In fact, she had calmed down.

Once the formal topic came up, she knew that Taku Uehara would not lie to her.

Everyone separated at a fork in the road, and Mrs. Yuigahama enthusiastically invited the others to be guests, but everyone declined.

After this experience, Yukino had just regained control of her body. Before she could check today's shooting results, her phone vibrated.

It was a message from Takuya Uehara, with only one simple sentence: [Come out to dinner, I’ll treat you. 】

Yukino pursed her lips and smiled, put down the photography equipment, got up and went to take a shower.

The two agreed to meet at a famous restaurant. Uehara Takuya set off early. When he stood at the door waiting for Yukino to arrive, he didn't notice a short-haired woman in the restaurant next door put down her chopsticks and stared straight at her. His back.

"You are neatly dressed and will glance at your phone from time to time. This is a sign that you are waiting for someone."

"Combined with this time, he must have gone out to date girls."

Stella waved to the waiter to pay the bill.

She will attack in her butler form.

This butler naturally refers to Kashiwazaki Sena's personal butler, not the Kashiwazaki family.

Chapter 222 Come Prepared

Yukino didn't let Uehara Takuya wait too long.

She is not the kind of person who believes in the creed that "boys should be gentlemen and patiently wait for girls."

But when she controlled her expression and appeared in front of Uehara Takuya, the latter was still surprised.

She obviously kept saying during the day that she would never wear stockings or stockings again in a short time.

However, the girl standing in front of Uehara Takuya at this moment was wearing the usual pair of black stockings.

She didn't tie her hair into a ponytail, and her soft hair fell down her shoulders like a waterfall, covering the girl's slender figure that had just grown up, and didn't stop until her waist, which was less than a handful.

The loose light blue long skirt has no pattern or pattern, just a very simple and refreshing girly style.As the evening breeze blew over and quietly teased the hem of her skirt, people immediately noticed her pair of white and well-proportioned calves. It turned out that the curves were so soft.

"What are you looking at?"

A hint of shyness appeared on Yukino's face, but her pride did not allow her to lose so easily.

So she bravely looked at Uehara Takuya and randomly found a topic.

"Of course I'm looking at you." Uehara Takuya looked at the cute little blushing face and pretended to scratch his head, "You are dressed so beautifully, I don't even dare to take you in for dinner."

Yukino narrowed his eyes: "Such a simple and crude compliment is of no use to me."

She said this, but she was secretly happy in her heart.

"It means I need to check some information. It's best to memorize a love poem, so that you can be happy?" Uehara Takuya said and took out his mobile phone.

Yukino walked over quickly, grabbed his hand, and glared at him.

You are thick-skinned, but I cannot afford to embarrass that person.

The look in her eyes meant it.

What's more, the two of them were standing at the entrance of a hotel with a lot of traffic. Pedestrians coming and going would occasionally turn their heads to look at this pair of handsome men and beautiful women, and then reminisce about their gradually passing youth.

"Then go in, you must be hungry too." Uehara Takuya laughed. He was just joking.

Yukino hummed and was about to let go of his wrist, but he grabbed it with his backhand.

The white and clean little hand fell into his palm.

The blush that had just faded from Yukino's face reappeared again.

Uehara Takuya met her shy and reminding gaze: "You were the one who caught me first."

What kind of person is this!

Yukino quickly looked away.

This time she really couldn't get it right.

[Anyway, my strength is not as strong as his. No matter how hard I struggle, I can't break free, so I might as well just let him hold me. 】

In order not to make herself shy, Yukino silently made excuses to convince herself.

Uehara Takuya led Yukino to the innermost seat, and naturally the task of ordering food was left to the latter.

This location is relatively quiet compared to the bustle outside.

And it won’t be seen casually.

Yukino knew that Takuya Uehara had chosen this seat specifically.

Like he said, he knew himself and knew that he didn't like being stared at.

Just as a hint of sweetness filled the girl's heart, she heard someone say in a very disgraceful way: "Not to mention, black long straight stockings really look good with black stockings. If it is stockings, your charm will definitely double."

Yukino said with a stern face: "Then shall I go?"

