He somewhat understood why Yangno sent that kind of email just now.

The older, unmarried young woman in front of him does have a problem.

"That's it for today. Be careful on your way back."

Hiratsuka Shizuka dropped these words and walked away as casually as usual.

Uehara Takuya stared at her beautiful back for a while and thought he could try to investigate.

After finishing his part-time job in the evening, he specially sent a message to Yangno in advance, saying that he was temporarily busy and asked the other party to contact him again after ten o'clock.

Then he opened the system and logged into Inujiro's vest.

Compared to huskies and chinchillas, Uehara Takuya still prefers the more agile bodies of cats in the city.

As the little white cat meowed in confusion, he avoided the sight of the male owner of the house and successfully escaped through the window.

"The direction Hiratsuka-sensei left in the afternoon was the route to Tachibana-sensei's house, so she probably didn't go home."

Uehara Takuya ran so fast along the way that before the pedestrians on the street could see his figure clearly, they felt an afterimage rushing past him.

The skirts of some young ladies were lifted up by the violent wind he brought up, which immediately caused a group of shy and panicked screams.

While passing by a shopping mall, his well-developed vision captured a suspicious man who sneakily put his hand into a woman's satchel.

In line with the mentality of a "just cat man", Uehara Takuya rushed over and scratched the thief's arm without hesitation, while making a sharp meow sound from his mouth.

The thief panicked for a moment, and the stolen woman also reacted.

The thief turned around and ran away in desperation, but he couldn't outrun Takuya Uehara, who was extremely explosive.

Before he could even take two steps, he was tripped by Takuya Uehara. Losing his center of gravity, his face fell on the poop of an unknown stray dog ​​on the side of the road.

That embarrassed and shameful look was like Chu Yuxun falling into a latrine - making matters worse.

Seeing several enthusiastic people holding down the thief, Uehara Takuya walked away.

But he didn't know that there were acquaintances of his in the crowd behind.

"Yami, that's Inujiro, right?" Yuiko squeezed the cone, with surprise still on her face.

"That's right!"

After Kawashima Ami said this, she didn't even care about her friend and followed him with all her strength.

[The person who can use the body of a cat to do such heroic things must be the person with super powers. 】

The girl's heart was filled with this thought at this time, and she did not dare to slow down her running speed for a moment.

Although she couldn't keep up with the running speed of the cat, she knew the way.

As she ran, she realized that this was the route to Tachibana Chizuru's house.

"What is this guy planning? It's not enough to scare me. Now he wants to scare Tachibana-sensei?"

Kawashima Ami panted for a while, feeling that her breathing was easier, and then continued on her way.

As for Yumeko, she has long forgotten...

Uehara Takuya is now a cat, so naturally he won't take the main entrance.

It just so happened that his climbing skills had improved again, and things like climbing over the windowsill were just trivial to him.

When he jumped to the living room of Tachibana Chizuru's house, he quickly sniffed the ground, and there were indeed two familiar scents in the air.

Hiratsuka Shizu is indeed here.

He followed the sound from the kitchen and took a few steps, and saw Chizuru Tachibana with her back to him, her hands moving gently in the sink, and it looked like she was washing something.

Another smell seems to be in the bathroom?

Uehara Takuya looked back. If Shizuka Hiratsuka was taking a shower, then he would have to wait.

So he simply sat down.

Tachibana Chizuru still didn't notice the cat behind her.

Her back was facing Takuya Uehara, and her already graceful curves looked even more forward and backward today.

The reason for all this was the high heels on her feet.

Uehara Takuya guessed that she had gone home in a hurry and hadn't had time to change her shoes.

Such a charming back curve made him sigh with emotion. If a woman has a pair of good legs and matches them with a suitable pair of high heels, her taste will immediately come out.

Just like now, Tachibana Chizuru looks like she has two completely different figures than usual when wearing high heels.

The slender and round thighs are hidden in the hip-hugging skirt, showing an alluring color through the dark black stockings. The slender waist is fully grasped in the POLO shirt, showing the enchanting charm of a mature woman.

At this time, Tachibana Chizuru turned around unintentionally. When she noticed the cat sitting at the door of the kitchen, she was stunned for a moment.

"Whose cat are you?"

While wiping her hands, Tachibana Chizuru walked over and bent over, looking at Uehara Takuya carefully: "You have a lot of dust on your body and the soles of your feet are dirty. Did you just run here from the street?"


