"It's nothing."

Kawashima Ami smiled naturally.

Then she shook her head again, as if saying to herself: "It just suddenly occurred to me that I seem to have lost a student."

"Eh? Is it possible that Yami is still working as a tutor privately?"

"Tutor? Maybe, I'm not very qualified anyway..." Kawashima Ami secretly clenched her fists when she said this.

I lost to my own students, a complete defeat.

If you say it, you will definitely be laughed at, right?

She smiled to herself and quickened her pace unconsciously.

When school was over, Takuya Uehara was wiping the blackboard lazily. He looked back from time to time and found that another duty officer, Ami Kawashima, was still sitting on a chair playing with his mobile phone.

Now he couldn't help but speak: "Hey, you have to be responsible after all. Teacher Hiratsuka said she would make a surprise inspection."

"Spot checks?"

Kawashima Ami put down her phone and stared into Uehara Takuya's eyes with a half-smile: "Did you make her angry again?"

"You can guess this?"

"Nonsense, I know you two pretty well."

After Kawashima Ami finished speaking, she was happy: "Only someone like you can make a gentle woman like Mr. Hiratsuka become violent."

"The word gentle...well, it's quite appropriate. She is indeed gentle, but it's from the perspective of her heart." Uehara Taku didn't deny it.

Kawashima Ami continued to look down at her phone and asked casually: "If you have time later, would you like to go for a walk with me?"

Chapter 228: What kind of monsters, monsters, and beautiful women have painted skins?

"Take a walk? Do you mean shopping?"

Uehara Takuya's expression was wary.

His expression amused Kawashima Ami, who smiled and put the phone back into his pocket: "Don't worry, I don't plan to let you go shopping with me, nor do I want you to be my bag carrier."

"That's good." Uehara Takuya breathed a sigh of relief.

Kawashima Ami just calmed down and smiled again: "Your expression looks very interesting. Could it be that Yukinoshita-san often comes to you to go shopping, so that you carry a bag for a long time and create a psychological shadow?"

"Yukino doesn't like shopping. It's not like you don't know this." Uehara Takuya picked up the blackboard eraser and continued working.

"That's... Sena?"

Kawashima Ami bit her lip gently and her eyes flickered a few times.

When Takuya Uehara turned around, she quickly returned to her normal smile: "It's her, right?"

"She would indeed ask me to go out to play, but really speaking, it should be Haruno and Stella." Uehara Takuya thought about it.

"Them?" Kawashima Ami looked at him in surprise.

"Yes, it's them."

When Uehara Takuya talked about this, he himself felt quite helpless.

As long as Yang Nao calls him out, he will definitely cause trouble.

Stella is a little better, and the other party usually just asks her to go out to eat.

The housekeeper who was loyal to her duties on the surface but secretly guarded thefts, now had a gluttonous hobby.

But she only likes to eat street food.

If it was a higher-end restaurant, she would basically not go there.

the reason is simple.

Being wealthy, she has been tired of eating since childhood...

"I can understand that Sister Haruno is looking for you, but Miss Stella..." Kawashima Ami blinked her eyes in confusion, "You didn't lie to me, did you? What could she do to you?"


Uehara Takuya turned back and raised his idle left hand to gesture: "To put it simply, she is very interested in that kind of unknown delicious snacks, and I am very familiar with this area."

"Oh, you are responsible for leading the way." Kawashima Ami understood.

"If possible, please change your name to a nicer one."

"How about the follower?"

"...It's better to lead the way in a nice way."

After the two finished their work, they left the school together.

Takuya Uehara did not refuse Kawashima Ami's invitation.

Because he also wanted to ask something clearly.

For example, the problem of Kashiwazaki Sena.

In the past, Kashiwazaki Sena was always with Kawashima Ami. The two would get off school together and eat lunch together.

But all of these projects have recently been "cancelled".

As for who made the unilateral cancellation, Uehara Takuya didn't ask much, not wanting to touch the minefield rashly.

"If you let Yuko know that you followed me on the street, she will definitely be angry." Kawashima Ami said and laughed.

Uehara Takuya understood: "Because she often invited me before?"


