Since the physical education classes were held separately, when the boys' second-year souls were completely ignited, the high-pitched and excited shouts of the boys echoed everywhere.

The girls not far away turned around because of the frequent sounds. Their faces were full of curiosity. They wanted to come over to satisfy their curiosity, but they were a little embarrassed.

Even the teacher was attracted.

At first, the teacher was a little dissatisfied with the boys getting together to cause trouble.

But after watching him for a while.

"Your skills are too bad, I will help you fight!"

The teacher rolled up his sleeves and held the tennis racket with a look on his face, announcing that he was joining.

"Ha, everyone is very happy." The first few boys who followed Uehara Takuya to join in the fun now sat on the ground tiredly.

This group of people played the role of the atmosphere team. By the time a few people heated up the atmosphere, they were already so tired that they almost fell down.

Of course, the reason why they are tired is not because the exercise is too strenuous, although tennis is a sport that extremely requires high bursts in a short period of time.

The real reason why they were tired was because of Takuya Uehara's "power works miracles".

"You also said you were Echizen Ryoma, but I didn't see any of Ryoma's common skills [Zero Short Ball], [Tornado Smash] or anything like that!"

"Yes, Uehara, you are going too far. You feel so good relying on your amazing arm strength, but we are very tired."

"I see that you are not Echizen Ryoma at all. To be honest, you are actually the tennis version of Shark O'Neal, right?"

Under the siege of everyone's joking tone, Uehara Takuya smiled and spread his hands: "Okay, I confess, I actually have Kirin arms."

"What is the Qilin Arm...?" Everyone looked like a question mark.

"The Qilin Arm is from the famous Chinese TV series "Wind and Cloud". If you are interested, you can go and watch it."

"It sounds very handsome, I'll note it down."

Naturally, they don't understand the meaning of "Qilin Arm". This thing not only includes Bu Jingyun's arm in "The Wind and Cloud", it also has another meaning in Chinese.

However, Taku Uehara was not prepared to explain because it would be too troublesome.

A few people were casually chatting about the TV series when Takuya Uehara suddenly smelled a familiar fragrance coming from behind him.

Before he turned around, Miura Yuko's voice rang in his ears: "What are you playing? Why is it so lively?"

Then the girl's delicate little face came over.

Also traveling with him was Ami Kawashima. Obviously, neither of them was a calm person. They ran over on their own when they heard the noise.

Uehara Takuya smiled and pointed at the lively crowd in front: "I think everyone seems to be unable to cheer up, so I might as well take them to exercise."

"When did you become so gregarious?" Yumiko looked suspicious.

"It's not gregarious, but the whole surrounding is lifeless. It feels so bad." Uehara Takuya explained.

Kawashima Ami pursed her lips and snickered: "In other words, you became the leader of the boys this time?"

"Yes, yes, Uehara is a good big brother." Several boys nearby quickly agreed.

"Good big brother or something, stop making trouble." Uehara Takuya firmly refused to accept this kind of title.

Suddenly a boy ran up in front and shouted excitedly: "Uehara, come and help. Teacher, he is going crazy now. No one is his opponent. Our dignity as students can only rely on you."

As he spoke, the man put on a sacred expression.

It seems that the next second, the other party will start chanting: "Holy Light..."

Just when Uehara Takuya was about to refuse, Yuko suddenly pushed him and then smiled at the boy: "He will be here soon."

"What are you..." Uehara Takuya turned around in confusion.

Yumiko smiled and crossed her arms: "It's a rare opportunity to get acquainted with classmates, why give up?"

Kawashima Ami glanced at her best friend and said with a smile: "Hurry up and let us see what level Mr. Hiratsuka says Tsubasa Uehara is."

"You even know this joke?" Uehara Takuya was shocked. He had indeed played football in front of Hiratsuka Shizuka. The latter also joked that as soon as he came on the field, he turned into Tsubasa Ohsora in "Captain Tsubasa".

Tsubasa Uehara was also a joke that Shizuka Hiratsuka once used to make fun of himself.

As Uehara Takuya came on the stage and had an inextricable fight with the teacher, Kawashima Ami stood outside the crowd and turned to look at Yuko who was standing on tiptoe trying to look in: "The boy sweating on the sports field is very handsome. Is it right?"

Yumiko's cheeks turned red, and she knew that her friend had read through her thoughts.

Kawashima Ami continued to joke: "Although I also think the way he looks good waving a tennis racket now. But don't forget, before you take action, there is already a Yukinoshita Yukino classmate who does not want to be named. .”

Hearing Yukino's name, the smile on Yuko's face quickly faded, and she snorted arrogantly: "I will defeat her."

"Really?" Kawashima Ami smiled and did not hit her best friend.

There is no encouragement like before.

She didn't seem to care about this matter, and followed Yumeko to look at the stadium.

At the end of the day, Uehara Takuya sweated a lot and was a little tired, but he felt quite fulfilled.

Kashiwazaki Hoshina came over specifically to look for him. The blond girl was obviously still immersed in the weekend's events. When she saw him, she blushed fiercely, spoke in a hesitant manner, and completely lost her usual proud demeanor.

In this regard, Uehara Takuya chose to patiently find a topic, and it didn't take long for the other party's mood to return to normal.

However, at this moment, the troublemaker came.

"Uehara is very energetic today. I heard that you mingled with your classmates today?"

Hiratsuka Shizu patted him on the shoulder as a way of saying hello as always.

But as soon as she appeared, Kashiwazaki Sena became nervous again, and her delicate eyes looked around guiltily, for fear of being seen through by the former.

