"What are your hands doing?" Yukino's insight was astonishingly sharp, and she actually noticed it without looking back.

Yangno smiled calmly: "I'm sending a message to Uehara."

"What did you post?"

"I'm asking him if he feels it's a pity that he doesn't have the chance to go home with you."

"You are so boring."

"Who told you not to chat with me? I can only have fun by myself."

Haruno smiled cutely, but quietly turned back and glanced at the direction where Hiratsuka Shizuka and Uehara Takuya left.

Her mind was filled with images of her previous trip to Sapporo to see brown bears.

[Your wish to go to Sapporo to see brown bears was obviously fulfilled, but you looked so haggard the next morning. What did you do the night before? 】

Yangno squinted her eyes and recalled Hiratsuka Shizu's guilty and nervous expression at that time, which made her even more curious.

And she remembered very clearly that Takuya Uehara was also in that room.

As for whether the two people had any intersection that night, she was not sure yet.

But the doubt in my heart has never been less.

the other side.

Uehara Takuya and Hiratsuka Shizuka returned along the same path when they suddenly felt their phone vibrate.

When he saw the message from Yangno, he thought at first that the other party had something to do with him, but after he clicked on the email, he was stunned.

Yang Nai: [I specially left Xiaojing with you because I hope you can help me observe her attitude. You must complete this task. I will call you tonight to check on the progress of your task.If you do well, I will give you benefits.By the way, remember not to let Xiaojing know~]

It was followed by an emoticon of a cute bunny with a smiling face.

What does it mean?

Uehara Takuya was confused.

He instinctively glanced at Shizuka Hiratsuka who was looking around, but he still couldn't figure out what Yangno's email meant.

They said they wanted me to observe Mr. Hiratsuka, but is there anything suspicious about her?

Or is it that she actually guessed that I am a person with super powers, so Sister Yangno wants to start from this aspect for fun?

Uehara Takuya thought about it and realized that this possibility seemed possible.

But he did not dare to draw any conclusions without authorization.

"What are you looking at so fascinatedly?" At this time, Hiratsuka Shizuka's voice sounded.

"Messages sent by others." Uehara Takuya said casually and put away his phone.

"Is it from a girl?" Hiratsuka Shizu deliberately teased, "You are really popular with girls, but you must be careful not to ruin your body at a young age."

Uehara Takuya said with a dark face: "Does Mr. Hiratsuka know what he means?"

"Ahaha, I'm not sure either."

At this time, Hiratsuka Shizuo smiled like a female gangster.

Since the two became more and more familiar with each other, the other party seemed not to care about their identities and ages, and could say some strange things.

Naturally, Takuya Uehara would not reject this feeling.

He had already seen the pitiful appearance of this older young woman who huddled up in despair and helplessness after her blind date failed.

Now the other person's bright and dazzling smile is what he likes to see.

"Uehara, let's go see that!"

Hiratsuka Shizu's excited voice pulled him out of his thoughts.

Before he even had time to speak, he was dragged by the other party to a stall in the shopping street.

"Do you two guests want to try it?"

It wasn't until the shop owner smiled and spoke that Takuya Uehara could clearly see what kind of stall this was.

The key word "divination" is clearly written on the signboard on the ground next to it.

Below are the various branches of friendship, love, family, and career.

"Do you believe this?" Uehara Takuya wanted to laugh. Isn't this thing the same as the fortune teller under the overpass in China?

Hiratsuka Shizuka smiled nonchalantly: "Just relax."

Although she was smiling, Uehara Takuya still saw her evasive eyes.

Uehara Takuya understood instantly.

[Do you want to know the reason why she failed in countless blind dates, and find an excuse to comfort her heart? 】

This situation is not uncommon.

Hiratsuka Shizu's current approach is somewhat similar to the drama "Escape is Shameful but Useful" starring Yui Aragaki.

Because her many blind dates all ended disastrously, she became extremely sensitive and fragile in this regard, and she completely became a glass heart.

If something as unscientific as divination, or even nonsense, could bring her some spiritual comfort, it would be a good idea.

So Uehara Takuya agreed.

Like most fortune tellers in anime, this shop owner also performs tarot card reading.

