Uehara Takuya replied with a smile: [I am not free now, but I will be free soon. 】

After saying that, he unconsciously quickened his pace.

On the other side, Yukino, who was sitting on the sofa, was holding her phone in confusion. As smart as she was, she couldn't understand what Uehara Takuya's message meant.

But the other person said "I'll be free soon", so she wasn't in a hurry. She put her phone aside casually, picked up the nail clippers on the coffee table, and continued to trim her nails.

In less than 5 minutes, the doorbell rang.

Yukino was stunned for a moment, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, she quickly put down her nail clippers and ran to the door.

She looked out through the peephole, and it turned out to be Takuya Uehara standing outside the door.

"What this guy said about [available soon], is this what he meant?"

Yukino's face turned slightly red. She also realized it at this moment. The other party clearly guessed that she would be looking for him, so she took the initiative to come over when she received the message.

She gathered her emotions and opened the door. Just as she was about to pretend that nothing had happened, she found beads of sweat hanging on Takuya Uehara's forehead. He had obviously run all the way here.

Yukino bit her lip: "Why do you have to run here?"

"Because it's too late, you have to rest later." Uehara Takuya said matter-of-factly.

Yukino looked away and handed over his handkerchief: "Wipe your sweat first."

The two of them came to the living room and sat down. Yukino did not prepare any more snacks or tea. She picked up the nail clippers and trimmed her nails attentively. She asked, "Did you already know that I was looking for you?"

"I guessed a little bit, but I didn't expect you to actually send the message." Uehara Takuya gestured with his hands.

Yukino hummed: "Where's Mr. Hiratsuka? Did you send her home?"

"No, she met an acquaintance on the way. She was a woman with very colorful makeup and clothes. She was in typical date attire, but I didn't recognize her."

Yukino paused while trimming her nails: "That should be Teacher Qianshi Chihiro, she is in charge of the art class."

Uehara Takuya was stunned.

Yukino noticed his expression and thought he was curious, so he said casually: "I don't have much impression of her. I only know that her style of speaking and doing things is at the level of [violent and resolute]..."

Then, she added calmly: "Of course, this [violent and resolute] is not necessarily a compliment."

Uehara Takuya couldn't help but smile: "The reason?"

"I basically got my impressions of her from other students. Perhaps because there is a [Absolute Zero Tachibana] in the school, her popularity is not that high. According to the news I heard It seems that the students admire her very much, mixed with awe, because whether she is assigning tasks or delivering messages, she has an attitude that cannot be refuted."

Yukino spoke unhurriedly, not noticing the change in Takuya Uehara's eyes.

[Is Shiina Mashiro’s cousin?So she is also in this school? 】

Uehara Takuya scratched his head. He used to pay little attention to the rumors in the school. Except for Hiratsuka Shizuka and Tachibana Chizuru, who was feared by all the students in the school, he really had no impression of the other teachers.

At this time, Yukino suddenly laughed: "Did you just say that Mr. Hiratsuka and her got together?"

Uehara Takuya nodded in confusion: "Yes, is there a problem?"

Yukino raised his head, with a slight smile on his cute little face, looking a little enigmatic: "There is no problem, but there is a little problem."

Uehara Takuya facepalmed: "Can we not be the Riddler?"

Yukino was very satisfied with his reaction and stopped pretending: "I'm not sure whether the rumors in the school are accurate. A student once said that when he went out to play with his friends, he saw Teacher Qianshi dressed up very beautifully. Attending a fraternity party.”

Uehara Takuya was silent for two seconds. He couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud: "She's also going on a blind date?"

"It's obvious." Yukino continued to trim her nails, "If nothing else, the reason why she has a good relationship with Mr. Hiratsuka is probably because... they are both from the same world."

"Ah, if Mr. Hiratsuka hears this, you will definitely be beaten away by her."

"It sounds like you are very skilled. It seems that you are often beaten away by Hiratsuka-sensei?"

"I was beaten by her, but it hasn't officially taken off yet."

Uehara Takuya said casually, and his eyes naturally fell on Yukino.

Looking at the girl's round and white toes raised high, under the light above her head, they glowed with a soft color, like the most conspicuous pearl in the cupboard.

"What other perverted thoughts do you have?" Of course Yukino noticed the look in his eyes.

"I'm just taking a look." Uehara Takuya said seriously.

Yukino stopped cutting her nails and stared at him expressionlessly.

And Taku Uehara was not afraid at all.

The two looked at each other for nearly ten seconds, until Yukino's cheeks slowly turned red, and she pretended to be calm and backed down: "As expected of you, you can create a bunch of shameless perverted thoughts in your brain so easily."

