The next moment, she couldn't help but raise her voice: "Is that woman next to you?"

"That woman is so rude. I'm your sister." Yangno raised her hand and took the phone naturally.

She didn't even look at the stunned Uehara Takuya, and just chatted with Yukino without saying a word in front of him.

Fortunately, this woman didn't intend to continue causing trouble, and Taku Uehara was watching from the side. She didn't say anything misleading, but just said that Hiratsuka Shizuka left herself to go shopping alone.

"So Kawashima made an appointment with Mr. Hiratsuka, and you asked Uehara to take you home?" Yukino asked coldly.

"That's it."

"You ask Uehara to answer the phone."

Yangno handed the phone back with a smile.

Taku Uehara took it angrily, and heard Yukino quickly say: "What did she talk to you about at night?"

"To sum up, she is in a bad mood." Uehara Takuya kept the story short.

Unexpectedly, Yukino on the other end laughed directly: "Oh? How bad is it? Is it the kind that is about to cry?"

Yangono, who had already lied down again, said loudly: "Yukiono, you smiled so happily, even I heard you~"

"You heard it when you heard it." Yukino didn't care at all.

Yukino is the happiest person to receive such news as "Yangno is unhappy".

Especially when the other party asked Uehara Takuya to send her home.

If it wasn't for Nanami Aoyama, who was blinking curiously, standing next to her, Yukino would probably have laughed even more wildly.

For no other reason than to laugh at my bad sister.

"So, is there anything I need to do next?" Uehara Takuya asked, dumbfounded.

The two sisters can quarrel over the phone, and even Yangno is not holding her phone now.

Such remote communication made him feel quite novel and helpless.

"It has nothing to do with you anymore. Remember to go home early... Oh, if you can, go home immediately." Yukino warned.

"I think so too."

After hanging up the phone, he turned to glare at Yangno.

But the other party smiled indifferently: "It's really strange that Yukino didn't come directly."

"Because we already had this phone call, she guessed that you didn't dare to go too far." Uehara Takuya continued to glare at her, "Don't forget, you are sisters, and the understanding is mutual."

"That makes sense...but how long do you plan to keep an eye on me?"

"Until dawn, what do you think of this proposal?"

"Then your eyes won't dry?"

As soon as Yangno smiled, Takuya Uehara reached out and grabbed his ears.

She quickly pretended to be about to cry, and her eyes were moist: "It hurts. Let me go."

Taku Uehara was also unmoved.

He had no strength at all, how could it hurt?

But Yangno's ability to switch expressions in an instant really opened his eyes.

So he asked with great interest: "Besides this expression of resentment and wanting to cry, can you change other faces?"

Instead of being angry, Yang Na cooperated with him and showed a charming smile: "Like this?"


Uehara Takuya praised him while admiring this charming woman from a close distance without restraint.

To be honest, if you ignore the previous conversation between the two and just look at her current appearance, you will really be unable to take your eyes away.

She obviously knows where her advantages are, and she also knows that she has a figure comparable to that of a young woman. The moment she reveals her charming smile, her radiance is indeed very lethal.

"Are you satisfied?" Yang Nao asked with a smile.

Uehara Takuya was still holding her delicate ears and thought: "Is it okay for you to be innocent?"

Yangno pondered for a while, sat up upright, blinked his delicate eyes, and revealed a reserved and green face.

This time Uehara Takuya was convinced: "If I had known you were so good, I should have recommended you to our crew."

"You want me to be the heroine?" Yangno regained her charming look.

"It's not impossible, at least your acting skills are okay, much better than Yuigahama." Uehara Takuya admitted honestly.

"That's such a pity. If you had recommended me to Yukino earlier, maybe the two of us would have become loving lovers now." Yangno said with emotion.

Uehara Takuya ignored this logically confusing statement, but suddenly felt movement on his legs. When he lowered his head, he saw that she had put her legs up again.

"Hey, once is fine, twice is too much!" he reminded.

There was something strange in Yangno's eyes: "I heard from Yami that you like to look at women's legs?"

Takuya Uehara refused to admit it at all: "Slander, this is slander!"

"Then look at my legs now, aren't they beautiful?" Yangno said, stepping on his knees with her white and tender feet.

"Stop it."

Uehara Takuya took advantage of the situation and held her little feet.

He felt warm as soon as he put it in his hand, and the round ankle felt soft and sultry when it fell into his palm.The neatly arranged five pearl-like toes are spread playfully, small and white, really a pair of delicate and beautiful feet.

"Does it look good?" Yangno caught the change in his eyes and raised the corners of his lips with a hint of expectation.

Uehara Takuya stared at her little feet and asked, "They are very beautiful, thin and long, just like a cobra with beautiful patterns."

Yang Nai opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but finally laughed: "Why do I not feel any sense of accomplishment even though I am praised by you?"

"Is it because my metaphor is very accurate?"


Yangno gave him a smile and asked him to understand it himself.

"What do you mean by laughing? Don't cobras look good?"

"Do you think any girls would like cobras?"

"Would you like a snake without cobras?"


This sudden question asked Yangno.

Before she could think about her emotions, she heard Uehara Takuya saying to himself: "Should a snake without glasses be called an Arbor snake?"

"Are you ready to teach me about Pokémon?"

"So you still know this?" Uehara Takuya asked in surprise.

He was answered by Miss Haruno's meaningful laughter again.

He couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped guessing.

"I have to go back too."

Uehara Takuya said as he moved her feet down and stood up.

"Are you really not going to stay the night?" When Yangno raised his head and asked this question, his eyes were particularly seductive.

Uehara Takuya looked wary: "What else do you want to do? I'm warning you, you suddenly made trouble when Yukino hung up the phone just now, and I have endured it. If you still want to toss it, I won't let you do it this time. .”

Yang Nai raised an eyebrow: "You want to teach me a lesson?"

Uehara Takuya said solemnly: "That's right."

Unexpectedly, she suddenly smiled cheerfully: "Okay, okay, then you come."

How can she still be the intellectual beauty she usually is in public places like this?

Uehara Takuya sat back, which almost startled her.

Then she heard the other party ask: "You forgot the lesson you learned at the beach villa last time so quickly?"

Yangno's face was rarely rosy, and there was a hint of shame in her eyes, but what she said was extremely bold: "Of course I haven't forgotten it, I even remembered it in my heart, and I plan to remember it forever."

Uehara Takuya's eyes fell on her white and well-proportioned calves.

She was not afraid and boldly raised her leg to lightly kick the opponent.

Uehara Takuya's reaction speed could not be matched by her kick. He stretched out his hand to hold her little foot accurately, and once again put on his solemn face: "Then you are offended, Ms. Harano."



After leaving Harano's apartment, Uehara Takuya went straight back home.

When he finished taking a shower and was about to rest, his phone vibrated several times.

It was a message from Yangno.

[Originally, I sent Xiaojing away today because I just wanted you to chat with me. I didn’t expect you to go so far. I’m going to hold a grudge again, lovely Uehara. 】

Uehara Takuya glanced at the message but did not reply.

hold a grudge?

How do you say that?

Hum, the white horse will definitely make him come back and never come back.

Uehara Takuya continued to play with his mobile phone in peace.

Chapter 211 is awesome, wonderful and exciting

On Saturday, Uehara Takuya received a call from Kashiwazaki Sena.

The girl asked Aiai in the first issue if she wanted to go to the comic exhibition together.

He glanced at the controller in his hand and resisted the temptation to play games at home all day.

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