"Teacher Hiratsuka is very well-informed." Uehara Takuya glanced at the white palm on his shoulder and thought to himself that he was in good health. If those young people were slapped like this by Hiratsuka Shizuka, they would probably look like they were broken. The Gundam figure also fell apart on the spot.

"Because you are so popular in school, any rumors related to you will spread among the girls immediately."

Hiratsuka Shizu replied, turned around and smiled teasingly at Kashiwazaki Sena: "Really, Sena?"

The girl suddenly blushed with embarrassment and stammered: "Yes... yes, I also heard the news from my classmates, so I came here specially."

Hiratsuka Shizuka was confused by her magical reaction: "Why are you so nervous? Teacher, I shouldn't be that scary, right?"

Kashiwazaki Sena felt even more guilty.

Uehara Takuya opened his mouth at the right time and said, "Mr. Hiratsuka, you have too many questions, don't you?"

"You kid..." Hiratsuka Shizuka rolled her eyes and stopped worrying about Kashiwazaki Sena's problem. She changed her words and said, "Today is your and Yami's duty. Remember to do a good job. I will make a surprise inspection."

"Are you using your status as a teacher to intimidate students?" Uehara Takuya didn't panic at all.

Shizuka Hiratsuka crossed his arms across his chest, leaning forward in a confident and domineering posture: "Are you scared?"

Uehara Takuya raised his arm and held Kashiwazaki Sena who was still eating melon: "I have the general Sena, who can kill the little Hiratsuka Shizuka... Hey, keep talking, don't raise your fist!"

"You are really getting smaller and smaller." Hiratsuka smiled quietly and put down his fist.

Then she noticed the shocked look in Kashiwazaki Sena's eyes, and explained: "This is basically the relationship between me and this guy. Because he doesn't know how to respect teachers, and I am a good teacher who cares about students, so I can only accompany him He’s no longer old or young.”

Just as Uehara Takuya was about to retort, she quickly covered his mouth, and in the end he could only let out a whimper of dissatisfaction.

Kashiwazaki Sena apologized awkwardly. She also understood that Hiratsuka Shizuka was completely talking nonsense.

However, the relationship between the other party and Uehara Takuya is indeed very good, which she can also see.

[Fortunately, she is a teacher, so I don’t have to worry too much. 】

Kashiwazaki Hoshina thought with peace of mind.

Just when she was hesitating whether to invite Hiratsuka Shizuka to her home, she could see if she could develop this free and generous-looking beautiful teacher into her good friend.

However, Hiratsuka Shizu had already sent out the invitation: "Would you like to visit my house after school... Oh, I made a mistake, it's Tachibana's house."

Her invitations obviously also included Kashiwazaki Sena.

"Tachibana-sensei is sick again?" Uehara Takuya asked instinctively.

Hiratsuka Shizu almost laughed out loud: "Don't talk nonsense, where did she get sick? Of course, she has really become obsessed with telling jokes recently. Every time she comes home, she holds a classic joke book and always asks me if I am okay. It’s so funny, it makes my head spin.”

Kashiwazaki Sena couldn't help but snicker: "Actually, I think Tachibana-sensei is quite cute like this."

"Cute?" Hiratsuka Shizuka cast a surprised look, her expression was like seeing a Kamen Rider being beaten up by a villain.

Takuya Uehara calmly agreed: "Don't you think [Sanwu] is actually a cute point?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka has read a lot of comics after all, so he can naturally get this idea.

But being able to get it doesn't mean she can accept it.

"You two think the problem is too simple." She sighed with a headache, "If a good friend of yours keeps telling jokes in your ears every day and always pesters If I ask you if it’s funny, you will collapse sooner or later.”

Kashiwazaki Sena thought about the scene and couldn't help but shuddered: "It would be really scary if it was like this every day."

Seeing that someone finally agreed with him, Hiratsuka Shizu nodded with satisfaction.

She then stared at Uehara Takuya, trying to get a satisfactory reaction from this guy.

However, she was destined to be disappointed. Instead of agreeing, Takuya Uehara said, "Don't look at me. With Teacher Tachibana's beautiful appearance, for a man like me, I will definitely be happy."

Shizuka Hiratsuka opened her mouth, trying to hold back, but in the end she couldn't hold it back: "If you dare to have the idea of ​​Tachibana, I will definitely choose a cemetery for you in advance."

"Don't say such horrible things to students casually!"

After a fuss, Uehara Takuya and Kashiwazaki Sena both agreed to Hiratsuka Shizuka's invitation.

This beautiful teacher seemed to have other goals. She didn't stay any longer and simply left.

Uehara Takuya saw that Kashiwazaki Sena had been staring in the direction the other party was leaving, and couldn't help but asked curiously: "What are you looking at?"

"It's nothing, I just envy Mr. Hiratsuka's character." Kashiwazaki Sena lowered her head in embarrassment, "The reason why she is so popular in school is because of this kind of character, right?"

"That's because you've never seen her break bricks with her bare hands or crush rocks with her chest."

"Huh? A big stone in your chest?"

Kashiwazaki Sena blinked her eyes in confusion, trying to figure it out, but she had never seen that kind of acrobatics, and she couldn't figure it out at all.

So she glanced at her breasts, blushed and said angrily: "Are you kidding me? Mr. Hiratsuka's... well, that one is not small. How could she do such a thing to harm her body? "

Uehara Takuya was shocked: "So you believed it? It seems I have to recalculate your true IQ."

"You talk so annoyingly!"

Kawashima Ami, who was passing by her classmates not far away, was stunned for a moment, and her steps also stopped.

"What's wrong, Yami?" the girl next to her asked curiously.

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