Fat Earl Weiman said with a hint of flattery, "It is our duty to serve you..."

Chapter 188 I'm Sick

Red Fort, Assembly Hall.

The royal council is continuing.

"Lord Domeric, according to your instructions, we have recruited more than 20000 homeless people.

Now that Blackwater Bay has been unblocked, fleets can be arranged at any time to send them to your territory. "

The Minister of Justice, Earl Gales, spoke next, and the old man coughed as he spoke.

But everyone sitting here is used to it.

If one day Earl Gales stops coughing, they may feel uncomfortable.

Most of these recruited refugees were ordinary civilians affected by the "War in the Riverlands".

Their villages were burned and their fields destroyed.

Most of them are homeless and have no food to eat.

Domilik recruited them to work in Gushanling, which not only solved their livelihood, but also provided more labor force for the industry in Gushanling.

Although King's Landing is Domeric's springboard to dominate the continent of Westeros, the Lonely Mountain Ridge is his foundation.

It is the foundation of his "farming flow".

In case the "War of Five Kings" is defeated.

In the worst-case scenario, Domeric joins forces with the Stark family to close their necks and live a life on their own. There is nothing to worry about except the "White Walkers" outside the Great Wall!

These 20000 refugees are just the beginning. Those who will become homeless in the future will all be packed and transported to Gushanling by Domilik to further expand the scale of a series of production and manufacturing such as "mining, smelting, weapons manufacturing, and iron farm tools."

"Now that the blockade of Blackwater Bay has been lifted, the transportation of refugees will be left to the Mandalay family's fleet." Domeric ordered.

"It fulfills its mission!" Fat Earl Weiman nodded.

"How many troops are there in King's Landing now?"

"The current army in King's Landing includes 2000 soldiers from the Lonely Mountain Ridge, 1500 soldiers from the Dreadfort, 1000 soldiers from the Wasteland Tombs, 1000 soldiers from the Stream Land, 3000 soldiers from the mountain clan tribes in the valley, and the previously recruited soldiers. More than 3000 new recruits...

There are more than 11500 soldiers in total. "

"very good!"

Domeric nodded, and then looked around at everyone present: "My lords, the Lannister family in the West has openly rebelled, murdered King Robert and Duke Eddard, and now has ignited the war in the Riverlands, committing a crime that the gods cannot do. Forgiven sins…

On the order of King Joffrey, I jointly sent troops from the Vale, including 10000 troops from King's Landing and 12000 troops from the Vale to rescue the Riverlands and jointly put down the rebellion in the West..."

Varys sighed, "Lord Domeric, dispatching a large army is not a trivial matter. The cost of 10000 soldiers is not a small amount. Armor, weapons, horses, supplies... are huge costs."

"I will be responsible for the armor, weapons, and war horses. As for the supplies for the army..."

Domeric looked at Fat Earl Weiman and Earl Gales.

Needless to say, the poor people in the Wasteland Tomb and the Stream Land each brought 1000 soldiers from the north.

The task of providing money and effort naturally fell to the Wangling nobles and the Mandalay family of White Harbor.

The nobles of Wangling have always been famous for their highly developed trade, and all of them are worth a lot of money.

The Manderly family of White Harbor has reaped the dividends from Domeric's "iron trade" and has made a lot of money in the past few years.

Isn't it a matter of course to provide some supplies at such a critical time?

If Domeric loses this war, he will retreat to the north.

Whether it is the nobles of the Royal Ridge such as Earl Gales or the Manderly family of White Harbor, they will be liquidated without mercy.

Fat Earl Weiman patted his chest with fingers as thick as sausages, indicating that mere supplies were no problem at all.

Earl Gales kept nodding. He was frightened by the riverland refugees who had fled to King's Landing these days.

If the war in the Riverlands does not reach Wangling, nobles like them can only contribute money and efforts.

Otherwise, your castle will become a pile of burning ruins at some point.


