Mrs. Yukinoshita's beautiful eyes turned and fell on Uehara Takuya: "Didn't this frivolous child say that? It just so happened that I had nothing to do today, so I put it on and tried it on."

Now that the other party is staring at him, Uehara Takuya can no longer be dumb: "Then the question is, did anyone hit on you today?"

"Yes, but I drove them away."

"Look, I told you it would be nice to dress up in a different style."

"You just want to tell me this?" Mrs. Yukinoshita finally showed a smile on her face, "Don't you want to take this opportunity to show disrespect for your elders like before?"

Uehara Takuya asked in confusion: "When did I stop respecting you?"

"Do you need me to remind you?" Mrs. Yukinoshita seemed to be smiling more.

Uehara Takuya didn't panic at all: "If possible, please make sure the time is accurate to the minute and second, so that I can remember it faster."

"Unfortunately, I don't have the ability to record every minute."

"It's really a pity. Why don't we talk about something else?"

Mrs. Yukinoshita ignored Takuya Uehara's pretense and asked casually: "You two showed up here so late at night, are you on a date?"

Just as Yangono was about to reply, Uehara Takuya on the side spoke first: "What do you think?"

Mrs. Yukinoshita's smile visibly stiffened for a moment.

This phrase "guess" was too familiar to her.

The last time this guy came to the door, he just stood behind me secretly for a long time. When he found out, he said the same thing.

As soon as Yangno saw her mother's face, she knew what she was thinking. She suppressed a smile and said: "Strictly speaking, we are not dating, but Uehara felt that it was rude not to bring a gift last time, so he prepared it this time. I’ll pick you a gift as compensation.”

Mrs. Yukinoshita seemed to be very surprised: "Uehara, how can you be so considerate? I always thought you were a frivolous and unruly child."

Uehara Takuya smiled calmly: "That's because I look more frivolous, so that I can bring out your maturity and stability."

Mrs. Yukinoshita raised her eyebrows: "Are you complimenting me with this sentence, or are you mocking my age in a roundabout way?"

"You are overthinking. If I want to ridicule others, I will never mince words. Sister Yangno can testify to this."

Seeing Uehara Takuya pointing at himself while speaking, Yangno hummed slightly and snickered again.

Mrs. Yukinoshita naturally saw her eldest daughter's smile, but she didn't say anything, but smiled lightly: "There's no need for gifts, I'm not that stingy. Besides, because of your visit last time, Yukino was rarely able to come back. A trip home..."

As she said that, her smile seemed to be brighter: "So if I really want to talk about it, I have to thank you."

"It's better not to say thank you, why not give it in cash?"


Mrs. Yukinoshita automatically ignored his joke.

Yang Nai took the initiative to help break the increasingly awkward atmosphere: "It just so happens that we have nothing to do. How about we go shopping with you?"

Uehara Takuya glanced at her and thought, do you think I didn't die quickly enough?Shouldn't shopping with my future mother-in-law be something in the future?

You know, this lady still has opinions about herself.

"it is good."

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Yukinoshita agreed.

So the mother and daughter took an idler, Takuya Uehara, and wandered around the mall.

The gift that Uehara Takuya and Harano talked about before was not mentioned by either of them now.

On the one hand, it's because Uehara Takuya doesn't know what to choose, and on the other hand, it's because Mrs. Yukinoshita's current attitude seems like she won't accept his gift.

The mother and daughter had just walked into a women's clothing store when a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes walked over and struck up a conversation.

Without Mrs. Yukinoshita taking action, Yangno put on a friendly smile and persuaded the other party to retreat in a few words.

The middle-aged man smiled awkwardly, a little unwillingly. When he noticed Uehara Takuya in uniform, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "Brother, are those two beauties your sisters? "

Uehara Takuya's answer was slightly arrogant: "No, they are my fiancée, so you have no chance."


The middle-aged man left with a question mark.

Because Uehara Takuya's reply was so impactful, he even walked a long way before he could recover.

"What did you just say to him?" Yangno did not have the developed hearing of Uehara Takuya, and the latter's voice was not loud just now, so she and Mrs. Yukinoshita naturally did not hear it.

Uehara Takuya opened his eyes and told lies: "I said you are my sisters. As long as my brother is here, he will never want to eat swan meat."

"Swan meat? Is this a common saying somewhere?" Yang Nao's focus is actually this.

"Isn't the Chinese proverb very reasonable?"

"It does make sense. If you can compare yourself to a toad, it will make even more sense."

Yangno said with a smile and continued shopping for clothes with her mother.

