Hiratsuka was speechless, glared at him quietly, and led Yukino away.

She also has a certain understanding of the popularity of these works.

Of course she knows how popular the name Godzilla, the King of Monsters, is.

There is really no way to compare a mere super team.

Three women were choosing cosmetics inside. Uehara Takuya stood at the door for a while, but he was stared at by the female shopping guide and female customers in the store.

One of them was more courageous and came directly to him to ask for his contact information.

"No, he already has a girlfriend, and her girlfriend is my sister. She is shopping over there."

Yangno appeared behind her at some point. With a warm smile on her face, she politely persuaded the person who was chatting away.

When ordinary passers-by face Yangno, of course they look like Northeasterners eating - there is no garlic left.

So the person who struck up a conversation smiled awkwardly and walked away reluctantly.

"I helped you get rid of the chatter, do you want to thank me?" Yangno came to Uehara Takuya and sat next to him. The familiar fragrance of his body quietly spread, surrounding the latter.

"How do you want me to thank you?" Uehara Takuya stared intently, because he noticed that Hiratsuka Shizuka was constantly peeking.

Yangno lowered his voice: "I want to find a place where no one is around to appreciate your super power alone."

"Isn't this not good? If a man and a woman live together in the same room, it's easy for them to accidentally misfire."

"Are you showing off to me your idiom reserve?"

"If you want to praise me, then praise me more."

"So naughty."

Yang Na chuckled lightly, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly.

It is undeniable that this woman is really beautiful when she smiles.

Plus, her body lines are so alluring.

If Takuya Uehara had to sum it up, it would be that every time I see Harano flirting with me, I always feel that there is something missing in all four directions - there is something beautiful about her.

The four of them stayed in the cosmetics store for more than half an hour, and when they left, Uehara Takuya only had one more bag in his hand.

And it’s a small bag.

This is very strange. It seems that most women’s understanding of “shopping” is really just shopping.

For example, when he usually goes shopping to buy clothes, he always prepares in advance and goes straight to the store of his choice, or he browses online for a while and then decisively places an order.

The entire process of selecting items may not take more than 5 minutes.

Hiratsuka Shizuka and Yukino also spent so long shopping in the store, but in the end they didn't even have anything.

It was Yangno who bought two lipsticks and a box of foundation.

The shopping guide lady's expression was normal. It was obvious that she had experience and was not surprised by this situation.

"Where to go next?"

Seeing that the other three people didn't say where they wanted to go, Hiratsuka Shizuka asked.

Uehara Takuya spread his hands: "I don't care, I'm a tool anyway."

Yukino glanced at him and smiled: "I don't care, because I don't have anywhere I want to go."

"Xiao Jing, do you have somewhere you want to go?" Yang Nai answered.


"Then why do you ask so diligently?"

"Because I have to take the initiative to find opportunities to please you, so that you can give me information."

Shizuka Hiratsuka was very calm when she said this, without any blush or nervousness at all.

Yang Nai was amused: "Then let's go to the opposite side and have a look... Well, let's go to that store."

The three of them looked around and saw that it was a very ordinary bookstore.

Shizuka Hiratsuka was stunned for a moment. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Yukino who was obviously excited. He immediately smiled knowingly and said, "Okay, let's go to the bookstore and have a look. I also want to buy a book to replenish my brain."

"If Mr. Hiratsuka can't lie, then I suggest you stop lying." Yukino said lightly.

Hiratsuka Shizu blushed in embarrassment, and Yangono laughed.

Only Uehara Takuya was reading seriously.

Yes, even from such a long distance, he was able to clearly see several magazine covers in prominent positions at the door of the bookstore with the help of bird vision.

It was a swimsuit model cover.

And this issue seems to be of the meat bomb type.

The cameraman's technique is very good, and he basically highlights the two centers perfectly.

Chapter 345 Divination

Yukino chose three favorite classics in the bookstore, and finally left the bookstore with her bag in hand.

Hiratsuka Shizu said she wanted to buy books to supplement the knowledge in her brain. In fact, she had been peeking at Harano and Uehara Takuya since she entered the bookstore.

Fortunately for her, Yangno did not make any oversteps.

But after everyone left the bookstore together, Yangno gave her a teasing smile. The teasing in her beautiful eyes was not concealed at all, as if asking: Did you find anything?

Hiratsuka Shizu could only turn his head away with a smile, pretending that nothing happened.

"I want to go back."

The person who said this was Yukino.

It was a rare occasion to come out and she stayed outside with three other people for more than an hour, which basically reached her limit.

Because there are more and more pedestrians on the street.

She had never liked crowded places, but now that she had bought the book, she had no place to go, so she simply decided to go home.

"I'll see you off. It just so happens that I also want to sit at your house."

Harano answered with a smile, then she turned to look at Uehara Takuya and Hiratsuka Shizuka: "Uehara, Shizuo, I'm leaving it to you."

Hiratsuka Shizuka laughed dumbly: "Hey, I'm older than him, shouldn't you say this to me?"

"But... you don't know how to take care of yourself."

Yangno left a sentence that made Hiratsuka Shizu depressed, and took Yukino away.

Before the two sisters had gone far, Yukino suddenly asked, "Teacher Hiratsuka has been peeking at you since you left the restaurant."

Yangno deliberately made a headache expression: "Yes, she never trusts me. Even if she goes out to play, she always looks wary."

"It's because of Uehara." Yukino didn't use a question, but an affirmative sentence.

Yangno looked at his sister slightly in surprise: "You seem to know a lot of things?"

"Is it weird? You act so obviously..."

"What if I'm acting on purpose to tease you?" Yangno interrupted.

Yukino said calmly: "If this is the case, Teacher Hiratsuka won't be so vigilant. She is not an idiot."

Yangno laughed: "It makes sense...but are you still not interested in the proposal I told you last time?"

"You said a lot of things to me that I can't recall right away."

"Okay, let me remind you, let's join forces."

Yukino paused.

When she turned around, she was greeted by her sister's warm smiling face.

But Yukino was unusually cold: "Sister, do you want to tell me that your friendship with Uehara has deteriorated?"

Yangno didn't answer, but asked with a smile: "Then are you willing to join forces with me? I can definitely help you deal with Stella, and Yumeko's cats and dogs..."

"No need, I can handle my matters myself."

Yukino sneered.

He said he was helping me, but he probably didn't want me to lure the wolf into the house.

Yangno was not angry at all, she came up and hugged her snow-white arms, and said with a smile: "Shall we sleep together tonight?"

"No." Yukino refused coldly.

"I can tell you what to do to make your breasts bigger~"

Yukino's face darkened: "Do you think that as long as you are a girl, you will only care about that place like you?"

"Eh? Don't you care? You know, even the first time I saw Sena, I was shocked by her." Yangno said in surprise.

Yukino was also stunned for a moment when she heard Kashiwazaki Sena's name.

She knew the size of the blonde girl.

Absolutely genuine!

It might even suffocate people to death.

But Yukino's emotions didn't fluctuate much: "I know she has big breasts, but what does this have to do with me? Or are you being hit by her and starting to feel frustrated?"

Yangno still held the other person's arm and said with a smile: "I was really hit at the time. As for frustration, that doesn't exist."

"That's right, you are cheeky after all."

"Okay, I'll rest at your house tonight. By the way, we can take a bath together. I'll help you massage that spot."

"Absolutely not!"

Seeing her sister's embarrassed look, Yangno smiled even more happily.

But when Yukino wasn't paying attention, she secretly took out her phone with her other hand, and quickly edited messages on the phone screen with her slender white fingers.

Finally click send.

The recipient of the letter is Uehara Takuya.

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