Yukino continued: "Compared to that idiot Kashiwazaki Sena, you are even more annoying because you are very similar to someone I know, but the resemblance is not thorough enough."

Stella squinted her eyes: "I would like to ask, who is the person you are talking about?"

"If you are interested, you can guess it yourself."

After Yukino finished speaking, she specifically pointed to the clock on the wall with her eyes: "There is just enough time now. If you like, you can guess a few more times."

"I don't like guessing games very much." Stella shook her head and refused.

"Then please don't meddle in other people's business." Yukino's finger joints holding the cup tightened, and her strength increased. "If possible, you should stay as far away from me as possible in my future life."

"What a pity, I don't think I can do it." Stella refused for the second time.

Yukino's eyes suddenly became as cold as the cold wind: "Rejecting others twice in a row shows that you have made up your mind. Then I am really curious, what is your position that leads you to help so wholeheartedly? From Kashiwazaki Sena?”

"Sister, is this identity enough?" Stella looked at her.


Yukino laughed out loud: "That's a perfunctory answer."

"If you say yes, then that's it..."

Stella put down the cup, still sitting upright, observing the etiquette she had received since childhood.

I saw her smiling softly at Yukino: "No matter how much you don't like me, I can't retreat. Because you will always appear next to Uehara, there is no way to avoid it, right?"

"Is this a declaration of war?" Yukino didn't hide it, her eyes were filled with hostility.

"If possible, I hope you call what you said just now [declaration of victory]." Stella stretched out a finger with a smile, and tapped Yukino's delicate little face, "You are not my opponent, It’s better for your sister to come over instead.”

Hearing the other party mention Yangno, Yukino clenched her fists fiercely, like a cat under complete martial law, looking for a fatal blow at any time.

Be fast, be accurate, and be ruthless.

Can't go wrong.

Yukino took a deep breath, her mood swings had gradually become stronger since the conversation.

But Stella still sat tall, without much emotional change from beginning to end.

"You are very angry, and you are trying to control your inner anger. If you continue to endure it like this, it will only make your brain more confused."

Stella said word by word.

The next second, she sincerely praised: "But at a time like this, you still want to turn the situation around. Whether it is courage or character, you are worthy of praise."

[This kind of tone of instruction given by elders to younger ones...]

Yukino bit her lip and was about to fight back when the door of the coffee shop was pushed open.

The first person to walk in was Uehara Takuya.

Then there is Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Uehara Takuya quickly found Yukino's figure. When he appeared in front of the two of them with a confused Hiratsuka Shizu, Stella and Yukino looked up at the same time.

He pointed at the older, unmarried young woman next to him and said solemnly: "Captain Dragonfly is here, you can call a truce!"

After a short silence, Stella was the first to laugh: "Is Uehara telling a joke?"

Yukino held her forehead: "You are so stupid."

Hiratsuka Shizu looked at him with a strange expression: "Captain Dragonfly is the referee. If it's a truce, you shouldn't shout... No, I'm not Captain Dragonfly!"

Then she grabbed Uehara Takuya's sleeve and threatened angrily: "Also, you called me out so suddenly on the phone and said it was urgent. I didn't even finish taking a shower before you came to see you. That’s it now?”

She also glanced at Yukino and Stella who were sitting.

The calm faces of the two people did not seem to be abnormal.

"Because your arrival will make me feel at ease." Uehara Takuya said seriously.

Hiratsuka Shizu sneered: "I think your skin is itchy?"

"If you want to show [good teacher-student relationship] in front of us, then I suggest Mr. Hiratsuka not to continue the show." Yukino said coldly.

Hiratsuka Shizu's face stiffened slightly.

Stella smiled politely and said: "Although it's not a good thing to say, Uehara's acting skills are really bad, and the acting skills of the beauty next to me... To put it mildly, you are about the same, I guess."

Uehara Takuya and Hiratsuka Shizu's faces darkened at the same time.

Then the two of them sat down.

Uehara Takuya and Yukino sat together, Hiratsuka Shizuka next to Stella.

The older young woman opposite sighed and said, "Okay, to be honest, I happened to be drinking nearby and saw Uehara buying water at a convenience store, so I went over to say hello."

Then Uehara Takuya confessed honestly: "So we chatted for a few words, and Hiratsuka-sensei once again proved her thoughtfulness and kindness, and decided to help me."

"Considerate and kind..." Hiratsuka Shizu was happy.

Yukino was already drinking coffee and was too lazy to talk.

Stella responded: "Then you are too late, my pleasant chat with Miss Yukinoshita has just ended."

"Happy?" Uehara Takuya stared at her suspiciously.

"Chat?" Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at her warily.