Uehara Takuya stayed with the mother and daughter for nearly half an hour. When Harano went to the bathroom, he didn't pay attention to Mrs. Yukinoshita beside him. She was playing with her mobile phone alone, but a voice suddenly sounded next to her: "Last time you When you come to our house as a guest, do you always stay in the guest room?”


Uehara Takuya raised his head in surprise, not quite understanding why the other party suddenly asked this.

Mrs. Yukinoshita's face remained as usual, and her relaxed tone seemed to be just talking about home affairs: "I think with your dishonest character, even if you are a guest at someone else's home, you won't stay in the guest room all the time, right? "

Uehara Takuya was very calm: "I did not stay in the house all the time because I came out to drink water and then went to the balcony to look at the moon for a while."

"Please note that the moon cannot be seen from my house."

"Oh, then I'm just looking at the stars."

Mrs. Yukinoshita smiled: "I find your mouth quite interesting. But I can probably understand why Yukino seems quieter than usual when he is around you."

Uehara Takuya asked tentatively: "Do you want to say that she was moved by my sweet words?"

"No, I mean, Yukino probably thinks that if she talks to you too much, she might be tempted to hit you."

"What you said almost makes me sad."

"Then you can cry now."

"Forget it, I don't like such embarrassing things."

As Takuya Uehara finished speaking, Mrs. Yukinoshita did not look at him anymore. Instead, she walked to the armrest of the shopping mall on the second floor and looked down at the customers below.

She looked at it for a while, and then the mature and cold voice sounded again: "I know you were lying just now."

Uehara Takuya put away his mobile phone and corrected his attitude: "Which sentence are you referring to?"

"You should know better." Mrs. Yukinoshita looked over with surprise, "Because in my impression, you are a smart child."

"I'm honored that you think so highly of me."

Mrs. Yukinoshita didn't seem to hear, and said to herself: "I mean that you went to the balcony to look at the stars. It's a lie."

Then, there was a vague sense of oppression in her voice: "The reason why you tell such a lie that can be seen through at a glance is because you want to divert my attention from the problem just now, right?"

"Has it been noticed? It seems that my acting skills are really poor." Uehara Takuya sighed.

Mrs. Yukinoshita stared at him for a few seconds, with an inexplicable meaning in her eyes: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, but I hope the secret you are trying to hide is not something rude."

Uehara Takuya looked calm, but his heart skipped a beat.

She found out?

No, I was very careful that day and didn't even make the slightest movement.

How did she find out?

Uehara Takuya's thoughts suddenly changed.

He was extremely cautious that night.

The only flaw was that he sneaked out of the bathroom and couldn't lock the door.

But if he relied on this alone, he felt that Mrs. Yukinoshita would never be able to guess the truth anyway.

The atmosphere between the two became so quiet.

It was clear that neither party spoke anymore, but there was a strange atmosphere floating in the air, which seemed to tell the two of them that they were worried about each other.

Fortunately, Yangno came back soon, and her warm smile easily broke the deadlock here.

Mrs. Yukinoshita seemed to have had enough shopping. This time she did not continue shopping. Instead, she said to Yangno, "Don't stay out too late" and left first.

"Let's go back too." Yono generously held his arm in Uehara Takuya's arms.

"Back to where?"

"Of course it's my apartment...Do you still want me to drag you to Yukino's house?"

"No, I didn't think about it that way at all."

The two arrived at the apartment. Takuya Uehara had just finished changing his shoes and sat down in the living room. Yangno walked up behind him, bent down, and the delicious scent of her hair immediately enveloped him.

The next moment, Yangno's sweet voice came: "Stella told me before that she always calls you master in private. What does this mean?"

Chapter 366 Is it difficult to handle? Then don’t do it

Hearing the word "master" from Yangno's mouth, Uehara Takuya didn't feel strange at all.

Judging from the fact that Stella and Harno are on the wrong side, it is normal for these two to show off their blows to each other during the laning phase.

Uehara Takuya guessed that the housekeeper brought this up to get back in front of Harano.

"It's a game I play with her," he answered.

"Game? What kind of game requires her to call you master?" Yangno slowly reached out and hugged Uehara Takuya's neck.

Her red lips were slightly open, and the hot breath mixed with the fragrance hit the other person's face: "Or are you playing some kind of restricted game?"

"So it turns out that the words "tiger and wolf" come out of your mouth with such great temptation?" Uehara Takuya teased.

"It's not that I want to say this, but that woman is provoking me."

"But she didn't beat you?"

"of course."

The corners of Yangono's lips curled up, and the smile in his eyes did not hide his confidence at all: "How can a Kashiwazaki family butler be my opponent?"

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