"Ah, didn't I tell you? Stockings also look great on you."

"Tsk tsk, is this your face? One second you are praising stockings, and the next second you start to agree with stockings?"

"I have always believed that whether it is silk stockings or stockings, as long as the person wearing them looks good, then they are good socks."

"It fits your carefree speech very well."

Yukino closed the menu and she had already ordered.

Takuya Uehara said seriously: "Because I don't want to make Stockings sad."

"Unfortunately, it is already crying with sadness."

Yukino didn't want to talk to him about this anymore.

If the conversation continues, he might reach under the table and touch his legs.

It's not like he's never done this kind of thing before.

"Where are we going to play after dinner?" Uehara Takuya asked casually.

"I don't have a place I want to go." Yukino paused and then added, "Rather than wandering around in crowded places, I prefer reading at home."

"Then let's go to a place with fewer people?" Uehara Takuya suggested.

"Are you listening to me..."

Before Yukino finished speaking, she suddenly looked into his smiling eyes, her cheeks were slightly red, she turned her head and said lightly: "I don't want to play outside for too long."

"Okay, then just take a walk."

Yukino remained silent and acquiesced.

Although the two reached an agreement, the plan could never keep up with the changes.

Uehara Takuya and Yukino left the hotel, and at the same time noticed the slim figure walking towards them.

"Good evening, Miss Yukinoshita, and Uehara." Stella smiled generously.

"Miss Stella? Are you here specifically to do something?" Uehara Takuya took the opportunity to look around, but did not see Kashiwazaki Tenma.

Yukino greeted Stella and said calmly: "She should have come to see us specially."

Uehara Takuya was stunned for a moment.

Stella was still smiling: "Miss Yukinoshita was wrong. I came out to eat, but I happened to see you and came over to say hello."

"But you don't seem to be leaving just after saying hello." Yukino's tone was far from friendly.

"It seems like this is true..." Stella held her face, as if talking to herself: "Then what should I do next? How about this, let's go shopping together?"

She made the decision seemingly casually.

Yukino chuckled, it's interesting, now you still have to pretend to be a natural fool?

Ever since her last trip to the beach, the housekeeper had been labeled "high risk" by her.

As for what Ami Kawashima once said, "Is it possible that Miss Stella has a natural stupidity?"

Yukino scoffed at such words.

[If she is really stupid, then Yangno is a pure and harmless little lamb. 】

Yukino thought coldly.

It is normal for normal people to meet each other outside and say hello.

But Stella’s current posture makes it clear that she is not just here to say hello.

Yukino saw through this, so her attitude was not so friendly.

The moment their eyes met, Uehara Takuya noticed something was wrong. He decisively suggested: "How about walking and chatting? There are too many people here, and you can easily bump into someone if you don't pay attention."

"Okay." The two agreed at the same time, and then looked away.

The three of them walked for a while, and Uehara Takuya saw that none of them planned to speak, so he could only take the initiative to open the topic: "Where did Miss Stella eat just now?"

"It's right next door to you." Stella answered simply.

Yukino raised her eyebrows slightly: "In other words, you have actually seen us a long time ago, but you just waited until we finished eating before coming over to say hello?"

"That's right. After all, I don't want to disturb your meal time." Stella responded with a smile.

"But you are still disturbing me now." Yukino began to show his sharpness.

"I'm really sorry about that."

Stella said softly, her beautiful eyes flowing, and she naturally looked at Yukino's dress today.

This kind of figure and cheeks that are full of the feeling of a young girl will undoubtedly bring a beautiful feeling to most people.

This is something she doesn't have.

And Yukino was also looking at her.

She is tall and always has a smile on her face. She has a beautiful and mature look. Moreover, she has not chosen loose clothes. Instead, she wears slim clothes that can highlight her bust. The brown skirt underneath cannot cover her. Those long legs bound by stockings.At first glance, one can feel that this is a woman whose sexiness and figure are ready to be revealed.

Yukino looked away with a calm expression. Even if the other person didn't know how many cup sizes were bigger than her, she could handle it calmly.

After all, Kashiwazaki Sena always used this topic to provoke herself.

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