"Then see you tomorrow."

After Yukino finished speaking, she turned around and walked into the door.

Uehara Takuya watched her beautiful figure disappear, and then he was surprised and confused: "It seems that Stella's conversation with her had a considerable impact on her."

"Why?" Hiratsuka Shizu came over curiously.

Uehara Takuya's face was serious: "Because Yukino didn't invite me to sit in."


Shizuka Hiratsuka had an old groove stuck in his throat and couldn't get out.

She held it in for a few seconds, and finally roared: "Is this the basis on which you usually judge Yukino's thoughts?"

"Why are you shouting so loudly? I'm almost deaf." Uehara Takuya rubbed his ears and backed away quickly.

Hiratsuka Shizu couldn't help but grabbed his arm and walked out: "Now that your matter has been resolved, you should return my favor."

"what do you want to do?"

"What else can you do, of course treat me to dinner!" Hiratsuka Shizuka complained without looking back, "Just to cooperate with you in adjusting their relationship, I didn't even take a few bites of the food I ordered, it was all wasted."

"This is indeed my fault, I'm willing to treat you." Uehara Takuya admitted his mistake humbly.

What he and Yukino and the others told before was also true.

He was indeed Hiratsuka Shizuka whom he met by chance.

At that time, he just mentioned "Stella and Yukino might be quarreling," and Hiratsuka Shizuka volunteered to help.

He did not refuse the kind-hearted teacher's assistance.

"In other words, you don't know what Stella and Yukino talked about in detail?" The two found a restaurant to sit down, and Hiratsuka Shizu happily poured herself a beer while asking.

"That's right." Uehara Takuya was also confused.

He also understood Stella well. According to the character of the housekeeper, there was no reason for her to cause trouble for Yukino.

Even though he knew that Stella was actually a difficult woman.

"There is no feud between her and Yukino."

When Uehara Takuya said this, his tone was extremely determined.

Hiratsuka Shizuka believed it, so she was even more puzzled: "Although Yangno mentioned that woman to me, she only chatted briefly. I don't know her well, so I can't help with this matter." ”

Uehara Takuya felt warm in his heart and said with a smile, "I'm very grateful for Mr. Hiratsuka's willingness to help just now."

"Then you had a bad attitude towards me just now?" Hiratsuka Shizu glared at him deliberately.

"Should I kneel down and be grateful to you?"

"It doesn't have to be so formal. You just need to help me carry my bag."

"Then I'd better kneel down. This saves time."

"whispering sound."

Hiratsuka Shizuka gave him a look and took a sip of cold beer down his throat, feeling extremely happy immediately.

Uehara Takuya drank the juice slowly. He was full now and couldn't eat at all.

The woman opposite drank a few glasses of beer, and she spoke more: "I said, you young people, why do you always come to me for emotional matters? Don't you know, teacher, that I am worried about getting married? ?"

Uehara Takuya thoughtfully reminded: "To be precise, I am worried [because I can't find a marriage partner]."

Hiratsuka Shizu's face fell.

Takuya Uehara smiled and said, "Every time you show this expression, it's actually quite cute."

As expected, he got hit on the forehead.

Shizu Hiratsuka lazily retracted his arm: "It seems that you haven't remembered a word of what I said to you before. Otherwise, you wouldn't find opportunities to tease me every time."

"So why did Mr. Hiratsuka come out to drink alone today?" Uehara Takuya asked casually.

Shizuka Hiratsuka stared at the beer in the cup and said lightly: "What else could it be because of? It's just that I'm not attracted by men."

Even her tone of voice had obvious emotions. It was obvious that she was unhappy today.

Uehara Takuya glanced at her exquisite makeup. She was beautiful. The charm of a mature woman about her was different from other women.

Because she is heroic and full of security.

Just like a little girl who sees an outstanding elder, she can't help but praise her with admiration: "You're so handsome."

To be honest, Uehara Takuya has never figured out why a woman with such an outstanding appearance and figure like Hiratsuka Shizuka would fail in blind dates one after another.

Could it be that the aesthetics of the group of single men at the blind date are all the same, and they only like the Xiaojiabiyu type?

If it weren't for the inappropriateness, he would have followed the other person on a blind date a long time ago and gained a lot of experience.

He felt that judging from his appearance, not to mention that all the rich women in the audience were willing to play "Rich Woman Steel Ball" with him, at least the rich woman's sister would definitely be willing to apply for a card with him.


Hiratsuka Shizuka's voice interrupted his thoughts.

Uehara Takuya raised his head instinctively, and saw her squinting her hazy eyes full of alcohol, and opening her red lips with a hint of dissatisfaction: "You complimented me on my beauty last time, were you kidding me, or was it the truth?"