"Otherwise? Do you think I will fight with Miss Stella?" Yukino suppressed the embarrassment in her heart.

She wouldn't care at all if Uehara Takuya knew about her affairs, she was used to it anyway.

But Hiratsuka Shizuka suddenly intervened, which made her feel a little awkward.

But she understands one thing.

The plum blossoms that bloom proudly in the cold winter will never admit defeat and will never lose!

When she saw Uehara Takuya and Hiratsuka Shizuka's expressions were still strange, she asked angrily: "Do you really think we will fight?"

Uehara Takuya and Hiratsuka Shizu laughed at the same time: "Ahaha, how could that be? It's time to order something..."

Stella pursed her lips and smiled softly: "You two really understand each other well."

Yukino looked away helplessly. The degree of tacit understanding between the two people in some places was really surprising.

When the waiter brought the coffee again, the young lady couldn't help but take another look. She was surprised to find that the strange atmosphere had subsided.

Hiratsuka Shizu didn't touch the coffee cup. She had just drank some beer. If she drank coffee now, her stomach would probably be upset in the middle of the night.

So she put on a charming smile and suggested: "Since we just happened to meet each other, how about going around together?"

Uehara Takuya responded cooperatively: "Would you like to go to the night market? When I went to buy water just now, I heard passers-by say that it was very lively there, and there were many shops doing promotions."

Chapter 224 Synchronization Rate

Even though Shizuka Hiratsuka and Takuya Uehara worked well together, they still couldn't hide it from Yukino and Stella.

They all have a thinking brain and a pair of keen eyes.

Stella stood up first and spoke in a soft voice: "Although I am very excited about the idea of ​​going shopping, it's a pity that I have to go back. After all, I am a housekeeper and I can't go out alone for too long."

Uehara Takuya didn't believe it at all: "We have known each other for such a long time. Based on my observation and understanding of you, I feel that your rights in the Kashiwazaki family are not small. If you are just shopping and entertaining outside, there should be no problem."

"No, you said exactly the opposite." Stella stretched out her finger and shook it.

Uehara Takuya was just trying to hear what she had to say, but the woman smiled and said, "I don't have any rights. As for what I have to do every day, it's to stay with Sena."

"Isn't this the same as not saying anything..." Uehara Takuya felt that his expectations were in vain.

Yukino also spoke at this time: "If you want to go shopping, Uehara, you can ask Hiratsuka-sensei to come with you. It just so happens that you two are particularly compatible."

Uehara Takuya and Hiratsuka Shizuka looked at each other and waved their hands awkwardly: "No, no."

Yukino looked at the two of them doubtfully: "Why is your synchronization rate so high today?"

"Is there any?" They both spoke at the same time again.

Then they all froze for a moment.

Uehara Takuya squinted his eyes: "Mr. Hiratsuka, why are you following me?"

"Who learned from you?" Hiratsuka Shizuka rolled her eyes. It was really embarrassing to be stared at by Yukino like this.

Especially Yukino was not the only one present.

Stella didn’t say anything embarrassing to her.

The housekeeper simply said "goodbye" to the three of them and left without any hesitation.

However, when she passed the front desk, she still paid the bill on her own very considerately.

"The annoying woman is finally gone." Yukino seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

Shizuka Hiratsuka had "I want to eat melon" written all over her face. She opened her mouth, but was too embarrassed to ask directly.

So she secretly touched Hara Takuya with her elbow, signaling the latter to charge.

Uehara Takuya couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Hiratsuka, are you too nosy? Besides, I told you before, because the relationship between Yukino and Stella is full of gunpowder, that's why I have a headache."

Yukino drank coffee calmly and pretended not to hear.

Hiratsuka Shizu was still very curious: "But I haven't figured it out after thinking for a long time. What kind of conflict can there be between Yukino and Stella? Strictly speaking, the relationship between the two of them is not familiar, right?"

Yukino spoke up this time: "Huh? It sounds like Hiratsuka-sensei knows a lot about it?"

Hiratsuka Shizu smiled casually: "You also know that Yangno often talks to me on the phone about your affairs..."

She didn't finish her words, but Yukino understood.

"It's that woman again."

Yukino's face darkened.

Previously, Stella used Yangno as an excuse to use it as an excuse to join her own army.

Now Hiratsuka Shizuka mentioned her again, saying that the bastard sister told each other that she and Stella knew each other.

This made her very uncomfortable.

The three of them sat in the store for a while, Uehara Takuya was responsible for sending Yukino home, and Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't leave in a hurry, talking and laughing along the way.

I just don't know if she is trying to liven up the atmosphere or if she wants to continue eating.

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