Uehara Takuya was stunned for a moment, carefully considering how to speak.

However, Kawashima Ami acted like a normal person, holding her cheeks and smiling casually: "It seems that she has found someone more important than me, and she no longer needs me."

"Impossible, you are friends, and good friends." Uehara Takuya had no choice but to speak.

"But friends will also quarrel." Ami Kawashima's smile remained unchanged, "Of course, I'm not saying that I quarreled with her, at least we haven't quarreled yet."

"Really? That's good." Uehara Takuya's answer was completely nutritious.

"Yeah, it's pretty good." Kawashima Ami also said the same perfunctory words.

Uehara Takuya wanted to ask him what was on his mind several times, but every time he raised his head, Kawashima Ami would pretend to be calm and avoid his sight.

Based on this alone, he could conclude that the other party still did not want to discuss this topic in detail.

【It would be nice if Yukino was here. 】

Uehara Takuya couldn't help but think of Yukino.

With the wonderful friendship between her and Kawashima Ami, she would definitely ask questions without hesitation. If the latter avoided talking, she would probably make a few sarcastic remarks, which would eventually turn into a scene of the two bickering.

"At this time, it might be better to have a fight." Uehara Takuya muttered.

Kawashima Ami stared at her rice bowl and pretended not to hear.

After a simple dinner, Kawashima Ami took him to the mall.

The specific situation is almost the same as last time. This girl still doesn't want to buy anything, and she only shops for famous brands.

"How long do you want to go shopping?" Uehara Takuya felt his legs trembling.

He found that he never experienced this condition due to fatigue when playing ball or running.

On the contrary, this situation comes naturally as soon as I go shopping with a girl.

"If you don't want to go shopping, then don't go shopping."

Kawashima Ami did not hide the smile on her face.

Uehara Takuya was surprised that she agreed so happily when the other party's voice sounded again: "Tell me, what are they talking about?"

Uehara Takuya was slightly startled and followed her secretly pointing movements to look around. Occasionally, he could see someone looking towards him, but they would quickly look away.

"Probably to compliment us on our good looks." Uehara Takuya chose an answer with high emotional intelligence.

Kawashima Ami pursed her lips and smiled: "I think they are surprised that you are so patient? We have been shopping in this mall for a while, but I didn't buy anything, and you still didn't complain. "

Uehara Takuya had a strange look in his eyes: "Why does it sound like you are commenting on someone else's husband?"

"Can I understand that you are teasing me?"

"how is this possible?"

Kawashima Ami did not pursue, but looked up at the second floor of the shopping mall, with a touch of other emotions in his eyes: "Actually, a long time ago, I didn't dare to come to such a famous store alone."

Uehara Takuya asked in confusion: "Is it because the family conditions were not good in the past?"

"Do not."

Kawashima Ami shook her head slightly: "I don't like shopping alone, especially when I see other people appearing in pairs next to me, I will feel uncomfortable..."

Then, her beautiful eyes suddenly fell on Takuya Uehara's face: "I used to feel this way, but now, it's even stronger."

Uehara Takuya smiled and walked towards the mall elevator first.

Kawashima Ami looked at him in surprise: "Where are you going?"

"Where else can we go? Of course, go up there and see what kind of monsters, monsters, or beautiful women are there to scare you like this." Uehara Takuya said without looking back, "Follow me too. If there is someone else later, The situation, please remember to retreat with me."

Kawashima Ami was stunned for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled happily and said: "Unfortunately, I like to betray my teammates, so I will throw you down when the time comes."

After saying that, she hurriedly followed until she and Uehara Takuya stepped into the elevator side by side.

On the second floor, there were even more famous brands that Takuya Uehara didn't recognize.

When he noticed that the girl next to him would often be distracted, he let the girl be in a daze and while shopping, he made a serious comment: "I think the bag just now is not good-looking and the price is so expensive. Whoever buys it will be stupid."

Kawashima Ami smiled and said, "Indeed."

She followed Uehara Takuya quietly and uncharacteristically. He didn't listen to his words along the way and kept talking nonstop, all with an "I'm very professional" expression on his face when making comments.

Whenever Uehara Takuya made a comment, she would agree with him.

These two looked like troublesome customers with many faults, and they just walked around the second-floor shopping mall.

Uehara Takuya stood next to her and gestured with his eyes to the young couple who just passed in front of him: "Your mood is so wrong, let me guess, is it because you don't envy them now after coming to the second floor? "

"No, I'm still so envious that I almost cried~" Ami Kawashima gave him a playful smile.

"Then you have the guts to cry. I happened to take a photo with my phone." Uehara Takuya said seriously.

