The person responsible for driving is still Stella.

On the way to the comic exhibition, this beautiful housekeeper did her job as a driver conscientiously. She seemed not to notice the two Uehara Takuya chatting in the back seat at all.

Only when she was waiting at a red light did she interrupt at the right time.

Takuya Uehara has been secretly sizing up Stella since he got in the car, but until the door of the comic exhibition, he didn't see the slightest suspicious look on this woman's face.

It was as if the relationship between the other party and myself was really just a pure friendship.

"This acting skill is really amazing. No wonder Yangno always mentions her..."

Takuya Uehara expressed his admiration for this.

Kashiwazaki Sena, who went to buy a drink temporarily, also came over. She handed Takuya Uehara a bottle of apple juice and happily took it.

"It's too hot today, why don't you hug her so tightly?" Uehara Takuya pointed to the dazzling sunlight above his head.

"It won't feel hot inside." Kashiwazaki Sena blushed and snickered. She liked this intimate posture very much.

And she knew that the other person would also like to be held in his arms like this.

Because I have a very good figure.

Kashiwazaki Sena thought shyly and proudly. Today she was wearing a plaid skirt, pure white half-socks, and black calf flats.

This refreshing and simple dress can perfectly release the youthful vitality of her girl.

Stella was wearing a uniform skirt as always, but perhaps because it was too hot today, she did not wear stockings, and her white and crystal clear legs stretched out from the group, generously exposed to the air.

After entering the venue, she did not communicate with Takuya Uehara, but followed them quietly, as if she really just accompanied them here.

But when she arrived at the bustling venue, Stella suddenly patted Uehara Takuya on the shoulder. Seeing the doubtful look from the latter, she pointed to the front and asked, "What characters are those two girls cosplaying?"

Uehara Takuya and Kashiwazaki Sena looked at it at the same time.

"Why do they have cockroach-like tentacles on their hair?" Kashiwazaki Sena asked in surprise.

Takuya Uehara thought for a while and had an answer in his mind: "I remember it was a very old work called "The Innocent Landlord and the Pretty Tenant". Several female characters in it have this hairstyle. There are still many people on the Internet today. Just complaining."

Then he looked at Stella: "Are you also interested in cosplay?"

Unexpectedly, the other party smiled slightly: "No, I'm just thinking about the subject for next time."

Uehara Takuya's expression froze.

She's hinting, right?

It’s definitely a hint!

Last time it was the female neighbor and the light repairman.

So the next topic is landlords and tenants?

After this conversation, Stella completely closed the conversation.

She never made a sound again, and she would only respond occasionally when Kashiwazaki Sena called her.

"Should we go over there and have a look? I remember you seem to like Kamen Rider very much?" Kashiwazaki Sena pointed at the lively crowd in front.

Uehara Takuya was confused by Stella's words just now. At this moment, he reluctantly calmed down and took a look.

Hey guys, is this a stag beetle party?

The beetle-shaped Kamen Rider Kuuga, Gatack, and Gundou are all over there.

If it were normal times, Uehara Takuya would probably happily run up and take a photo.

It is also called stamp collecting.

But now his mind was filled with the entries of "landlord and tenant", and he had no idea of ​​taking a photo.

But he didn't notice that Stella saw all the changes in his expression.

The housekeeper's delicate lips were slightly raised, and a smile quickly appeared and disappeared on her face.

Kashiwazaki Sena is still hugging her tightly, and Uehara Takuya has had his arms held by other women, but so far, this girl has given him the most profound feeling.

"It's great that we finally didn't have that annoying Yukinoshita to bother us today." The girl was still murmuring happily beside him.

Uehara Takuya heard it funny: "If she were here, you would probably quarrel again."

"I'm not afraid of her!"

Kashiwazaki Sena held her chin up confidently and said proudly: "Yukishita is just a mouthful. If she really wants to take action, she will never be able to beat me."

"So you have already considered using force?" Uehara Takuya was dumbfounded.

Kashiwazaki Sena's cheeks were slightly red, and she smiled sheepishly: "I'm just talking. You also know that I hate violence the most."

As she said that, she glanced at Takuya Uehara shyly: "You helped me unscrew the bottle cap of the drink just now. If it were me, I would definitely have to put in a lot of effort."

Uehara Takuya suppressed a smile: "What you said makes sense. If I hadn't seen you put Yuiko to the ground with my own eyes last time, then maybe I would have believed it."

Kashiwazaki Sena's face turned red with embarrassment, and she was about to retort when three girls came next to her. They stared at Uehara Takuya and said, "Hello, can you help me unscrew the bottle cap? I bought a drink. It seems to be completely sealed.”

The girl who spoke blushed and handed over a bottle of Pepsi.

