Today's Yukino has been beaten for a long time and has become tough.

At least when it comes to the topic of breasts, she can do it with ease.

"Am I being ignored by you?" Uehara Takuya interrupted abruptly.

Yukino glanced at him lightly: "She should have ignored you, not me."

So Uehara Takuya stared at Stella.

The housekeeper smiled generously: "Nothing. In fact, I have been paying attention to Uehara from the beginning to the end. My eyes have never left you."

"Is that so?" Uehara Takuya asked in confusion.

Yukino didn't look at the other party again.

Even if she knew it, Taku Uehara was trying to lighten the mood by making jokes.

However such a thing is impossible.

Because the woman in front of me...

You came prepared.

After thinking about this clearly, Yukino felt a little unhappy.

Although he labeled Stella as "high-risk", until today, she had never shown any hostility to her.

Does she eat pancakes?

Just when Yukino was distracted, Stella suddenly praised: "Miss Yukinoshita is dressed very beautifully today. If you usually dress like this in school, Uehara may be troubled."

Yukino raised the corner of her mouth and smiled a little cruelly.

What I'm waiting for is for you to speak first.

But before she had time to fight back, Stella looked at Uehara Takuya with a smile: "Uehara should think so too, right? Girls with good relationships dress up too beautifully and can easily attract the attention of other men. When the time comes, Are you going to interrupt the conversation violently out of jealousy, or are you going to stand aside and smile like a gentleman?"

"He doesn't need to do anything." Yukino's smile was already revealed, "He just needs to watch quietly from the side."

"Why?" Stella and Yukino's eyes met.

"There are always some things between girls that are inconvenient to talk to boys. At least I can't be like Miss Stella, who seems to be talking about some topics that should not be talked about to others in a natural manner. For the boys around me..."

After a pause, Yukino's smile became even crueler: "Because I have a sense of shame."

Uehara Takuya was stunned.

Why is it so high?

Shouldn't the laning period be about both sides testing each other, so that I can take advantage of the situation and ease the atmosphere?

Chapter 223 The arrogant Hanmei will never lose

Yukino's sudden big move caught Uehara Takuya off guard.

But Stella smiled calmly: "Miss Yukinoshita is indeed very attentive. We have only met for a short time, and you have thought of a lot of things."

"Are you investigating me?" Xueno's eyes looked slightly evil.

"Uehara once asked the same question." Stella looked at Takuya Uehara with a smile, "I also answered it at that time. Without the boss's order, I will not be rude to investigate others."

Yukino was stunned.


Did Kashiwazaki Sena say that?

Xuenai felt helpless. She also knew the girl's character very well. As long as the other party met a new friend or encountered something interesting, they would definitely share it with their acquaintances.

The other party will tell Stella about his affairs, and if this smart and careful housekeeper analyzes it, it makes sense.

Yukino quickly calmed down, turned to Uehara Takuya and said, "Uehara, help me buy a bottle of water."


Uehara Takuya looked at the girl in confusion: "Do you think now is the time to buy water?"

"Of course." Yukino answered simply.

This time Uehara Takuya understood.

Yukino wants to face Stella alone!

Before he could continue to speak, the proud and cold girl spoke again: "I just want a bottle of mineral water, at room temperature. Thank you."

"Okay, don't start fighting..." Uehara Takuya pretended to be dejected.

Yukino rolled her eyes at him.

He didn't forget to play tricks to calm the atmosphere before leaving. It seemed that he was really worried.

But I will never lose.

As Uehara Takuya left, Yukino raised her hand and pointed to a coffee shop with many girls in front: "Would you like to sit there, Miss Stella?"

"Okay." Stella agreed with a smile.

After the two of them came to the coffee shop and sat down together, the moment their beautiful eyes looked at each other, the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

Even the waitress looked at me a few times with a weird expression.

Fortunately, she had good professionalism and didn't disturb him. She just silently recorded what the two of them needed and left.

Yukino looked down at the menu, her delicate lips slightly opened and closed: "Miss Stella complimented me on my beauty earlier. In fact, your appearance and figure are the easiest to attract men, right?"

