The giant helmet on his head is a lion with a majestic mane. It reaches the air with one claw and roars with its mouth open.

The armor is a thick steel plate armor with dark red enamel, and the knee pads and iron gloves are decorated with complex gold scrolls.

The gauntlet disc is made of golden sunburst, and every hook is plated with gold.

The red steel armor has been polished repeatedly and is as bright as fire in the light of the rising sun.

No matter how idiotic Domeric is, he still recognizes the famous Lion of the West - Tywin Lannister.

This taste of gold?

What a slut!

Still, here's an opportunity!


Domeric said nothing, patted his horse and hid behind others.

The hundreds of pounds of iron-tired bows were stretched, and the bowstrings were stretched to the extreme.


An iron arrow, twice as thick as an ordinary arrow, has roared up the city wall and headed straight for Tywin Lannister!

In an instant, the iron arrow covered an extremely long distance of at least 150 steps.

Earl Yohn and others looked horrified!

For a moment, he thought that what Domeric shot was not an arrow but lightning!

At the critical moment, a Lannister guard wearing a red robe and lion helmet rushed forward desperately.

With a scream, he fell to the ground.

Tywin's green golden eyes were still cold, but sweat could not help dripping from his forehead.

"Bring the bed crossbow over quickly!"

Tywin was furious.

Domeric didn't try to be brave. When he saw that the arrow missed, he turned around and left.

The knights on the city wall threw out several arrows with a "swish" sound.

But the distance was too far, and when Domeric flew close to him, he was already limp and without any strength.

Domeric moved away from the city wall and looked up. The old guy Tywin was also looking at him.

At this time, the two sides were more than 200 steps away.

Even if Domeric was able to shoot, there was nothing he could do to Tywin and they could only look at each other.

Under the sun, the two of them looked at each other from afar with a tacit understanding...

Chapter 213 Attacking the city, bluffing

The next day.

In the morning, the sun has not yet risen.

Dim light shrouded the sky and earth, and a faint white mist filled the air.

Only then was the peace outside Harrenhal so peaceful.

The surroundings are gradually becoming lively, like the early morning in the market, or like the pastoral life where the sun rises and the sun sets...

Because the battle has not yet begun!

The soldiers had just had breakfast and had not yet fully entered the state. They slowly began to prepare for the day's siege.

The sun had not yet appeared at this time.

A blacksmith was buttering the trebuchet, a handyman was wiping it with a cloth, and a carpenter was hammering and hammering rivets to strengthen the fuselage.

at last.

The first ray of sunlight, like a sharp arrow, pierced the mist, and the sky and earth seemed to suddenly light up.



There was a continuous sound of explosions.

"Wildfire" clay pots fell one by one on top of the city.

Thick smoke billowed, and the city of Harrenhal was soon shrouded in black smoke and fire.

The offensive and defensive sides exchanged bows and crossbows.

This is all just a prelude.

The huge rush car was pushed out.

Like a wooden "tank", it was pushed close to the city wall by groups of soldiers.


Then there were crashes one after another...

Until the sun is high in the sky.

Then in the shouts of the noble lords...

The countless armies under the city wall slowly retreated like the tide. From a distance, it seemed as if the seawater was ebbing.


Looking at the towering city walls.

Domeric raised his brows: "The walls of Harrenhal are too tall and strong, and it is difficult to attack from the front. We should try other methods, such as digging tunnels. What do you gentlemen think?"

Count Yohn Royce was slightly startled when he heard this.

Domeric's "wonderful plan" that he had been thinking about was to dig a tunnel. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

"Duke Tywin has been on the battlefield for a long time and has rich military experience. He has seen everything. He will definitely be on guard when he discovers that we are digging soil under the city wall." Count Yohn frowned.

Domeric thought for a while and then said: "First build some fortifications such as mounds of earth and sentry towers next to the city wall to cover them, and then dig tunnels in a hidden way."


The third day of the siege.

On this day, the huge trebuchet roared loudly.

Then arrows and crossbows were fired at each other, and the soldiers on both sides seemed to be following the process.

Except for building fortifications and secretly digging tunnels, everything seemed normal, and it seemed similar to the siege of the city a few days ago.

Unexpectedly, at this moment.

Suddenly I saw the Lannister soldiers on the top of the city laughing and making fun of them.

Earl Yohn looked around and heard a noise from the tunnel fortifications.

He rode over to see what was going on.

Earl Yohn asked loudly: "What happened?"

A knight said with a mournful face: "Lord John, we dug a tunnel according to Lord Domeric's order, but accidentally dug underground water. The groundwater suddenly overflowed, and many of the people digging the tunnel drowned!"

A large amount of water came out of the originally dug tunnel, flooding everyone inside.

The knight continued to ask: "There are still people inside...what should I do?"

Earl Yohn's face turned dark when he heard this.


"The tunnels can still be dug. We can dig a few more! I have already thought of a clever strategy. Please be patient."

Domeric's tone was still confident.

The nobles in the north and the valley were all silent, bowing their heads and saying nothing.

Obviously his rhetoric is not so convincing.

Earl Yohn couldn't help but persuade him nicely:

“It’s useless to dig tunnels!

The person guarding the city is Lord Tywin Lannister, who is one of the few famous generals in Westeros..."

Tywin Lannister participated in the Battle of the Nine Copper Kings in his early years and became famous in one battle.

In a series of battles against Castelme and Tarbek Hall, he showed his talents and fully demonstrated his talents as a military strategist.

Harris Swiffer once said of Tywin: "The lion has awakened!"

Some singers even composed a song to praise Tywin, which was later known as "The Rains of Castamere" in praise of the mainland.

It is said that many years later, when the Farman family in Fairy City disobeyed the control of the Lord of the West, Duke Tywin didn't say much and just sent a harpist.

When "The Rains of Castamere" rang out in the castle hall, the Farman family immediately surrendered.

Archmaester Pycelle once said: The gods created Tywin to rule the Seven Kingdoms!

Domeric didn't take it seriously and explained: "I know Tywin can see that we are digging tunnels, but I have other ideas... But the first tunnel was unlucky and there was no way to measure it, so we accidentally dug underground water. That's what caused the collapse..."



Tywin Lannister was still wearing golden armor and a huge cloak woven with gold threads. He stood on the top of the city and observed the scene below the city very calmly.

He was tall and slender, with broad shoulders.

Since he started losing his hair, Tywin had shaved off all his hair, leaving only thick golden whiskers on his temples and light green eyes dotted with gold.

"They burrow like rats?" Davon Lannister said with contempt.

"And the hole was filled with water, drowning dozens of people!" Ser Kevan added.

"Perhaps even the gods cannot stand their shameless behavior!"

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