Uehara Takuya immediately understood what the other party was thinking.

He didn't answer, but looked at Kashiwazaki Sena who was already jealous beside him.

This girl did not disappoint him.

I saw Kashiwazaki Sena snorting: "I'm here to help you."

She didn't wait for the other party to speak, took the Coke from the girl's hand, shook it vigorously in front of several people, and then returned it.

After doing all this, she smiled proudly and said, "You can definitely open it now."

The three girls were dumbfounded.

Uehara Takuya smiled: "She's right, why don't you try it now, I think you can definitely open it."

"It's too much..."

The girl complained angrily, and Kashiwazaki Sena pushed back without hesitation: "You think I don't know what you are thinking? Takuya is mine, mine!"

She also specifically repeated it.

Even though there was a lovely blush on her cheeks.

The three girls ran away in embarrassment.

Kashiwazaki Sena curled her lips in disdain: "You are really weak, much weaker than that guy under Yukinoshita."

Killing the little vixen with her hands gave her a great sense of accomplishment.

When she turned around, she found that Takuya Uehara and Stella were both looking at her, and immediately muttered hesitantly: "Why are you looking at me?"

Uehara Takuya was the first to applaud: "It's amazing."

Stella smiled and clapped her hands: "Wonderful and wonderful."

"Don't do this!"

The shame that Kashiwazaki Sena had just suppressed started to beat wildly.

In the following time, Kashiwazaki Sena completely entered high alert mode.

She held Takuya Uehara's arm closely, and every time she passed by those sexy or beautiful cosplayers, she would always be full of energy.

That nervous little expression that keeps peeking around is very cute.

At least Uehara Takuya was amused: "You don't have to be like this, right?"

But Kashiwazaki Sena snorted coldly: "You don't know that many cosplayers who participate in comic exhibitions actually have the appearance of ordinary girls, but inside they hide a mature heart that wants to seduce men."

Uehara Takuya was startled: "Where did you hear this conclusion?"

"In the game." Kashiwazaki Sena answered confidently, "There is a similar plot in the game I have played. The male protagonist with outstanding appearance participated in the comic exhibition and was seduced by a few shameless girls."

Uehara Takuya originally wanted to ask about the follow-up, but when he thought that the other party was playing unfair games, there was no need to ask about the follow-up.

He could guess it anyway.

It's nothing more than a battlefield filled with artillery fire.

Stella, who had been silent until now, finally spoke: "Are you worried that they will lure Uehara away?"

"That's for sure. Those three girls just now are a lesson learned." Kashiwazaki Sena said firmly.

Hearing this, even Stella couldn't help but smile: "I think you are too nervous. Even if those girls really have some ideas, the most they can do is exchange mobile phone numbers with Uehara."

"That won't work!" Kashiwazaki Sena pouted unhappily, "If they get Takuya's mobile phone number, they will send flirty messages that night... Huh?"

She seemed to have thought of something, and she proposed to Takuya Uehara with great interest: "If a girl strikes up a conversation with you later, give them my mobile phone number and let me talk to them."

"...How boring are you."

"Anyway, I have a lot of free time at night, so I can kill their aura and let them understand that showing their domineering attitude is an act of seeking death. At the same time, I can also learn from experience, so that when I face Yukinoshita next time, I will not You will suffer a loss.”

What Kashiwazaki Sena said was serious, Uehara Takuya and Stella only thought it was interesting, and neither of them took it to heart.

However, looking at her increasingly excited eyes, Uehara Takuya decided to change the subject: "The theory in the game you just mentioned is quite interesting. What is it about a young girl with a young woman's heart?"

"Young woman?" Kashiwazaki Sena was stunned, "I don't think I said this word, right?"

Then she glanced at Stella with a blushing face and whispered: "Does Takuya want to turn me into a young woman?"

"Cough cough cough..." Uehara Takuya choked.

Stella pretended not to hear and turned her head to look to the other side.

Kashiwazaki Sena didn't dare to say any more, she just looked at him with a mixture of shame and anger with her beautiful eyes.

Her moist lips were spraying warm breath, her arms were holding Uehara Takuya tightly, and most of the girl's fragrant and soft body was almost in the latter's arms.

Uehara Takuya couldn't help but glance outside the venue, which was filled with sunshine, and sighed quietly in his heart.

Summer in Tokyo is really hot.

The three of them walked around the venue for a while, and Kashiwazaki Sena also bought some products. She didn't know if she would like some of the things, but the packaging bag suited her aesthetics very well, so she asked Stella to pay for it. .

As a young lady, she naturally rarely carries cash with her.

Takuya Uehara saw a lot of cosplayers along the way, and there were also some girls wearing lolita costumes wandering around the venue.


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