Uehara Takuya said seriously: "Teacher Hiratsuka, you have to remember that we are in the same boat."

"Yeah, yeah." Shizuka Hiratsuka agreed desperately to hide her embarrassment.

Uehara Takuya added: "Now that you know my secret, I have also seen you in embarrassment. The alliance between us is of course more unbreakable, so you don't have to doubt me... Wait, what is that look in your eyes?"

Hiratsuka stared at him for a second, and finally said quietly: "Do you still remember that matter?"

"Which one are you referring to?" Uehara Takuya asked.

Shizu Hiratsuka felt her cheeks getting hot: "Didn't you mention [embarrassment] just now? Wasn't that the last time at Tachibana's house..."

"What does this have to do with Teacher Tachibana?" Unexpectedly, Takuya Uehara's expression was extremely surprised, "I am obviously talking about the secret agent Pangolin and James Bond."


Hiratsuka Shizuka was stunned for a moment, and instantly realized that he had been tricked.

She bet that when Uehara Takuya specifically mentioned how embarrassed he was, he must be referring to the fact that he was drunk.

But the other party deliberately brought up the childish topic of playing spy games with him.

This kind of behavior is really Germanic in Europe - so immoral!

"Do you need me to accompany you to your appointment tonight?" Uehara Takuya's voice sounded.

Hiratsuka smiled and waved: "No need, since she didn't contact you, then you don't need to go."

"But I always feel that you can't fuck her." Uehara Takuya said sincerely.

Hiratsuka Shizuka glared at him: "I find that you are treating me less and less like an elder."

"Because I consider you a friend."

Hearing this, Shizuka Hiratsuka was startled, and her eyes couldn't help but become gentle.

But the next second, Uehara Takuya continued: "So my friend, do you still remember that you owe me ten meals?"

The tenderness in Hiratsuka Shizu's heart immediately faded away: "Nonsense!"

In the end, the two reached an agreement and decided to go there together in the evening.

But this also made Shizuka Hiratsuka very confused. She thought about it for a whole afternoon, but she still couldn't figure out why the other party chose to take the initiative to see Yangno.

It wasn't until after school, when the two of them were on the road together, that she heard Takuya Uehara explain: "She will come to me sooner or later anyway. And she hasn't contacted me recently. The more she behaves like this, the more scared I am. I might as well go by myself." When I met her, I happened to want to know what she was thinking."

There was fear in his mouth, but there was no trace of fear on his face.

Hiratsuka Shizuka said with a gentle face: "You are actually worried that I will be annoyed by her affairs again, causing insomnia and uneasiness, right?"

Takuya Uehara pretended to have a headache: "If women are too smart, men will feel sad."

"I'm happy!" Hiratsuka Shizu laughed, "Besides, what kind of man are you? You're just a little brat at most."

But when Uehara Takuya sighed and walked forward, her eyes were particularly gentle.

The two found Yangno in a restaurant.

She was wearing the light-colored pleated skirt that is most popular among young girls nowadays, and a light blue polo collar shirt on her upper body. This kind of outfit swept away the mature style that she usually always has, and instead added a touch of Youthful vigor.

The hem of the pleated skirt barely covered her round knees, revealing the soft curves of her calves without worrying about the risk of exposure.

"Xiao Jing, you really brought Uehara here."

There was no trace of surprise on Yangno's face, she had obviously expected this.

Hiratsuka Shizu subconsciously looked at Uehara Takuya, who was staring at him with a look that said, "Look, I already knew this was the case."

She blushed a little, and she thought things were too simple.

After the three of them walked into the restaurant and sat down, Yangno held the menu and said nonchalantly: "What was originally an uninterrupted gathering of girlfriends will now become a threesome."

What kind of tiger-wolf word is this?

Hiratsuka Shizu thought wrong the first time.

Uehara Takuya remained motionless.

He had long known that the confrontation period with Yangno would be torturous and uncomfortable, but no matter what, he could not consider the problem along the other side's train of thought.

Otherwise, someone next to you will look like this.

"Xiao Jing, do you want to say that there is something wrong with what I just said?" Yang Nai smiled extremely sweetly.

Hiratsuka Shizuka felt pain in her head: "Aren't you asking nonsense?"

"But if I didn't ask, you obviously wouldn't tell me. That would take a lot of fun out of it."

