"Yes, yes, you are the best, right?"

"Your perfunctory attitude makes it difficult for me to handle it."

"Is it difficult to do it? In my opinion, then don't do it!"

Uehara Takuya instantly transformed into a crow brother, turned around and pulled Harano's slender arm with a little force, and the latter exclaimed and was pulled into his arms for a hug.

Yangno was not surprised by his tyrannical strength. Instead, she took the initiative to close her legs, changed into a comfortable position and leaned in his arms. She chuckled and said, "Are you worthy of your girlfriend by doing this?"

"Which one are you referring to?" Uehara Takuya responded calmly.

"Oh, you are so bold to admit that you are a scumbag?" Yangno looked surprised, but the look he gave her was smiling.

"I never denied it."

"Then you and Stella..."

Harano deliberately didn't finish what she said because she knew Takuya Uehara would definitely understand.


Sure enough, under her gaze, Uehara Takuya admitted.

She showed a helpless smile: "I knew that was the case. That woman is not a fuel-efficient lamp. How could she let you go?"

Uehara Takuya was slightly startled: "I thought you would take this opportunity to scold me."

"I'm too lazy to scold you, because Yukino must scold you often, so I'd better leave this kind of scolding to my sister who is occasionally naive."

Yang Na rubbed his eyebrows, looking sad.

Uehara Takuya smiled and said: "You are right, I do get scolded often in front of Yukino."

Yangno sat up at this time and leaned against his chest and asked softly: "I just suddenly thought that when you get married in the future, won't women like me and Stella be out of the game?"

Uehara Takuya looked constipated: "Why do you like to ask such difficult topics?"

"I'm just curious."

Yangno responded with a very cute smile, held her chin in one hand, and said slowly: "Even if you are a superpower, you will get married sooner or later. If I guess correctly, your future marriage partner will be either Sena or my sister. .”

"Then they have to agree. What if they reject my proposal?"

"It's simple. If they refuse, then you can become a bachelor."

"What a cruel statement."

"No, I call it honesty."

The two chatted for a while, and Yangno stood up and got out of his arms, walked to the counter and took out a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses.

Takuya Uehara calmly raised his hand and said, "I don't drink."

"Then you can watch me drink."

Yang Nai smiled and nodded without forcing it.

As a woman who lives a very refined life, there are very few women who can get along with her on other occasions.

Including the friends she went out with on the street last time, they were only friends she could chat with verbally, unlike Shizuka Hiratsuka who was willing to let her have a deep friendship.

After all, her only friend now is Hiratsuka Shizuka.

She poured herself half a glass of red wine and sipped it leisurely, but her beautiful eyes were a little distracted: "My mother once asked me to supervise Yukino. I originally agreed, but I even thought about it. There are many ways to make Yukino agree to me living with her."

"Then what?" Takuya Uehara took on the role of asking the question very cooperatively.


Yangono showed an unknown smile, and her beautiful eyes fell on Uehara Takuya at the same time: "Then I got to know you, how you and Yukino got along, and I also knew that under your influence, Yukino allowed her to study in school I no longer suffer ostracism, and I have many good friends of the same age.”

She didn't wait for Uehara Takuya to speak, and continued: "You know, since I was in elementary school, I haven't had any friends like Sena and the others. They seem to be indifferent to each other on the surface, but in fact, whenever someone is in trouble, they are willing to help. .”

Uehara Takuya listened silently and did not say anything this time.

He noticed the change in Yangno's mentality last time.

The so-called changes should be because of these.

"I envy her."

Yangno deliberately kept a straight face and sneered: "Xueno's current life is enough to make me envious, or rather jealous."

Uehara Takuya pinched his chin: "Then do you envy her for having so many friends, or do you envy her for knowing me, a person with super powers?"

Yang Na was about to open his mouth when he heard him say seriously: "If it's the latter, then you should really be jealous. After all, people with super powers like me are rare in the world, and may be the only one in the world. Can you You should feel honored to know my secret."

Yangno burst out laughing: "Do you have to show your narcissistic behavior in front of me?"

"It's not narcissism, I call it honesty." Uehara Takuya sent back her words intact.

Yang Nai instantly suppressed her smile and returned to her demeanor of keeping away from strangers.

Uehara Takuya was not afraid at all and said with a smile: "To be honest, when I first met you, I thought you were a mature and intellectual woman, but I didn't expect that you actually have a dual personality. "

"I don't have a dual personality."

