
Zilla's face turned pale with anger.

The expressions of the surrounding tribal leaders also changed drastically. They did not expect that Olaf, who had always only grown muscles but no brains, would come to "force the palace" in such a way, which caught people off guard.

"Is this considered a scam?" Domeric frowned.

Olaf looked at Domeric and said solemnly: "You are very strong. According to the rules of our mountain people, since we have lost, we should surrender to you.

But not this time, because I have to be the 'King of the Mountain Men'! "

Domeric nodded and agreed: "It's understandable that the end justifies the means.

However, you may not win! "


Behind the painted dog tribe, there was another group of fully armed soldiers, lined up and pressing forward step by step.

Compared to the mountain men who carried sticks, broken swords, and even wielded pitchforks, sickles, and spears whittled from trees.

The soldiers led by Wendell and Jon were all fully armed, wearing helmets and armor. The metal armor on their bodies made a neat "click" sound when they moved.

"Stand up a shield!"


"Out of the knife"

Arrows danced wildly in the air, spears glinting in blood.

The shouts of death and screams intertwined together to play the last song of this summer sacrifice.

Soon the warriors of the Hua Dog tribe left corpses on the ground.

The remaining people were also scared out of their wits, either running around like crazy, holding their heads and crying loudly, or lying motionless on the ground, as if they were frightened...


The tribal leaders on the altar seemed to have not yet reacted.

Olaf collapsed to the ground, his face pale, breathing heavily, big beads of sweat dripping down his forehead, his whole body trembling, speechless.

"How is this going?"

The development of things was completely different from what he imagined.

"Come here, tie up this traitor Olaf who intends to destroy the sacrifice!"

Domeric gave an order, and several tribal leaders shouted and tied Olaf into a rice dumpling with iron chains.

"Lord Domeric."

Zilla struck while the iron was hot: "Today you have won the martial arts tournament. According to the agreement of the ten major tribes, you are the 'King of the Mountain People' of the Alpine Clan Tribe!"

Domeric nodded.

Surrounded by many tribal leaders, he walked to the center of the altar.

The mountain people gradually became quiet.

Set your sights on the nobleman who defeated all the mountain warriors.

Domeric first glanced at Olaf who was tied up in chains from a distance, and then a warm smile appeared on his face, "Everyone here, is there anyone who wants to challenge me now?"

In the eyes of the mountain people with awe, or fear.

Domeric said loudly: "Then according to the agreement, I am now the 'King of the Mountain Men'!"

The mountain men below the altar were quiet for a moment.

Then bursts of cheers broke out: "The great king of the mountain men!"


Zira from the Black Ear Tribe looked at Domeric who was being cheered and supported by everyone with complicated eyes.

Under the sunlight, this nobleman from King's Landing seemed to exude the light of divinity.

She didn't know whether today's decision was the right one.

But there is no turning back now.

After all, the Black Ear Tribe was the first tribe to surrender to Domeric.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Zilla also shouted loudly:

"The great king of the mountain men!"

"The new king!"

"Guardian of the Mingyue Mountains!"


With the altar as the center, the cheers grew louder and louder.

Swept across the valley like a violent wind.

Chapter 162 So insidious

The night was dark.

A huge thick canvas tent, but it was brightly lit by candlelight.

Domeric was sitting on top, Wendel, and Jon were sitting on the chairs beside them.

The intelligence chief, Varys, was reporting on the latest status of the "War of the Five Kings" thousands of miles away.

More than a month ago, with the outbreak of the Battle of Golden Teeth City, the "War of the Five Kings" officially kicked off.

Jaime Lannister led an army from the mouth of the valley of Golden Teeth City, marched eastward along the River Road, and encountered the riverine army stationed at the mouth of the valley.

The army in the river collapsed at the first touch. Count Vance of Rest City died in the battle, and Count Piper of Pink City managed to escape back to Riverrun.

Then, the Western Border Army divided into two groups.