"I'm really sorry that I didn't let you have fun."

Yangno responded to her friend with a smile, and then asked Uehara Takuya: "Since you are here too, it's up to you to order."

Uehara Takuya reached out and took it.

His calm image aroused Yang Nai's interest: "You are different from usual today. Is it because Xiaojing said something to you?"

"My role today is that of military advisor." Uehara Takuya said seriously.

"Oh, you mean the kind that helps Xiaojing make suggestions? But...she is my best friend. Could it be that she has decided to rebel and join my sister's alliance now?"

Harano's words revealed a lot of information, which made Hiratsuka Shizuka stunned.

She knew that Yukino had always been at odds with this sister.

But she never thought that Yukino would still be in alliance with Uehara Takuya.

So was this invitation initiated by Yukino, or was it suggested by that guy?

Hiratsuka Shizu couldn't figure it out for the time being.

She felt that Hara Takuya's trouble-shy character didn't seem like he would be willing to take the initiative to provoke Harano.

And Yukino took the initiative to invite...

She thought again of the selfie of Yukino she had seen that day.

[This possibility still seems to exist. 】

Hiratsuka Shizuka lowered her head and cleverly covered her expression with her hair, trying not to be noticed by the two of them.

After ordering, Hiratsuka quietly gave Uehara Takuya a look, and the latter understood instantly.

She said it was okay.

So Uehara Takuya asked: "Why has there been no news from Miss Harano recently?"

Chapter 208 Miss Harano’s thousand-layer routine

"You want to ask, why didn't I come to play with you?"

Hearing Uehara Takuya's question, Yangno not only looked at him calmly, but also had a happy smile in the corners of his eyes: "Can I understand now that Uehara wants me to accompany you on a date?"

"Your understanding span is a little wider." Uehara Takuya stretched out his hand and gestured.

"Exactly how much bigger?"

"Maybe ten meters?"

"So precise?"


Hiratsuka Shizu looked at the two of them with hesitant eyes.

The two people seemed to have ignored themselves, and they had such a magical conversation about the so-called "span".

If Ami Kawashima was here at this time, she would definitely sympathize with Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Because of a similar thing, she happened to experience it at noon.

"Oops, I accidentally got too engrossed in the conversation and forgot about my little Shizuo." Yangno blinked at Shizuka Hiratsuka who was in a daze, looking quite playful.

Hiratsuka Shizuka laughed: "So why haven't you appeared recently?"

"I encountered some things and met someone, and then my mood became worse." Yangno said with a smile.

Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't help complaining: "How can you be in a bad mood?"

"You don't have to show your bad mood. Maybe you see me smiling now, but actually I am crying sadly in my heart." Yangno said.

Uehara Takuya interjected tentatively: "Are you crying sadly?"

Yangno showed a very cute smile: "It's probably to the point of crying in mourning."

Uehara Takuya nodded seriously: "That does seem very sad."

"Is that enough for you two?"

Hiratsuka was speechless as he listened.

However, she was still very satisfied with Yangno's current state.

Although I don't know exactly what the other party has been doing recently, but so far, it seems that the other party has listened to what I said.

And the original sentence "I really never thought about competing with Yukino for a man" should also be true.

The relieved Hiratsuka Shizuka looked relaxed and even extended an invitation: "Would you like to go shopping together after dinner? We haven't gone shopping together for a long time."

"That's because you've been spending time with that Tachibana Chizuru recently." Yangno put on a resentful look, "Sure enough, there is a new person, and the old one has been forgotten."

Hiratsuka Shizuo smiled. She was always embarrassed to tell the other party. It was because she didn't know what the other party was thinking that she didn't take the initiative to contact him, right?

At this time, Yangno looked at Uehara Takuya and said: "But I am still very interested in shopping, and there happens to be a free bag carrier here."

"Hey, hey, don't just add new settings to me. I haven't agreed yet." Uehara Takuya refused.

Hiratsuka Shizuka was about to make a joke when her cell phone suddenly rang.

She looked at the caller ID and smiled at the two of them: "It's Yami, I'm going to answer the call."

As she stood up and left, Yangno stretched and asked casually: "How far have you progressed with my sister?"

"Is this a topic we can talk about casually?" Uehara Takuya asked.

"Why not? I am Yukino's sister. Isn't it normal to care about my sister?"

"But I think you should be gossiping more now than caring."

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