Stella sat with a straight posture and a gentle smile: "Thank you for the compliment, but I have always felt that no matter how beautiful a woman is, it is useless to attract the attention of men."

"Oh, so what's useful?"

"As long as the man you care about likes it, that's enough." Stella gave the answer.

Yukino's lowered eyelids were indifferent. She didn't expect that the other party was also mature.

If I heard this sentence in normal times, I would probably think that she was just single because she had been single for too long, and would sigh casually.

But today is different.

After the brief exchange before, Yukino had every reason to infer that she was hinting at herself.

Yukino raised her head, suppressed the unhappiness in her heart, and raised the corners of her mouth: "Since you said that, I would like to ask, have you met a man worthy of your liking?"

"Why do you ask this?" Stella asked.

Yukino chuckled: "I'm just curious, but it seems like I asked a nonsense question..."

Her voice paused briefly, and then her tone was deliberately prolonged: "If Miss Stella really met that man, then you would not be dining out alone now, but would be accompanied by a man."

"Miss Yukinoshita, what you said is really rude."

Stella's defense was impenetrable, even though Yukino had stabbed her with a sharp knife, she still dealt with it calmly.

Just as the waiter brought the coffee, she picked up the sugar cube and said softly: "What Ms. Yukinoshita said just now is to remind me that I disturbed your date with your boyfriend, right?"

Yukino stared at her movements with cold eyes, but her white earlobes were slightly red.

Stella didn't seem to notice, and continued: "When I first met Miss Yukinoshita, you left a deep impression on me."

"Really? But I don't think there is anything about myself that deserves to be focused on when you and I first meet." Yukino said lightly.

Stella held the spoon and stirred it gently in the coffee cup: "That's because Ms. Yukinoshita doesn't care about other people's eyes. To be honest, the moment I saw you, I felt that you were very special. Like a plum blossom that blooms proudly in the cold winter, it is very proud and has a slightly childish and youthful stubbornness.”

Yukino sneered and clenched his fists: "The last sentence [greenness] is the key point, right?"

Stella smiled slightly, noncommittal.

Yukino didn't like her attitude of pretending to be an expert.

Even if the other party is probably a real master.

Immediately, Yukino's hand also grasped the coffee cup. The freshly brewed coffee was still steaming and a bit hot to the touch.

But she knew very well that the fighting spirit in her heart was the hottest.

It is also the hottest.

"You said I am Hanmei, then who are you?" Yukino launched a thrust for the second time.

"What do you think?" Stella threw the question back.

"Probably... the Kashiwazaki family's sword?" Yukino paused as if unintentionally.

Stella’s eyes finally began to twinkle.

Seeing this, Xueno couldn't help but sneer in his heart, and he actually guessed it.

Even though this woman has been labeled as high-risk by herself, the other party is not here for her tonight.

But the eldest lady of the Kashiwazaki family.

While she guessed this correctly, Yukino was a little puzzled.

In her understanding, the other party was just the housekeeper of the Kashiwazaki family.

A housekeeper, no matter how good his relationship with the eldest lady is, would not do such a thing, right?

"Knife? It turns out that Ms. Yukinoshita has guessed it again. She is really amazing." This time, Stella's praise was more sincere.

Yukino ignored the other party's words and said lightly: "I remember someone said that everyone will meet his own star in his limited life. Maybe the star is not shining enough or outstanding enough, but such a star is not Others can take it away at will.”

Then, she emphasized her tone: "Because, I don't allow it."

Stella lowered her head, her beautiful eyes flashing following the ripples of liquid in the coffee cup: "Then have you ever thought that that star does not actually belong to you? Or, in other words, you are not its real owner."

"It's a pity that the star I identify with will never let go." Yukino proudly raised her smooth chin.

Just like she said to herself.

you are mine!

As she finished speaking, Stella didn't say anything anymore. There were clearly guests talking and laughing around the two of them, but they seemed not to hear them and were thinking about their own things.

The summer nights were equally hot, and the air conditioner in the coffee shop blew cold wind. The moment the wind blew the hair on their foreheads, perhaps their hearts beat faster.

When Stella held up the coffee cup and took a sip, Yukino finally spoke: "I don't like you."

"Not surprising." She nodded with a smile.

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