"Is this your true purpose?" Uehara Takuya complained.

The other party laughed and changed the subject: "By the way, because the Three Kingdoms is the history of China, I have recently studied Chinese."

"Chinese?" Uehara Takuya and Naito were both startled.

"Yes, but instead of learning daily Chinese idioms, I am learning the Chinese pronunciation and meaning of famous people from the Three Kingdoms." The other party said, suddenly laughing, "You must have never imagined that the name of the hero Cao Cao is in Chinese Modern parlance actually has something to do with swearing.”

"Huh?" Naito, who knew nothing about Chinese, was a little confused.

Uehara Takuya just smiled and didn't interrupt.

At this time, the other party held his chin and thought deeply: "I plan to do more research during this period to see if there are any names like Cao Cao that are very different from modern Chinese meanings."

"Yes." Uehara Takuya simply answered for him.

"for example?"

"Cao Pi."


The man stared at the name of Emperor Wen of Wei Cao Pi and fell into deep thought.

Naito was not interested in this, so he pulled Uehara Takuya and whispered: "I almost forgot about the business, why don't you go out with us tonight? Don't refuse in a hurry. This time is organized by Tachibana-sensei, it's for health care." That person in the room [Absolute Zero Tachibana].”

At this point, he laughed twice: "Of course, this nickname is actually because we misunderstood her. Teacher Tachibana is actually a very good person. So this time she wants to get closer to her classmates. As a student, I Of course I have to contribute.”

Uehara Takuya squinted his eyes: "Are you so kind?"

Naito's face turned red and he said with a smile: "Well, I do have selfish motives, because Amano Haruko from Class C is the girl I like, and it was she who suggested that Mr. Tachibana organize a trip to the haunted house yesterday. I just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity, Let’s see if we can have a good relationship with her, after all, girls generally feel insecure in haunted houses.”

"Haunted house?"

Uehara Takuya remembered the last time he followed Yukino and the others to the haunted house.

Kawashima Ami also had ulterior motives at that time, and this time her classmates had selfish motives.

They are all people with impure motives.

Uehara Takuya did not refuse Naito's invitation because he had received the news from Tachibana Chizuru yesterday.

But he was going to drag Yukino over.

The way Yukino looked scared but wanted to be strong and calm in the haunted house last time was really cute.

He wanted to watch it again.

At noon, Uehara Takuya went to find Yukino with his lunch box.

Also accompanying Yuigahama Yui, this girl seemed to have something to do with Yukino, so the two simply got together.

"So, Uehara and Koyuki are going on a date at the haunted house tonight?"

The two chatted and talked about the arrangements for the evening.

When Yuigahama Yui said this, she had a gossipy look on her face.

"It's not just the two of us, what kind of date is this?" Uehara Takuya looked at her funny, "Does it mean that if I invite you to go on a date with you now, it means that I want to go on a date with you?"

Yuigahama Yui blushed: "Uehara, you are indeed a playboy, how dare you ask me out so directly."

"Based on what you said, could it be that I should secretly date you?"

"Don't even think about it, I will never date you in this life!"

As the atmosphere relaxed, Yuigahama Yui spoke more: "Hey, let me tell you, Sena and the others have made progress in their recent research."

"What progress?"

"Teacher Hiratsuka gave us the information. She said she saw Mr. Alien again at the zoo, and this time the person he controlled was a snow leopard."

"Then he's so brave, he dares to control endangered animals."

"Is this the point? Wait, that alien is a girl, you should use [her] to describe it."

Yuigahama Yui was correcting Uehara Takuya. Out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly saw a familiar figure under a tree not far away. She was surprised and asked, "Is that person Shiina-san? What is she doing?"

Uehara Takuya glanced at Shiina Mashiro, standing alone under the tree and raising his head.

Coincidentally, this time she was looking at the balloons on the tree again.

The picture is almost exactly the same as before.

"I'm probably thinking about whether Balloon's life should be lived gloriously."

"...What weird stuff are you talking about?"

Uehara Taku didn't explain. As soon as he walked to Mashiro Shiina, the girl looked over and said, "Oh, it's Takumi."

"You didn't even add the last name Uehara this time and just called you Takumi, right?"

