As a representative of the new regime among the Wangling nobles, Earl Gyles Rosby actually contracted malaria!

In the next troop dispatch plan, the role of Wangling nobles is very important. Although they do not directly dispatch troops, they must provide a large amount of material supplies to Domeric and the valley army.

Earl Gales was very old and ill, and he might die of malaria.

For a while, it was difficult for Domeric to find a nobleman who had enough prestige to convince the public, supported the new regime in King's Landing, and was in the same boat as Domeric.

There was silence in the bedroom, and time passed quietly.

"Maybe I have a way."

at this time.

A voice with the unique accent of Eastern Asia came from outside.

The voice was low and melodious, with a magical power that was indescribable and convincing.

"Who's out there?" Domeric asked.

Fat Earl Wyman strode in, "My lord, outside is Duke Stannis's envoy.

She is a red-robed witch from Asshai who is proficient in medical skills.

So I brought her here, maybe she can cure Earl Gales' illness! "

"Red Witch" Melisandre?

Domeric subconsciously took out a stone from his arms.

This is a "magic interference stone" from Asshai.

As the saying goes, "Wherever poisonous snakes appear, there must be an antidote within seven steps."

As magic becomes more prevalent in Yaxia, there will naturally be items specifically designed to restrain magic.

This stone was auctioned by Domeric from the Free City State at a high price and is worth a lot of money.

There is a certain degree of restraint against any unnatural forces related to magic and witchcraft.

For example, the shadow killer who killed Renly Baratheon, the curse witchcraft that killed Balon Greyjoy, the "fire magic" of Qarth, or the dream summons of the Green Seer, "Faceless" The camouflage magic of "The One", the wildfire containing magical power...

After all, weird magic.

It is the most terrifying force in this world.

Domeric, who was familiar with the plot, had no reason not to be defensive.

But the next moment, Domeric's nervous expression relaxed and he thought carefully.

If "Shit" really wanted to send Melisandre to deal with him, then it would be the "Shadow Killer" who would come, not Melisandre herself.


Stannis's biggest enemy is currently his brother Renly Baratheon, and Domeric should be someone he can win over.

I really can't think of any reason for "Shit Dan" to use his big moves at this time to kill himself.

After weighing it carefully in my mind.

Domeric said:

"Please come in."

He is now willing to try some methods to save Earl Gales, and is very curious about the abilities of the red-robed witch.

The voice just fell.

The bedroom door curtain was opened, and a tall and graceful woman walked in.

She is red from head to toe.

He was wearing a red robe that was as bright as a bright flame. The wide open sleeves almost reached the ground, revealing a darker blood-red shirt underneath. There was a red gold necklace around his throat, with a huge ruby ​​embedded in it...

This iconic outfit.

It is undoubtedly the very popular "red witch" Melisandre in the plot.

Melisandre, known as "Aunt May".

From the continent of Essos across the Narrow Sea.

People from another continent traveled thousands of miles to come to Westeros, not to treat themselves to a meal, but to preach.

To the "ignorant" people of Westeros, she preaches the true god in her mind - R'hllor, the Lord of Light.

You must know that the continent of Westeros has its own true gods: the North believes in the Old God, the Iron Islands believes in the Drowned God, and everyone else believes in the Seven Gods.

and so.

In Domeric's view, Melisandre's mission to Westeros was a bit like selling combs in a monk's temple. It had no future.

In the aristocratic ecosystem of Westeros, religious beliefs account for a large part.

Under normal conditions.

It is basically impossible for a noble lord, even a knight with only one manor, to change his beliefs.

But an anomaly appeared.

"Shit" Stannis.

Back then, because Prince Rhaegar had no sisters to marry, the old king Aerys Targaryen II, who was not as crazy as he would later be, sent Stannis's father, Lord Stephen Baratheon, across the sea. Looking for candidates for the prince and concubine.

Just as Lord Stephen's efforts were in vain, he was about to leave for Storm's End.

A sudden storm proved that the name "Shipbreaker Bay" was indeed worthy of its name.

Duke Stephen's ketch "Proud Wind" sailed into the sight of the castle.

His son Stannis stood on the city wall and watched helplessly as his father's ship hit the reef and was swallowed by the sea.

More than a hundred oarsmen and crew members were buried at the bottom of the sea together with Duke Stephen Baratheon and his wife.

After the shipwreck.

For a long time, every time the tide came in, it would leave bloated corpses on the beach below Storm's End.

Since then.

Stannis Baratheon abandoned his faith in the Seven.

Because the gods are unfair!


"Lord Domeric, my name is Melisandre, and I came under the inspiration of R'hllor, the Lord of Light, the Red God as you call him in Westeros.

His current identity is King Stannis's messenger. "

Melisandre bowed.

Domeric didn't care about the Red God, the Lord of Light, or whether Stannis was king.

He only cares about one thing now: "You said you can save people?"


"How to help?"

"The blessing of the Lord of Light."

After Melissa finished speaking, she twisted her body and walked elegantly to Earl Gales' hospital bed.

She briefly inspected Earl Gales' body.

Then, a flame appeared out of thin air in her hand.

Melisandre held Earl Gales' old palm, and a ray of red light spread along Earl Gales' palm to his arm, and then flowed through his body.

Maester Colmont was stunned.

The nobles in the bedroom looked horrified.

Domeric couldn't help but be a little surprised...

But it's relieved to think about it.

In the plot, Melisandre can even resurrect "Jon Snow" who has been dead for a long time, let alone cure a mere malaria.

R'hllor, the Lord of Light, is indeed reliable!

Much more reliable than the "Old Gods" and "Seven Gods".

No wonder Stannis went all the way.

"Cough cough cough~"

That familiar coughing sound is back.

Earl Gales opened his eyes...

Chapter 190 Mu Shaoai

Red Fort.

The banquet hall was brightly lit.

The hall of the Red Fort is huge enough to accommodate 1000 people.

The hall faces north and south, with tall and narrow windows on the east and west walls, and a long carpet extending to the bronze oak door at the end of the hall.

The servants have already prepared a sumptuous dinner.

In Westeros.

Banquets are the link that maintains relationships and alliances between major nobles.

It has been almost half a month since Domeric traveled to the valley, and the nobles urgently need a banquet to deepen their connection with the Hand of the King.

The roaring fire in the fireplace dispels the chill of the night, and the air is filled with the aroma of barbecue and freshly baked bread.

A bard in fancy clothes strummed his harp and sang loudly.

There are sounds of clinking wine glasses and drunken conversations everywhere...

"Lord Domeric, good evening!"

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