"The gods have abandoned them!"


The nobles of the Western Region couldn't help laughing.

At this time, a knight came up from the stone steps:

"Lord Tywin, I have followed your instructions and dug a deep pit in the castle. I have installed jars on all sides and put people on guard. If the enemy digs a tunnel into the castle, they will be able to hear the sound."

Tywin nodded.

He looked back at the dozen trebuchets under the city, his light green eyes glowing with golden light: Holding tight is not an option!


The entire castle of Harrenhal has a circumference of at least fifteen miles, and one wall is almost three or four miles long.

Thousands of soldiers and civilians were digging in the open space under the city of Harrenhal, making the dust flying and busy.

Domeric rode a horse and led a group of northern and valley nobles to watch the busy scene.

At this time, Count Yohn suggested:

“In addition to attacking the city, we also have to defend it.

Be careful to prevent Tywin's cavalry from rushing out of the city to attack us. After all, the Lannister forces are also very strong and well-equipped. "

Sir Lyn Corbray laughed when he heard this:

"As soon as Tywin saw us knights of the Vale, he retreated back to Harrenhal. How dare they come out to fight? I don't believe it anyway!"

Wendel touched his bald head and said that Earl Yohn was just a mediocre person, "We are the attacking party, but we are still afraid that the defenders in the city will attack in turn? Is this really ridiculous?"

Count Beneda, who has a pear-shaped belly, even mocked: "Count Yorn must have been frightened to death by Tywin... Haha, after all, people are afraid of death when they get old!"

"..." Nobles continued to echo.

"But it was Tywin!"

Earl Yohn emphasized, "To defeat your opponent, you must first respect your opponent, not to mention Tywin is an opponent worthy of respect!"

Domeric nodded.

If he were Tywin Lannister, he would definitely find an opportunity to rush out and burn those siege catapults.

In the past few days, the "wildfire" that kept flying up the city wall was the main culprit causing a large number of casualties among Lannister soldiers.


The sun sets in the west and the sky is filled with red.

The sun has gradually dropped below the horizon.

The trebuchets under the city also stopped firing "wildfire" one after another and were pushed back to the former army camp.

These tall and heavy siege engines stood in the afterglow of the setting sun, forming black shadows, and some levers were still rotating...

This kind of scene, if you have seen the oil extraction machine working on the oil well, the scene of the sunset on the oil well will definitely appear in your mind.

The night is getting darker.

It's still a bit cold at night.

From time to time there would be a bonfire, and the knights on duty would gather around the bonfire to warm themselves up.

Someone got a fat fish from somewhere, sprinkled it with salt, roasted it on the fire, and ate it.

The camp had quieted down at night, but the occasional moaning of wounded soldiers in the air affected the quiet atmosphere.

A valley knight straightened up and lazily prepared to sleep.

But at this moment, suddenly the city gate directly in front of Harrenhal slowly opened.

The knight couldn't believe his eyes and quickly rubbed them before looking again.

The drawbridge is being lowered.


Harrenhal's suspension bridge is built on the bank of the dry moat.

A group of elite cavalrymen wearing red robes, lion helmets, and armor, filed out.

The Valley soldiers in the former military camp were stunned and stood there.

Finally someone shouted:

"Enemy attack!"

"Lannister cavalry is coming!"

The Lannister cavalry was huge, numbering about a thousand.

The elite cavalrymen in red robes and lion helmets jogged forward on their horses with their heads held high, their speed getting faster and faster.


The strong figure and the brilliance of steel form a powerful landscape under the moonlight.

Davon Lannister, who led the charge, his fluffy hair flying in the air, raised his knight's sword high in his hand and shouted:

"Lannister long live!"

"Lannister long live!"

All the Lannister knights shouted "Ah", the sound of horse hooves suddenly became rapid, the friction of swords and armor made a unique metallic sound, and the heavy cavalry galloped up, approaching in the blink of an eye.

As if planned long ago, the Lannister cavalry rushed into the former military camp.

The unsuspecting defenders fled in all directions, being hacked and shot until they screamed in agony.

A horse rushed up to a huge trebuchet, and its rider threw a jar of tallow onto it and lit it with a torch.

There was a "boom", and fire and smoke suddenly shot up together.

The entire trebuchet was on fire in an instant, with clean movements.


Earl Yohn Royce led his soldiers to support.

I saw that the trebuchets and rams in the former military camp were still burning and smoking, and it was a mess.

The siege equipment was very heavy, and almost all of it was concentrated in the former military barracks closest to the city wall.

This time the losses were heavy!

The loss of so many siege equipment at once was caused by the defenders rushing out from the city.

Tywin is indeed the Lion of the West!

In the thick smoke, Earl Yohn sat on his horse and looked around. He was speechless for a long time, looking at the thick smoke billowing everywhere in the wilderness, his expression very ugly.


At this time, a knight ran over and met Domeric who was riding on horseback. He quickly dismounted and reported:

"Lord Domeric, the Lannister cavalry rushed out from a city gate and attacked our former military camp!

All the siege equipment was burned! "

Domeric said nothing.

Just looking in the direction of the former military camp, there were fires and black smoke everywhere, and I felt that what the visitors reported was nonsense.


in the tent.

Sitting on the chair, Domeric held his hands on the oak table and couldn't help but start thinking about life.

Do the old and new gods of Westeros actually exist?

What is R'hllor, the Red God of Light?

Who is the woman wearing the winter snow rose seen in the sacred fire?

And where will the "War of the Five Kings" go?


The most important thing is that it only takes a few days.

How did Wilfield become so skilled?

Domeric has not been able to get the answers to the first few questions yet.

But when he thought about the last question, he couldn't help but shudder, and he suddenly felt that the whole world was boring.

"Cough cough~~"

A slight cough sounded in the tent.

Wilfield couldn't help complaining: "Then why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"Sorry, I got caught up in thinking about something major."

Domeric told the truth.

"Domi." Wilfield called softly.


Domeric glanced up at her, waiting for Wilfield's next words.

"Can I call you that in the future?" Wilfield looked at him with those bright eyes.

The candlelight illuminated her brown hair, giving it a beautiful golden glow.

Seeing Wilfield's eyes, Domeric suddenly saw the scene when he first met the girl in White Harbor a few years ago.

"You can call it whatever you want!"

Domeric chuckled and patted her perky butt...

Wilfield frowned slightly.

The gentle willow-leaf eyebrows on her pretty face naturally have no trace of pruning and look a bit thick.

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