"Of course it's the truth." Uehara Takuya smiled angrily, "Is this still false? If you don't believe it, just grab any man and ask him. I believe that as long as they are not blind, they will definitely have the same idea as me. "

"I'm very happy that you can say that."

Hiratsuka Shizu smiled with satisfaction and seemed to be in a better mood.

"Because I did tell the truth."

Taku Uehara wasn't kidding either.

Shizuka Hiratsuka was wearing a black silk skirt today, and the jacket on top was also black. When she crossed her arms, her mature and attractive figure would immediately show her charm.

You must know that when she ran out of the restaurant to see him, her slender legs were wearing high heels, making a "tuk-tuk" sound, and her swinging waist and hips were set off by the black skirt, showing her already graceful curves. Extraordinarily moving.

Not to mention she has fair skin that many women envy.

Mature, beautiful, and powerful, she can not only break bricks with her bare hands, but also kill a cow with one punch. Who wouldn't love such a woman?

Uehara Takuya's thoughts gradually went astray.

"I obviously didn't provoke any of you, so why do troubles always happen to me?" Hiratsuka Shizuka sighed again.

Takuya Uehara looked hesitant: "Are you drunk on alcohol and starting to feel sad?"

"Don't make trouble, I'm not drunk yet." Hiratsuka said calmly.

"But you said the same thing last time when you were drunk." Uehara Takuya brought up the old story again.

Hiratsuka Shizu's cheeks turned red, and the shame in her heart emerged again: "Didn't you say you forgot?"

Uehara Takuya pointed to his head and said seriously: "My memory is intermittent. Sometimes it pops out on its own, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Hiratsuka Shizuka raised her fist: "Do you need my help?"

"No, let's forget about physical amnesia. I'm worried that you will beat me to death."

"As long as you know."

Shizu Hiratsuka nodded with a straight face, but when she picked up the wine glass, she couldn't help laughing: "Well, you always like to go around the corner to comfort me, even though your acting skills are poor..."

"But it's very useful." Uehara Takuya answered.

Hiratsuka Shizuka was startled and smiled happily.

Chapter 225 Beautiful Girl Picking Her Feet

After the drunken experience last time, Hiratsuka Shizuka naturally wouldn't drink too much this time.

She didn't even finish a bottle of beer before she got up and went to pay.

When she came back, she saw Uehara Takuya with a strange expression, as if he was suppressing a smile.

She didn't understand it at first, until she saw the waiter clearing the table picking up the small half bottle of beer, and she suddenly blushed.

"If you dare to laugh, I will definitely beat you away!"

The moment Hiratsuka Shizu walked out of the restaurant with him, she lowered her voice and quickly issued a warning.

"I'm not smiling." Uehara Takuya had a straight face, looking bitter and filled with hatred.

This look almost made Shizuka Hiratsuka laugh, but as soon as she recalled the look in the other person's eyes just now, she felt shame jumping wildly inside her body.

"It was an accident last time. I will never get drunk in front of you in the future." Shizuka Hiratsuka vowed.

Uehara Takuya said: "Teacher Hiratsuka, do you know what flag is? Generally speaking, if you add the word [absolutely], it will basically not end well."

"Do you think I'm an old antique who doesn't know anything? Flags are ineffective on me." Shizuka Hiratsuka shook his head and laughed, looking so confident.

As for the flag Uehara Takuya mentioned, she didn't take it to heart at all.

As soon as the two came to an intersection, Shizuka Hiratsuka suddenly stopped and smiled at Takuya Uehara: "You don't have to see me off, I met an acquaintance."

"Okay, then be careful on the road." Uehara Takuya did not insist.

After all, with Hiratsuka Shizuka's fighting prowess, he believed that no unsighted gangster would dare to provoke him.

Watching Hiratsuka Shizuka walk towards a barbecue restaurant in front, he saw a woman with bright makeup walking out of the store just before turning around.

Shizuka Hiratsuka soon chatted with her, both of them had smiles on their faces, and the atmosphere seemed good.

"That woman looks familiar..."

Uehara Takuya didn't look much, but the other person's face always felt familiar to him.

The other person was similar in age to Hiratsuka Shizu, and her clothes were similar, but that woman was more beautiful and mature, especially when she smiled, the word seductive was almost written on her face.

Uehara Takuya did not go home directly, but walked towards the apartment where Yukino lived.

Although he didn't know exactly what Yukino and Stella talked about, judging from the girl's mood before leaving, it was obvious that the other party had something to say to him.

It was only because Hiratsuka Shizuka was present that Yukino didn't speak.

Sure enough, before Uehara Takuya had gone far, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

I picked it up and saw a message from Yukino: [Are you free now? 】

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