Immediately he jumped down from Tachibana Chizuru's arms and meowed dissatisfiedly.

In this round, I met a real master, and the opponent's style was particularly disgusting.

It's the type that only blocks your chess pieces, killing them without attacking.

Takuya Uehara was not a master of backgammon, and his level was limited, so the two of them fought back and forth, and were disgusted by each other for a long time.

Fortunately, he found a breakthrough in the end and won the game.

"I'll borrow this little guy first~"

Shizuka Hiratsuka waved to her friend and picked up Takuya Uehara, who immediately smelled the strong fragrance of a woman after taking a bath.

Tachibana Chizuru did not refuse, but just said: "Xiao Jing, do you want to go out with me tomorrow?"

"I won't go. If you want to get closer to the children, what should I do with you?" Hiratsuka Shizuka refused with a smile.

Tachibana Chizuru nodded: "Well, I originally wanted to call Sena and Uehara, because they are familiar with you, so even if you don't know other students, you will be in a situation where no one can chat with you. .”

invite me?

Uehara Takuya was stunned as he was held in Hiratsuka Shizuka's arms.

He could understand what Tachibana Chizuru meant by "going out to play".

It should be going out with other students in the school, which can make the relationship between teachers and students better.

It's just that Tachibana Chizuru specifically mentioned inviting herself, so she probably didn't ask herself to be her companion.

Maybe she has other ideas.

Uehara Takuya thought so, Hiratsuka Shizuka had already carried him to the next bedroom.

With a bang, the door was closed.

Shizuka Hiratsuka put him on the table, and her originally calm face finally showed a curious look: "Are you here specifically to see me?"

Uehara Takuya nodded.

"Then how did you know I was here?"

After Shizuka Hiratsuka finished speaking, she thoughtfully turned on the computer, clicked on the [Notepad] page, and signaled Takuya Uehara to type in an answer.

Takuya Uehara entered text: I can smell your fragrance from a long distance away.

Shizuka Hiratsuka laughed and scolded angrily: "You'd better be more serious, or I'll tell your secret."

Uehara Takuya continued typing: I felt that you were troubled from thousands of miles away, so I came.

Hiratsuka Shizuka was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm not worried."

【you are lying. 】


Shizuka Hiratsuka was silent for a few seconds while looking at the text on the screen, and her smile slowly faded: "Does your super power also include mind reading?"

【you guess. 】

"Hey, I'm not interested in playing guessing games with you."

Hiratsuka Shizu lazily crossed her arms and sat down against the sofa.

Immediately, a complex smile appeared on her face: "You are right, I do have something on my mind, but you can't help me with this matter."

[This is not necessarily true. You have to know that I am a person with super powers. Even if you fail to date many times, I can still find a solution. 】

"Can superpowers help me succeed in a blind date?"

After a brief silence, Uehara Takuya typed again: Let’s talk about something else.

Hiratsuka Shizu's expression froze, and she stared at him angrily and amusedly: "What do you mean by this? Do you think I will fail in blind dates in my life...wait a minute."

She suddenly realized something was wrong, stood up suddenly, and looked over with burning eyes: "How did you know about my blind date?"

Uehara Takuya calmly entered a name: Harano.

Hiratsuka Shizu's face darkened: "What is that guy doing? He even told you such a thing, it's really too much!"

Uehara Takuya meowed obediently. Anyway, Yangno always told himself that she had a broad mind, so it should be okay to let her take the blame, right?

Shizuka Hiratsuka lay back down again. This time her smile was much calmer: "It's better not to talk about this anymore. As I said just now, you can't help me."

[Don’t you want to get married? 】

Hiratsuka Shizuka's face turned red and she said with embarrassment, "What does it have to do with you whether I marry or not? You are a super-powerful person. If you don't do some great things, why are you here caring about my private affairs?"

【Because I am very interested in you. 】

"Thank you very much for your appreciation, but I can't bear it anymore."

Hiratsuka Shizuka rolled her eyes.

Uehara Takuya was a little disappointed. It seemed that he would not be able to find out any valuable information tonight.

In this case, there is no need for him to stay.

He thought about it and typed a line of text before leaving: No matter what, don't be too impulsive when doing things and discuss it with your friends more.