Kawashima Ami clasped her hands behind her back, her pace slightly cheerful: "So, Uehara, you have to listen to me today, otherwise I will tell Yumeko about this."

Uehara Takuya looked puzzled: "You want to die with me?"

"What?" Kawashima Ami was stunned and didn't understand.

Uehara Takuya laughed: "Since you also know the specific situation, if you tell Yuko about this, I don't know if she will be angry with me, but I know she will definitely confront you."

Kawashima Ami looked at him with crooked eyebrows: "That makes sense, then I will help keep it a secret."

As she spoke, she extended her little finger with a smile: "Come and pull the hook, this is our secret."

"Are you a child?"

"Hey, I knew you would refuse."

Kawashima Ami deliberately put on a disgusted face.

The two walked for a while, and Uehara Takuya looked at the increasingly lively street, and then he asked: "You called me out specifically, do you have something to say to me?"

"Aren't you the same?" Unexpectedly, Kawashima Ami stopped with a smile and looked at him calmly, "You have never accompanied me shopping before, but today you agreed so simply, that means You also have something to say to me."

"Sure enough, girls who are too smart are troublesome." Uehara Takuya looked like he had a headache.

Kawashima Ami's smile was bright: "Then you go ahead and tell me. I happen to be quite curious too."

Uehara Takuya just opened his mouth: "Sena, he..."

"I suddenly changed my mind."

A trace of panic clearly flashed in Kawashima Ami's eyes, but she forced a smile on her face: "I decided to take you to have something to eat first. Of course, it's my treat today."

Uehara Takuya was startled and nodded slightly.

The problem is more troublesome than I thought.

He glanced at Kawashima Ami's unhappy fake smile.

He just mentioned a name, and the other party interrupted him so abruptly.

He could probably guess why.

It's not that Ami Kawashima is still angry, but that the girl doesn't know how to deal with this situation at the moment.

So she chose to escape.

Yui Aragaki, who everyone liked to call wife, starred in a TV series called "Escape is Shameful but Useful".

If nothing else, Kawashima Ami’s current mentality is like this.

The two found the nearest restaurant and sat down. Perhaps Kawashima Ami was in a bad state at this time, or perhaps she didn't want to meet acquaintances, so she finally chose a private room instead of sitting in the lobby.

After ordering, Kawashima Ami didn't say anything. The old god lowered his head and looked at the floor.

Uehara Takuya couldn't help but look at it a few more times, thinking that the words he had originally prepared would be of no use today.

She just lowered her head and said nothing, her slender white calves stretched out under the table, almost guessing Uehara Takuya's feet, but she didn't even know it.

Uehara Takuya was just about to stretch his legs when he felt he hit something.

At the same time, Kawashima Ami, who was sitting opposite, laughed: "You stepped on my foot."

"Ah, sorry, sorry... No, this table is so wide. Unless you extend your legs intentionally, I can't step on it." Uehara Takuya put on a detective face.

Kawashima Ami pinched her chin in cooperation, seeming to have entered the role of Sherlock Holmes' partner Watson: "In this case, there is only one truth left..."

After a pause, her body suddenly leaned forward. Coincidentally, her chest was just touching the table: "You stepped on my foot on purpose."

"What a scapegoat. I won't take the blame."

"I'm just stating the facts."

Kawashima Ami resumed her sitting posture. Her smile was actually very beautiful. As long as it was not a fake polite and friendly smile, her precocious temperament would be mixed with the still slightly immature greenness, making her Appear more attractive than other girls.

Uehara Takuya glanced casually under the table, and then noticed that she was wearing a pair of milky white socks today.

The edges of her socks couldn't even cover her crystal ankle skin. Combined with the skirt that covered her thighs, she had an aesthetic that most adolescent boys liked.

Uehara Takuya also likes this kind of scenery.

Especially in the neon country, with the proliferation of two-dimensional culture, stockings and skirts have almost become a must-have for beautiful girls.

In the anime, this thing is a more terrifying place than the Awei Mass Grave.

During the meal, the two of them chatted wordlessly, mostly about trivial matters.

Until Ami Kawashima said without warning: "Sena hasn't come to me recently."

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