hid her body in the water, and tied the straps with a stumbling step.

This time she was able to surface openly, and she smiled regretfully at Uehara Takuya: "What a pity, you almost succeeded."

Uehara Takuya was pondering the meaning of her words "success" when he heard the other party say, "The housekeeper may have discovered something~"

When he raised his head, Yang Nai turned around and swam towards the shore.

It was as if she just said it casually and didn't expect to get a reply from Takuya Uehara.

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