"I haven't said anything yet, have I?"

"I can guess it without you telling me."

"Then do you need me to cut your nails?" Uehara Takuya suddenly changed the subject 180 degrees.

Yukino was still stunned for a moment, and looked at him with her beautiful eyes slightly nervously. He rolled up his sleeves and said eagerly: "NO.18 Technician Uehara Takuya wants to clock in. I wonder if the lovely Miss Yukino is willing?" "

Yukino wanted to laugh, but held it back.

She simply threw the nail clippers over and leaned back on the sofa, with her little face turned pink: "Then I'll leave it to you. If the trimming doesn't look good, I will scold you."

Seeing Yukino agreeing so simply, it was Uehara Takuya's turn to hesitate this time.

Yukino didn't even look at him, and said in a calm voice: "If I refused just now, you would definitely make other requests, such as a massage, right?"

Uehara Takuya was shocked: "Have you seen this?"

Yukino raised the corners of her mouth and narrowed her beautiful eyes: "Don't forget, I know you very well."

"That sounds pretty happy."

After Uehara Takuya finished speaking, he took advantage of the situation and held her little feet.

Yukino's body trembled slightly, and she wanted to close her eyes shyly, but was afraid that he would see through her thoughts.

She waited for a while, but found that the other party had not moved for a while.

She couldn't help but adjust her body carefully, turned her face and took a peek, and found Takuya Uehara staring at her feet in a daze.

If it weren't for the strange smile on the other person's face, she would really wonder if the other person was imagining some strange scene.

"Why don't you move?" Yukino decided to take the initiative.

Uehara Takuya laughed: "I just thought of a... well, it should be considered a funny joke, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Have you ever heard of the term foot-picking beauty?"


Yukino was slightly startled, looking at the smile on Uehara Takuya's face, she suddenly remembered that she was still cutting her nails when he came in and sat down.

And the posture I was in at that time happened to be a foot-picking posture with my fingers pressing on my toes.

How are foot picking and beautiful girls connected?

Her face suddenly darkened: "Is it funny?"

"I just suddenly thought of it. Okay, okay, it's time for the technician to go to work. Don't move around." Uehara Takuya knew that she was thin-skinned and did not continue.

Yukino seemed not to let him go: "You specifically used a rude word to describe me, and now you want to forget it...ah, what are you doing?"

Before she finished speaking, her voice suddenly became high-pitched.

The next moment, Yukino's entire face turned red.

Because some bastard actually touched his feet hard while he was talking.

It seemed like it was pinched a bit.

"I told you not to move. If you are not honest and cooperative, it will seriously affect the work efficiency of my technician." Uehara Takuya was still pretending.

Yukino glanced at him with shame: "Aren't you the technician responsible for trimming nails? Why did you touch me just now?"

"Do you need me to tell you about my multiple talents?"


"If you scold me again, I'll pinch you again."


Yukino was at a loss.

She turned her head and looked at the TV, the temperature on her face rising uncontrollably.

Of course, she was still somewhat unconvinced.

[If it weren’t for my feet in his hands, if it weren’t for him being a pervert, I would have trampled him under my feet. 】

Yukino snorted lightly.

Unexpectedly, Taku Uehara also hummed.

Yukino couldn't hold it back and looked over with a smile: "Are you a pig? You hum so unpleasantly?"

"If I were a pig, then you would be a cabbage that was raped by a pig?" Uehara Takuya responded calmly.

"Are you telling me dirty jokes?" The smile on Xueno's face remained unchanged, but her eyes became dangerous.

"No, I'm just describing it in a serious way and using metaphors. Do you understand?"

After saying that, he quickly lowered his head, just in time to avoid Yukino's sight.

Fight while retreating, this is the kingly way.

His eyes fell back on Yukino's feet. Looking at these small feet that looked like porcelain that had been carefully maintained for many years, his attention was also distracted.

From the neatly and cutely arranged toes to the slightly arched ankles, there is a round and round fullness.

It is hard to imagine that a girl with a light and slender figure like Yukino has a pair of beautiful, round and white feet.

When he started to trim his nails, the delicate toes lifted up, and the light reflected from the top of his head spread out, giving off a soft luster, as if they were covered with a layer of bright moonlight.

Yukino noticed Uehara Takuya's gaze again.

But this time she didn't make a sound, she just peeked with a red face.

When she saw Takuya Uehara unable to move her eyes away, with a stunning look in her eyes, she would quietly puff out her chest proudly.

Of course she knows her feet are beautiful.

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