Uehara Takuya meowed obediently. He still had to wait for Shizuka Hiratsuka to come out, so naturally he had to be honest and leave a good impression on the other party.

"Do you want to play with me? Then I will take you to wash your feet first."

Tachibana Chizuru's brain circuit is also different from that of ordinary people. After she heard the cat's cute meow, she quickly threw away the doubts in her heart, picked up Takuya Uehara and walked to the sink.

After washing the dust off the cat's feet, Tachibana Chizuru took him to the bedroom and sat down in front of the computer.

Then under Takuya Uehara's surprised gaze, the beautiful teacher opened a backgammon game.

"This is a small game recommended to me by my classmates. They said that this simple and easy-to-play game is very suitable for relieving stress." Tachibana Chizuru said to herself.

Uehara Takuya meowed in confusion: Are you stressed?

Of course Tachibana Chizuru didn't understand. She clicked to start the game and said softly: "There is a girl I know named Yukinoshita. She seems to like cats very much. There is always a good-looking boy next to her. , always makes me feel particularly reliable..."

As he spoke, Uehara Takuya was surprised to find a bright smile on the face of the female teacher with facial paralysis.

And her face was getting redder.

Until the end, she squinted her charming eyes and said quietly: "Maomao, let me tell you a secret. I think of him every night before going to bed. When I think of him, I..."

She bit her delicate lips and did not continue to speak.

Uehara Takuya suddenly heard the roaring sound of a car engine in his ears.

After working on it for a long time, it turns out that my image in this woman's mind is X-drug?

Chapter 347 Hiratsuka Shizu’s random thoughts

When Hiratsuka Shizuka came out of the shower, she didn't see Tachibana Chizuru in the living room, thinking that her friend was still out shopping and hadn't returned home.

But when she took a few steps with the towel on her head, she heard the sound effects of the game coming from the bedroom.

"So she went home?"

Hiratsuka Shizuka has such a good relationship with the other party, so naturally she knows that Chizuru Tachibana has been playing the backgammon game recently.

Perhaps it was because it was recommended by students, so Chizuru Tachibana, who was eager to build a good relationship with the students, took it very seriously and even stopped playing shogi, which the two of them would occasionally play at home.

Thinking of this, she wiped her wet long hair and walked towards the bedroom: "Tachibana, when did you come back... huh?"

Before she finished speaking, she froze.

Her friend was indeed sitting in front of the computer.

What is displayed on the screen is indeed the backgammon game interface.

The problem is, the people playing the game are not humans.

But a cat.

In her astonished gaze, the familiar little white cat was concentrating on controlling the mouse. From time to time, it would show its sharp teeth and clenched them slightly. It seemed that it had met a master.

If ordinary people saw such a strange scene, they would definitely come forward in excitement and surprise.

But Hiratsuka Shizu is different.

She was already familiar with the inside story, but now she just asked in a weird tone: "Where did this cat come from?"

"I picked it up in the living room." Chizuru Tachibana looked over and said, "It can actually play backgammon. Isn't it very smart?"

"Very smart indeed." Hiratsuka nodded, she probably guessed what was going on.

This guy must have come here on his own initiative!

"Why don't you look surprised at all?" Tachibana Chizuru asked.

"Because I have known this cat for a long time...for example, its name is Inujiro, and it is very familiar with Yumeko and Harano."

"I see."

Hiratsuka Shizu unconsciously quickened her pace and walked over, and found that Takuya Uehara was still staring at the screen, not looking at herself at all, which made her feel funny.

[This guy must be here to find me, why doesn’t he even look at me now?Is the game that fun? 】

Hiratsuka Shizu simply stood aside.

It’s not that she wanted to be an audience member.

But he wants to cause trouble.

"Get down here." She pointed at the screen.

"Meow." Uehara Takuya raised his cat's paw and patted her arm off, signaling not to cause trouble. He would win immediately.

"Believe me, you can definitely win if you come here."

"Meow meow!"

"Are you doubting my game level?"

"Meow meow."

As one person and one cat started to argue, Tachibana Chizuru's eyes kept turning back and forth between them.

Even she found it amazing that she didn't actually think about why a cat seemed to be able to understand human language, but instead sat here and watched the fun.

Takuya Uehara finally stopped the troublesome Hiratsuka Shizuka and successfully won the victory.

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