The meeting went very quickly.

Because Domeric's goal is very clear, he has thought about many plans for a long time.

Just when the imperial meeting was about to end.

"Cough cough cough~"

Earl Gales coughed loudly, spit out a mouthful of blood, trembled all over, and fainted.

All the ministers present were panicked for a moment.

Domeric couldn't help but be stunned.

This old guy actually got sick at this time?

The Minister of Justice, Earl Gyles Rossby, was the first nobleman among the nobles of Wangling to surrender to Domeric.

He is also the representative figure among the Wangling nobles who supports Joffrey's new regime.

If he fell, the royal nobles who had finally gathered around Domeric would become scattered again.

Domeric quickly ordered, "Call Maester Cormon from the Eyrie City to heal him!"

The former Grand Maester Pycelle was still imprisoned in the dungeon of the Red Keep by Domeric, and the Citadel did not continue to send maesters to King's Landing.

This Bachelor of the Eagle's Nest, Colemont, happened to come to King's Landing with Little Duke Robin.


A bedroom in the Red Fort.

"How is Count Gales?" Domeric asked.

At this time, many nobles who came to visit had gathered in the bedroom.

Sitting beside Lord Gales' bed was Maester Colmont, who was thin, looked uneasy, had too little hair, and had too long a neck.

Maester Colmont held Earl Gales' head, murmuring comforting words, and fed him half a cup of poppy milk.

Slowly, the swing of Earl Gales' body weakened and finally stopped, with only his hands still shaking slightly.

Bachelor Colmont replied with a heavy face, "Sir Domeric, Earl Gales seems to be infected with malaria..."


Periodic and regular attacks, with body chills, fever, excessive sweating, and shaking.

This is indeed a classic symptom of malaria.

Malaria, on the continent of Westeros, is a terrifying shadow that nobles and commoners avoid.

Some castles and families that have disappeared from history are due to malaria that killed a large number of people, and the land in the entire region was abandoned...

Domeric rubbed his chin and frowned: "Scholar Colmont, do you have any way to cure it?"

"We can try to bleed with leeches to see if we can remove the toxins in the blood..."

"Does this method work?"

Bloodletting is a common treatment method in Westeros.

It was believed that bloodletting could remove "bad blood" from the body and restore health.

Domeric's cheap dad, Count Luce, knows this very well.

He often said, "Frequent bleeding with leeches is the secret to longevity. A person should always remove his own dirty blood."

However, bloodletting does not cure malaria.

On the contrary, it may weaken the patient's immunity and increase the risk of contracting other diseases.

"I can only give it a try..." Bachelor Ke Meng obviously had no confidence in this.

"Is there no other way?"

Domeric asked.

"Maybe swallow gold."

"Swallowing gold" is also a common malaria treatment. Simply put, the patient swallows a gold coin.

Gold coins are thought to attract toxins from the body, thereby alleviating symptoms.

However, there is no scientific basis for this method and there is a risk of swallowing a gold coin and causing it to get stuck in your throat.

"Is there any other way?"

Domilik lamented that the current medical methods are too inferior.

"The only thing we can do is pray to the gods."

Bachelor Ke Meng said helplessly.

People mostly believe that malaria is caused by demons or evil forces.

This made religion and mysticism prevalent on the continent, and people usually held religious ceremonies or prayers to pray to the gods for protection in order to get rid of diseases.

The belief in the "Old Gods" in the North and the belief in the "Seven Gods" in the Seven Kingdoms all grew and developed under this background...

Chapter 189 The Blessing of the King of Light

In fact, malaria is an infectious disease caused by phyllodes parasites and is transmitted by mosquitoes.

Malaria is a common disease in Westeros, mainly because people pay relatively little attention to personal hygiene and mosquito control.

Tens of thousands of nobles and commoners died of malaria every year.

And there are simply no proven treatments.

Domeric was also a little troubled at the moment.

The "War of Five Kings" is at a critical moment.

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