Hiratsuka Shizuka paid the money and cooperated with the other party's request with a nervous expression, while Uehara Takuya watched the show with his arms folded calmly.

"There's already an answer."

I saw the shop owner calmly looking at the Tarot cards in Hiratsuka Shizuka's hand: "I just don't know what you want to ask about? Marriage or career?"

Hiratsuka secretly glanced at Uehara Takuya, who laughed and said: "You don't have to worry about me, just treat me like a statue."

Hearing what he said, Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't help but give him a roll of her eyes, and she felt relaxed.

Then she took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I want to ask about marriage."

"Can you tell me your age?" the shopkeeper asked.

Hiratsuka Shizu looked embarrassed.

The shop owner also saw it and smiled: "It doesn't matter if it's inconvenient, because I already have the results."

Upon hearing this, Hiratsuka Shizu's eyes widened nervously: "What is it?"

The shopkeeper stared at the tarot cards in her hand and said: "Your road to love will be difficult, and the reason for the difficulty may be because of your identity or your friends. If these factors are not resolved as soon as possible, It may be difficult for you to receive the blessings of the God of Love.”

Doesn’t saying this mean that it was not said?

Uehara Takuya twitched the corner of his mouth.

However, Hiratsuka Shizu stumbled and asked: "My love situation is indeed... difficult at the moment, but what do you mean by identity and friends?"

The shopkeeper smiled slightly: "It's up to you to think about it yourself."

Chapter 346: Bravely becoming the Cat Man

The store owner's remarks fell on Uehara Takuya's ears. No matter how he looked at it, he felt that the other party was cheating money.

Isn't this the pure Riddler?

The same virtue as Yukino.

He wanted to complain, but Shizuka Hiratsuka said thoughtfully, thanked him, then turned around and left.

Just as Uehara Takuya followed, the shopkeeper's voice came from behind again: "If you can handle your identity and friends well, then your road to love will definitely become smoother."

Hiratsuka stopped for a moment, turned around and repeated her thank you seriously.

"Do you really believe it?" Uehara Takuya couldn't hold back this time and asked.

Hiratsuka Shizu smiled: "I think what he said makes sense."

"There is a trivial truth..." Uehara Takuya beeped softly.

Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't hear it and said to herself: "There's just one thing I didn't understand. The fortune teller said there was a problem with [my identity], but... I'm just an ordinary teacher, not a big shot. "

"What about [Friend]? How should we explain it?" Uehara Takuya interrupted.

Unexpectedly, Hiratsuka Shizuka's face changed slightly, and she laughed unnaturally: "Maybe you are talking about Yangno?"

"What does this have to do with Sister Yangno? She can't be free to stop you from embracing love, right?"

"I don't know, because I'm just guessing."

Hiratsuka Shizuka had a strange expression and seemed to be worried.

Uehara Takuya noticed it, but he didn't rush to ask.

Because he guessed that the other party would not be willing to tell him.

Otherwise, Hiratsuka Shizuka should have told the truth just now.

Obviously this divination was just a small episode for Uehara Takuya, but the atmosphere between him and Hiratsuka Shizu was not as relaxed as before.

Until they reached the fork in the road, when the two were about to separate, he heard Shizuka Hiratsuka suddenly ask: "Uehara, you must have forgotten what happened that night, right?"

Looking at her nervous expression, Uehara Takuya was stunned for a moment: "Which thing...oh, does it mean you strangled me naked?"

"I told you it wasn't a naked hanging!"

Hiratsuka Shizuka glared at him in shame and anger. Why does this guy always like to use such words to describe himself that make him ashamed?Can't he express himself more normally?

Uehara Takuya laughed and said, "Because that's the naked twisting posture... But this incident left such a deep impression on me that I probably won't forget it in this life."

"That's it."

Unexpectedly, Shizuka Hiratsuka was not shy and angry this time, but looked into his eyes blankly.

Uehara Takuya was keenly aware that something was wrong and asked tentatively: "What's wrong, Mr. Hiratsuka? Are you still angry?"

"Angry? Why should I be angry? I'm not that kind of narrow-minded woman."

Hiratsuka Shizuka suddenly smiled and waved her hand cheerfully.

"Really?" Uehara Takuya nodded slightly.

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