One group, led by "Kingslayer" Jaime Lannister, laid siege to Riverrun.

Led by "Old Lion" Tywin Lannister, the group followed the Golden Road, crossed the Red Fork River, and successively captured the Pink City, Acorn Hall and other castles, approaching Harrenhal.

Lady Sheila He'an of Harrenhal's He'an family had no choice but to abandon the city and flee because she did not have the strength to defend herself against the Western Army.

It is said that Mrs. He'an died during her escape.

The House of Riveron, once so prominent in the Targaryen dynasty, was now extinct.

After a lapse of a hundred years, Harrenhal once again became a deserted land.

In this way, Domeric can use the name of the Iron Throne.

Transferring the territory and title of Harrenhal to himself, he officially transformed from an honorary duke without a fiefdom to the "Duke of Harrenhal" with a real title, worthy of his status as the King's Hand and Prime Minister.

The only condition is that Tywin Lannister is willing to return Harrenhal to him.

"Today, the situation in the Riverlands is extremely critical. The reinforcements from the North, Robb Stark of the Stark family, are trapped in front of the Twins of the Frey family...

Just ten days ago, a big battle broke out between the Lannister Army and the Riverside Army in the West under Riverrun City.

Edmure Tully's garrison numbered approximately 16000 men, while his rival Jaime Lannister's garrison numbered approximately 15000 men.

Since the riverside army was not good at positional warfare on the frontal battlefield, it was quickly defeated by the powerful Jaime Lannister.

Edmure Tully himself and many of the Riverlands nobles were captured.

Riverrun is directly exposed to the siege of the Lannister army and is in danger..."

Varys was reporting on the intelligence he had collected. His chubby bald head was illuminated by the candlelight. He was still wearing brightly colored fine silk, and his body exuded a powdery smell.

The many days of marching in the mountains never left this dead eunuch in a state of embarrassment.

"Where's Brynden Tully the Blackfish?

Hadn't he returned to Riverrun?

With Brynden, a battle-hardened general, how could the Hejian Army lose so miserably? "

Domeric said in disbelief.

"Ser Brynden seems to have not been given much importance. I heard that as soon as he returned to Riverrun, he had a big fight with the seriously ill Lord Hoster..." Varys explained in a low voice.

There was an eerie silence in the tent, with only the occasional faint sound of candles burning.

Obviously, the situation is not optimistic.

Domeric was also surprised.

With "Blackfish" Brynden present, he originally thought that the riverside army could at least rely on Riverrun to defend for a while.

Unexpectedly, in the battle at Riverrun, the main force of the Riverlands was still completely defeated.

The war situation in the West and the Riverlands is developing for the worst.

After a long time, Domeric finally raised his head. The expression on his face showed no emotion or anger. He asked a few people around him: "What do you think of the current situation?"

"Things are a little bad!"

Earl Wendell curled his lips and said in a deep voice, "If Tywin Lannister really captured the Riverlands, and then marched his army directly to King's Landing..."

"Lord Domeric, should we send an army to pick up Robb and support Riverrun together?"

Jon Wright said hurriedly that although he had changed his surname to "Wright", he always considered himself a member of the Stark family and there was no reason not to help his brother Robb.

"I'm afraid it's too late now. Tywin Lannister has occupied Harrenhal and is keeping an eye on it to prepare for reinforcements from the Vale or King's Landing."

Domeric shook his head and slowly poured himself a glass of wine, with a natural aroma of wine filling the air.

Although the wine brewed by mountain people has many impurities and is slightly bitter, it has a mellow taste.

"Then should we return to King's Landing to defend and support the Riverlands now, or should we continue to the Eyrie as planned?"

Varys asked cautiously, obviously Domeric's next decision was crucial.

Domeric didn't answer. He narrowed his eyes and stared at the amber turbid wine in the glass for a long time.

He doesn't have Zhuge Liang's ability to pinch and calculate.

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