It's all very natural.


The husky huddled on the mat happily rushed up to Hara Takuya, wagging his tail, and even ran over, sniffing the scent of the food vigorously, and squatting aside with expectant eyes staring at the dog eyes.

"You can't eat this, don't even think about it." Uehara Takuya touched the dog's head.

The husky tilted his head, looking confused.

Uehara Takuya masturbated a few more times. After the free sex was over, he stood up and walked to the balcony.

Kawashima Ami's training was very effective. Even if the person was gone, the husky did not eat secretly, but quickly followed him to the balcony.

"Your master is in a bad mood today, why don't you give her the whole job later?" Uehara Takuya bent down and looked at the dog.

"Woof woof?" Husky said, "Can you talk shit? I don't understand."

"I don't really want to communicate with you right now. This kind of thing really has to be handled by humans." Uehara Takuya smiled.

He was talking to himself on the balcony with the husky. After a while, Kawashima Ami's confused voice came from behind: "Who are you talking to?"

"Who else could it be?" Taku Uehara didn't even look back, he just pointed at the husky at his feet.

Kawashima Ami, who had changed into loose home clothes, patted the husky's butt, and the dog immediately ran away obediently.

"You trained it very well." Uehara Takuya captured this scene with his peripheral vision.

"Of course, I have been teaching it seriously at the beginning. Even the training plan for the puppy later, I did not slack off." Kawashima Ami said with a proud smile.

"Puppy? Do you have other dogs at home?" Uehara Takuya pretended to be curious.

"Don't look at it, I've already given it to Yumeko."

Kawashima Ami looked at his posture and lay on the balcony railing.

After a few seconds, she suddenly laughed.

Uehara Takuya looked at her in surprise. She was smiling and looking at the colorful night scene outside: "How many times have I invited you before, but you have never agreed. But this time I haven't invited you yet, but you came by yourself." I’m a guest at home.”

"There's nothing you can do about it. Things are unpredictable. This principle will be very useful for your future life." Uehara Takuya said with a deep look on his face.

Kawashima Ami did not answer, but stared directly outside, and said softly: "Before I transferred here, I always wondered if my personality was so bad, would I even find a boyfriend in the future? It’s all a problem.”

"This is obviously impossible, unless all men in the world are blind." Uehara Takuya interrupted.

Kawashima Ami's lips curled up: "I mean, after they learn my true face, boys will definitely be scared away."

"Am I just a boy? I'm not scared away now."

"I'm afraid I'm the only one who's scared away by you with your personality, right?"

"It makes sense, should I try it?"

Kawashima Ami suddenly turned around and pointed her hot and crimson cheeks at him after getting out of the bath: "You want to try it again now?"

Uehara Takuya was stunned.

Kawashima Ami laughed: "Are you scared?"

"That's not true. I was just thinking about the meaning of what you just said."

"It's not interesting, just talking."

Kawashima Ami looked away, her wet hair falling on her waist, as if telling Uehara Takuya how graceful and graceful her figure was.

The next moment, her red lips opened slightly, and her voice was soft and soothing: "What would you do if I said, I'm lost again now?"

It was quiet on the balcony.

Three seconds later, she heard Uehara Takuya's voice: "I still said the same thing, just give me your hand and follow me."

"It is indeed the scumbag Uehara."

Kawashima Ami held up her face and murmured.

The smile under the light is beautiful.

Chapter 230 I Hate You

Kawashima Ami stood on the balcony for a while, and suddenly pulled Uehara Takuya back to the living room.

The husky, who was lying on the mat, immediately raised his head when he heard the noise. However, when he realized that the two stupid humans did not intend to play with him, he lay back.

"what are you going to do……"

Uehara Takuya was just wondering when he saw a long-haired girl in home clothes open the refrigerator and actually took out four cans of beer.

With a bang, the can landed on the coffee table with a crisp sound.

Ami Kawashima sat down opposite Takuya Uehara, smiled and said, "Drink with me."

"Minors are not allowed to drink alcohol," Uehara Takuya reminded.

"Many people don't follow this kind of rule. Do you still care about this?" Kawashima Ami chuckled.