"This is more convenient."

Mashiro Shiina gave an explanation and continued to look up at the balloon.

Uehara Takuya crossed his arms and imitated her movements and raised his head: "How long have you been watching?"

"About 3 minutes."

"Then what do you see?"

"I'm thinking that the balloon is stuck on the sharp side of the branch. I'm afraid I won't be able to remove it this time without breaking it like last time."

“Would you give me money if I said I could do it?”

"Are you short of money?"

"Yeah, I'm so poor that I have to beg for food on the street."

After hearing this, Shiina Mashiro was quiet for a few seconds, took out the small wallet from his pocket, and handed over all the banknotes inside: "The total here is probably less than ten thousand yen. I didn't bring much money when I went out today. This is All my property.”

"Stop it, Uehara-san, you are blackmailing! It's fraud!"

Yuigahama Yui couldn't stand it anymore and quickly ran between the two to separate them.

Then she glared at Mashiro Shiina: "And you, Shiina-san, why did you give him all the money?"

"He said he was very poor." Mashiro Shiina answered calmly.

"You believed him when he said he was poor? What if I say now that I am poor too?"

Shiina Mashiro was startled, her expression hesitant: "My bento is at Nanami's, and I don't have anything valuable on me now. How about... I treat you to some dirt?"

As she spoke, she pointed to the clean and hygienic soil on the ground.

Yuigahama Yui's expression froze.

Why are we all acquaintances, and you can generously give money to Uehara, but you can only treat me to dirt?

However, Uehara Takuya was still watching the fun and didn't mind the matter. He shouted from the side: "Isn't it bad to eat dirt? This kind of behavior is damaging the school environment and will be scolded by the teacher."

Shiina Mashiro showed a thoughtful expression: "What should we do?"

Takuya Uehara helped with the idea: "Actually, it's nothing. At worst, after Yuigahama finishes eating, we can dig some soil outside the school and cover it."

Shiina Mashiro nodded suddenly: "That makes sense. Should we prepare tools now? For example, a shovel or something?"

"Wouldn't it be more efficient to use an excavator?" Takuya Uehara suggested.

Mashiro Shiina was a little embarrassed: "But I can't drive an excavator, can you?"

"I do not know either."

Uehara Takuya shook his head, then looked at Yuigahama Yui, whose face was dark: "Yugahama, can you drive an excavator?"

Yuigahama Yui sneered with a dark face, thinking that if I could drive an excavator, I would kill you, a bastard!

Chapter 349 Dog Uehara, Cat Yukino

Yuigahama Yui finally lost in this "battle".

In other words, she was simply crushed by Takuya Uehara and Mashiro Shiina.

She regrets it now.

Even the way Takuya Uehara talks to Mashiro Shiina at the beginning doesn’t look right.

But she didn't realize it at the time.

Now he was hit with concentrated firepower from the two of them.

She just felt quite depressed.

Although Mashiro Shiina might not have meant this, she was sure that the bastard Takuya Uehara did it on purpose.

Just when she was feeling depressed, she was surprised to see Takuya Uehara walking to the tree and climbing up the tree as nimbly as a monkey.

The other party stretched out his hand and gently hooked it, and the stuck balloon fell into his hand.

"That's amazing." Shiina Mashiro praised.

Yuigahama Yui was also surprised.

Although she had heard Shizuka Hiratsuka mention that Takuya Uehara had great athletic talent.

But she didn't expect that the other party was also so talented in climbing trees.

When Takuya Uehara jumped down, Mashiro Shiina grabbed the banknotes and stretched out his hand: "You successfully got the balloon, the money is yours."

Just when Yuigahama Yui wanted to complain, Uehara Takuya smiled and waved his hand: "My financial situation is actually not enough to sleep on the street."

Only now did Shiina Mashiro understand, her little head tilted: "Was that a joke just now?"


The girl made a soft sound and took her hand back without changing her expression.


Her jewel-like eyes stared at Yuigahama Yui: "Do you want it?"

Poor Tuanzi girl was so moved that she almost burst into tears.

[What’s up with this spare tire feeling? Hello? 】

Will the banknotes that Uehara Takuya rejected now fall into his hands?

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