Although he was familiar with the direction of the plot, many things did not develop according to his ideas.

He's just used to solving problems in his own way.

Whether a person can see the situation clearly and analyze the pros and cons is a matter of ability.

The way you can choose to break the situation is to follow the original plot or to find your own way. This is a matter of choice.

It's hard to say which of the two methods is better.

After all, things are unpredictable, and the development of many things is simply unpredictable.

No matter how well prepared you are in advance, your success may fall short due to an accident.

Who would have thought that with the enemy already at their doorstep, "Blackfish" Brynden and Duke Hoster would stage a good show of "brothers fighting against the wall"...

In the eyes of Wendel, Jon, and Varys, there was either expectation or doubt.

Domeric finally drank all the wine in his glass.

"Gudu" sounded.

Several people held their breath.

Domeric closed his eyes and raised his head, as if he was reminiscing or meditating.

After a long time, he opened his eyes again and said: "The situation has changed too fast. It seems that we have to speed up the progress of controlling the valley!"

Seeing that Domeric had no intention of giving up the valley, Wallis made up his mind and quickly suggested:

“Lord Domeric, follow our original plan.

These mountain men can be allowed to harass the villages within the territory of the Eyrie City, and the Eyrie City's troops can be frequently mobilized to suppress thieves, making Lady Lysa Tully tired of dealing with them.

Then we will lead the army in the name of going to support.

Take advantage of the emptiness inside the Eagle's Nest City and capture it in one fell swoop!

Finally, in the name of the orphan and widowed mother, I ordered all the major families in the valley to serve..."

Varys said, unable to hide the heat in his eyes.

This feeling of standing behind the scenes and planning everything is so cool.

Unknowingly, the dead eunuch found that in Domeric, he could realize the meaning of his life more and more.

"But what threat can these few thousand mountain men pose to the Eagle's Nest City?

There are thousands of defenders in the Eagle's Nest City, as well as the troops of many vassals from nearby castles. The knights of the Valley are not vegetarians! "

Wendel touched his chin and raised his doubts.

Wallis looked up at Wendel and smiled:

"Count Wendel doesn't know. The valley now is not the valley when old Duke Arryn was alive..."

Chapter 163 This is Your Choice

"Lysa Tully herself was mean and ungrateful, and had difficulty convincing others. Coupled with her sickly and irascible son, her prestige among the nobles of the valley had dropped to a freezing point.

Count Yohn Royce of Runestone City once united with the vassals of the valley and strongly requested support for the Riverlands to rebuild the "Fish Wolf Eagle" alliance.

But Lysa Tully insisted on staying put and staying out of the fight, a move that intensified the conflict between her and the vassals of the Vale.

Many important vassals in the valley, headed by Lord Yohn Royce, no longer obey the orders of the Eyrie City.

If the mountain people attack the Eagle's Nest City, I'm afraid these vassals will not come to help, but will gather together to watch the fun! "Varys smiled sweetly.

Wendel curled his lips, obviously convinced by the dead eunuch, "Lord Varys, I have to say, your plan is really insidious!"

"Lord Wendel, can I take this as your exaggeration of me?" Varys had a twitchy smile on his face.

Jon stood up, "My lord, the only question now is, are those mountain men really willing to obey our orders and send troops to the Eyrie for us?"

Although Domeric successfully won the title of "King of the Mountain Men" at the Summer Sacrifice.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see the reason why those tribal leaders did not stand up against Domeric.

It was because of Olaf's cruel behavior of painting the dog tribe and wantonly annexing other tribes, which made everyone feel in danger.

The lesser of two evils.

They reluctantly accepted Domeric as the "King of the Mountain Men".

But now Olaf has become Domeric's prisoner.

The women, property, and population of the Hua Dog tribe were all divided among the other nine tribes.

The previous threat no longer exists.

Will these mountain clan tribes still be willing to recognize Domeric's status as "King of the Mountain Men" and use it for their use?

Under the dim candlelight, the light in the tent flickered.

Domeric said in a deep voice:

“Zira, the leader of the Black Ear Tribe, has promised to work hard to persuade other tribes to send troops to the Eagle’s Nest City for me.

Now, it’s up to these mountain people to make their own choices! "


“Chief Qi La, I think this matter is something the nobles outside the mountain are asking for from us.

