She felt that the balance of victory was tipped in her favor.

Even her voice became lighter: "You better stop being delusional. Even the black stockings you like to see, I won't wear them in the near future."

Unexpectedly, Uehara Takuya said happily: "It's also good not to wear it."

"...Are you showing me how perverted you are?" Yukino held back her words for a while.

"I'm just telling the truth, because your legs are very beautiful, even without stockings." Uehara Takuya was still looking at the mirror.

"Then I will wear thick shoes and cover my feet from now on." Yukino snorted.

Takuya Uehara hesitated: "Wearing thick shoes on such a hot day will make your feet sweat..."

Yukino scolded in shame and anger: "You idiot, I don't have athlete's foot! Besides, don't you know this kind of thing very well?"

His beautiful legs, which were well taken care of back then, had been carefully played with by him.

"Of course I know, don't get excited." Uehara Takuya gave up and got a victory point, so he changed the subject, "So you called me here today just to scold me?"

How could Yukino not guess his thoughts?

The girl was a little unconvinced and said, "You didn't choose to pursue the victory, do you think I would let you go?"

"Because I can't quarrel with you." Uehara Takuya said matter-of-factly.

Yukino was startled, and her tone softened slightly: "I'm not the kind of little girl who needs others to coax her."

"I know, you can't be coaxed." Uehara Takuya laughed.

Yukino was immediately ashamed.

How did he know his own thoughts?

You know that I had thought yesterday that no matter what he said this time, I would not be coaxed by him.

Being interrupted by him, Yukino finally did not quarrel with him, but said calmly: "According to my plan, I will go to the mountains to shoot some scenes today, which is to shoot a few final shots."

After a pause, she added: "The housewife who likes to join in the fun will also come."

"You mean Aunt Yuigahama?" Uehara Taku also had a headache. "She is a little too lively. Sometimes I even doubt that she is actually Yuigahama's sister, not my mother."

Yukino feels the same way.

That lady is too lively and speaks softly, which always makes people feel as if she has forgotten the other person's age.

In comparison, her daughter Yuigahama does not seem so attractive.

"Oh, I see."

At this time Yukino heard Takuya Uehara's voice.

"What do you understand?" She couldn't help but answer.

"Because Mrs. Yuigahama's temper is hard for you to deal with, so you decided to let me deal with her?" Uehara Takuya said pitifully to the mirror, "Are you sure this is okay? I don't want to deal with that lady either."

"Don't put that bitter melon expression on my face!"

Yukino warned angrily.

This expression is too shameful.

No matter how embarrassed I was, I couldn't show myself like this.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't pay attention for a moment." Uehara Takuya apologized insincerely.

Yukino snorted: "It's useless if you refuse, just think of it as your punishment."

"It seems that I have no chance to object...but don't I, the leading actor, need to come forward?"

"Of course not. Don't forget, what we are shooting is a cute pet short film. The focus of all the filming is on pets, not humans. It doesn't matter how good-looking you are."

"Thank you for complimenting me so much. I'm very happy."


Yukino was just about to scold him for being stupid, but he heard him laugh and say: "There are a lot of people in the place where we are going to shoot, right? Today is Sunday. If it is a more famous scenic spot, there will be more tourists."

Xueno suddenly stopped talking.

Uehara Takuya said to himself: "You have never liked crowded places, although you are occasionally willing to endure it for the sake of friends. But I happen to have time today, so let me do it. You know I am very good at dealing with this. .”

Yukino couldn't help but laugh twice, and then quickly stopped: "That's because your shamelessness is enough to make you a social expert."

"If you can, I would like you to describe me as a social terrorist. That would make me appear more powerful."

"Huh, now I just think you are a social idiot."

With Yukino's help, Uehara Takuya brought the necessary things and went out with a small bag to meet the others.

There were very few people coming this time. Apart from Kawashima Ami and Yuigahama, there was only one Shizuka Hiratsuka who appeared out of nowhere.

The main members of the crew, Kashiwazaki Sena and Miura Yuko, are not present.

Kawashima Ami explained enthusiastically: "Yumiko went out with her mother. When she called me, she was quite unhappy."

Then Yuigahama Yui said with doubtful eyes: "I also contacted Sena, but she said she couldn't come because she was injured."

Uehara Takuya almost spit out the juice in his mouth.

This is indeed what Kashiwazaki Sena would say.

