There are no calluses from years of exercise. They are fleshy and tender. After being cared for, the skin on the feet is delicate and moist, delicate and soft.

Just being stared at so closely by Takuya Uehara made her feel shy.

Fortunately, her expression was well controlled.

"It's done."

As Uehara Takuya's voice sounded, she quickly came to her senses and calmly put her legs back, pretending to check.

"How's it going? The craftsmanship of technician No. 18 will never let you down, right?" Uehara Takuya began to claim credit.

Yukino smiled slightly: "It's barely okay, but it's not as good-looking as the one I cut myself."

"You are questioning my professionalism!"

"You're being stupid again. You're so stupid and cute, Uehara."

[Your friend Yukinoshita Yukino challenged you. 】

[Would you choose to fight back? 】

Uehara Takuya seemed to have seen the text messages in the game.

But when he put down the nail clippers, Yukino had already bent her legs and wrapped her arms around her knees, hiding her little feet behind the sofa cushions.

She was obviously prepared.

The moment their eyes met, there was a smile on her lips, and the pride and shame in her beautiful eyes were clearly visible. Her silky hair was scattered freely, and her very ordinary postures and movements looked particularly moving.

Such a quiet and beautiful picture of a girl showing shame, just one look at it makes people unable to take their eyes away.

It’s like taking out an online loan and paying off a credit card—getting deeper and deeper.

Chapter 226 A Man's Happiness Is Simple

Naturally, Yukino did not dare to look at Takuya Uehara for a long time.

In particular, she could detect the beating of male hormones in the other person's body.

So she wisely turned to look at the TV and changed the subject calmly: "If I guessed correctly, you should want to know the content of my chat with Stella tonight."

"Not only do I want to know, Hiratsuka-sensei also thinks so." Uehara Takuya sat down next to her.

Yukino's eyes looked disgusted: "Teacher Hiratsuka just wants to eat melon."

"Me too." Uehara Takuya tried to make his face look sincere.

"No, you are not."

Yukino raised her hand and pushed his face to the other side.

"I want to watch TV!" Uehara Takuya protested.

"You can squint."

"Then I looked lonely?"

Yukino held the remote control in one hand to change the channel and said casually: "If you know the content of my conversation with Miss Stella, you will definitely regret it."

Uehara Takuya was stunned.

He understood the meaning of Yukino's words, and the other party was not very willing to talk more.

So he changed his words: "Then the purpose of calling me to let me trim your nails?"

Yukino turned around and glared at him with a cold face: "Please note that it was you who forced me to cut my nails."

"I not only want to cut your nails, but I also want to massage your legs."


The aura that had just been gathered around Yukino was suffocated and dissipated.

There was a faint blush on her face, and she sighed softly: "I don't like Stella."

"Because she looks a lot like Harano?" Uehara Takuya guessed the reason.

"They are not alike." Yukino paused, "To be precise, they have completely different personalities. The only thing they have in common is that they are particularly annoying, that's all."

Uehara Takuya smiled and said: "Just listening to you talk, I can feel your resentment towards Haruno."

Yukino pursed her lips and remained silent, even if what the other party said was true.

"Speaking of which, can I rest here tonight?" Uehara Takuya suddenly changed the subject.

Xueno's heart beat violently: "No!"

"Ah? Why did you refuse so quickly?" Uehara Takuya was really surprised.

Yukino blushed and turned her head away, her voice muffled: "Because you are a pervert."

Uehara Takuya suddenly became happy: "You think I will force you...don't underestimate my endurance, I am actually super strong."

Xueno snorted deliberately to cover up his guilty conscience.

In fact, she was not worried about whether Uehara Takuya could bear it, but she was worried that she would not be able to bear it...

Before giving herself to the other party, she had no idea about the love between men and women.

But after experiencing it, her mind would occasionally fantasize about some scenes that were not suitable for children.

After all, there is a saying that says, women are just as lustful as men, but they are lustful in different ways. It may seem euphemistic and subtle on the surface, but once the fire is ignited, the speed at which it ignites will definitely surprise you. .