"But I don't want to cry now."

"Then smile for me and try to make your smile look better."

As expected, Kawashima Ami raised the corners of her mouth, and her smile was subtle and gentle.

"It's so beautiful." Takuya Uehara marveled, "If you usually smile like this in school, you would have captured those boys long ago."

"Including you?" she asked with a smile.

Uehara Takuya suddenly became serious: "Do you think I am so easy to hook up with? Stop joking!"

"That's really a pity." Her tone was cheerful and relaxed, as if she was joking along with him.

But when she turned her head, her eyes looked slightly disappointed.

After leaving the mall, Ami Kawashima queued for five minutes at a Taiyaki street shop, then returned to Takuya Uehara with two bags.

At first he wanted to tease you for queuing for so long just to buy this.

But when the words came to his lips, he couldn't say them.

Because he saw the girl's eyes turning red without warning.

"Sena said that the taiyaki in this store is delicious. In order to prove it to me, she queued up on a hot day and waited for nearly half an hour to buy it."

Kawashima Ami had that familiar smile on her face, and she looked at Uehara Takuya: "It tastes really good, you should try it while it's still hot."

Uehara Taku didn't say anything.

Kawashima Ami did not dare to continue to look at him, and suddenly lowered her head, holding the Taiyaki in her arms stupidly. The signboards carefully designed by the shop owners on both sides of the street were flashing with dazzling neon lights.

It seemed to catch the tears in the corners of her eyes.

It seems that it was not illuminated.

Chapter 229 Lost

This girl who always only showed her beautiful side in front of outsiders, now her eyes turned red without any warning to Takuya Uehara.

According to Kawashima Ami's temperament, this kind of thing will definitely be considered very embarrassing and embarrassing by her, and it can't be seen by the second person under any circumstances.

But now she suddenly dropped her guard and revealed her truest side to Takuya Uehara.

Uehara Takuya was silent for a while and said softly: "I will talk to Sena about your matters. You also know that she cares about you as a friend and will definitely not let go."

Kawashima Ami shook her head, a very ordinary movement, just enough to shake the tears out of her eyes.

She turned around hurriedly, quickly wiped away the tears on her face, and then replied in a muffled voice: "You should also know the real reason why the relationship between me and her became like this."

Uehara Takuya nodded: "I know."

"Yes, you know everything, but you bastard insists on pretending not to understand." Kawashima Ami cursed lightly.

"It's very frustrating to say that I've actually started to get used to being called a bastard."

"Don't make me laugh on purpose..."

"I'm just expressing my emotions." Uehara Takuya spread his hands.

Kawashima Ami curled her lips, rubbed her slightly red eyes, and said in a low voice: "I will find a chance to see Sena myself, so I don't need to trouble you."

"I can help..."

"No need."

Kawashima Ami interrupted him simply.

Immediately under Uehara Takuya's astonished gaze, the girl looked up at the bustling metropolis in front of her and said in a depressed tone: "I must be lost now."

Just when Uehara Takuya opened his mouth to speak, she said softly, as if she had eyes in the back of her head: "I don't need you to comfort me, I'm not that fragile."

"That's right, you are the invincible beautiful girl that all the boys in the school have a crush on." Uehara Takuya agreed with a smile.

Kawashima Ami turned around, and the smile on her face this time was not so pretty: "I thought you would tell me some great truths to help me bravely come out of my lost state."

"I don't say those things."

Uehara Takuya shook his head, suddenly stretched out his hand towards her, and said with a smile: "I will only say that you can follow me, at least I am not lost yet."

Kawashima Ami was startled, bit her lip, and slowly passed her hand over.

Uehara Takuya held it gently, and it was indeed cold.

"Let's go, I'll take you home." He said.

Kawashima Ami hummed and followed him, stepping on his shadow step by step.

It seemed that she had just vented out the emotions that had been accumulated in her heart. She was quiet along the way and said nothing more.

After sending her home smoothly, she didn't invite Uehara Takuya, and the latter didn't ask, but went in to change shoes as if he were familiar with it.

When she was surprised, she heard someone murmuring: "Why are these pairs of slippers all in small sizes? Didn't you buy fake ones and they shrunk after washing?"

Kawashima Ami rolled her eyes at him lightly: "I'm really sorry that I don't have men's slippers at home~"

"So, you have to think carefully before doing anything." Uehara Takuya said seriously.

"Thank you for your great principles of life. I will remember them, but I may forget them later."

"What a rude answer."


Uehara Takuya came to the living room and sat down, sipping the cold Taiyaki, while Kawashima Ami entered the bathroom holding her clothes.

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