
Yuigahama Yui looked at her blankly.

That expression seems to be asking: I have no enmity with you, why do you treat me like a fool?

Uehara Takuya ignored it. He knew that the more he talked, the more mistakes he made.

As he set up the equipment, he laughed softly and said, "I now understand that the reason why you don't want to go hiking on your own is that not liking crowded places is just one of the reasons."

Yukino admitted calmly: "Yes, I am not as shameless as you. I can't expose my embarrassed side to others."

"It seems that I have never done such a thing." Uehara Takuya recalled instinctively.

"Do you need me to remind you?" There was a hint of smile in Yukino's voice, "You once told me, [We are all people who have to get along with each other for a lifetime anyway, it is best to expose the shortcomings and advantages as early as possible]" .”

"Oh, I did say it, so are you ready to spend the rest of your life with me?" Uehara Takuya smiled and released his ultimate move.

Yukino was instantly too embarrassed to answer the question.

She bet that as long as she dared to talk to him, the other party would dare to bring the topic to "having a baby".

She is still a girl, and having children is too far away!

"Speaking of which, Husky is the only protagonist today?" Uehara Takuya changed the subject at the right time.

Yukino's mood gradually stabilized: "Originally, I planned to borrow Inujiro, but the Kawasaki couple took him to the beach to play."

"I remember there is a puppy at Kawashima's house. Why don't you let her bring it over?"

"All the dog needs is one."

Yukino responded dully.

Uehara Takuya almost laughed out loud: "If you're afraid of dogs, just say so. It's not like I don't know."

"So you want to quarrel with me about cats and dogs?"

"No, I just think your current reaction is funny." Uehara Takuya told the truth.

Yukino didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"It's rare to go out with the children. It feels really good~" Mrs. Yuigahama was happily holding her mobile phone to take pictures of the scenery.

Since among Uehara Takuya, only Hiratsuka Shizuka was closest in age to her, this beautiful teacher naturally accompanied her.

But the more the two of them talked, the more awkward Hiratsuka Shizuka felt.

Because she found Mrs. Yuigahama a little cute...

Her eyesight is certainly excellent.

Therefore, she can be sure that the cute girlishness that Mrs. Yuigahama occasionally shows is definitely not a deliberate act.

【Is it the cute temperament that comes naturally? 】

Hiratsuka Shizu stayed with the other party in disbelief, and she had some doubts about life.

The other person is obviously older than me, so why doesn't it feel like there's no violation at all whether it's the girlishness revealed unintentionally or the cuteness on purpose?

Hiratsuka Shizuka couldn't help but think about how cute she looked.

The next second her cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

[If you really want me to do that kind of thing, you might as well let me die! 】

"Is Hiratsuka-sensei going crazy?" Uehara Takuya looked over there in confusion.

Yukino said helplessly: "Can you use your words more accurately? Her current expression can only be called [abnormal] at best."

"Doesn't abnormality include madness? Generally only mentally ill people are given this word, right?"

"Do you have to argue with me in a rhetorical manner, Uehara-san?"

Uehara Takuya quickly shut up.

He knew Yukino. When the other party called out the title "Uehara-san", it meant that the girl wanted to go to war with him.

Let's wait until we get home to talk about starting a war.

There are too many people here and it is inconvenient.

With him on hand to control the Huskies' condition, the few shots that needed to be shot today certainly went smoothly.

The perfect cooperation between the husky and him attracted the admiration of several others.

However, in order to maintain Yukino's character of being afraid of dogs, and to avoid other people's suspicion, Takuya Uehara kept a distance from the husky from beginning to end, and only used his mouth to control the scene.

"Teacher Hiratsuka seems to be very happy?" Kawashima Ami, who had not spoken much, came to Shizuka Hiratsuka's side after finishing shooting this scene.


Hiratsuka Shizu smiled happily, not hiding her feelings at all.

Kawashima Ami responded with a smile: "Is it because of Yukinoshita-san?"


Hiratsuka looked at Yukino's figure with a smile, and his voice became much gentler: "I couldn't see this kind of scene before. Since she became friends with you, the lonely and desolate atmosphere in her body has become less. "

"This change is a good thing and also enviable." Kawashima Ami's smile remained unchanged.

