"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it. I'm just asking casually anyway."

The two of them chatted casually. Compared to Haruno's relaxed and natural attitude, Uehara Takuya became more and more confused as the chat continued.

Because judging from the current situation, Yangno seems to be really harmless today, and there is no trace of her wanting to show her dark side.

The problem lies precisely here.

Even Takuya Uehara didn't believe that she would really change her gender.

But now he really has no clue and hasn't found anything strange.

After a while, Hiratsuka Shizuka came back after answering the phone, and the waiter happened to be serving food.

She said helplessly: "Yami actually asked me to go shopping. She said she saw some very good outfits in magazines and thought I could try them out."

Yangono's beautiful eyes lit up: "Then we can go shopping together. It just so happens that I haven't seen little Amei look so cute and aggrieved after being bullied for a long time."

Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was about to suggest that we go shopping together, suddenly changed her mind: "Let's forget it. I like that kid Ami very much, so don't bully her."

"I didn't say it was me who bullied her. Besides, I quite like her." Yangno said with a smile.

Hiratsuka Shizu didn't believe this at all.

She was indeed interested in the new outfits Kawashima Ami mentioned on the phone.

After all, she is an older young woman who always wants to be single.

She naturally likes outfits that can make her more attractive.

just now...

Hiratsuka Shizu glanced at Uehara Takuya covertly. The latter received the signal and took the initiative to speak: "I will send Ms. Harano home after dinner."

"Then trouble you."

Hiratsuka Shizu responded with a smile. She understood Uehara Takuya's subtext: I will leave immediately after I send Harano home.

Yangno, who was sitting opposite, was holding the juice quietly, biting the straw with her delicate lips, as if she didn't care about anything and just wanted to taste the deliciousness of the juice.

After dinner, Shizuka Hiratsuka left first.

Uehara Takuya and Harano left the restaurant and walked on the lively street. He noticed that the woman beside him seemed to have no intention of making a sound. He was just thinking about finding a topic to liven up the atmosphere when the latter's voice suddenly rang out.

"Xiao Jing should be shopping happily now."

Uehara Takuya took advantage of the situation and answered: "Maybe? Kawashima is a good talker. With her personality, she can probably make Hiratsuka-sensei very happy."

"I think so too, that's why I contacted Xiaoyami in advance~"

Such words suddenly popped out of Yang Nai's mouth.

Uehara Takuya turned his head in surprise and saw that beautiful smiling face under the street lamp.

Because the red lips decorated with lipstick are warm and dazzling under the light.

There were layers of smiles in her eyes, which seemed to be joyful and complacent.

Uehara Takuya's heart sank: "You are saying..."

"Uehara is still so smart." Yangno took a step forward, stretched out her hand to gently caress his face, "Smart children should have sweets to eat."

Uehara Takuya was confused by her smile: "Wait a minute, you mean you arranged for Kawashima to call Hiratsuka-sensei away?"

There was a soft smile in Yangno's eyes: "The condition is that Chanel will release a new lipstick this fall, and it will be a kind that ordinary people can't buy yet."

Uehara Takuya now understood everything.

No wonder I always felt that Yangno was strange when eating.

No wonder she is so quiet.

I bet she planned everything in advance?

Then Uehara Takuya remembered something else: "Just now, when Mr. Hiratsuka said that he wanted to go shopping with Kawashima, you said, "Then we can go shopping together." Is that intentional?"

"If I didn't say that, how could Xiao Jing refuse? She cares about Xiao Yamei's child very much, and I will follow her ideas. Then she will naturally reject my proposal."

Yangno answered very frankly.

Uehara Takuya was already convinced: "She winked at me, did you see it too?"

"Of course, but just because you saw it doesn't mean you have to say it." Yangno put down his hand.

But even so, the distance between the two has long since closed, and her warm fragrance that complements her temperament is lingering, and her warm breath floats in the air around them.

Most men prefer hot summer to cold winter.

Because in this season, girls always dress particularly beautifully.

This was the case with Haruno in front of Uehara Takuya.

There are no bloated sweaters and down jackets that can only be seen in winter. The thin Polo collar shirt is enough to highlight her figure.

Even though she wasn't wearing high heels today, her figure was already tall and slender, her pretty and pretty cheeks were very close, and even the soft skin under her fair neck could be clearly captured by Takuya Uehara.

