Everyone’s dinner was a lunch box prepared in advance by Mrs. Ubihama.

Because of this, several people, including Uehara Takuya, realized for the first time how thoughtful a standard housewife is about small things.

There are tablecloths, paper towels, pre-made tea, and even spare chopsticks.

While the tourists around were still gnawing on dry bread pitifully under the scorching sun, Takuya Uehara was already enjoying delicious food.

"As expected of Aunt Yuigahama, she's so clever and handy, that's probably what she means, right?" Ami Kawashima was the first to give a favorable comment, smiling so hard that she almost couldn't see her eyes.

She has always been a lazy person, but now she loves the life of being able to enjoy delicious dishes at any time even when she goes out to play.

"Ms. Yuigahama's craftsmanship is indeed excellent." Hiratsuka Shizuka also praised.

Uehara Takuya was also praising him, but he didn't move his chopsticks a few times.

Because he suddenly thought of something very important.

Yukino can't eat!

"I'm not hungry yet."

Yukino also guessed what he was thinking and said calmly: "I have already considered this in my plan. Anyway, there are only the last shots left. You can go back after shooting."

Uehara Takuya nodded. Being thoughtful is a girl's advantage.

After dinner, Kawashima Ami put down her chopsticks with satisfaction, leaned lazily under the tree and sighed: "It would be great if Aunt Yuigahama was my mother."

Mrs. Yuigahama packed her things with a smile on her lips: "Yami, do you want to be my daughter? I wouldn't mind."

"Is it really okay?" Kawashima Ami's beautiful eyes were shining, and no one knew whether she was joking or serious.

Mrs. Yuigahama answered very gently: "Of course, I have already raised a daughter anyway, it's not a big deal to have one more."

Yuigahama Yui put away the lunch box, and then interrupted in a dumbfounded voice: "Mom, stop fooling around, Yami has her own family."

"I was joking along with Yami..."

The mother and daughter continued to discuss this topic happily. Kawashima Ami did not speak anymore, but when she looked at the two of them, her eyes could not help but reveal a look of envy.

Also envious is Yukino.

She also likes the warm atmosphere of Yuigahama's home.

This was the complete opposite of her own family atmosphere.

"Are you actually envious?" Taking advantage of the break after the meal, Uehara Takuya walked to a tree and stood alone, while asking the question in his heart.

"Yes." Yukino did not deny it, "Yuigahama can grow up in such a family atmosphere. This is a blessing that many people cannot envy."

Uehara Takuya said hesitantly: "If you are particularly envious of family ties, I have an idea."

Yukino instinctively wanted to ask, but suddenly her heart moved, and she vaguely guessed what the other party meant.

Her voice also turned cold: "What bad idea did you come up with again?"

Uehara Takuya coughed: "What's the bad idea? I'm obviously solving your problems."

"Oh? Then tell me what good ideas you have." Yukino's tone remained unchanged.

"Well, my idea is very simple, because you said it yourself, you envy the feeling of being surrounded by family, so from now on we can go our separate ways. I will call you sister, and you will call me brother..."

"To shut up!"

Yukino suddenly raised her voice and interrupted Uehara Takuya mercilessly.

Then she said coldly: "I knew you would say such unreliable things."

"Can't you even get such a good idea?"

"Stop being stupid."

"Hey, don't you really think about your identity as [Big Brother Uehara]? I will become a good big brother."

"I don't know if it's good or not, but I've clearly felt your stupidity."

Yukino dropped this sentence and didn't want to talk to him anymore.

"What a pity." Uehara Takuya was still feeling regretful.

Yukino snorted softly, and I knew this bastard was up to no good.

If he really calls him brother, then what is the relationship between the two of them?

Going to orthopedics?

Yukino blushed more and more as she thought about it, and quickly threw away these abnormal thoughts.

"Why are you here alone?" Kawashima Ami suddenly walked over. She smiled and waved, and the hint of Yangno in her words and deeds was too strong.

Uehara Takuya and Yukino spoke almost at the same time: "You (she) are learning from Haruno again."