So Uehara Takuya changed the topic: "Drinking is harmful to health."

"You mean it hurts the liver?" Ami Kawashima opened the can and said slowly, "I don't drink too much, and I rarely drink. I only drink a little when I'm in a bad mood."

"It's more than just liver damage."

Takuya Uehara stared at the beer in front of him and said with a serious face: "For example, after a friend of mine finished drinking, he ran to kiss a girl and was eventually rushed to the hospital by her boyfriend."

He also seriously concluded: "It can be seen that drinking alcohol is harmful to health."


Kawashima Ami was silent for a long time and glared at him hard: "This joke is not funny, please try another one."

Uehara Takuya was stunned. The keyword "joke" easily reminded him of Haruno.

That woman always pesters her to tell jokes. Even though the jokes she tells are boring, she can still laugh out loud every time.

In such a comparison, Kawashima Ami's reaction seems like a normal person.

Uehara Takuya calmed down, opened a can of beer, and said casually: "Are you sure you don't need me to talk to Sena about your matter?"

Kawashima Ami's movements paused and quickly returned to normal: "No, I will handle it myself."

"it is good."

Uehara Takuya didn't say any more. Since the other party had already made up his mind, he only needed to observe in secret and come forward at the right time.

"Would you like to play truth or dare, which is popular among young people?" Ami Kawashima suddenly asked while sipping her beer.

"Forget it. If you really have questions to ask me, I will answer them." Uehara Takuya refused.

It's easy to get high if you play games with jackpots while drinking.

He didn't want to experience the feeling of taking care of a drunk woman again.

Hiratsuka Shizuka impressed him enough that time.

"Since you say so..."

Kawashima Ami showed a narrow smile, and she blinked cutely: "Then I'm going to start asking."

"Whatever." Uehara Takuya didn't panic at all.

"Does Sister Yangno have a crush on you?"

Her first question caught Uehara Takuya off guard.

And from the moment she asked the question, her eyes were fixed on him, as if she was possessed by Sherlock Holmes.

After the initial surprise, Uehara Takuya regained his composure: "If you mean the goodwill between friends, then it does exist."

Kawashima Ami said with a smile: "You know I'm not asking about this favor."

Uehara Takuya responded cooperatively: "If it's a matter of affection between lovers, then I can only answer that I don't know."


This answer obviously exceeded Kawashima Ami's expectations.

Uehara Takuya didn't hide anything, and while recalling, he slowly explained: "You also know that it is difficult to guess her thoughts. Even Hiratsuka-sensei, who has a very good relationship with her, cannot guess her thoughts. How can I be sure? Does she like me in that way?"

"But... I always feel that she will only become different when she faces you." Kawashima Ami expressed her opinion.

"I feel the same way..." Uehara Takuya considered the words, "Probably, it means that she either wants to ride on my head or on my body, right?"

Kawashima Ami's eyes were embarrassed, but she couldn't help but laugh: "Uehara-san, please don't say naughty jokes in front of girls, as that will make them disgusted."

"Others may do this, but not you."


"Because I have carefully observed that you are obviously very interested in the games that Sena plays that are not suitable for children...Okay, don't glare at me, I won't say anything."

Kawashima Ami blushed and took a sip of beer. The stimulation of alcohol seemed to make her cheeks even more rosy.

As for the "game" Uehara Takuya just mentioned, she was indeed interested in it and even played it secretly.

In addition to feeling novel, there is also a bit of excitement like being a thief.

But that doesn't mean she can accept others teasing her face to face.

Seeing the girl's eyes that seemed to be murderous, Uehara Takuya consciously picked up the beer and said, "Drink, drink."

"Cunning guy." Kawashima Ami muttered, "In other words, you don't know what Sister Harano really thinks?"

"Is such that."

"This is troublesome."

Kawashima Ami sighed and looked like she had a headache.

Uehara Takuya wanted to laugh.

This girl probably dreams of riding on Yangno's head.

The other party asked that kind of question just now, probably because he wanted to collect useful information, and then look for an opportunity to counterattack Yangno's army.

"second question."

At this time, the girl opposite raised two fingers.

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