"I have answered your questions and satisfied your curiosity. Can you take me home?"

She stretched out her white and tender hands towards Uehara Takuya.

Uehara Takuya smiled helplessly: "I was tricked by you this time. I am willing to admit defeat."

He raised his hand in a joking tone, and just as he was about to pat Yangno's hand, the latter blinked: "I don't want to high-five you."

Then, she took his arm and held it.

"Now we can go."

she said so.

[I can’t play with her. 】

Facing Miss Harano's routine, Uehara Takuya found that his chances of winning were really small.

Chapter 209 How can sleeping be as fun as having a sister?

Harano didn't bother anyone on the way, but Uehara Takuya's arm was always held by her, and such close contact made the latter feel very awkward.

After all, the person holding her arm was a sinister lady.

The more radiant her smile was, the more wary Takuya Uehara became.

When passing a bar, Yangno, who had been chatting, suddenly encouraged her with a smile: "Would you like to go to the bar with me? I'll buy you a drink."

Uehara Takuya just pretended not to hear.

Yangno had expected it and was not disappointed. He went to the supermarket in front and bought a few cans of beer and put them in his bag.

"Can you finish drinking alone?" Uehara Takuya said.

"I can put it in the refrigerator if you can't finish it. You won't drink with me anyway." She looked over with a resentful expression.

Takuya Uehara didn't accept the move and smiled slightly: "I see, the taste of cold beer is indeed very good..."

Yangno smiled and rolled her eyes at him.

This person is also interesting, and he has no intention of drinking with me, but he is still interested in the taste of his popular cold beer.

This is not the first time Uehara Takuya has come to Harano's house.

But the last time he came, he didn't even stay for an extra second.

But this time, Yangno made it clear that she had something to say to him.

So he was not in a hurry to leave. It happened that he was very interested in what Yangno said before, "I encountered something and met a person."

He could tell that Yangno was definitely not lying at that time.

So the reason why the other party hasn't contacted me during this period is because of this?

Uehara Takuya was leaning on the sofa and watching TV absentmindedly. Yangno opened a beer next to him. The soft sound of the can being pulled out caught his attention.

"Why are you looking at me?" Yangno held a cold beer and met his beautiful eyes.

"I was just thinking, if you drink too much tonight, wouldn't I have to help you collect the body?" Uehara Takuya put on a troubled expression.

"Collecting corpses? Isn't this word inappropriate?"

"Then I'll help you clean up the battlefield instead?"

"As expected of Uehara, the words he uses are so special."

"Do I have a new title?"

Yang Nai smiled for a while and took a big sip of beer into his mouth.

The stimulation of alcohol gradually gave her eyes a hazy water color, and a touching blush appeared on her beautiful cheeks.

Uehara Takuya frowned: "Since you are the only one drinking, there is no need for you to drink in such a hurry, right?"

He also understands that if you drink something like wine too quickly, you can easily get drunk.

Even alcohol with a lower alcohol content is the same.

"Because I'm unhappy." Yangno looked up at the ceiling, his eyes flickering.

She didn't seem to be so particular in front of acquaintances. Her long, slender legs, which were usually neatly held together, were stretched out casually at this time. Her waist was tightened by a pleated skirt made of soft fabric, making her appear lighter and more delicate. .

And now that she was sitting like this, the fabric at the hem of the pleated skirt was also pulled. It was obviously not a slim-fitting skirt, but it was tightened by her sitting posture, outlining her alluring and graceful lines.

Uehara Takuya stopped watching TV and said, "If you have anything unhappy, you can tell it now..."

"Say it to make you happy?" Yangno answered with a smile.

Uehara Takuya suddenly laughed: "That's not true. I know you are really not in a good mood. Jokes should be kept to a minimum."

There was a smile in Yang Na's eyes: "Tsk, tsk, you suddenly became serious, which makes me a little uncomfortable."

"To be honest, I have always been so serious, but my usual behavior gave you a misunderstanding."

"is it?"

Yangno looked away, took a sip of beer, and said softly: "I'm starting to get tired of my current life."

"What do you mean?" Uehara Taku didn't understand either.

Yang Na turned his head and looked out the window, leaving him with only a red face: "I told you before that I envy Yukino. This is not a lie."

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