We don't have to agree to them so quickly, maybe we can bargain for more benefits. "

Black Ear Tribe, Cottage Hall.

In a huge wooden house, all the leaders of the ten major tribes of the Gaoshan clan, and now only the nine major tribes left, are gathered here.

The speaker was Howling, the leader of the Howling Mountain Tribe. He had always had prestige among the Alpine Clan Tribe.

Moreover, the Howling Mountain Tribe is very powerful, second only to the former Painted Dog Tribe.

Now the Howling Mountain Tribe has divided up most of the population of the Painting Dog Tribe, and its strength has expanded even more.

"I object to the opinion of the Howling leader."

The speaker was Tira of the Burning Tribe, the younger brother of the former leader Timei.

After Domeric became the "King of the Mountain Men", he was rewarded with the position of leader of the Burning Tribe and asked him to suppress the different voices of the Burning Tribe.

Nowadays, Tira, in order to keep his position as the leader of the tribe, sided with Domeric without reservation. He is already a complete "traitor"!

Tira said righteously: "Lord Domeric came with good intentions this time. As long as we agree to send troops to the Eagle's Nest City, after the event is completed, we can obtain a fertile land in the valley..."

"Leader Tira is right."

The new leader of the Stone Crow Tribe also echoed.

Qi La nodded, then looked at the other tribal leaders, and said in a hoarse voice:

"We, the Black Ear Tribe, the Burning Man Tribe, and the Stone Crow Tribe, have all promised Lord Domeric to help him send troops to the Eagle's Nest City. What do you tribes think?"

"I agree with Chief Zira."

Next to Qi'ra, the leader of the Moon Tribe said: "We are mortal enemies with the Aylin family of the Eagle's Nest City. According to Qi'ra, we can still plunder the territory of the Eagle's Nest City.

If Lord Domeric can really grant us fertile land in the valley, we won’t have to hide in the mountains and be constantly threatened by wild beasts..."

"I agree."

Another leader of the Red Craftsman Tribe also stood up to respond. Zilla had already secretly discussed with him before, so naturally he supported Zilla without hesitation at this time.

"Chief Zilla, it is related to the future of our Gaoshan clan. We should discuss this matter with the elders of the tribe."

The other leaders said hesitantly.

Among the nine major tribes, five major tribes have now expressed their clear support for the new "King of the Mountain Men", and the three major tribes have remained neutral.

"Hmph, why do we, the mountain tribe, listen to the orders of a noble from outside the mountain? I want to go to you. I won't agree to it anyway!"

Howling Mountain tribe leader Howling said disapprovingly.

Seeing that everyone either supported Zilla's opinion or remained neutral, no one supported him.

Howling snorted coldly and was about to leave.

Zilla looked at his back, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and the wine glass in her hand suddenly fell to the ground.

A group of warriors from the Black-Ear Tribe suddenly appeared at the door, blocking Howling's way.

"Chief Zira? What do you mean?"

Seeing these people's fierce looks in front of them, Howling couldn't help but feel fear in his heart and wanted to retreat.

"It's your choice!" Zilla sneered, her slightly hoarse voice sounding like metal pieces rubbing against each other.

Several warriors from the Black Ear Tribe picked up the chains and immediately put them around Howling's neck.

Amidst the other party's shrill howls, he pulled hard in two different directions.


Amidst the heartbreaking sound of bones breaking,

Howling's head was twisted into a twist at an incredible angle, and his body fell limply to the ground.

The leader of the Howling Mountain Tribe died like this!

"Chief Qi La, this..."

The three leaders who remained neutral did not expect such an incident. They were all frightened and looked at Qi La in panic.

Zilla looked at everyone and said in a deep voice: "We have promised Lord Domeric to fully assist him in sending troops to the Eagle's Nest City.

But if the warriors of the tribe are away at war, there will certainly be an emptiness within.

The Howling Mountain Tribe’s unwillingness to join us must have evil intentions.

What if he takes the opportunity to attack and annex our tribe when our tribe is empty?

Therefore, we must act first to avoid future troubles.

As for the women and property of the Howling Mountain Tribe.The population will be divided among our eight major tribes.

What do you think of this approach? "

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