"Isn't it just that I like to pretend in front of outsiders, but actually I always like to tease others? In my opinion, this is actually almost like a dual personality."

Hearing his words, Yangno suddenly showed a charming smile: "What do you mean, you don't like me like this?"

Uehara Takuya complained: "Who would like a woman who thinks about fixing herself all day long? You know, every time I meet you, I don't know how many brain cells I use."

"What? You want me to act dignified and virtuous? If it's just to this extent, I can really do it~"

"Forget it then. If you act virtuous, I think Yukino will go crazy."


"Because she will definitely wonder if I developed new superpowers and hypnotized you."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Yangno smiled in an unladylike manner, and the drink in the glass swayed as if it might spill out in the next second.

Uehara Takuya glanced at the clock on the wall: "It's already nine o'clock, should I say goodbye?"

Yang Na stopped laughing and looked straight with her beautiful eyes: "What are you afraid of? In the worst case, you can sleep at my house, and I can chat with you in bed all night."

Uehara Takuya said with a headache: "You're starting to talk like this again, sister, I really can't stand it."

"If you can't stand it, you have to stand up."

As he spoke, Yangno stood up, twisted her delicate waist, and came to sit next to Uehara Takuya with a graceful posture.

This time she drank all the red wine left in the glass, then put down the glass and said, "Don't you just like me like this, so you were so bold to touch me?"

Uehara Takuya instantly remembered the vacation at the beach villa: "You still care about that thing?"

"Of course." Yangno came closer, held his chin, and smiled half-heartedly, "I will always remember that there was a little bastard who was so bold that he even dared to touch me."

Uehara Taku also slapped her thigh angrily: "Can we stop making trouble?"

Yang Naoqi lay on him lovingly and smiled sweetly: "Okay, I will rely on you in everything."

Takuya Uehara started to have a headache again. Once this woman tore off that delicate mask, she became even more incomprehensible.

Chapter 367 Yangno has a cold

Yang Naizhen was drinking alone in the living room.

She didn't force Takuya Uehara to drink too.

Even though there are countless young people here, they have already secretly violated the "underage people are not allowed to drink" regulations.

Although Yang Nai is a woman with a refined life, her drinking capacity is not very good.

After three glasses of red wine, her originally fair cheeks had already become flushed as the alcohol took hold.

"Are you venting your dissatisfaction?" Uehara Takuya hugged her without moving his hands.

"Ha, have you been spotted?" A silly smile appeared on Yangno's face, which was a little charming and intoxicating, but also a little charming.

Uehara Takuya reminded: "If it is just to vent, there is no need to choose alcohol, because I have always felt that drinking will only make people more and more annoying."

"But when you're drunk, you won't be bothered anymore."

"That's not necessarily true. I've seen many people on the Internet say that a hangover is very painful. Not only will you have a headache when you wake up the next day, but you may even be unable to cheer up for the whole day."

"Then you can help take care of me~"

Yang Nao was still smiling charmingly.

Uehara Takuya responded with a smile and took away her wine glass: "Of course I am willing to take care of you, but that doesn't mean you can get drunk without any scruples."

"Are you going to lecture me?"

"I should say caring."

"I care..."

Yang Na lay lazily in his arms and did not grab the wine glass. Instead, her eyes began to wander and she murmured: "I haven't heard this word for a long time. Now that I hear it from your mouth, I actually have a strange feeling. .”

Uehara Taku didn't say anything.

Yangno suddenly laughed twice, raised her blushing face, and said softly: "I just said that I really envy Yukino, it's not a lie."

"I know." Uehara Takuya nodded.

Yangono added: "Yukino previously had the secret of you being a superpower, and I was indeed envious of it."

"I know too."

"Tell me, what would have happened if I was the first person to know your secret?"

Hearing this, Uehara Takuya put on a thinking expression: "There is a high probability that I will be harassed by you often, and you will even drag me around all day long to experiment with super powers."

Yangno was stunned and smiled charmingly: "I thought you would take advantage of my worries and drunkenness to tell me some great truths."

"I don't like doing that kind of thing."

"Yes, you prefer to accompany others to fool around."

Yang Na stretched out, Xiangxiang's soft body pressed tightly against each other, and her voice became warmer: "Just like I am taking advantage of the influence of alcohol to drag you to fool around on the street, you must also Will agree."

Uehara Takuya smiled and nodded, he would indeed agree.

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