Yuigahama Yui met the concerned eyes of several people and immediately said: "But Sena said it was just a little skin injury, nothing serious, so we don't need to go out to see her."

People are relieved.

Then Yukino issued an order: "Ask me why Hiratsuka-sensei is here?"

Just when Takuya Uehara was about to speak, Shizuka Hiratsuka had already introduced himself: "Don't look at me. I am your teacher after all. If the lovely students want to make short films, of course I have to take responsibility."

"Are you here to join in the fun?" Uehara Takuya expressed her thoughts.

Hiratsuka Shizuka coughed: "This is also part of the reason, but it's really only part of it."

"I'll just take it as what you said is the truth." Uehara Takuya did not continue to expose it.

"Teacher Hiratsuka is really troublesome." Yukino sighed helplessly, "And this time there is another one who is even more troublesome."

Uehara Takuya didn't answer.

He knew who Yukino was talking about.

Of course it was Mrs. Yuigahama who was standing next to Yuigahama Yui, dressed in a radiant manner.

She has faded away from her usual standard housewife outfit. Today she is wearing an elegant and decent light yellow dress, with equally delicate makeup on her face.

This kind of long skirt full of girlish style cleverly highlights her exciting figure. At the same time, it also covers the traces of maturity on her body, making her look delicate and cute.

Only when she shows that gentle smile, the charm of a mature woman will be revealed.

"Yukino, I'm leaving it to you today." Mrs. Yuigahama winked cutely and handed over a wink.

Hiratsuka Shizuka was dumbfounded, thinking that you are so old, even older than me, how can you be so embarrassed to act so cute?

She didn't dare to say that.

Uehara Takuya could only agree on behalf of Yukino: "Leave it to me, it's just a few simple shots. It would be best if you don't dislike it."

"I don't mind." Mrs. Yuigahama waved with a bright smile, "I also brought you snacks. You can eat something to replenish your strength when you are hungry."

"You are so thoughtful." Uehara Takuya missed the other party's cooking skills.

Yuigahama Yui whispered: "Actually, I did it too, but my mother did it better than me, so I didn't dare to bring it out."

The girl's complaint made the atmosphere much more cheerful, and Hiratsuka Shizuka couldn't help but smile.

Kawashima Ami was the only one who didn't react at all.

On the way to the scene, Yukino suddenly said softly: "Is Kawashima encountering something troublesome?"

Uehara Takuya was startled and instinctively looked at Kawashima Ami who was walking in front.

Yukino didn't wait for his answer and analyzed calmly: "She doesn't seem to be in a very high mood today. When Yuigahama complained just now, if it was in the past, she would definitely come out and make fun of her."

"Maybe it's because of Sena." Uehara Takuya thought of the [photography] incident that day.

The girl asked Kashiwazaki Sena to take a photo with her, but she didn't get the photo in the end.

He was not sure whether Kawashima Ami mentioned this matter to Kashiwazaki Sena afterwards.

But judging from today's situation, the other party probably didn't mention the photo.

Based on my understanding of Ami Kawashima, her current behavior is a bit like taking a posthumous photo with a beauty filter on - she wants to save face.

Chapter 220: Head full of sexy ideas

Everything was as Hara Takuya had talked about before. Because today was Sunday, when they arrived at their destination, tourists could be seen everywhere.

Whether it’s the excited chatter and complaints of others, or the sounds of naughty children playing, this is the scene that the sociophobic are most afraid of.

With great difficulty, everyone found a place with few people. Kawashima Ami finally untied the husky's muzzle, but she did not dare to let go of the leash.

Brother Erha doesn't care about this. Anyway, he usually takes care of himself when he goes out alone.

Seeing the husky having fun on the side, Yukino said softly: "It would be great if Inujiro was here."

Takuya Uehara muttered secretly: "I can't play two roles by one person."

"If you really have that ability, then I need to make a complete plan in advance."

"What does it mean?"

"It means that no one can guarantee that while you are controlling me, you will also be secretly controlling another girl outside."

Yukino didn't hide her thoughts, but her tone was sarcastic.

Takuya Uehara was amused: "If I can really achieve that level, then I will definitely control Miss Haruno and Stella to meet."

Yukino was startled and then smiled.

Not to mention, she was quite interested in this proposal.

Unfortunately, Takuya Uehara is currently unable to do so.

"Aren't you tired, Koyuki?" Yuigahama Yui came over at this time, confusion written all over her face.

Uehara Takuya pretended to gasp twice: "Of course I'm tired."

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