Yukino is like this now. She knows that Takuya Uehara said he could bear it, so he will definitely do it.

She also knew that the other party's words did not include kissing and touching.

If she was held in Takuya Uehara's arms and tortured for a while, she would be the one to take the initiative.

But she had a reason why she couldn't let him stay overnight today.

That's...she's here today.

The two chatted casually for a while, and Uehara Takuya made sure that she was not trapped in the emotions caused by Stella, and then stood up to leave.

But before leaving, he helped pour a cup of hot water and placed it on the coffee table.

Yukino blinked in confusion: "What do you mean?"

Uehara Takuya smiled meaningfully: "Drink more warm water so that you can feel more comfortable."

Yukino suddenly blushed.

So he knew?

But how did he know?

Just when Yukino was in confusion, Uehara Takuya met her eyes and explained: "Don't think too much, I also guessed it, because your reaction just now was too sudden. A certain famous detective once said, eliminate all Impossible, no matter how outrageous the remaining answer is, it is still the truth."

Xueno felt ashamed and angry, what is all this?

When most people know about this kind of thing about girls, shouldn't they consciously give themselves a lesson and avoid this topic?

He was doing well, and he became more and more enthusiastic as we chatted...

Although she was very shy, Yukino got up and walked him to the door.

When he was changing his shoes, Yukino said deliberately: "If my mother knows that you are dishonest in my house at night, she will definitely cause trouble for you."

Takuya Uehara didn't even raise his head: "Just look for her. She doesn't have invincibility written on her face. I'm not afraid at all."

"That's an answer that fits your character."

Yukino watched him walk to the door, then raised his little hand and waved, looked away proudly, and said softly: "Be careful on the road."

"Don't forget, I am the No. 18 technician. Who dares to attack me on the road?" Uehara Takuya put his hands on his hips.

"Shut up!" Yukino wanted to hit him as soon as she saw his posture.

When he took control of his body, he had assumed this posture.

As Takuya Uehara walked away, Yukino closed the door. Before she could take a step forward, her phone vibrated.

It was a message from Takuya Uehara: [You haven’t said good night to me yet. 】

The corners of Yukino's mouth were slightly raised, and there was a little smile in her eyes. She edited the message and replied: [I wish you a nightmare tonight. 】

Seeing the panda black face emoticon he quickly sent, Yukino happily put away her phone and murmured: "Good night, perverted Uehara."

The next day's school life was no different from usual. Hiratsuka Shizuka was still very energetic, while other students in the class, except for a few good kids who were diligent and eager to learn, couldn't cheer up.

In the physical education class, several boys approached Uehara Takuya and mysteriously pointed in the direction of the door: "Uehara, do you want to go to the girls' side?"

"What's there to see? Aren't you afraid of being hit in the face by a volleyball flying out of nowhere?" Uehara Takuya sat lazily on the floor.

"Are you kidding me? Aren't girls supposed to be cute?"

"You have to choose your partner if you are cute. Do you think you guys are like thieves and you have to run over to them? Isn't that a positive image in their eyes?"

When Uehara Takuya said this, someone's lines popped up in his mind: [Cunning villain! 】

"Then we'd better not go." Several people were frightened.

Uehara Takuya glanced at the active figures on the basketball court not far away, and then looked at a few classmates around him who were also listless. He immediately waved his hand: "Let's go play tennis."

"Tennis is boring."

"Are you afraid of my trump card, Ryoma Echizen?"

Everyone was stunned, and someone immediately laughed and answered: "Are you kidding me? How could I, Kintaro Toyama, be afraid of you?"

"I, Tezuka Kunimitsu, am not a vegetarian either!"

"Damn it, are you looking down on me, Genichiro Sanada?"

Everyone's middle school souls were burning one after another, and the atmosphere became lively.

The happiness between men is sometimes that simple.

Chapter 227 Yukinoshita Yukino-san who doesn’t want to be named

"Look at my outspin serve!"

"You are so weak. Your special skills are far inferior to my Tezuka domain!"

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