Hiratsuka Shizuka was stunned for a moment and turned around suspiciously.

"What's wrong? Is there something on my face?" Kawashima Ami's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. She knew very well how sharp this older woman's mind was.

Hiratsuka Shizu just stared at her for a few seconds, then smiled and shook his head: "It's nothing, I just think you have something on your mind."

Kawashima Ami was silent for a while and suddenly admitted: "I do have something on my mind."

Hiratsuka opened her mouth, but the other party continued: "But I don't want to talk for the time being, so please don't mind Hiratsuka-sensei."

"Ah? How could I mind? We are good best friends." Hiratsuka Shizuka chuckled.

But when she looked away, she frowned secretly and couldn't help but take another look at Yukino's tall figure.

[Is it because of that guy again? 】

She couldn't help but picture Uehara Takuya's face in her mind.

After much hesitation, she still didn't ask.

Because she knew Kawashima Ami was a girl with a sensitive heart.

As the temperature gradually increased, Uehara Takuya stopped filming and found a shady place to sit with everyone.

Mrs. Yuigahama was sitting next to her.

It's not that this mature and lovely lady wants to chat with Takuya Uehara, she is just watching her performance in the camera.

Yukino glanced at Yuigahama who was whispering to Kawashima Ami in front of her, and said with some humor: "The longer I know these two people, the more I feel that they don't look like mother and daughter."

Uehara Takuya nodded, he had felt this way for a long time.

"There are still two shots left. You can go back after shooting." Yukino added.

Why does this sound like you are using me as a tool?

"Yukino, open your mouth, ah~"

Uehara Takuya was just about to chat with Yukino when the sweet voice of Mrs. Yuigahama came to his ears.

As soon as he turned around, he saw the lady holding a small piece of cake and bringing it to his mouth.

He couldn't help but be stunned: "What is this for?"

Mrs. Yuigahama smiled happily: "As a gift for helping me fulfill my wish to perform, you can be the first to taste the cake I made."

Her words attracted the attention of others.

Shizuka Hiratsuka looked over with a smile, her expression clearly showing that she wanted to see if the cold girl in her impression would open her mouth obediently and cooperate.

"Shut up, Uehara!" Yukino quickly reminded.

Everyone is staring at him now.

It was not like she was being fed by Mrs. Yuigahama in front of everyone.

That would make her feel like when netizens watch embarrassing videos, they feel embarrassed for the protagonist of the video through the screen.

Uehara Takuya guessed her thoughts, smiled and waved: "Thank you, but I don't want to eat cake now."

"If you reject me so simply, I will be sad~"

As Mrs. Yuigahama spoke, she pursed her lips as if she was dissatisfied and resentful.

Yukino was dumbfounded: "What is she doing? She's an aunt! It's an aunt!"

Look how excited the child is.

Uehara Takuya suppressed a smile and motioned with his eyes to Yuigahama Yui not far away to speak, come and take care of your mother.

Unexpectedly, the Tuanzi girl just laughed twice and looked away as if she hadn't seen him.

Obviously she has long been accustomed to her mother's temperament, and she knows very well that this seemingly kind and gentle housewife can actually become very scary at certain times.

"Yukino, just eat it. It's just a piece of cake." Kawashima Ami finally showed her true nature. She was afraid that the world would be in chaos and started to fan the flames. "You don't want to refuse Aunt Yuigahama's kindness, do you?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka coughed lightly and tried to sound serious: "Yami is right, Yukino, feel free to eat. I believe in Mrs. Yuigahama's cooking skills."

I also believe in her cooking skills, but what do you two mean by those expressions of eating melon?

Yukino was ashamed and angry, she could only pin her hopes on Uehara Takuya.

In response to Mrs. Yuigahama's deliberately pretending to be aggrieved, Uehara Takuya raised his hand and pinched the small cake in her hand.

Then, he looked at Kawashima Ami, who had a good show written all over his face, and smiled slightly: "Kawashima, you are a member of our service department. Now I order you as a minister, and each of us is half."

"How could I do this as a minister? Are you an idiot?"

Yukino was even more embarrassed.

Why is this bastard so full of ideas?

You might as well not speak.

Chapter 221 I will attack in the form of a butler

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