"Okay, okay, I'm not a child, why are you so verbose?" Shizuka Hiratsuka showed an impatient expression.

But when Uehara Takuya left the window, she quietly clenched her fists.

The room was quiet for a full minute before she raised her head, staring blankly at the chandelier on the ceiling, and murmured: "I must be crazy to believe the words of a street fortune teller..."

The reason why she asked Uehara Takuya about the Sapporo Hot Spring Resort again during the day was not because when she was practicing judo that night, she imagined a familiar face in her mind.

And the two factors of "identity" and "friend" mentioned by the fortune teller made her even more confused.

She didn't want this either, but for so many years since she was a child, the only person of the opposite sex who had seen her body was that person.

Occasionally, she would secretly wonder at night. If she had such a good figure, would he have some strange thoughts when he saw her naked that day?

Whenever she thought of these things, she would always get into bed and roll around in shame.

This is very similar to how you can't help but feel embarrassed or yell when you accidentally think of your own dark history.

the other side.

As soon as Uehara Takuya left, he suddenly noticed a familiar figure standing at the door of Tachibana Chizuru's house.

That's Ami Kawashima.

"Is she here to play?"

Uehara Taku didn't think much, and his figure quickly disappeared into the night.

Chapter 348 I will drive an excavator to kill you!

on Monday.

After two classes, Uehara Takuya didn't notice anything strange about Hiratsuka Shizu and Kawashima Ami.

At least there didn't seem to be anything wrong with their words and deeds.

"What on earth is Yangon thinking?"

Uehara Takuya recalled that after he got home last night, he called Harano as agreed.

Even before he left, he mentioned the fact that he saw Kawashima Ami.

He originally thought that Yangono would start a long analysis, or make fun of himself on the phone.

Who would have thought that after hearing his report, the other party would just smile and reply: "I understand, please check on them when you get to school tomorrow. If there is nothing wrong with them, then there is no need to report to me."

Then Yangno hung up the phone.

This made Uehara Takuya very unhappy.

What about the benefits?

Oh, no, you should let yourself know the truth, right?

Welfare and whatnot didn't matter, he was just a little curious at most.

"Uehara, I always feel that this guy Fukuda is hiding something from me."

Naito-san, who had gradually become familiar with Takuya Uehara, came over mysteriously at this moment.

"is it?"

As an insider, Uehara Takuya naturally cannot tell the truth.

You must know that because of the last "Water Park Chase Incident", Futian took two full days off before returning to school.

It's just that every time he sees Yuigahama Yui, he always looks panicked.

Fukuda's reaction was naturally seen by many people in the class, including Yuigahama Yui, but the girl was still in a state of confusion.

After all, the only person who saw the lump falling out of Fukuda's crotch last time was Takuya Uehara who was controlling the girl's body.

"There is something really wrong with him. I have been observing him for several days." Naito said confidently.

In order to prevent Fukuda-san from falling into a social death situation, Uehara Takuya decisively changed the subject: "Everyone has secrets. Maybe he has encountered some unhappy things recently. If you continue to investigate persistently, you may hurt him." What should I do if I lose my pride?”

"Huh? Is it that serious? Then I'll leave it alone."

Naito was shocked.

At this time, another classmate came up next to him: "Naito, have you played the Three Kingdoms game that Amway gave you yesterday?"

"Not yet, I plan to try again in two days..." Naito replied, then smiled and said to Uehara Takuya: "This guy Sakamoto is particularly addicted to games with the theme of the Three Kingdoms. Almost everyone who is familiar with him is... He's had a good time."

Uehara Takuya smiled and expressed his understanding.

After all, there are countless film and television works on the Three Kingdoms theme produced here.

There are countless games and anime.

The Neon people's obsession with the Three Kingdoms seems to have almost reached the level of Chinese people's worship of Sun Wukong.

"Uehara, would you like me to recommend one to you?" the man spoke again.

"No need, I'm not obsessed with the Three Kingdoms yet, although I have played a lot of Three Kingdoms-themed games." Uehara Takuya refused with a smile.

The other party said with some regret: "That would be a pity. If you also join our big circle of Three Kingdoms fans, you will definitely attract beautiful girls to join us."

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