"I just find it interesting." Kawashima Ami smiled carelessly.

Uehara Takuya asked subconsciously: "I remember you said before that you don't like others treating you as Harano's trumpet?"

Kawashima Ami's expression remained unchanged: "Every time you see Sister Harano, you become particularly interesting."

"She's here to cause trouble, Uehara, bite him." Yukino ordered coldly.

Although Takuya Uehara has been a dog, he can't bite people.

So he ignored Yukino's order.

"What do you think of the scenery here?" Kawashima Ami asked again.

Uehara Takuya took advantage of the situation and looked around: "It's okay, but it's not suitable for vacation."

"Because there are too many people?"

"Is not this nonsensical?"

"Your tone is still so inhumane..."

Ami Kawashima stood next to Takuya Uehara with his hands behind his back.

She looked at the waterfall in front of her and said softly: "Actually, before I set off today, I originally planned to take some photos in front of the waterfall."


"Then...I changed my mind."

There seemed to be a hint of something else in Kawashima Ami's smile.

Uehara Takuya was about to ask, but the other party suddenly turned his head and looked at him: "I don't like standing alone in front of the waterfall, that will make me feel uncomfortable."

"Why?" Yukino asked.

Of course Kawashima Ami couldn't hear it, but that didn't stop her from continuing: "The scenery in front of the waterfall should be enjoyed by two people together."

Uehara Takuya's eyelids twitched, he seemed to understand what the other party meant.

Yukino was silent for two seconds, then laughed: "Should she ask me next, [that guy Uehara didn't come today, will I be disappointed]?"

Then Kawashima Ami's voice sounded: "Uehara didn't come here today, you must be a little disappointed, right?"

Uehara Takuya was shocked, can you guess this?

Yukino couldn't see his expression, but this smart girl could guess it: "This is why I don't want to be alone with Kawashima. She always has something in her words, even if you guess her thoughts, she will still Say those sarcastic words."

You really know a lot about each other.

Uehara Takuya complained in his mind.

"Want me to take a photo for you as a souvenir?"

Kawashima Ami didn't wait for an answer. She seemed to have expected this. She immediately changed the subject in an understatement, took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and pointed the camera at the waterfall in front of her.

"I don't want to take photos." Yukino refused coldly.

At the same time, she also reminded Uehara Takuya that she did not like taking photos with Kawashima Ami.

"Forget it." Uehara Takuya refused with a smile.

"As expected, you are still as wary of me as before." Kawashima Ami stopped looking at him, looked at the waterfall again, and turned on the camera function of her phone.

Uehara Takuya looked at her profile and asked, "Is it fun to take pictures?"

"Of course." A smile appeared on her delicate cheeks. "After all, photos can permanently remember someone's expression at that moment. To put it more artistically, photos also preserve the memory of that moment."

Uehara Takuya remained silent.

He somewhat suspected that the other party was talking about the last time Kashiwazaki Sena took photos.

But so far, there is nothing suspicious about Kawashima Ami's expression, which makes him unable to make a judgment.

"Is she... worried?" Yukino also saw something was wrong.

Neither of them got an answer from Kawashima Ami in the end.

But when she was going back, she passed by Uehara Takuya and said softly: "Actually, many people are envious of you."

After saying that, she quickened her pace and walked to Mrs. Yuigahama, talking and laughing.

"What did she mean by what she just said?" Yukino fell into deep thought.

She knew that Kawashima Ami was talking to herself.

But is there anything worthy of being envied by many people?

and many more.

Xueno suddenly thought of a possibility.

[That Kawashima guy, is he hinting at my relationship with Uehara? 】

Uehara Takuya said directly: "It should have something to do with me."

Yukino was quiet for a while, then asked in an unclear tone: "Have you been flirting with her behind my back recently?"

"Nothing!" Uehara Takuya's serious expression instantly broke.

Yukino said coldly: "Really? You must know that you have a criminal record, such as that Mashiro Shiina."

"I did control Shiina-san's body, but I didn't flirt with her."

"Who knows what she thinks?"

Yukino responded calmly.

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